November 11, 2008
Laura Ingalls Wilder on Courage, Self-Reliance and Integrity
I've always been a fan of the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder - so much so that I even have books with other writings by both Laura and her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane. During her lifetime, Rose was an internationally-known journalist and writer, and it was due to her influence and support that her mother wrote her landmark children's series.
One of these books, titled A Little House Sampler (University of Nebraska Press, 1988, edited by William T. Anderson) features short stories, poems, and speeches by both women, and it's a speech titled "My Work" by Laura - first delivered to the Mountain Grove Sorosis Club in the early 1930s - that I would like to share with you. The speech focused on her new career, embarked upon in her 60s, as a children's writer.
No, I won't share the entire speech here; that would violate copyright law...but this one particular passage that, in the wake of the election of a man whose past statements and actions show him to be a socialist, is particularly poignant as it speaks to how America used to face crisis and hard times (page 180):
"There is still one thing more the writing of these books has shown me.
Running through all of the stories, like a golden thread, is the same thought of the values of life. They were courage, self reliance, independence, integrity and helpfulness. Cheerfulness and humor were handmaids to courage.
In the depression following the Civil War my parents, as so many others, lost all their savings in a bank failure. They farmed the rough land on the edge of the Big Woods in Wisconsin. They struggled with the climate and fear of Indians in the Indian Territory. For two years in succession they lost their crops to the grasshoppers on the Banks of Plum Creek. They suffered cold and heat, hard work and privation as did others of their time. When possible they turned bad into good. If not possible, they endured it. Neither they nor their neighbors begged for help. No other person, nor the government, owed them a living. They owed that to themselves and in some way they paid the debt. And they found their own way.
Their old fashioned character values are worth as much today as they ever were to help us over the rough places. We need today courage, self reliance and integrity.
When we remember that our hardest times would have been easy times for our forefathers it should help us to be of good courage, as they were, even if things are not all as we would like them to be."
Wise words. Where are the Laura Ingalls Wilders of today? Have they all succumbed to the "gimme" culture being pushed by big government advocates?
Where have all the traditional values of self-reliance and integrity gone?
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Too many people today have been weaned on instant gratification. Rugged individuality is probably a foreign term to them. Unfortunately, too many parents feed these expectations.
posted by
Kitty at November 11, 2008 02:12 PM
A dangerous non-conformist. We must ban her books.
posted by husband-dude at November 12, 2008 09:48 AM
Ingalls was a professed liberal, and right wingers have been trying to ban her books ever since they were published.
Dud - you are ignorant, if you don't know that her books have been banned in bible belt areas.
posted by mudkitty at November 14, 2008 09:17 AM
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January 17, 2008
Happy Anniversary! The Lewinsky Scandal Celebrates 10 Years of Infamy
I put this under my History category because it's one for the books.
Ten years ago today, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal erupted with a little nugget posted on the Drudge Report. Against Hillary Clinton has a recap:
On the evening of Saturday January 17, 1998, the internet gossip merchant Matt Drudge posted a story that opened the most sensational scandal season in the history of the American presidency. He reported that Newsweek magazine had killed a story about President Clinton’s sexual relationship with a former intern. The next day he had her name: Monica Lewinsky.
The mainstream media were slow to catch up, but by the following Tuesday they were reporting that Clinton was being investigated for encouraging others to lie to cover up the affair.
For the next year the story dominated the headlines as Clinton was investigated, impeached and eventually found not guilty of high crimes and misdemeanours in a Senate trial.
Ten years on we know what happened to Bill Clinton. He is campaigning tirelessly for his wife as she seeks to win the second Clinton presidency. It is a curious twist of fate, and an indication of how deep were the repercussions of the scandal, that her campaign might not be happening if it weren’t for Monica Lewinsky.
For it was in the wake of the scandal, in which Hillary was seen as the wronged wife, that she decided to run for the Senate from New York. Her shamed husband, anxious to try to make things up to her, eagerly threw his weight behind the move. A wave of sympathy helped to sweep her to victory. As soon as she was elected, talk began about her running for president.
