It's highly entertaining to read the comments that Town Hall readers post to various columnists' daily entries. Here's an amusing one that was posted to Ann Coulter's column today (entitled Airport Security Should Be Profiling Arabs):
troglodyte writes: Thursday, November, 30, 2006 3:23 AM
An end to profiling, please!
All profiling at airports would be unnecessary if we adopted a few simple measures:
1) All airlines must upgrade their upholstery to have pigskin trim, like on the arm rests and such.
2) The ink used to print airline tickets should contain a percentage of lard practicable for printing.
3) All lubricants in and around all airports, and on doors and seats in aircraft cabins should contain 10% lard with signs to this effect.
4) Airports should abandon those high tech hand held explosive sniffers handled by imbeciles in favor of dogs and pigs. Yes, pigs! Very good sense of smell, smart and packed with Muslim repelling power!
5) Passengers will be issued a Chihuahua to hold on their lap during the flight.
6) For those allergic to dogs, a Vietnamese pot bellied pig will be offered as an alternative.
7) Pork rinds will replace peanuts for in-flight snacks.
8) Kosher meals and snack will be available to passengers showing proof of being Jewish.
9) VegetarianshmmmSorry,better luck next time.
Crude, rude, non-PC? Yep. Amusing? Yep!
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I love it. I TOTALLY love it! Let's get right on it, okay?
posted by Gayle Miller at November 30, 2006 12:29 PMMaybe each airplane could adopt a small, pot-bellied pig as a mascot to greet the passengers as they board (the pigs are cute when they are little). Then when the plane takes off, the piglet's cage could be put in one of the jump seats.
The passengers could be advised that there will be a small amount of squealing by the pig until it's ears "equalize". Maybe a little porcine squealing will remind the Muslim passengers that they don't want to die along with a pig.
Maybe they could play some old "Green Acres" reruns featuring Arnold.
Do Muslims have any problems with rabbits? Just curious.
posted by joe-6-pack at November 30, 2006 09:15 PMHide Comments
Oh, to get that dialogue flowing. If we could just talk about our problems, they'll all just go away and everyone will be happy. Right?
That's what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants you to think. He's written such a reasonable letter that lets us know what's on his mind. He really does care! The full text is here. Let's look at some of the passages:
Noble Americans,
Such courtesy and respect!
Were we not faced with the activities of the US administration in this part of the world and the negative ramifications of those activities on the daily lives of our peoples, coupled with the many wars and calamities caused by the US administration as well as the tragic consequences of US interference in other countries;
Were the American people not God-fearing, truth-loving, and justice-seeking, while the US administration actively conceals the truth and impedes any objective portrayal of current realities;
And if we did not share a common responsibility to promote and protect freedom and human dignity and integrity;
Then, there would have been little urgency to have a dialogue with you.
Were Americans not attacked by Islamic extremists from your part of the world; were we not dealing with the consequences of the previous adminstration's failure to act upon similar attacks; if we didn't have to worry about Iran's support of Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East and around the world; and as Iran has yet to show responsibility to promote and protect freedom and human dignity and integrity...there really isn't much to talk about, is there?
We all deplore injustice, the trampling of peoples' rights and the intimidation and humiliation of human beings.
Except when they are women, Jews, Christians, and other infidels.
Palestine is brought into the mix:
Palestinian mothers, just like Iranian and American mothers, love their children, and are painfully bereaved by the imprisonment, wounding and murder of their children. What mother wouldn't?
Jewish mothers do, but they don't count.
For 60 years, the Zionist regime has driven millions of the inhabitants of Palestine out of their homes. Many of these refugees have died in the Diaspora and in refugee camps. Their children have spent their youth in these camps and are aging while still in the hope of returning to homeland.
The Palestinians continue to support leaders who refuse to comporomise despite many generous offers made by the Israeli government. The Palestinians' and their supporters' main objective is to drive the Israelis into the sea or blow them off the face of the Earth, whichever method proves most expedient.
Let's take a look at Iraq. Since the commencement of the US military presence in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, maimed or displaced. Terrorism in Iraq has grown exponentially. With the presence of the US military in Iraq, nothing has been done to rebuild the ruins, to restore the infrastructure or to alleviate poverty. The US Government used the pretext of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but later it became clear that that was just a lie and a deception.
A "deception" that the rest of the world believed as well, and proof is being produced that it wasn't such a deception after all. And the numbers of Iraqis who are killed or maimed would be much lower if terrorists bent on undermining this fledgling democracy did not exist.
Although Saddam was overthrown and people are happy about his departure, the pain and suffering of the Iraqi people has persisted and has even been aggravated.
The likelihood that Iran has been supporting militants (read: terrorists) financially and logistically need not concern you.
There is much, much more...more than I can cover here. Let's skip to the end:
We should all heed the Divine Word of the Holy Qur'an:
"But those who repent, have faith and do good may receive Salvation. Your Lord, alone, creates and chooses as He will, and others have no part in His choice; Glorified is God and Exalted above any partners they ascribe to Him." (28:67-68)
I pray to the Almighty to bless the Iranian and American nations and indeed all nations of the world with dignity and success.
Yes, we should all heed the Qur'an, as conversion to Islam is our only hope of salvation in Ahmadinijad's eyes, before Armageddon.
Michelle Malkin has a wrapup of other reviews of this extraordinary piece of rubbish. Gary at Ex-Donkey also responds.
Previous: Oh Boy, A Letter!
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is this nut sounding exactly like the liberal democrats of today?
maybe if he tried to claim defeating Israel was related to stopping global warming, the libs would embrace the folly even more...
posted by hnav at November 30, 2006 11:14 AMHide Comments
I first heard this song while driving through Pennsylvania on my way to Virginia for Thanksgiving last week. It's by a goth band called My Chemical Romance, a band that one of my older daughter's friends is a fan of. I actually like the song, and find the video entertaining! See what you think:
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Pam rocks!
i like it...
thank you.
a little overt 'day of the dead' obsession.
some positive vocals...
interesting uniforms and style.
perhaps trying a little too hard...
i have enjoyed this a great deal:
The Polyphonic Spree - Light and Day
always good for a smile.
posted by hnav at November 30, 2006 11:23 AMI'm not much for Emo bands, but I do like a few songs from these guys. And I think this one is great. Very smart of them to do the "band uniform" thing, reminds me of an updated Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
posted by reverse_vampyr at December 1, 2006 01:52 PMHide Comments
This is a must-read post over at Kitty Litter. Go there now!
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We mentioned your post on today's program, adding that both the Brainster and the Blogmeister had linked to it.
You've nailed it, Kitty.
The alarms are sounding, and the idiots think we're just being alarmist. God help us.
Radio Patriot
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Have you been wondering what Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is thinking and planning?
Wonder no more. He's written a five-page letter to the American people, and his U.N. representative will be unveiling it today.
"Many American people asked me to talk to them in order to explain the views of the Iranian people," Ahmadinejad told reporters, referring to his visit to New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly session in September 2005.
I'd just like to know about a couple of little things: when he plans to wipe Israel off the map and when he plans to convert the rest of the world to Islam.
The mailman is bringing something special from this guy!
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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Do you hate it when you have to press "1" to hear English options when calling to find out how much you owe on your credit card, etcetera?
If so, you may be a parasite.
At least, that's what Paul Campos, law professor at the University of Colorado, thinks. (You know, the University of Colorado...the exemplary educational system that brought us Ward Churchill.) In an op ed piece in the Rocky Mountain News, Campos gently implies that we should consider being more humble when pressing "1":
Yet the most significant fact to keep in mind about people who speak Spanish in the United States is this: such people are invariably performing useful labor. In fact, it isn't too much of an exaggeration to say that the odds a person does the kind of work that simply has to get done in order to keep civilization afloat go up in direct proportion to the probability that this person speaks Spanish.
Those among us who build the buildings, and cook the food, and clean the bathrooms, and trim the trees, and care for the children - in short, the people who, in Orwell's phrase, "make the wheels go round" - are increasingly the people who press "2" in order to hear their options in Spanish.
Meanwhile, the immense mass of well-paid parasites who infest our fabulously wealthy nation - the financial analysts, the political consultants, the managers of human resources, the vice presidents for West Coast promotion, the producers of television commercials designed to increase the consumption of certain breakfast cereals, and, needless to say, the syndicated newspaper columnists - will continue to become annoyed at the need to press "1."
I wasn't aware that only Spanish-speaking people do the hard work. I'll have to speak to my neighbors, who came here from Brazil and have their own painting business. Perhaps they might appreciate having a number to push for Portuguese. Or the mother of one of my good friends, who came over from Germany many years ago and worked as an aide in a nursing home before retiring. I'm sure she wouldn't mind a German phone menu option. Another good friend of mine came over from India when she was a child. I'll bet her parents would like a chance to press "1" for Hindustani when negotiating modern communications.
As for myself, I certainly wouldn't mind being one of the well-paid parasites that Campos mentions in his piece. (Anyone want to hire me as a political consultant? My prices are very reasonable.) Alas, I'm just your average, middle-class, English-speaking white American who struggles to pay the bills every month, and whose great-grandparents came over from Germany and had to make it without bilingual services.
So when Mr. Campos thinks about those poor workers who have difficulty learning English, perhaps he'll think about the fine people I mentioned above. They seem to be getting along just fine, despite the lack of coddling from the nanny staters.
And yes, it annoys me when I have to press "1". Excuse me while I go glom on to the nearest hardworking Spanish-speaking person I see so I can be that parasite I've always dreamed of being.
(Speaking of well-paid parasites, it would be interesting to find out what Campos makes for working September through May, with a month off at Christmas, a week off in March, all federal holidays, and sabbatical every few years.)
h/t: Moonbattery
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Sounds to me like Campos is indulging in a bit of psychological projection by calling Americans "parasites." Because he sucks.
posted by reverse_vampyr at November 29, 2006 03:21 PMHide Comments
On the escalating violence toward police in France:
The head of the French crime statistics body told Reuters the rise in attacks on police was partly due to Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozys 2002 decision to order police back into tough areas, to disrupt the black economy that fuels crime.
Some residents complain the move spawned constant police harassment which has only exacerbated tensions with local youths, many of whom come from ethnic minorities.
Which minorities would those be?
h/t: LGF
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Perhaps the same type that are being instructed to act as human shields for terrorists:
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From WorldNetDaily:
Though no federal statistics are kept on murders or any other crimes committed by illegal aliens, a number of groups have produced estimates based on data collected from prisons, news reports and independent research.
Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That's 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.
Guess which death tolls are getting more press?
Total U.S. troop deaths in Iraq as of last week were reported at 2,863. Total U.S. troop deaths in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan during the five years of the Afghan campaign are currently at 289, according to the Department of Defense.
Other crime tolls linked to illegal aliens in the article include deaths from drunk drivers and the sexual molestation of children.
As stated in the linked article, these numbers are not official statistics. (Besides, we all know how statistics can be debated.) But shouldn't we be taking a closer look at the veracity of the claims? Or is the topic considered off-limits by the PC police? No, not all illegal aliens come here to commit crimes. And one cannot predict with any certainty that individuals who come here legally will never commit a crime. But those who break laws simply by being here should not be beyond extra scrutiny of their other activities.
Peter Wagner, author of a new report called "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration," asks the following question:
"That is part of the dark side of illegal immigration and when we allow the 'good' in we get the 'bad' along with them. The question is, how much 'bad' is acceptable and at what price?"
What price indeed?
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...he'd be President today.
Find out why over at the Conservative UAW Guy.
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Jimmyb comes up with some great ones!
posted by Anna at November 28, 2006 09:02 AMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for inventing and distributing oddly flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at July 28, 2011 10:48 PMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for making and distributing oddly flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by disconinued pepsi at July 29, 2011 12:48 PMIn the past Pepsi has been known for developing and selling oddly flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by blue pepsi at July 29, 2011 11:46 PMOver the years Pepsi has been known for developing and distributing oddly flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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UPDATE (3:18 pm): Warner Todd Huston over at NewsBusters has more on this topic. And Moonbattery reported on it a couple of weeks ago.
Malachi Ritscher doused himself in gasoline and set himself ablaze near a Chicago highway off-ramp in protest of war in Iraq. (It took days for him to be identified, and it took longer for people to figure out what he did and why.) He left behind this statement:
"Here is the statement I want to make: if I am required to pay for your barbaric war, I choose not to live in your world. I refuse to finance the mass murder of innocent civilians, who did nothing to threaten our country," he wrote in his suicide note. "... If one death can atone for anything, in any small way, to say to the world: I apologize for what we have done to you, I am ashamed for the mayhem and turmoil caused by my country."
Apology accepted. Now that we have that out of the way, let's win in Iraq.
In all seriousness, this man was described as one who dealt with bouts of depression by friends and family. That he chose to burn himself to death with the excuse that it might help stop the war is sad, but it should not be seen as anything other than one person's tragic inability to cope with life.
Some, however, took the bait:
"This man killed himself in such a painful way, specifically to get our attention on these things," said Jennifer Diaz, a 28-year-old graduate student who never met him but has been researching his life. Now, she is organizing protests and vigils in his name. "I'm not going to sit by and I can't sit by and let this go unheard."
One wonders if Miss Diaz would hold a vigil in the name of a soldier who sacrificed himself in battle in the service of our country? A soldier whose presence assures us that we will be able to hold such protests and vigils? A soldier who did not enter the military to end his own life, but to protect ours?
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Ritscher is the kind of guy who could pass for a hero among moonbats: an aging hippie loser who killed himself because he couldn't see the point of his own miserable life.
posted by Van Helsing at November 27, 2006 11:04 AMAll Ritscher did is prove that Darwin was right. Survival of the fittest, indeed!
posted by reverse_vampyr at November 27, 2006 01:32 PMIt takes a lot more guts to die for your cause than it does to kill for your cause.
posted by ajbuckle at November 27, 2006 03:20 PMI would say that it takes more guts to try to deal with your problems, no matter what they might be, then to end it all with the excuse that you are furthering a cause...leaving behind friends and family with the guilt that "perhaps they could have done more" to stop you from taking that final, irrevocable step.
Thanks for stopping by...
posted by Pam at November 27, 2006 03:27 PMThanks AJBUCKLE for at least respecting this man's supreme protest. Every soldier's death in Iraq equally should be seen as a horror to this administration's travesty to -- what? capture weapons of mass destruction (so 2003!) institute democracy? (so 2005!) supervise a civil war G.H. Bush predicted in 1990? -- hardly seems worth thousands of our fighting troops lives. To dismiss this protester's sacrifice is exactly the kind of callous, soul-less, attitude that America so overwhelming voted against in the mid-term election. God save us from conservatives who care far more about protecting their pet theories than human life.
posted by Marc at November 27, 2006 03:27 PMI always find it amazing when a soldier's presence in occupied territory abroad (e.g. Iraq) is equated to protecting our freedoms here at home. Neither have anything to do with each other and I find it amazing that some continue to make this connection.
posted by mcstewey at November 27, 2006 03:44 PM"Apology accepted. Now that we have that out of the way, let's win in Iraq."
Wow. Thanks for clarifying matters. But you've you had your chance to "win in Iraq".
Not that you ever had even a modicum of an idea about what that phrase actually means.
You see, Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, et. al. have already "won in Iraq" and now - no matter what happens - you can and will blame the Dems for the quagmire that your party caused (and the Dems, being the pansy rollovers that they were, allowed Bush to do).
That's why the right, and more specifically the right wing neocons and their enablers are entering yet another of their historically observed periods of being ignored. That they are irrelevant and harmful doesn't seem to have led to their extinction though...Yet.
posted by KC at November 27, 2006 03:45 PMWin? Have you enlisted? When are you deploying to Iraq to help win?
Until you have done so, or a son or daughter of yours has put their life on the line, as mine has done, STFU!
Win? How? How many more will die for your "Win" before you realize Bush screwed up so badly no number of American deaths will pull out a "Win"?
If all you wingnuts would enlist so your sorry asses would be on the line for Bush's lies, you might have a different perspective. And for every one of you cowards who got yourself killed, the collective IQ of the right wing would go up a few points.
I salute all our brave Servicemen and Servicewomen, as well as anyone who cares enough about the cause of peace to die for it.
posted by liberalpercy at November 27, 2006 03:47 PMAgree with mcstewey. Was our country being invaded? You may think spreading democracy may be a good long-term goal, but it's a bit of a stretch to directly equate it to defending our own democracy. Besides, it seems to me the Iraq war has done more to erode our first amendment freedoms (i.e. Patriot Act) rather than protect them. It's ridiculous to speculate on what his 'real' motivations may have been. Of course, it's pretty silly to think that one death will change anything, since the thousands of others certainly haven't. Besides, he was just a 'moonbat' right, so you must be glad he's dead. Speaking of which, you conservatives (sorry, I don't use cute political nicknames) should think of expanding your vocabulary.
posted by Alex at November 27, 2006 03:54 PM"...let's win in Iraq."
I could not agree more. So, let's McCain have his way and ship another 20,000 to 50,000 troops to Iraq. They should not be too difficult to find. Blogmeister and his chickenhawk friends will the first the go, immediately followed by the College Republicans. Time to put your service to the country where your mouth is, chickenhawks!
posted by Devil's Advocate at November 27, 2006 04:02 PM"Ritscher is the kind of guy who could pass for a hero among moonbats: an aging hippie loser who killed himself because he couldn't see the point of his own miserable life."
Kind of like Terri Schiavo was for the wingnuts, I guess.
posted by KC at November 27, 2006 04:02 PMAlex, these guys are not conservative. They would not know a real conservative if they stumbled upon one. You know? The kind that wants fiscal responsibility, the government out of our lives, the ones that don't want religious crackpots dictating to the rest of the us...
These guys are hardline radicals. They are authoritarians. They don't care about democratic principles. They don't want law and order. They just want order as long as they are the ones giving the orders. In other words, these are people who want dictatorship.
Calling them conservatives is insulting the real conservatives.
let's win in iraq? what does that mean? will the shia or the sunnis surrender? if one of them wins this civil war, does that mean the US posts a de facto win?
no...i'm afraid there is no winning this thing. and the chicken-hawks bear responsibilty for the deaths of each and every soldier, for each lost limb, and for each innocent iraqi killed. and making light of anothers troubled life will not assuage that debt.
posted by John at November 27, 2006 04:32 PMI think you all ought to read the following article in The American Conservative, written by a conservative about the Iraq War as seen from the offices of the National Review.
Very Interesting:
posted by KC at November 27, 2006 07:11 PMThis was well worded: "A soldier whose presence assures us that we will be able to hold such protests and vigils?"
Notice, it doesn't say presence "in Iraq." You'd have a hell of a time arguing that our rights here at home have in no way been protected by our invasion and occupation of Iraq. What Afghanistan was for bin Laden and his brood in the 90s, we've made Iraq for the future. And now torture, domestic wiretapping, voter fraud, war profiteering, gay-baiting, and lying to the American people to justify going to war are the benchmarks of "conservativism." Check out the icon on the right side of the page. Someone is represented as being an authoritarian. The joke is, it's Al Gore.
posted by Kevin Allison at November 27, 2006 07:18 PMmh, and how will you win a civil war you're not part of?
posted by Sirkowski at November 27, 2006 07:56 PMOh, and while we're at it, let's save Terri Schiavo!
posted by Sirkowski at November 27, 2006 07:57 PMNatural selection at work once again.
posted by Yippee at November 27, 2006 08:11 PMWell, it doesn't seem this post has had its intended effect, but has only highlighted the cowardice of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists compared to this suicidal hippie. His suicide, regardless how irrelevant you want to say it is, has obviously alarmed you enough to provide a knee-jerk long-distance post-mortem psych exam ("but it should not be seen as anything other than one person's tragic inability to cope with life"). Very funny.
Really, guys, if you don't like being called cowards for cheering on this war from the sidelines, a war that you obviously are enjoying, then the solution is easy: enlist.
posted by Paul at November 27, 2006 09:34 PMMy goodness, quite a collection of comments you have here!
posted by Anna at November 28, 2006 09:07 AMReally, guys, if you don't like being called cowards for cheering on this war from the sidelines, a war that you obviously are enjoying, then the solution is easy: enlist.
Posted by: Paul at November 27, 2006 09:34 PM
Don't hold your breath, Paul. These cowards will never enlist. I bet the College Republicans are now sweating bullets over McCain's call for a massive infusion of forces in Iraq and Rangel's proposal to reinstate the draft. The same goes for the rest of the 101st Keyboardists.
posted by Devil's Advocate at November 28, 2006 10:32 AMMarc shared:
"To dismiss this protester's sacrifice is exactly the kind of callous, soul-less, attitude that America so overwhelming voted against in the mid-term election."
Sacrifice? Please. I feel sympathy for him and his family and friends, but to frame a depressed man's suicide as some sort of Great Sacrifice For Peace is f***ing ridiculous. Yes, that's a dismissal - one which this individual entirely deserves. Personally, I think this fella was just looking for a good excuse to kill himself - I really wish he hadn't found that excuse, but here we are.
That does not make him a hero. That makes him a selfish asshole who decided to saddle his family and friends with his feelings of failure. Now he's dead, and the people who loved him get stuck with cleaning up after him. How generous.
I'm sure the family member or friend that had to identify the body and now has the sight of his charred corpse forever seared (with pun very much intended) into their memory is oh so grateful for the 'sacrifice'. If he wanted to make a real 'sacrifice to end the war', he should have headed to the nearest armed forces recruiting station and signed up.
posted by n. nescio at November 28, 2006 11:06 AMbtw, Pam H: don't know if you can already tell by the frothing, but you've made the Daou Report :)
posted by n. nescio at November 28, 2006 11:09 AM"Win the War in Iraq".
You did mean that as a joke, right?
posted by Robert at November 28, 2006 01:21 PMYour capacity for self-delusion is apparently boundless. It should bother you that there are American citizens out there who are taking their own lives because they are so distressed by the damage that Bush, Cheney, Rummy and YOU are doing to this Great Republic and its God-given Constitution.
It should offend you in precisely the same way that killing an unborn in the womb "bothers" you - after all, we are talking about a loss of precious human life.