There's much more; be sure to check it out. You may want to shower afterward.
People talk about how President Bush has disgraced the Oval Office and makes America look bad with his policies. Yet Bill Clinton seduces a young intern (and we knew of his many instances of sexual misconduct before this), conducts his affair in the White House, lies about it before a grand jury, gets caught in the lie and has to 'fess up, is impeached (but not removed from office) and disbarred as a lawyer, makes Lewinsky a national laughingstock, but is considered the guy who kept America's international moral authority intact? What am I missing here?
Anyway, happy anniversary, Bill...thanks for nothing.
h/t: Commenters at Hot Air
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A related Lewinsky/Clinton note; on voting for Mrs. Clinton because her husband was "good to us" (blacks):
Some argue that blacks should vote for Clinton "because her husband was good to us," he continued.
"That's not true," he thundered. "He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky."
Obama's pastor Rev Jeremiah Wright as quoted in Baltimore Sun 1/17.
posted by
steadyjohn at January 17, 2008 12:46 PM
Its pretty sad when you repugs have to drag up Monica...whats next, Chappaquiddick?
posted by
yoda M at January 17, 2008 01:08 PM
Yep, Monica and Chappaquiddick...both sad. And we're very sorry (yoda m) but they're both from YOUR side of the fence. (Pam...I think the pic I sent out this morning would fit nicely at the end of this post, no?)
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at January 17, 2008 01:58 PM
...said the guy who resorts to third grade-style name-calling. Kudos to you!
I'm just reminding you all of the "moral authority" we had during the Clinton presidency. What fun that was. Good times, good times...
But I'll remember your little dictum the next time someone brings up Bush "stealing" the 2000.
Thanks for the visit!
posted by
Pam at January 17, 2008 02:01 PM
Agreed, Dave, agreed!
posted by
Pam at January 17, 2008 02:01 PM
The "favor" heard 'round the world. Heh.
posted by
Wyatt Earp at January 17, 2008 04:22 PM
clinton lied, no one died.
posted by
steve at January 17, 2008 05:06 PM
Clinton received oral sex, Bush led 3500 soldiers to their death for no reason. Hhhhmmm yeah, I am up for the oral sex receiving president any day.
Oh, when is Bush going to liberate Darfur?
posted by at January 17, 2008 05:44 PM
In regard to your 10 myths busted where we are not allowed to comment....
You need to do your research...
We are on our way to overpopulation, Darwin,Wallace, and Malthus all talk about carrying capacity. We will not realize we are overpopulated until we start to crash. A population always surpasses its carrying capacity before it crashes. If you think we are not becoming overpopulated you live in a fantasy world.
Also, cold weather does contribute to getting a cold. Yes you do have to have the virus in you, but most of us have the virus in us at low levels and our immune system can keep it in check. So we do not know we have it. However when you are in cold weather and not dressed properly your body has to work harder to keep you warm. So it puts energy into the immediate need to warm your body and takes it away from things like keeping viruses in check. Now the virus is free to multiply into levels that we will notice.
So going out in the cold can give you a cold.
Damn, he even spelled "cold" as "old" in the article, if he doesn't even proofread what makes you think he fact checks?
posted by at January 17, 2008 06:03 PM
Disgrace the oval office? Are you kidding? None of the world's leaders cared what Clinton did with Lewinsky. However the world leaders sure do care what Bush has been doing.
You are probably the type of person that calls French Fries freedom fries.
posted by at January 17, 2008 06:06 PM
Hmmm...I see you have hecklers too. Well at least you didn't get called "anti-Christian."
On the other hand, a hit is a hit.
posted by
John Ruberry at January 18, 2008 01:46 AM
Damn, I knew I forgot to close the moron corral. Sorry.
My favorite is Clinton lied, no one died. Yep, she did.
October 10, 2002, Hillary Clinton lying, (according to steve):
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. ............So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.
Sorry, steve, you are not a moron. But, according to someone that has no name, 3500 died because of Clinton's lying.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 18, 2008 09:40 AM
wait, september 11th happened during clinton's presidency?
oh, that's right, it didn't.
clinton lied, no one died.
posted by
steve at January 18, 2008 04:10 PM
steve, your comment had nothing to do with the Trade Center attacks, the reference that you made was to invading Iraq. That's where the "Bush lied, people died" lunacy comes in. I took Clinton's words, which were the exact same as Bush's and made your point for you.
"Clinton lied, 3500 died."
Them's is facts, boy, if you use your logic.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 18, 2008 09:54 PM
wait a minute, are you saying bill clinton or hillary clinton were president in 2002 and decided on a full-scale invasion of iraq?
oh wait, no, you're just confused again.
clinton lied, no one died.
posted by
steve at January 18, 2008 10:29 PM
Thanks for straightening me out, steve. Your vastly superior intellect will help you achieve much in life.
I am vanquished by them smarts of yours. Salute.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 19, 2008 10:06 AM
Now, will you please finish making my latte?
posted by
Two Dogs at January 19, 2008 10:07 AM
What confuses me is how any Christian can support Bush. I don't want to point out the obvious but "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the ten commandments. Now christian conservatives have no problem upholding this with abortion yet when it comes to A-rabs it does not apply? Explain please.
A.R. Wallace
PS Oh, where is the link to the "ten myths" article?
posted by A.R. Wallace at January 19, 2008 10:17 AM
Mr/Mrs Wallace, if I may be so bold. Our military is not TRYING to kill anyone. I know a couple of those military types, that are deployed, and they never want to kill anyone. Well, okay, I know a few that do want to kill people, but that's another story.
In case you didn't know this, the Bible tries to convince you to protect the weak and helpless, that is what we are trying to accomplish in the Middle East. If there are people in the Middle East, that happen to be Arab, and they attack innocents or our military, they will die. Que sera, sera. According to their religion, they get a bunch of free stuff if they die while trying to kill innocent people that don't practice Islam. Everybody wins!
Maybe I misunderstood part of your comment. Compared to the gianormous, stupendous, monumetal intellect that is the living sir steve, I'm kinda dumb. Are you wanting Christians to modify the Bible to ape the death and destruction demanded in the Muslim's holy book, the Quran?
posted by
Two Dogs at January 20, 2008 01:29 AM
I am glad you brought up the Bible. I have followed Christianity for many many years. The bible is not the end all for we know it is translated and a lot can be changed or modified in translation. However if you are bible loving individual I give you these...
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
Mathew 5:21-22
When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Proverbs 16:7
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
Isaiah 2:4
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Matthew 26:52
Those are some of my favorite passages on war and killing. You see my friend Two Dogs if we were truly trying to free the oppressed we would not be in Iraq, we would be right here at home or in Darfur where a true genocide of the innocent people is taking place.
I often wonder how seemingly intelligent people can be so easily fooled by people. I will pray for you in hopes that you will see the true Lord, not the false one created by our government you seem to follow.
posted by A.R. Wallace at January 20, 2008 02:06 PM
I disagree.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 21, 2008 11:48 AM
I disagree with your passiveness, I think that we are doing the right thing. And I appreciate the prayers.
Also, I am not seemingly intelligent, but I believe in doing the right thing, which I believe saving those people was. I must have missed the passage in the Bible that tells me to ignore the plight of the oppressed and to stand by and idly watch as people are brutally murdered by their oppressors, but I'll try to find it, though.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 21, 2008 11:52 AM
Two Dogs,
May I quote you? Thank you...
"I must have missed the passage in the Bible that tells me to ignore the plight of the oppressed and to stand by and idly watch as people are brutally murdered by their oppressors, but I'll try to find it, though."
You are right we should not stand by. However you avoided my original question. If we were there for the interest of liberating the oppressed from slaughter then why are not policing Darfur? There is a TRUE genocide going on there.
So please, explain to me the difference between Iraq and Darfur. Because I know what it is, however I don't think you want to admit it.