But, clearly you are not bothered by this - which puts the lie to anything else you might say. You now have no credibility and have proven yourself nothing more than a death-monger who cheers for Satan and the destruction of the United States.
posted by fiskhus jim at November 28, 2006 01:44 PMI cannot believe the level of hysterical hatred and just plain nastiness generated by this very reasonable post. I would ask these foolish posters - what WOULD you consider dying for if not your country which affords you the highest standard of living and the MOST comprehensive freedoms in the entire world? Do you not feel guilty that you have done NOTHING WHATSOEVER to EARN the bounty you enjoy in this nation so blessed by God?
posted by Gayle Miller at November 28, 2006 04:16 PMActually, n.nescio, I think that the man's self-immolation was wrong on many levels -- firstly, I consider suicide a sin. However, I am appalled by the dismissal of his death, just as appalled as I am that the multiple thousands of soldiers deaths in Iraq are so often easily dismissed by the war's supporters. It is the tone -- that if one disaggrees their life is meaningless anyway and deserves to be trashed in print. It is possible to argue without resorting to vile ad-hominem, which is one reason why the conservatives LOST big-time in the last election, they're inability to be civil.
posted by Marc at November 28, 2006 04:27 PMGayle Miller wrote:
what WOULD you consider dying for if not your country which affords you the highest standard of living and the MOST comprehensive freedoms in the entire world?
As a husband, parent, son, brother, friend and business owner supporting 3 employees, I make sacrifices all the time. However, I wouldn't consider sacrificing myself for "victory in Iraq" because victory is not possible, and because the mission was spectacularly ill conceived to start with.
Also, I take issue with your mischaracterization of the USA. While we do have a high standard of living and many freedoms, we don't not lead the world in either respect. There are plenty of other countries that surpass us in both standard of living and freedom. Get yourself a passport and see.
Do you not feel guilty that you have done NOTHING WHATSOEVER to EARN the bounty you enjoy
I have done and continue to do plenty to help my country, and don't feel guilty at all. I understand that contributing to a senseless conflict is not a real contribution.
But Gayle, you obviously don't understand that. So I ask you, exactly what sacrifices have you made to help the US in the war in Iraq?
posted by Paul at November 28, 2006 06:35 PMDid you really just make light of a person who set himself on fire? Really?
I don't care whether he was depressed, or what you think about the war or his death as an act of protest.
The simple fact here is that someone was so pained, by either his own life, or the world around him or both, that he took his own life in a very public and painful way.
That act, by itself, deserves real respect and condolence. Whether he did it to prove a point, or because of his own internal pain, that suicide deserves more than a flippant "well, now that's done".
You should be ashamed to call yourself a compassionate, Christian, conservative, or anything else.
posted by ARP at November 29, 2006 03:26 PMfiskhus jim,
Your ridiculous comparison shows a bit of your own self-delusion. It isn't even remotely logical to equate a person who CHOOSES to end his life (for whatever reason) with a helpless baby whose life is snuffed out by their selfish mother. One is suicide, one is murder. Both are wrong and sad, but they're not the same.
Ritscher's suicide was a stunt intended to up increase the "absolute moral authority" of the anti-war side. Unfortunately, I think he was manipulated into it by a constant diet of anti-Bush, anti-war, and anti-American propaganda.
posted by reverse_vampyr at November 29, 2006 03:38 PMHide Comments
Can you imagine this storyline 30 years ago?
In a story unusual even for a soap opera and believed to be a television first, ABC's "All My Children" this week will introduce a transgender character who is beginning to make the transition from a man into a woman.
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The show has been losing viewers for quite some time and it is flapping around in every direction attempting to attract the return of those lost. This is not the way to do it!
posted by Gayle Miller at November 28, 2006 04:18 PMHide Comments
Remember that song Fish Heads that played on the Dr. Demento show back in the '80s? Remember the short video movie that was made to go along with it? (My daughter found it weird, but as she enjoys a video called the Pancake Song, what right does she have to criticize?)
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giggle giggle...
sorry, lost my hockey desire during the last strike.
i refuse to follow the puck now.
(although it is a good video, thank you)
your fine daughter must understand the limited options years ago, for we might not have a pancake song, without the breakthrough work of 'fish heads, fish heads, tiny little fish heads, eat them up, yum...'
posted by hnav at November 25, 2006 11:26 PMToo funny! And nice to see that someone else was a Dr. Demento fan!
Eat them up, yum!
posted by reverse_vampyr at November 26, 2006 04:47 PMhey !
you fixed it...
and i thought you were really showing a video of the hockey...
thinking your were simply referencing the 'Fish Heads'.
what a classic video...
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posted by Lisandra Baggett at May 22, 2013 01:07 PMHide Comments
So I'm in Virginia, near Washington D.C., visiting my father. While we were in the city today, I had the chance to meet up with Aaron, who lets me blog on his site Lifelike Pundits. We spent an hour in a Starbucks in Chinatown, and then he walked me down to the mall, where the rest of my family was milling around in the Museum of Natural History.
It was so great to meet him face to face...we spent our time talking about politics and our pets. And, as any good mom will do, I made him look at photos of my kids.
Aaron paid me the great compliment of saying I'm gorgeous, but I think he's just trying to make me feel good. He's got a great voice, and it was nice knowing that someone under 30 has more on his mind than sports or what's on TV. I hope we can see each other again some time!
So let's see...while here, we went to the recently opened National Museum of the Marine Corps, which I highly recommend! Not only do you learn more about the Corps' history, but what recruits go through to become a Marine. There's a special exhibit on 9/11 and our presence in Afghanistan and Iraq. One thing irritated me: there's a Children's Corner, where kids are invited to draw a picture about their visit to the museum. Tacked up among the various flag and soldier drawings was a paper that said "Fight AIDS, Not Iraq." The writing looked more like an adult's...give me a break. I bought a baseball cap that has the Marine Corps symbol and says USMC on it...I'll be sure to wear it in front of my pacifist friends!
We also went to the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and made the obligatory trip to Ford's Theater and the boarding house across the street where Lincoln was brought to die. I hadn't been there since I was very young, so I really enjoyed seeing it again. There's so much to see and do in Washington D.C.; you really need to be able to spend at least a week here.
Tomorrow we're going to Mt. Vernon, which I'm really looking forward to!
Hope you're all having a great holiday weekend!
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Well, at least we know Aaron's eyes are in good shape. I've seen a picture of you and you ARE gorgeous!! Now, go ahead and blush.
posted by THIRDWAVEDAVE at November 25, 2006 02:34 PMsounds like a great trip.
Aaron is outstanding...
so is the mighty Blogmeister.
have fun...
posted by hnav at November 25, 2006 11:22 PMMiss Pam,
Having never seen a photo of you, we'll just have to take Aaron's (and 3rd's) word for it!
A little envious here about your trip to DC. Been many times and it's always fascinating. Ranks high on my list of favorite places to visit. So much to see, so little time. Never boring. Was there for the lighting of the National Christmas Tree one year -- we froze, but it was well worth the chill. I have a deep affection and awe for our nation's Capitol, even if many of its inhabitants on the Hill are less than impressive.
Enjoy your holiday! Wishing I was there too!
Radio Patriot 1
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My family and I are heading down to Virginia tonight to visit my father, and will be returning on Sunday. Posting will be spotty at best, so if you don't hear from me, don't say I didn't warn you! The only thing I am not looking forward to is the drive...
We'll be doing some touristy things in addition to feasting, like going to Mt. Vernon (my first time since childhood), and I'll be getting together with Aaron on Friday. (I am most definitely looking forward to meeting him face to face!)
Best wishes to you and yours on this unique American holiday. Please take a moment, while giving thanks for your own blessings, to remember those who make our freedoms possible: our military.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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Best wishes for a bountiful Thanksgiving to you and your family, Pam!
posted by Anna at November 22, 2006 06:12 PMPam,
We wish you safe travels and a very happy Thanksgiving!
Andrea & Mark
Radio Patriots
Happy Thanksgiving Pam...
My best wishes to you and yours...
posted by hnav at November 23, 2006 12:50 AMHide Comments
Sure it's legal, but tactless as all get-out:
A church that wanted to do something special for Hurricane Katrina victims gave a $75,000 house, free and clear, to a couple who said they were left homeless by the storm. But the couple turned around and sold the place without ever moving in, and went back to New Orleans.
"Take it up with God," an unrepentant Joshua Thompson told a TV reporter after it was learned that he and the woman he identified as his wife had flipped the home for $88,000.
Church members said they feel their generosity was abused by scam artists. They are no longer even sure that the couple were left homeless by Katrina or that they were a couple at all.
"They came in humble like they really needed a new start, and our hearts went out to them," said Jean Phillips, a real estate agent and member of the Temple of Deliverance Church of God in Christ. "They actually begged for the home."
The church was also shocked by an ungrateful interview the couple gave with WHBQ-TV in Memphis.
"I really don't like this area," said Delores Thompson. "I really didn't, and I didn't know anybody, so that's why I didn't move in and I sold it."
More on Katrina scam artists here and here.
I'm sure this congregation will consider their next charitable act a lot more carefully. I'd like to think our government will do the same thing, but I'm doubtful.
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If the government learned anything from Katrina, it was to throw even more of our money to the four winds in an attempt to prevent the media from claiming it doesn't care.
posted by Van Helsing at November 22, 2006 01:21 PMHide Comments
As the Dutch await the results of today's parliamentary election, it will be interesting (and possibly instructive) for the rest of us to see who ends up in power: current Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, who is looking to make immigration more restrictive, or his challenger Wouter Bos, who would grant citizenship to thousands of asylum seekers who have been living in the Netherlands illegally.
Balkenende has made cuts in welfare and brought the Dutch jobless rate to only 4% (the lowest in Europe), and he wants to integrate immigrants more fully into the culture.
I find it interesting, though, that some put the onus on the country for immigrants to integrate:
...Ismael Dirie, a Somali-born Dutch citizen, said that little positive was being done to help immigrants integrate.
"For me, most doors are closed in the Netherlands," he said. "Nobody is happy, but it is still better than Somalia."
Makes me wonder how much people like him want to integrate.
This is one to watch.
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From Breitbart:
Six Muslim imams were removed from a US Airways flight at Minneapolis- St. Paul International Airport on Monday and questioned by police for several hours before being released, a leader of the group said.
The six were among passengers who boarded Flight 300, bound for Phoenix, around 6:30 p.m., airport spokesman Pat Hogan said.
A passenger initially raised concerns about the group through a note passed to a flight attendant, according to Andrea Rader, a spokeswoman for US Airways. She said police were called after the captain and airport security workers asked the men to leave the plane and the men refused.
Apparently the imams were saying their prayers while waiting. One of them expressed dismay that Americans know so little about Islam...but not for want of trying on the part of Muslim leaders.
CAIR is on the case:
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, expressed anger at the detentions.
"CAIR will be filing a complaint with relevant authorities in the morning over the treatment of the imams to determine whether the incident was caused by anti-Muslim hysteria by the passengers and/or the airline crew," Hooper said. "Because, unfortunately, this is a growing problem of singling out Muslims or people perceived to be Muslims at airports, and it's one that we've been addressing for some time."
I don't know why anyone might get nervous around a group of Muslims on a plane. Could it be because of this? Or this? Until we see more active condemnation of atrocities perpetrated in the name of Islam, don't expect the majority of "uninformed" Americans to embrace the religion of peace.
UPDATE (11:41 am): In a (somewhat) related piece, Michelle Malkin tells us how Nonie Darwish was disinvited to speak at Brown University because she's too controversial in the eyes of Muslim students. Once again, open debate is squelched in the name of political correctness.