A.R. Wallace
posted by A.R. Wallace at January 21, 2008 09:42 PM
No, Mr/Mrs Wallace, you don't know what my answer is. I wholeheartedly agree that we need to put down that hotbed of Muslim murdering as well. You see, I am not opposed to say exactly what the problem is. Islam does NOT mean peace, it means murdering anyone who is not Muslim. It's actually written in the Quran, you know.
The Sudan does seem less pressing than Iraq, Iran, Saudi, and a bunch of other indutrialized countries that have bomb making capabilities, however. You see, the Sudan is not known for its overly aggressive attempts to accumulate weapons of mass destruction like, let's say, Iraq. They simply want water, that lies underneath their soil in great quantities, I might add.
And I am really sorry that you think that the Iraqis deserved to be thrown in the plastic shredders by a murdering tyrant. I have no clue why anyone would think that, but your opinion is your own. Again, I disagree with your opinions. But, it's a good thing that you can contradict yourself completely and still maintain that self-righteous attitude. I salute.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 22, 2008 06:58 PM
Ah, Perfect you brought up exactly what I hoped you would.
To quote you... "and a bunch of other indutrialized countries that have bomb making capabilities,..."
Hmmm, kind of sounds like the good ol USA.
Then you said... "Sudan is not known for its overly aggressive attempts to accumulate weapons of mass destruction like, let's say, Iraq."
I would also say not just Iraq but the good ol USA as well. You see Two Dogs, you are slowly coming to the conclusion that we are not there just to free oppressed people. Now we are there because there was a dictator who was murdering people AND a threat to the good ol USA. Ah, so because Sudan is not a threat to us the horrific genocide there isn't as pressing?
Where in the bible does it tell us to murder people who we see as a threat?
I am sorry I didn't see where I contradict myself. I never said we should not help the Iraqi people, I just said we didn't go in there just to help them, we went in there for other reasons.
I am getting a good idea of what type of person you are since you quickly resorted to this statement...
"And I am really sorry that you think that the Iraqis deserved to be thrown in the plastic shredders by a murdering tyrant".
Excuse me, where did I say such harsh things? Oh wait, i didn't. It is so sad when people have to resort to things like that. So un-Christian.
Now can you bring something to the table or are you just going to fabricate statements about me and give me canned responses?
peace (true peace, not the republican kind)
A.R. Wallace
posted by A.R. Wallace at January 22, 2008 10:10 PM
Mr/Mrs Wallace, you should try to reread what you attempt to quote and make an effort to understand, you are arguing a point that is ridiculous and has been proven to be such for thousands of years. Close-mindedness is never a good thing, but such is the case with Bush-haters.
So, in other words, to help someone when you actually stand to gain something is a bad thing? Geez, do refrigerator magnets fly off and strike you in the head as you walk by?
The plastic shredder comment was made by me when YOU referred to the Sudanese as innocents and did not make that same statements of the Iraqis. I apologize if you think that freeing the INNOCENTS in Iraq is the right thing, but remember, I am not very smart, so I misunderstood your statements. I am glad that you back our efforts in Iraq. Wait, you said you didn't, but you want us to invade the Sudan. Nope, you don't contradict yourself at all.
Your oblique statements are somewhat hard to follow. I think that you are wrong thinking that Iraqis did not need help from us. That's my opinion and you can maintain your wrongness simply because our soldiers have sacrificed for you. It is guaranteed in our Constitution for you to disagree with what is right unless you break the law doing it. Which again is very common with the Bush-haters.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 23, 2008 10:25 AM
Two Dogs,
This debate simply started when I said I didn't understand how it was OK to kill A-rabs but not fetuses. You then said we were didn't want to kill but we had to in order to free the oppressed iraqi people.
FYI: "The objectives of the invasion, according to U.S. President George W. Bush and U.K. former PM Tony Blair were "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."[9] Bush said the actual trigger was Iraq's failure to take a “final opportunity” to disarm itself of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that U.S. and coalition officials called an immediate and intolerable threat to world peace."
It seems freeing the Iraqi people was third on the list of reasons and the final trigger was a failure to disarm itself. So it seems freeing the people was a side note, not the reason.
Hey, remind me, who profited from all this? Weren't there some republican owned companies getting no bid contracts?
So I ask again, how does "Thou shalt not kill" not pertain here?
posted by A.R. Wallace at January 23, 2008 11:16 PM
Actually, you are mistaken as to why we went into Iraq according to every single published account. It was to enforce the fourteen resolutions passed by the UN. (Or however many, and the Dems also voted to do so. I'm sticking out my tongue right now, by the way.) True enough, it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Iraq possessed WMD's, tried to aquire yellowcake, only Joe Wilson disagrees, and Hussein was murdering everyone that opposed him, inluding, but not limited to, members of his family.
Again, as far as your biblical references are concerned, yes, you know that one of the commandments is "Thou shalt not kill." So does my dog. What you fail to understand is that I believe that G-d knows what is in your heart. That commandment does not mean to sit idly by and watch murder happen. Our invasion is backed by doing what was right in my opinion.
If your interpretation of a single line in the Bible prohibits you from making the right move, then maybe you should dig deeper into the information contained in the Scripture. To sit and watch innocents slaughtered might come back to haunt you at some point.
By the way, Barbara Boxer's husband is not Republican and his company received no-bid contracts as well. Your point is taken and understood, is mine? Please try to understand that no-bid contracts are let by the government every single day of the year, including MLK Day. I find it hard to believe that Bush and Cheney called down to the purchasing office and told Jim-Bob to hook their friends up. I think that Jim-Bob might squeal for some cash and your side would be glad to ante up, as if they didn't search high and low to find the Jim-Bob, just to get a Republican President to fall to the level that our last Democrat President fell. Well, minus the rape. It's probably not going to happen in my lifetime, as a matter of fact, I don't think that there are a whole lot of Democrats that reach the level of sleaziness of the Clintons. Chelsea included.
Also, understand that Bill Clinton was impeached because he used his position as Governor of Arkansas to whip his junk out at a woman and then went before a Grand Jury and committed a crime by lying about his tactics of persuation. He was impeached because he was a lying scumbag that thinks nothing of women and has proven that how many times?
How Pam's post has anything to do with George Bush and Iraq is beyond my slightest comprehension. Unless, it's simply tit for tat, which at this point the idiotic folks screaming for impeachment of Bush and Cheney do appear to be trying.
Still, I disagree with your opinions. Pretty much all of them.
And, Pam, once again I am sorry for junking up the place. It's just closed-minded Leftists irk the crap out of me. And they are all that way, every damn one of them.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 24, 2008 01:22 AM
This is one of the funnier things I've read in a while:
"It's just closed-minded Leftists irk the crap out of me. And they are all that way, every damn one of them."
posted by Ro at January 24, 2008 02:37 PM
Close minded? I am guessing you are open minded? Look back at the thread and see who comes off as the more close minded individual.
FYI: I am a registered republican and wear a cross around my neck. However I make my decision based on my beliefs, if I disagree with a republican I admit it, if I agree with a liberal I admit it. The problem with America is people just blindly follow their party and not their beliefs.
You should actually try being open minded and not just open mouthed.
Praying for you,
A.R. Wallace
posted by A.R. Wallace at January 24, 2008 04:49 PM
Mr/Mrs Wallace, I answered your rhetorical question in the most friendly manner that I possibly could. I simply assumed from the onset that you were a card-carrying Bush hater because of your condescending and accusatory tone of your comments. You hit on a couple of the Left's favorite targets, I apologize for stereotyping you by reading what you said.
I answered your question as honestly as I could and you attempted to bring a world of hurt down upon my head. You attacked me. If you see it differently, then again, I must apologize. and in the same manner that I apologized to steve, with all of the same humility.
As far as you being Republican and wearing a cross, I could not care less about that. I really tried to, too.
Yes, I am the closed-minded one. However, you never heard me speak. Asshole.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 26, 2008 01:18 AM
Hey, that last word in the comment above was a typo, it was supposed to "Sorry for upsetting you." I ain't too good on a keyboard.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 26, 2008 01:22 AM
I think my thoughts are best summed up with this statement...