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With yesterdays news story in mind, I wanted to give you a few facts weve found in our studies. It's interesting to read the differing opinions on this subject, but here are the facts. While Americans were more likely to favor stricter security measures directly after 9/11, there is still some concern today. Half of Americans say there is no excuse for the racial profiling of African Americans, but two-thirds say greater scrutiny of Middle Eastern people is "understandable." Check out more information on this topic at
posted by William at November 22, 2006 12:25 PMRacial profiling. Hrmph.
I think being on alert for terrorists is not a bad thing. Most terrorists, contrary to politically correct wishes, DO fit a profile. There are always exceptions, of course, and it's only smart to screen everyone. But when guarding the sheep, it's only natural to keep an eye out for wolves. Or dogs, in this case.
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Nancy Pelosi would have you believe it's just Republicans:
"We want to take the country in a new direction, not just for privileged America," Pelosi said in a jab at Bush and his fellow Republicans who had been in control of Congress.
Does Nancy live up to her rhetoric? Peter Schweizer, author of Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, thinks not. From an article he wrote for Front Page Magazine, based upon his book:
Read More "Who's a Privileged American?"Whats interesting about Nancy Pelosi is that she and her husband not only are very influential in the Democrat Party, theyre very wealthy. With Nancy Pelosi, her commitment to organized labor essentially ends when it comes to her own businesses. Nancy Pelosi and her husband own a Napa Valley vineyard thats worth about $25 million. They grow very expensive grapes for very expensive wines, and they dont use members of the United Farm Workers to pick their grapes. This winner of the Cesar Chavez award hires only hire non-union contractors.
There are plenty of union contractors in Napa Valley and there are other wineries that use them, its just that the Pelosis dont have happen to among them. They also sell their grapes to non-union wineries. They recently held investments in two other wine businesses that were also strictly non-union.
But it gets even worse than that. Nancy Pelosi and her husband also own a chain of restaurants and a hotel in Napa Valley, California. Despite her public commitment to the Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Union, you better not join that union and work for the Pelosis, because you will end up getting fired. For example, they are partners in a hotel with 250 employees, which is strictly non-union. They are among the very few owners of Piati, a chain of Italian restaurants with 900 employees. Again, if you try to join the union when you work for the Pelosis in their restaurant, you will be fired.
One other issue for Nancy Pelosi. I hate to pick on her, but its just so inviting. As they say in the military, its a target-rich environment. With Nancy Pelosi, another big issue is the environment. She always makes statements that, with us, the environment is not an issue, its an ethic, its a value. Which is a nice way of saying, I love the environment, but not when it comes to our own businesses. A lot of people dont realize that, in 1996, Nancy Pelosi and her husband and fewer than 10 other partners wanted to build a golf course and country club outside of San Jose, California, called the CordeValle Country Club. In order to get approval to build on these 275 acres, they had to comply with some very stringent county environmental regulations. Now the California tiger salamander and the Western pond turtle are apparently endangered species and theyre very, very common on these 275 acres that the Pelosis wanted to develop.
So the agreement they struck with local regulators was, well build the golf course, well set up some holding ponds and well create a natural habitat to make sure that these environmental endangered species survive.
Of course, they built the golf course. It opened in 2000. If you want to join, the membership is $250,000. But they never followed the environmental regulations. The ponds were never built for these endangered species. For seven years, they also failed to file any of the environmental reports required by the California Fish and Wildlife Commission. A 2004 County Environmental Compliance Report found all kinds of environmental problems on the Pelosis golf course.
Remember with Nancy Pelosi, her commitment to the environment is not just an issue, its an ethic and a value. What does that actually mean in practical terms? Did they turn around and build this habitat and comply? No, they solved the problem the old-fashioned way: they hired lobbyists and they got the environmental regulations changed. So if you go to the CordeValle Country Club today and play golf, its a wonderful course, but there will be no holding ponds. There will be no endangered species and the Pelosis seem to be quite happy with that.
So the next time Nancy Pelosi or some of her Democratic friends start spouting off about privileged America, be aware that they are a part of that population. And take what they say or propose with the proverbial grain of salt.
Hide "Who's a Privileged American?"
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Unlike Nancy Pelosi, a vast number of Republicans clearly understand that it is a privilege to BE an American! Pelosi and her gang of leftwingnuts don't understand that.
posted by Gayle Miller at November 21, 2006 02:08 PMHide Comments
The Man over at GOP and The City has the inside track on new presidential coins being minted by the US Mint. Head on over to see how our presidents will be commemorated!
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posted by Click This Link at June 29, 2012 02:32 PMHide Comments
to help me get rid of the image that was implanted in my brain after reading this (h/t: Brainster):
Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter.
But they don't want you marching in the streets. They'd much rather you just stay home.
The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.
"The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it," Reffell said Sunday. "Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change."
The couple are no strangers to sex and social activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped naked and spelled out the word "Peace."
Have these people not mentally advanced beyond adolescence? The thought of these aged "activists" lying at home and doing the nasty in the name of peace makes me want to puke. Perhaps, if they want to add some celebrity sparkle to their movement, they might consider asking Hugh Hefner to be their spokesman.
And you thought Breasts Not Bombs was bad...
Crossposted to Lifelike Pundits
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wonder what Political Party they vote for?
certainly, al Qaeda will stop killing after this effort for peace...
posted by hnav at November 20, 2006 12:29 PMI'm relatively certain that these moonbats cannot summon the resolve to remove themselves from bed and actually motivate themselves to someplace specific in order to vote. Good Lord, I certainly hope they don't, and the number of chemical enhancements being ingested probably slows 'em down a tad also!
You're right Pam, it is to retch!
posted by Gayle Miller at November 20, 2006 04:52 PMAin't that the nekkid truth!
Let's remind them to make this an all-day thing (if they can) on the first Tuesday of November, 2008!
Maybe we can do some sort of telethon to raise the money to pay for the medications needed to keep them busy and away from the polling places (Uh, yeah, there's a pun there, but I ain't touching it!).
[They wouldn't let me use the "V"-named ED medicine that used to sponsor Mark Martin's racecar.]
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posted by tera gold at July 6, 2012 01:24 PMHide Comments
UPDATE: Nancy Pelosi says no.
From the Washington Times:
The incoming Democratic chairman of the House Ways and Means panel says he will introduce a bill to reinstitute a military draft in order to provide the U.S. with more troops, while Sen. John McCain continued his call for increase of troop levels in Iraq.
Rep. Charles B. Rangel of New York first called for a draft in January 2003, when Democrats were the minority party in both houses of Congress. Now that his party controls Capitol Hill, he was asked yesterday on CBS' "Face the Nation" if he was still serious about the proposal.
"You bet your life. Underscore 'serious,' " he said.
"I don't see how anyone can support the [Iraq] war and not support the draft," said Mr. Rangel, alluding to Mr. McCain's call for increased troop levels in Iraq and to the need to combat threats elsewhere in the world. "If we're going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can't do that without a draft."
Of course it's possible to support the war and not support a draft. A draft should be a last-ditch effort, and to my knowledge, we haven't reached that point.
Gone are the days when you could push a guy through six weeks of basic training, shove a gun in his hands and say, "Fight!" The Pentagon opposes a draft for that very reason. Today's complicated weapons systems need soldiers who are specially trained to use them. In other words, it's not your grandfather's Army anymore. The only way it would work would be to require draftees to stay in the military longer than a couple of years, and in that case, Canada's population will see a sudden upsurge in its population.
What's hypocritical is to say you support the troops but don't happen to support what they're doing right now, which is fighting in Iraq. It's also hypocritical to have voted for the war and then say it was a mistake, which is what many Democrats have done. (Rangel, at least, is not hypocritial in this instance.)
In my opinion, this whole thing is meant to make our presence in the Middle East even more divisive than it is now. It's got nothing to do with sharing the sacrifice, and everything to do with giving aging hippies and their protgs more ammunition for something to which they are already opposed.
Michelle Malkin weighs in.
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Rangel also said the draftees would not necessarily have to serve on the battlefield. Well, what does he mean? Would he have them "serving their country" working on social programs?
Methinks it's a clever ruse to use the draft to yet again serve the objectives of the socialists -- bigger government.
Andrea / Mark
Radio Patriots
I believe you are right! I've been reading more about this on the web and I've come to that conclusion as well. Rangel and his ilk won't be satisfied until we are all government automatons...
posted by Pam at November 20, 2006 02:28 PMPlease don't be stupid! The only reason Rangel even brought this up was to generate a dialog where by EVERYBODY in our great country sacrifice something for the vanity war dubya started. He doesn't want a draft. He simply wants everybody to understand that the War on Terra (accodring to Dubya) will last forever and there needs to be an awareness that someones kids must serve so we can kill the furriners. The thinking is that if donors to the republican party thought maybe their own children will be sent to die in this illegal war, maybe - just maybe, they would re-think their stance on the war. After all, I am for war as long as someone elses kids fight it for me. So please don't be naive. I give you folks much more credit than that. Is that credit misplaced? I hope not.
posted by tom at November 20, 2006 04:43 PMHide Comments
This is big news:
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch government agreed on Friday a total ban on the wearing of burqas and other Muslim face veils in public, justifying the move on security grounds.
Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk will now draw up legislation which will result in the Netherlands, once one of Europe's most easy-going nations, imposing some of the continent's toughest laws against concealing the face.
"The cabinet finds it undesirable that garments covering the face -- including the burqa -- should be worn in public in view of public order, (and) the security and protection of fellow citizens," the Dutch Justice Ministry said in a statement.
Don't expect a calm acceptance of this from the Religion of Peace. Remember, a Moroccan immigrant killed filmmaker Theo van Gogh in 2004 because of a movie he made that was considered offensive to Muslims.
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The Dutch are a stong people.
posted by John Ruberry at November 17, 2006 10:10 PMGlad to see this come about. However, I see trouble for the Dutch over this.
Thanks, Pam.
posted by THIRDWAVEDAVE at November 18, 2006 03:20 PMHide Comments
Boy, it's amazing what crack investigative work these liberals can produce when it's not going to result in a Republican beating a Democrat! ~ Pat at Brainster, regarding the MSM's "sudden shock" at Jack Murtha's ethic problems.
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I think that the public, while wanting to teach republicans a lesson, did take a mental note at how the MSM let objectivity fly right out the window.