"killing for peace is like f*cking for abstinence."
A.R. Wallace
posted by A.R. Wallce at January 26, 2008 10:00 AM
Cover the cross when you talk like that.
posted by
Two Dogs at January 26, 2008 12:15 PM
God understands I am not perfect and I will make up for that. It is a nice cross, I received it when I was taken on a private viewing of St. Peter's tomb. It was breathtaking.
A.R. Wallace
posted by A.R. Wallace at January 27, 2008 01:11 AM
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December 07, 2007
Today is Pearl Harbor Day
It was 66 years ago today, on a peaceful Sunday morning, that a surprise Japanese airstrike decimated the American naval fleet at Pearl Harbor, killing over 2,400 Americans. It was this act that brought America into the raging battles of World War II. You can read more about that fateful day here.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, limousine liberal though he was, was a true American patriot and a strong leader when we needed it most. Here is the full text one of his most famous speeches, given the day after the attack, asking Congress to declare war on Japan:
Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: yesterday, December 7th, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.
It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.
The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya.
Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.
Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.
Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island.
And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.
As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.
But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
The Greatest Generation indeed. This generation could learn a thing or two from them: resourcefulness, pride and love of country, bravery and self-sacrifice.
Never forget.
Others marking the day: Charles, Wyatt, ThirdWaveDave, Andrea, Reverse Vampyr, Gayle, Jenn...
The USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack
The USS Arizona Memorial today
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Treacherous as the Imperial Japanese were, at least they attacked from outside our borders — unlike our enemies today.
posted by
Van Helsing at December 7, 2007 09:57 AM
Great post, Pam. We will never forget.
posted by
Andrea at December 7, 2007 10:47 AM
I was sad to see so few other bloggers remembering what happened 66 years ago today. Thank you for doing so.
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at December 7, 2007 11:31 AM
RV, it was most definitely my pleasure.
posted by
Pam at December 7, 2007 12:12 PM
It's an important day to remember - arguably one that changed the world landscape forever. The Japanese failed at their goal - and as I said on my blog today, woke a sleeping giant.
posted by
Kris, in New England at December 7, 2007 12:43 PM
Good job, Pam. Thanks.
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at December 7, 2007 01:16 PM
And the humility of the WWII generation is remarkable, too. I'll never approach it or understand it, but I stand in awe of this trait.
I went to Italy last year with Army Veterans, and the Italians love, love, love them and Americans, by extension, for their sacrifices in WWII. Think about that the next time someone off-handedly says that Europeans hate us. Not my experience.
posted by
Casey Klahn at December 7, 2007 01:16 PM
Yes, Today is Pearl Harbor Day.
It is on this day in 1941 when the United States realized that our trust in Japan was not deserved, and that we were in effect, asleep with regards to Japan. On behalf of my illegally abducted American daughter, Melissa Braden, and the thousands of other illegally abducted children being held in Japan , and in hindsight, I suggest that we should all seriously consider the lesson of history on this day.
It appears that the Japan of 2007 has not changed in many ways from the pre-war Japan. Much of their actions may still be driven by the Empirical rule-the-world viewpoint that had to be stopped in WWII. Many significant parallels may be drawn between the history of the 1930s and 1940s, and today.
Today, Japan allows its citizens to ignore the laws, jurisdiction, and custody rulings previously established in another country , and in effect steal our children with impunity.
According to the US Dept of State and the NCMEC , JAPAN IS THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD THAT THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO RETURN EVEN 1 SINGLE ILLEGALLY ABDUCTED CHILD FROM! Japan continues to defiantly operate in numerous areas, as if they are not a part of our global society and should not be held up to international standards on numerous issues, in spite of the way they appear to the rest of the world. Today, for their handling of international child abductions, Japan has been demarched by most of the industrialized world, and their response has been zero.
Healing these old wounds from WWII is a two-way street. The Childrens Rights Council of Japan estimates that there are over 10,000 outstanding cases ...all unresolved .