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posted by Michail at January 23, 2012 08:13 PMÎæèäàíèå áîëüøîãî, ñòàáèëüíîãî è äîâîëüíî õîðîøî ïðîãíîçèðóåìîãî îòå÷åñòâåííîãî çàêàçà, à òàê æå íåîáõîäèìîñòü ðàñøèðèòü ñâîå ïðèñóòñòâèå íà âíåøíèõ ðûíêàõ ïîáóäèëè âëàäåëüöåâ ýíåðãîìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûõ êîìïàíèé äîâîëüíî àêòèâíî ìîäåðíèçèðîâàòü ñîáñòâåííîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî, ñîõðàíÿòü è ðàçâèâàòü èíæèíèðèíãîâûå ðåñóðñû, ïðèîáðåòàòü ëèöåíçèè è èñêàòü ðåôåðåíöèè ó èíîñòðàííûõ êîìïàíèé, ñîçäàâàòü ñîâìåñòíûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ.
posted by Alex at January 23, 2012 08:26 PMÎòå÷åñòâåííûé ýíåðãîìàø âñåãäà áûë îäíîé èç ñàìûõ âûñîêîòåõíîëîãè÷íûõ îòðàñëåé ýêîíîìèêè. Òóò ìîæíî âûäåëèòü äâå îñíîâíûå ïðè÷èíû. Ñ îäíîé ñòîðîíû, îáåñïå÷åíèå ýíåðãåòè÷åñêîé áåçîïàñíîñòè è ñòàáèëüíîãî ðàçâèòèÿ, êàê è ëîãèêà ðîñòà ñàìîé ýíåðãåòèêè äèêòóþò íåîáõîäèìîñòü ðåãóëÿðíîé ñìåíû òåõíîëîãè÷åñêîé ïëàòôîðìû êàæäûå 20-30 ëåò.
posted by Artem at January 23, 2012 08:41 PMÎæèäàíèå áîëüøîãî, ñòàáèëüíîãî è äîâîëüíî õîðîøî ïðîãíîçèðóåìîãî îòå÷åñòâåííîãî çàêàçà, à òàê æå íåîáõîäèìîñòü ðàñøèðèòü ñâîå ïðèñóòñòâèå íà âíåøíèõ ðûíêàõ ïîáóäèëè âëàäåëüöåâ ýíåðãîìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûõ êîìïàíèé äîâîëüíî àêòèâíî ìîäåðíèçèðîâàòü ñîáñòâåííîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî, ñîõðàíÿòü è ðàçâèâàòü èíæèíèðèíãîâûå ðåñóðñû, ïðèîáðåòàòü ëèöåíçèè è èñêàòü ðåôåðåíöèè ó èíîñòðàííûõ êîìïàíèé, ñîçäàâàòü ñîâìåñòíûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ.
posted by Michail at January 23, 2012 08:54 PMÂñå èìåþùèåñÿ ó ãîñóäàðñòâà ðåãóëÿòîðû äîëæíû áûòü íàöåëåíû íà ôîðìèðîâàíèå èííîâàöèîííîé íàïðàâëåííîñòè â äåÿòåëüíîñòè ïðåäïðèÿòèé ìàøèíîñòðîåíèÿ. Ìîæíî, íàïðèìåð, ýòó ðàáîòó íà÷àòü â ðàìêàõ ñîçäàíèÿ êîíêðåòíîãî êîíñîðöèóìà ðîññèéñêèõ ìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûõ ãðóïï
posted by ìàøèíîñòðîåíèå at January 23, 2012 09:09 PMÎæèäàíèå áîëüøîãî, ñòàáèëüíîãî è äîâîëüíî õîðîøî ïðîãíîçèðóåìîãî îòå÷åñòâåííîãî çàêàçà, à òàê æå íåîáõîäèìîñòü ðàñøèðèòü ñâîå ïðèñóòñòâèå íà âíåøíèõ ðûíêàõ ïîáóäèëè âëàäåëüöåâ ýíåðãîìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûõ êîìïàíèé äîâîëüíî àêòèâíî ìîäåðíèçèðîâàòü ñîáñòâåííîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî, ñîõðàíÿòü è ðàçâèâàòü èíæèíèðèíãîâûå ðåñóðñû, ïðèîáðåòàòü ëèöåíçèè è èñêàòü ðåôåðåíöèè ó èíîñòðàííûõ êîìïàíèé, ñîçäàâàòü ñîâìåñòíûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ.
posted by Alex at January 23, 2012 09:23 PMÄàâàéòå èñêëþ÷èì íà 2-3 ãîäà èç íàëîãîîáëàãàåìîé áàçû ïî íàëîãó íà èìóùåñòâî ïðåäïðèÿòèé ñòîèìîñòü íîâîãî òåõíîëîãè÷åñêîãî îáîðóäîâàíèÿ, ïðèîáðåòåííîãî ìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûìè ïðåäïðèÿòèÿìè, çàëîæèì âîçìîæíîñòü ïðåäîñòàâëåíèÿ ïðàâèòåëüñòâåííûõ ãàðàíòèé ïî êðåäèòàì íà ïðèîáðåòåíèå ñîâðåìåííûõ ìàøèí è îáîðóäîâàíèÿ ìàëûìè ïðåäïðèÿòèÿìè, âîøåäøèìè â êîîïåðàöèîííîå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ êðóïíûìè ìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûìè çàâîäàìè.
posted by îáîðóäîâàíèå at January 23, 2012 09:38 PMÏî èòîãàì 2011 ãîäà â ìàøèíîñòðîåíèè Îìñêîé îáëàñòè ïëàíèðóþò çàâåðøèòü ãîä ñ ðîñòîì ïðîèçâîäñòâà áîëåå 110% ÏÎ «Ïîëåò» (115%), «ÖÊÁÀ» (117%), «Ñàòóðí» (118%), ÍÏÎ «Ìèð» (116%), Çàâîä ãðàæäàíñêîé àâèàöèè (129%) è ðÿä äðóãèõ ïðåäïðèÿòèé.
posted by ìàøèíîñòðîåíèå at January 23, 2012 10:04 PMÎæèäàíèå áîëüøîãî, ñòàáèëüíîãî è äîâîëüíî õîðîøî ïðîãíîçèðóåìîãî îòå÷åñòâåííîãî çàêàçà, à òàê æå íåîáõîäèìîñòü ðàñøèðèòü ñâîå ïðèñóòñòâèå íà âíåøíèõ ðûíêàõ ïîáóäèëè âëàäåëüöåâ ýíåðãîìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûõ êîìïàíèé äîâîëüíî àêòèâíî ìîäåðíèçèðîâàòü ñîáñòâåííîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî, ñîõðàíÿòü è ðàçâèâàòü èíæèíèðèíãîâûå ðåñóðñû, ïðèîáðåòàòü ëèöåíçèè è èñêàòü ðåôåðåíöèè ó èíîñòðàííûõ êîìïàíèé, ñîçäàâàòü ñîâìåñòíûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ.
posted by ïðîèçâîäñòâî at January 23, 2012 10:15 PMÈç íèõ íàèáîëåå êðóïíûå - çàâîä ïî ðåìîíòó ìàëûõ ñóäîâ â ïîñåëêå Áàóòèíî ñ îáúåìîì èíâåñòèöèé 2,3 ìëðä. òåíãå è ìîùíîñòüþ 50-60 ñóäîâ â ãîä; ïðîèçâîäñòâî òåïëîâûõ íàñîñíûõ óñòàíîâîê â Âîñòî÷íî-Êàçàõñòàíñêîé îáëàñòè ñ èíâåñòèöèÿìè 705 ìëí. òåíãå è ïëàíàìè ïðîèçâîäñòâà òåïëîâûõ íàñîñíûõ óñòàíîâîê 520 åäèíèö â ãîä.
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posted by ìàøèíîñòðîåíèå at January 24, 2012 06:35 PMÎæèäàíèå áîëüøîãî, ñòàáèëüíîãî è äîâîëüíî õîðîøî ïðîãíîçèðóåìîãî îòå÷åñòâåííîãî çàêàçà, à òàê æå íåîáõîäèìîñòü ðàñøèðèòü ñâîå ïðèñóòñòâèå íà âíåøíèõ ðûíêàõ ïîáóäèëè âëàäåëüöåâ ýíåðãîìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíûõ êîìïàíèé äîâîëüíî àêòèâíî ìîäåðíèçèðîâàòü ñîáñòâåííîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî, ñîõðàíÿòü è ðàçâèâàòü èíæèíèðèíãîâûå ðåñóðñû, ïðèîáðåòàòü ëèöåíçèè è èñêàòü ðåôåðåíöèè ó èíîñòðàííûõ êîìïàíèé, ñîçäàâàòü ñîâìåñòíûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ.
posted by ïðîèçâîäñòâî at January 24, 2012 06:46 PMGreat Post. I like your style of writing. I think you should use your awesome writing style to get paid. Me and my husband are using this course to improve our earning from writing articles. You should try this out.
posted by Serena Matanane at January 29, 2012 07:28 AMFor years you have provied an excellent service to members of the various barter exchanges. As a company that sells advertising, you've become, as far as I know, the biggest and the best.,
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posted by CHAVERS at February 3, 2012 08:42 PMNo barter exchange or broker produces the results that you do with your ads.,
posted by LANGENFELD at February 3, 2012 08:53 PMIt just works,
posted by MORELL at February 3, 2012 09:04 PMTHANK YOU.,
posted by CAMPA at February 3, 2012 09:16 PMAbout 20 min after placing my ad the calls started to come in.,
posted by MINARD at February 3, 2012 09:38 PMThanks for already placing my ads as I have gotten good responses and will definitely be placing more,
posted by BARTELT at February 3, 2012 09:50 PMI really like the way your site is set up.,
posted by VITALE at February 3, 2012 10:01 PMgreat site. Thanks.,
posted by LUNDSTROM at February 3, 2012 10:12 PMLet us know if there is any way we can help.,
posted by BLAKELY at February 3, 2012 10:24 PMFrom Salt Lake City I have aquired hot prospects and/or actual clients in Saint Louis and New York City.,
posted by FULTON at February 3, 2012 10:35 PMToo much,
posted by MOAK at February 3, 2012 10:46 PMWon't miss it,
posted by HINZ at February 3, 2012 10:58 PMI have bookmarked you and will come back many times.,
posted by CABEZAS at February 3, 2012 11:09 PMGood work on your side,
posted by LINCOLN at February 3, 2012 11:20 PMHad several responses and I do believe we have a buyer!,
posted by PREVATTE at February 3, 2012 11:31 PMkeep the good work,
posted by WHITCOMB at February 3, 2012 11:42 PMYoure doing great work! Keep it up!,
posted by CORREIA at February 3, 2012 11:54 PMIt just works,
posted by DOSSETT at February 4, 2012 12:04 AMI haven't even had time to pursue them yet.,
posted by LONDONO at February 4, 2012 12:15 AMwhat about you?,
posted by BRADLEY at February 4, 2012 12:26 AMIn two days I have been bombarded with e-mail and probably three or four hours of long distance phone calls.,
posted by PRINTZ at February 4, 2012 12:37 AMSome really wonderful information, Gladiola I observed this. "Things we not hope for often come to pass than things we wish." by Titus Maccius Plautus.
posted by drain grate at February 4, 2012 06:27 AMThank you, I've been searching for information about this subject matter for ages and yours is the best I have found so far.
posted by Peg Perego at February 5, 2012 08:42 PMRespect to website author, some wonderful entropy.
posted by Hosea Kreimer at February 19, 2012 08:56 PM) 498-34-52. (+3 8095) 321-23-23. ×àñû, íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû, êóïèòü ÷àñû â êèåâå, èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí×àñû, êóïèòü íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû. Êóïèòü ÷àñû â ×àñû Êèåâ Êèåâå ñ îôèöèàëüíîé ãàðàíòèåé, èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí íàðó÷íûõ ÷àñîâ, çâîíèòå ñåé÷àñ òåë. 044 5999995.. ÷àñû êèåâ Íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû – ìóæñêèå ÷àñû, æåíñêèå ÷àñû, øâåéöàðñêèåÍàäóìàâ êóïèòü ÷àñû, î÷åíü ëåãêî ðàñòåðÿòñÿ, íà äîëãî î
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posted by tag heuer ÷àñû êèåâ at March 10, 2012 04:45 PMî 16-À. Òåëåôîí: (044) 223-91-43. Romanson îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò – romanson.. Romanson, æåíñêèå skagen ÷àñû êèåâ ÷àñû Ðîìàíñîí. Ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ Romanson âÌàãàçèí ÷àñîâ Ðîìàíñîí â Êèåâå. Æåíñêèå ÷àñû Romanson ñ äîñòàâêîé èëè ñàìîâûâîç èç ìàãàçèíà. Îã
posted by skagen ÷àñû êèåâ at March 10, 2012 04:53 PMî 16-À. Òåëåôîí: (044) 223-91-43. Romanson îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò – romanson.. Romanson, æåíñêèå [url="÷àñû-êèåâ/"]skagen ÷àñû êèåâ[/url] ÷àñû Ðîìàíñîí. Ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ Romanson âÌàãàçèí ÷àñîâ Ðîìàíñîí â Êèåâå. Æåíñêèå ÷àñû Romanson ñ äîñòàâêîé èëè ñàìîâûâîç èç ìàãàçèíà. Îã
posted by skagen ÷àñû êèåâ at March 10, 2012 05:01 PMâûáîð, íîâûå ìîäåëè è ïðèÿòíûå öåíû!. Romanson. Ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ «Ñòèëü-Òàéì»×àñû ìàðêè Romanson ïåðåïëåòåíèå òîíêîñòè, î÷àðîâàíèÿ è âåñüìà, Èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ â Êèåâå îáåñïå÷èâàåò êà÷åñòâåííûå ïîñòàâêè ïî. ROMANSON, romanson ÷àñû êèåâå íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû Ðîìàíñîí, ìóæñêèå è æåíñêèå ÷àñûROMANSON. Èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèí Ðîìàíñîí – Íîâûå Ìîäåëè 2010!. Íàðó÷íûå Ðîìàíñîí – æåíñêèå ÷àñû è ìóæñêèå ÷àñû. Êóïèòü ÷àñû Romanson â. ×àñû Romanson, êóïèòü â Êèåâå, Îðèãèíàëüíûå ×àñû Ðîìàíñîí×àñû Romanson, ×àñû Romanson îäíîâðåìåííî èçÿùíûå è ñòèëüíûå è âìåñòå ñ òåì îòëè÷àþòñÿ ñòîëü âûñîêîé íàäåæíîñòü
posted by romanson ÷àñû êèåâå at March 10, 2012 05:10 PMâûáîð, íîâûå ìîäåëè è ïðèÿòíûå öåíû!. Romanson. Ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ «Ñòèëü-Òàéì»×àñû ìàðêè Romanson ïåðåïëåòåíèå òîíêîñòè, î÷àðîâàíèÿ è âåñüìà, Èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ â Êèåâå îáåñïå÷èâàåò êà÷åñòâåííûå ïîñòàâêè ïî. ROMANSON, [url="÷àñû-êèåâå/"]romanson ÷àñû êèåâå[/url] íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû Ðîìàíñîí, ìóæñêèå è æåíñêèå ÷àñûROMANSON. Èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèí Ðîìàíñîí – Íîâûå Ìîäåëè 2010!. Íàðó÷íûå Ðîìàíñîí – æåíñêèå ÷àñû è ìóæñêèå ÷àñû. Êóïèòü ÷àñû Romanson â. ×àñû Romanson, êóïèòü â Êèåâå, Îðèãèíàëüíûå ×àñû Ðîìàíñîí×àñû Romanson, ×àñû Romanson îäíîâðåìåííî èçÿùíûå è ñòèëüíûå è âìåñòå ñ òåì îòëè÷àþòñÿ ñòîëü âûñîêîé íàäåæíîñòü
posted by romanson ÷àñû êèåâå at March 10, 2012 05:18 PMêóïèòü ÷àñû, ÷àñû êèåâ, ÷àñû êóïèòü, ÷àñû ìóæñêèå, íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû ìóæñêèå, ÷àñû æåíñêèå, êóïèòü øâåéöàðñêèå ÷àñû, ìåõàíè÷åñêèå ÷àñû,. Êóïèòü ÷àñû Orient, Romanson, íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû Casio, AppellaÌàãàçèí ÷àñîâ â Êèåâå. Çäåñü Âû ñìîæåòå êóïèòü ÷àñû: íàñòåííûå ÷àñû, íàðó÷íûå Ñîâðåìåííûå æåíñêèå íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû, Romanson, Nexxen, Orient. RomansonÕàéÒàéì – èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ÷àñû íàðó÷íûåÑîõðàíèòü. âûáðàòü âñå. romanson ÷àñû êèåâ óáðàòü âñå. ìóæñêèå æåíñêèå. Classic. Fashion. Kid. Sport Romanson RN0391CLRG BK. 1491 ãðí. Romanson TL0110SLR2T WH 2008-2010 Ìóëüòèáðåíäîâûé èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ ÕàéÒàéì, ã.Êèåâ. Êóïèòü Romanson ÷àñû æåíñêèå êâàðöåâûå DL0581SMWH BK6 ôåâ 2012 Êóïèòü Romanson ÷àñû æåíñêèå êâàðöåâûå DL0581SMWH BK , ïðîäàæà â Óêðàèíå ×àñû íàðó÷íûå æåíñêèå â Êèåâ Óêðàèíà, Êóïèòü,. ×àñû Romanson, êóïèòü â Êèåâå, Îðèãèíàëüíûå ×àñû ÐîìàíñîíÆåíñêèå ÷àñû Romanson Adel RL0357UURG WHÊóïèòü ÷àñû Romanson â Êèåâå âû ìîæåòå ïî òåëåôîíó 044 599 99 95, èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí "Ìàæîð".. Èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí ÷àñ
posted by romanson ÷àñû êèåâ at March 10, 2012 05:27 PMêóïèòü ÷àñû, ÷àñû êèåâ, ÷àñû êóïèòü, ÷àñû ìóæñêèå, íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû ìóæñêèå, ÷àñû æåíñêèå, êóïèòü øâåéöàðñêèå ÷àñû, ìåõàíè÷åñêèå ÷àñû,. Êóïèòü ÷àñû Orient, Romanson, íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû Casio, AppellaÌàãàçèí ÷àñîâ â Êèåâå. Çäåñü Âû ñìîæåòå êóïèòü ÷àñû: íàñòåííûå ÷àñû, íàðó÷íûå Ñîâðåìåííûå æåíñêèå íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû, Romanson, Nexxen, Orient. RomansonÕàéÒàéì – èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ÷àñû íàðó÷íûåÑîõðàíèòü. âûáðàòü âñå. [url="÷àñû-êèåâ/"]romanson ÷àñû êèåâ[/url] óáðàòü âñå. ìóæñêèå æåíñêèå. Classic. Fashion. Kid. Sport Romanson RN0391CLRG BK. 1491 ãðí. Romanson TL0110SLR2T WH 2008-2010 Ìóëüòèáðåíäîâûé èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ ÕàéÒàéì, ã.Êèåâ. Êóïèòü Romanson ÷àñû æåíñêèå êâàðöåâûå DL0581SMWH BK6 ôåâ 2012 Êóïèòü Romanson ÷àñû æåíñêèå êâàðöåâûå DL0581SMWH BK , ïðîäàæà â Óêðàèíå ×àñû íàðó÷íûå æåíñêèå â Êèåâ Óêðàèíà, Êóïèòü,. ×àñû Romanson, êóïèòü â Êèåâå, Îðèãèíàëüíûå ×àñû ÐîìàíñîíÆåíñêèå ÷àñû Romanson Adel RL0357UURG WHÊóïèòü ÷àñû Romanson â Êèåâå âû ìîæåòå ïî òåëåôîíó 044 599 99 95, èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí "Ìàæîð".. Èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí ÷àñ
posted by romanson ÷àñû êèåâ at March 10, 2012 05:36 PMêîïèè øâåéöàðñêèõ ÷àñîâ ÊèåâÊîïèè øâåéöàðñêèõ ÷àñîâ íà Óêðàíèå. Êèåâ, Õàðüêîâ, Äîíåöê, Äíåïðîïåòðîâñê, Ïîèñê ìîäåëåé ÷àñîâ ïî çàäàííûì ïàðàìåòðàì (öåíå, ðàçìåðó,. Êîïèè íàðó÷íûõ ÷àñîâ – êóïèòü æåíñêèå ÷àñû Êèåâ. Êîïèè ÷àñîâÊîïèè øâåéöàðñêèõ ÷àñîâ. Èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèí [url="êîïèè-÷àñîâ-óêðàèíà-êèåâ/"]êîïèè ÷àñîâ óêðàèíà êèåâ[/url] øâåéöàðñêèõ ÷àñîâ ïðåäëàãàåò øèðî÷àéøèé àññîðòèìåíò ìóæñêèõ è æåíñêèõ ÷àñîâ, êîïèé. Êîïèè øâåéöàðñêèõ ÷àñîâ, íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû, êóïèòü ÷àñû ìóæñêèå. Êîïèè ÷àñîâ è ÷àñû ýëèòíûõ áðåíäîâ. Æåíñêèå è ìóæñêèå Êèåâå êóïèòü êîïèè ÷àñîâ èçâåñòíûõ ìàðîê íå ñîñòàâëÿåò áîëüøîãî òðóäà, îäíàêî ìû ïðåäëàãàåì îäíè èç ëó÷øèõ óñëîâèé è öåí â Óêðàèíå.  ÷åì ìû. Êîïèè ÷àñîâ, êîïèè Vertu â èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí ÷àñîâ ¹
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This has been going around the Gorenet...I mean Internet. For those of you who haven't seen it, I thought you might enjoy a Friday funny!
7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
7:15 P.M. Pledge of allegiance to UN.
7:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship with Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.
8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:05 P.M. Ceremonial tree hugging.
8:15 - 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding: Barney Frank presiding.
8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally: Cindy Sheehan and Susan Sarandon.
9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: The proper etiquette for surrender? French President Jacques Chirac.
9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama bin Ladin kidney transplant fund.
9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo Bay: Sean Penn.
9:40 P.M. Why I hate the Military: a short talk by William Jefferson Clinton.
9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
9:50 P.M. Dan Rather presented Truth in Broadcasting award by Michael Moore.
9:55 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
10:00 P.M. How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought down the World Trade Center Towers: Howard Dean.
10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents the Internet.
11:15 P.M. Our Troops are War Criminals: John Kerry.
11:30 P.M. Coronation Of Mrs. Rodham Clinton.
12:00 A.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
12:05 A.M. Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home.
Picture from Strange Politics
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You mean Ted Kennedy drinks? I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya!
posted by PoliticalCritic at November 17, 2006 10:21 AMHide Comments
Pahrump, Nevada's main claim to fame has been being home to the Bonnie and Clyde death car, ensconced at Whiskey Pete's. (As a kid, I saw the car at the Silver Dollar Saloon in Virginia City. Blood stains and everything!)
Now, the town has passed a law banning the flying of foreign flags alone:
The elected town board in the remote Mojave Desert community voted 3-2 on Tuesday to enact an ordinance making it illegal to fly a foreign nation's flag by itself.
Flying another country's flag, whether it is a British Union Jack or the flag of Mexico, is punishable by a $50 fine and 30 hours' community service, unless it is flown below an American flag.
"Old Glory is sovereign," says Paul Willis, a retired carpenter and board member. "You can't fly any other nation's flag higher than the American flag."