If you see a Pearl Harbor Day event, stop in and talk to those fellow Americans and any Japanese involved. Help spread our story.
Patrick Braden
posted by
Patrick Braden at December 8, 2007 01:23 AM
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February 12, 2007
Today is Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
Yes, before there was the generic President's Day holiday, we used to honor two of our greatest presidents separately in February: Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Now, we get only one day off in which to head to the mall for those terrific specials on mattresses, La-Z-Boys and lingerie. (You'll all have to go without me, though, as my company does not give that day off.)
For those of you interested in actual history, With Malice Toward None has a great tribute post with some of Lincoln's wise words up today.
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We are a poorer country for having dropped the observance of President Lincoln's birthday.
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Reverse_Vampyr at February 12, 2007 02:05 PM
Thanks for the link..
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El Duderino at February 12, 2007 02:19 PM
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January 30, 2007
On Our Violent History
James Lewis has written a must-read essay for The American Thinker today on why sugarcoating man's violent past is a mistake.
Acknowledging human violence is not the same as excusing it. Just the opposite --- precisely because we have the capacity to destroy, we must be taught to act morally. That is the basic view of Western Civilization going back to the Code of Hammurabi. Civilized armed forces like the United States insist on high levels of restraint in their warfighters, even in the face of direct personal danger. But the civilized world is constantly faced with aggressive enemies willing to kill and die for some bizarre cause, from the heavenly glory of the Emperor to some Mullah's weird obsession with hanging sixteen year old girls who fall in love. Not to mention yet another Marxist scam to create a perfectly egalitarian paradise on earth, as is underway in Venezuela today.
Be sure to read the whole thing.
Peace activists either don't realize or conveniently forget that there is always someone lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportune time to use violence as a means to attain power. (Genghis Khan, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Pol Pot all come to mind.) The history of man is a bloody one, and it's essential that we not only come to terms with the fact, but realize that the use of force to prevent such people from gaining too much power is a necessary downside of civilization.
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thus far Pepsi has been known for coming up with and selling strangely flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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pepsi blue at July 28, 2011 10:48 PM
In the past Pepsi has been known for developing and distributing strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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pepsi blue at July 29, 2011 12:48 PM
In the past few years Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and selling oddly flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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pepsi at July 29, 2011 11:46 PM
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December 07, 2006
Remember Pearl Harbor Day
It was 65 years ago today, early on a Sunday morning, that Japanese aircraft bombed the US fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack, which lasted an hour, killed 2,388 people. It was this unprovoked attack that triggered the United States' entrance into World War II. (Unprovoked attack...why does that phrase sound so modern?)
There are plenty of stories on the web today. Click here, here, and here for a few of them.
We had the Greatest Generation both fighting in that deadly war and supporting the troops at home. Today, we have the Lamest Generation trying desperately to duck its collective head into the sand as they take potshots at our military. As we remember the sacrifices made by our WWII veterans, let's also take a moment to remember what they fought for, and think about our own commitment to the different, but no less deadly, dangers we face today.
UPDATE: Victor Hansen has written a must-read article about Pearl Harbor and how it relates to today's GWOT. This passage jumped out at me:
But there are significant differences between the “global war on terror” and World War II that do explain why victory is taking so much longer this time.
The most obvious is that, against Japan and Germany, we faced easily identifiable nation states with conventional militaries. Today’s terrorists blend in with civilians, and it’s hard to tie them to their patron governments or enablers in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Pakistan, who all deny any culpability. We also tread carefully in an age of ubiquitous frightening weapons, when any war at any time might without much warning bring in a nuclear, non-democratic belligerent.
Powerline and
The Radio Patriots have more.

Remembering Pearl Harbor.
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We like VD Hanson. Quoted from his article in the book WAR FOOTING (10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World) just this week on the program.
Nice job with this post, Pam.
Andrea / Mark
Radio Patriots
PS / thanks for the link!
posted by
Andrea & Mark - Radio Patriots at December 7, 2006 02:14 PM
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