Of course, the ACLU is already bleating:
The American Civil Liberties Union says the flag restriction violates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.
"There's no doubt about it," says Lisa Rasmussen, a board member of the Nevada ACLU. "People have a right, as much as we don't like it, to fly ... any flag they wish."
No one's banning the flying of other flags...just saying that they must fly with and below the American flag. But to tell that to the "anyone but America first" ACLU is like spitting into the wind. Rasmussen has also said to expect the ACLU to "take action."
And that's not all:
The law passed as part of a package of measures that also declared English the official language of Pahrump and denies town benefits to illegal immigrants.
French is the official language of France. (I thought it was Weaselese.) German is the official language of Germany. Italian is the official language of Italy. Spanish is the official language of Mexico and Spain. I could go on. Why is it so many people get their knickers in a twist when Americans propose making English the official language of America? And what's wrong with expecting that the flag that represents our country be given priority over the flags of other countries? Plus, barring benefits from those not legally eligible to receive them is responsible on two fronts: it relieves the economic burden on the town and its taxpayers, and discourages illegals from showing up to begin with.
Pahrump is joining in with towns like Hazleton, PA and Farmers Branch, TX, in taking a stance against illegal immigration. Other towns should follow suit. Will our federal government finally take note?
h/t: Jeanette
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What disgusts me most about Republicans is that the symbols of America mean more to them, and are put ahead of, the freedoms that make America great.
posted by paul at November 16, 2006 11:19 PMFunny, I just posted an article about this. Would you be willing to trade spots on each others blogrolls? The best way to contact me will be on my blog, because I may not remember to come back for a while.
Will Conway
What disgusts me most about any American is the shame they are made to feel about flying this country's flag or demanding a national language regardless of party! American's are made to feel bad if they are patriotic by other nations as well as other Americans like Paul!
posted by Jeanette at November 17, 2006 01:28 AMONCE - just once - I would like to see the ACLU come down on the side of some PRO AMERICAN cause. Have they registered yet as lobbyists for a foreign nation? They ought to be required to do so because they sure don't support anything American! Bunch of dunderheads!
And Paul, you don't know diddly about Republicans if you can make an asinine statement like the one you just made!
We honor our nation - its laws, its customs, its history AND its symbols. It's called PATRIOTISM, Paul, and Republicans are not ashamed of it!
I think the reason that liberals are is because they know that if they embrace a love of their country, they might need to inconvenience their precious selves in defense of same!
Meanwhile, it's a Friday afternoon and there's a big football game tomorrow in Columbus, Ohio and I am no longer in the mood to engage in a dispute with a dullard.
posted by Gayle Miller at November 17, 2006 03:47 PMHide Comments
From Breitbart:
House Democrats on Thursday chose Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer to be House majority leader over Rep. John Murtha, the choice of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, in line to become speaker.
Hoyer was elected on a vote of 149-86.
The balloting marked a personal triumph for him, but also a snub to Pelosi, moments after the rank and file selected her unanimously to become speaker when the House convenes in January.
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Don't you just love it?
In his first interview since reportedly calling a Democratic bill on lobbying and ethics "total crap," Rep. John Murtha told "Hardball" host Chris Matthews he meant it was "crap" to deal with ethics problems when there are more serious issues facing the nation such as the war in Iraq.
"It is total crap that we have to deal with an issue like this when weve got a war going on and we got all these other issues," Murtha said.
Oh what a difference an election can make. What was Murtha saying about ethics just six weeks ago during the Mark Foley debacle?
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., faulted the House GOP leadership for not acting sooner. "It's outrageous," he said, citing reports indicating they were told months ago. "We have an obligation to protect these young pages. ... It really makes me nervous that they might have tried to cover this up."
He called for a quick investigation before the November elections to "hold people accountable," but said there was no need for an outside investigation. "I think it's something the ethics committee can handle. ... It's something that can be handled internally."
It's always different when one's own political future is at stake. Today is the vote for House Majority Leader, and Murtha hopes to be victorious.
Captain Ed and Hot Air have more.
Meanwhile, Robert Novak has a spot-on column on Nancy Pelosi's first misstep before she even takes the gavel.
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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posted by aquasana 4000 fluoride at July 21, 2013 08:42 AMHide Comments
UPDATE: I erroneously said this would "criminalize" disrespect of Islam, and Paul (always so kind in his criticisms) pointed out my error. However, I still want to know when such a resolution is coming for other religions.
In what might be a warmup to impeachment hearings, John Conyers is sponsoring House Resolution 288, which would, for all intents and purposes, criminalize disrespect of (read: criticism of) Islam. (h/t: LGF)
Read it for yourself:
Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives condemning bigotry and religious intolerance, and recognizing that holy books of every religion should be treated with dignity and respect.
Whereas believers of all religions, including the Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, should be treated with respect and dignity;
Whereas the word Islam comes from the Arabic root word meaning peace and submission;
Whereas there are an estimated 7,000,000 Muslims in America, from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, forming an integral part of the social fabric of America;
Whereas the Quran is the holy book for Muslims who recite passages from it in prayer and learn valuable lessons about peace, humanity and spirituality;
Whereas it should never be official policy of the United States Government to disparage the Quran, Islam, or any religion in any way, shape, or form;
Whereas mistreatment of prisoners and disrespect toward the holy book of any religion is unacceptable and against civilized humanity;
Whereas the infringement of an individuals right to freedom of religion violates the Constitution and laws of the United States: Now, therefore, be it
1 Resolved, That the House of Representatives
(1) condemns bigotry, acts of violence, and intolerance against any religious group, including our friends, neighbors, and citizens of the Islamic faith;
(2) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all individuals, including those of the Islamic faith, should be protected;
(3) recognizes that the Quran, the holy book of Islam, as any other holy book of any religion, should be treated with dignity and respect; and
(4) calls upon local, State, and Federal authorities to work to prevent bias-motivated crimes and acts against all individuals, including those of the Islamic faith.
Notice that Conyers went with an "estimated 7,000,000 Muslims in America." That number is hotly debated, but giving the higher number gives the bill more credence.
Of course, he didn't mention the intolerance displayed by those Muslims who believe in restoring Shari'a law toward women, homosexuals, and non-Muslims in general (you know, us infidels).
Be sure to click on the first link above to read some of the groan-inducing comments left by Conyers' sycophants.
I'm waiting for a law that forbids the disrespect of Judaism and Christianity:
Show Comments
oh my...
what can one say about this fool...
notice this election, he didn't bother to claim it was stolen?
wonder what he is going to say in 2008.
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It's not enough for some to hate Rick Santorum and revel in his Senatorial defeat. Some must also make crude jokes at the expense of his family.
Moonbattery has all of the sad details.
Show Comments
I didn't see any of this until now. Those comments about his family are so inconsiderate and plain mean. I hope everyone of those people who made jokes about the 'dead baby' has one.
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posted by Diedra Vessar at April 29, 2012 07:41 AMIn the past Pepsi has been known for developing and selling oddly flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by disconinued pepsi at May 13, 2012 10:49 PMThrough the years Pepsi has been known for creating and distributing strangely flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at May 14, 2012 06:46 PMHide Comments
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 (UPI) -- The incoming U.S. Congress will review the law mandating 700 miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, and may seek to scrap the plan altogether.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., told reporters this week that he expected to "re-visit" the issue when he becomes chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee in the 110th Congress, which has a Democratic Party majority.
Goody...more waffling on an issue that is important to citizens. Just what we can expect from the Democrats. Nice going!
Would you like syrup or jam with your waffles?
h/t: Cookiewrangler
Show Comments
doesn't sound good.
but many of us, tried to warn the 'teach us a lesson crowd'...
they only hurt everyone, helping remove the Conservative Republicans from power in the House, who worked to bring us a fence.
it still doesn't make any sense.
posted by hnav at November 16, 2006 12:08 AMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for inventing and distributing oddly flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at July 28, 2011 10:48 PMthus far Pepsi has been known for creating and distributing strangely flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at July 29, 2011 12:48 PMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for developing and selling strangely flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi blue at July 29, 2011 11:46 PMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for developing and selling oddly flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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posted by g shock frogman at November 11, 2011 12:54 AMHands down, Apple's app store wins by a mile. It's a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I'm not sure I'd want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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Democratic challenger Joe Courtney won the recount in Connecticut's District 2 House race, although his lead narrowed from 167 to 91 votes.
That means the only Republican Connecticut has in Congress is Christopher Shays.
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posted by Ervin Wassmann at September 29, 2013 01:14 PMHide Comments
In keeping with my current obsession with watching music videos on YouTube, I give you this by Annie Lennox, Walking on Broken Glass. It's a winner in more ways than one: Annie Lennox, of course, is a fabulous singer and songwriter. The video is like a movie, set during the days of Louix XI, with beautiful period costumes. (I'm a sucker for anything before 1920.) And, it features John Malkovich (who is no stranger to period pieces) and Hugh Laurie. Many of you know Hugh from his current gig on the medical drama House, but he's been in many things in his native England...including playing the foppish Prince Regent on the third installment of that British classic Black Adder.
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Rick Richman over at The American Thinker has a must-read review of Jimmy "I Never Met A Terrorist I Didn't Like" Carter's latest attempt at burnishing his presidential legacy entitled Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. Richman notes:
It is not difficult to understand why Democrats wanted the publication of Jimmy Carters slim new book (216 pages of text, large print and no footnotes), with its tendentious title and its superficial analysis, delayed until today, a week after the election. The anti-Israel bias is so clear, the credulous description of Arab positions so cringe-producing, the key facts on which Carter relies so easily refuted by public documents, that the book is an embarrassment to Carter, the Democrats, the presidency and Americans.
Here's one of the more revolting passages Richman cites in his review:
Rosalynn and I met with Yasir Arafat in Gaza City, where he was staying with his wife, Suha, and their little daughter. The baby dressed in a beautiful pink suit, came readily to sit on my lap, where I practiced the same wiles that had been successful with our children and grandchildren. A lot of photographs were taken, and then the photographers asked that Arafat hold his daughter for a while. When he took her, the child screamed loudly and reached out her hands to me
Click here for the whole thing.
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posted by Rita at April 28, 2012 02:45 AMHide Comments
Its the album youve been waiting for! Jihad-Tel Records presents Jihad Rock! Many of your favorites have been included in this fantastic recording, including 100 Infidels Chained to The Wall, All the Women Must Get Stoned, and this classic:
Killin for Allah (to tune of Walkin on Sunshine)
Im killin for Allah
Im killin for Allah
Im killin for Allah
And it really feels good!
Hey! All right now
And it really feels good!
Jihad Rock! has been called the "album of the year" by al-Jazeera. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has given it two thumbs up! And Osama bin Ladin has made it the official album of worldwide jihad. So put on your kefiya, grab your Uzzi, and get set to dance to the most rockin tunes since Constantinople fell!
Well Bomb the World (to the tune of We Are the World)
Well bomb the world
Well kill your children
Unless you all convert to Islam now
No were not kiddin
Theres a chance youre takin
If you dont convert now
Its sure to be a darker day
For you not me!
Sung by renowned Muslim songstress Ameera Ahmoud, this is an album the entire family can enjoy. (Of course Ameera was subjected to an honor killing right after wrapping her studio session, in accordance with Sharia law, for daring to sing in public.) But her unworthy spirit lives on with catchy tunes like this one:
Kill the Jews (to the tune of Hold Me Now)
Kill the Jews
Kill them now
Spare not one
They must all die, they must all die
Kill the Jews
Kill them all
Must not survive, must not survive
This album is selling faster than a suicide bomber can blow himself up. To get your copy, send a check or money order for ریال150,100 and your firstborn son to:
Jihad Rock
110 Suicide Bomber Way
Behind-A-Rock, Iraq
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In order to be more inclusive, I think shopping malls should play this album instead of Christmas carols during the Winterval season.
posted by Van Helsing at November 14, 2006 11:27 AMLOL
oh my oh my...
those wacky terrors...
posted by hnav at November 14, 2006 12:35 PMI heard Kill The Jews is up for an American Music Award.
posted by Wyatt Earp at November 14, 2006 01:31 PMPerfect for Christmas!
posted by John Ruberry at November 14, 2006 09:50 PMWe joke...
But we should also remember that he who laughs last....
A little something to help us all remember:
Tonight (11/15) on Glenn Beck CNN Headline Prime (7 and 9 p EST)
Radio Patriot 1
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One of my favorite songs by '80s icons, Erasure...Love to Hate You.
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posted by ebooki at January 24, 2011 06:39 PMthus far Pepsi has been known for producing and selling strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi blue at July 28, 2011 10:48 PMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for developing and selling strangely flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at July 29, 2011 12:48 PMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for inventing and selling oddly flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at July 29, 2011 11:46 PMThrough the years Pepsi has been known for making and selling strangely flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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posted by Catherine at May 13, 2012 10:05 PMFor a while now Pepsi has been known for inventing and distributing oddly flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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posted by Shopping coupon at May 20, 2012 05:57 AMHide Comments
Crossposted to Lifelike Pundits.
I'm a little confused about a few things these days:
*According to liberals, our soldiers are children. For several years now, we've been hearing about how our children are being sent off to fight George Bush's war. The fact that they have to be of legal age, 18, to voluntarily enlist doesn't seem to enter the equation.
On the other hand, liberals consider children as young as 10 or 12 old enough to not only be having sex, but to get an abortion without parental notification.
Oh, and some people in California thought that a 14-year-old should be given "partial" voting rights in state elections.
*Liberals are staunchly against the death penalty for convicted murderers, saying it is wrong to take life no matter what the reason.
However, liberals consider unrestricted abortion to be a choice, a constitutional right.
*In today's PC speak, it's unconscionable to call someone with a mental handicap retarded.
Calling our military stupid, though, is within accepted limits...especially since The Simpsons have gotten on the bandwagon.
*Any reference to Christianity or Judaism in schools (including silent prayer) is considered a direct violation of the separation of church and state.
Yet in California, courts have okayed a mandatory three-week learning unit in some schools where students must "become" Muslims: adopting Muslim names, praying to Allah, and playing jihadist games.
*Political extremist Ann Coulter is never featured in women's magazines.
But political extremist Eve Ensler, who advocates celebrating one's vagina, often is.
*Colleges and universities claim to be bastions of free speech.
Yet when conservatives are invited to speak, students who disagree with them take to hurling pies (and even violence) in order to quiet views opposed to theirs, and the perpetrators are given a slap on the wrist by university officials.
As Jerry Seinfeld would say, "What's up with that?" If anyone has any answers for me about these conundrums, I'd love to hear them.
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Pam, you got me...I have never understood their thinking.
posted by Anna at November 13, 2006 08:40 PMWe aren't in Kansas any more!
I would like to think that our nation is having a long-delayed collective nervous breakdown directly related to 9/11 and that we will get over it by 2008. However, by then it may be too late.
All we can do is trust in God and pray as we've never prayed before.
And while we're praying - we need to document and PUBLICIZE every single stupid, disloyal, corrupt and anti-American act commited by the Dems.
posted by Gayle Miller at November 14, 2006 09:48 AMHide Comments
to your television set. Fortunately, only those wealthy enough to own HDTV will be able to see him:
Dan Rather has gone digital. Dan Rather has gone boutique. Returning to television with "Dan Rather Reports," his new weekly magazine, he will now be available in just the four million satellite and cable homes reached by media mogul Mark Cuban's high-definition channel HDNet. By contrast, "The CBS Evening News," which Rather anchored for 24 years, reaches virtually all the nation's 111 million TV homes, and it's watched by more than seven million viewers nightly.
"We are broadcasting to a tiny audience," Rather readily acknowledges.
He still won't admit he was wrong about Memogate:
Some of the hits he took were deserved, he says, while the rest - well, that story ignited a firestorm that almost ruined Rather's reputation.
"Let's face it," he reasons, "over the length and breadth of a career, I've gotten a whole lot more than I ever deserved on the upside. So if I got some things I didn't deserve on the downside, I can't and won't complain about it."
Well, he hasn't been in news all of these years not to know how to put a particular spin on things.'re back on camera!
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Dan just doesn't know when to fold his tent and break camp.
posted by THIRDWAVEDAVE at November 13, 2006 08:38 PMHide Comments
According to the Iranian media Monday, Iranian President Mahoud Ahmadinejad declared that Israel was destined to disappearance and destruction at a council meeting with Iranian ministers.
The western powers created the Zionist regime in order to expand their control of the area. This regime massacres Palestinians everyday, but since this regime is against nature, we will soon witness its disappearance and destruction, Ahmadinejad said. (AFP)
Don't expect there to be much sympathy for Israel should this come to pass.
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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From Cox and Forkum.
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posted by Jobs in Advertising at May 30, 2012 04:58 AMHide Comments
The struggle for House majority leader continues, with Nancy Pelosi officially letting us know whom she would prefer to be in the position: Jack Murtha, D-PA.
"Your presence in the leadership of our party would add a knowledgeable and respected voice to our Democratic team," Pelosi, D-Calif., wrote Murtha. The Pennsylvania lawmaker is widely viewed as an underdog in a two-man race with Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer in this week's leadership elections.
In keeping with her obvious disdain for our military, Nancy Pelosi has given public support to the man who last year accused our Marines of killing "innocent civilians in cold blood" in Haditha, Iraq. (The accusation came before any investigation was made; the jury is still out on the incident.)
Surprise? Not really. Pelosi, despite her bleating about "bipartisan" leadership, is stacking the deck in her favor. Anyone who supported the war or worked with Republicans is on the way out. (Just ask Jane Harman.)
Already the Democrats are regeging on their promise not to withdraw prematurely from Iraq; Sen. Carl Levin is rumored to be planning a withdrawal within four to six months.
Buckle your seatbelts and get our the barfbags, folks. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
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The only upside is that if the extremists who are running the Democratic Party overplay their hand, voters might see them for what they are in time to vote wisely in 2008.
posted by Van Helsing at November 13, 2006 10:17 AMVan Helsing has a good comment and I hope he is right.
posted by cookiewrangle at November 13, 2006 10:31 AMSo long as they don't prematurely ejaculate with a "Mission Accomplished" celebration on the armed forces biggest dick, the aircraft carrier.
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posted by Lena Davenport at April 12, 2012 12:57 PMHide Comments
What the MSM won't tell you:
Conservative radio show host Melanie Morgan and Gold Star Family Joe
and Jan Johnson, will join me on the radio tonight. The Johnsons have
just returned from Iraq.
Melanie chairs Move America Forward, the organization that arranged for
several Gold Star Families to secretly travel to Iraq this past week.
Tonight Melanie will bring one of those families on the Andrea Shea
King Show with her -- Joe and Jan Johnson, who will share their
experiences while in Iraq.
Melanie co-authored a just released book, American Mourning, which
features the Johnson family who went to Iraq to see for themselves what
is going on over there and to tell the troops that there are Americans
who support and believe in their mission.
While in Iraq, the Gold Star Families were on hand to witness the
reactions to Saddam's death sentence, the democratic takeover of
Congress, and Rumsfeld's resignation. In addition to meeting the
troops, the families were able to meet with many high-level Iraqi
government officials. For more on the trip, go to Move America Forward.
The Andrea Shea-King Show, produced by Mark Vance, airs on Sunday
nights in Orlando and can be heard live on the internet on WDBO 580 AM
at 9 PM EST. Join some our listeners in the live in-show chat room. And
you can call the show toll-free at: 1-800-329-5858
Tonight at 9 EST. It will be interesting. Promise.
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Thanks, Pam. Hope you can join us tonight!!
posted by THIRDWAVEDAVE at November 12, 2006 07:47 PMPam -- So sorry you were having connection problems. Not sure what to tell you -- there is a link on the WDBO page that you can click for help, but you probably already tried it, right?
Thanks so much for posting - hope you can figure the prob out! Andrea & MarK
Radio Patriots
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posted by dog clothing at July 12, 2013 12:15 AMHide Comments
Pretty pathetic...I've spent much of my afternoon looking up old videos on YouTube, and have I found a treasure trove! Adam Ant, Oingo Boingo, Shriekback, and many more of my favorites from the '80s have been thoughtfully uploaded by anonymous YouTube users.
Here's one that I hadn't heard in quite some time: The Bolshoi, Away. Enjoy!
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I can get stuck at YT for hours...and hours.
posted by THIRDWAVEDAVE at November 12, 2006 07:48 PMPam, now i am getting concerned, cause you have just admitted to digging some music i used to really enjoy.
those amazing 80s...
the Violent Femmes, the Cure, the Clash, New Order, Talking Heads, etc...
(I must admit, I liked the Punk scene, but have always enjoyed all forms of music).
posted by hnav at November 13, 2006 01:41 AMHide Comments
The other day, I posted about the murder of indie-film actress Adrienne Shelly in NYC by an illegal alien who was given a job.
Today, Michelle Malkin discusses it, and also highlights the liberal policies that led to this tragic event.
To refine something I said in my original post, the quest for cheap labor has cost Shelly's family more than can ever be repaid.
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Why not make employers of illegals who commit crimes such as rape and murder co-conspirators?
posted by paul at November 10, 2006 04:25 PMvery sad...
posted by hnav at November 13, 2006 01:43 AMHide Comments
Was there ever any doubt?
You Are 72% Republican |
![]() You don't fit every Republican stereotype, but you definitely belong in the Republican party. |
You Are 0% Democrat |
![]() You're a staunch conservative, and nothing is going to change that! |
Click here to take the quiz for yourself!
h/t: Anna
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Thanks Pam! A mere 4% Dem I was happy about that!
posted by Anna at November 11, 2006 04:56 PMHide Comments
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A purported audio recording by the leader of Iraq's al Qaeda wing gloated over the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as a top U.S. general said the military was preparing to recommend strategy changes.
Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, said in the recording posted on the Internet on Friday that the group has 12,000 armed fighters and 10,000 others waiting to be equipped to fight U.S. troops in Iraq.
CARACAS - When Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chvez called President Bush ''the devil'' in a U.N. speech in September, many thought his ''anti-imperialist'' rhetoric had reached rock bottom.
But fresh depths have since been plumbed. The Venezuelan government, to judge from recent events, officially regards Bush as a genocidal Nazi who arranged the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to justify aggression against other nations.
In a speech Tuesday, Chvez criticized the decision of an Iraqi court to sentence former dictator Saddam Hussein to the death penalty. ''If sentencing is to be done,'' Chvez said, ``the first one to be given the most severe sentence this planet has to offer should be the president of the United States, if we're talking about genocidal presidents.''
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday called U.S. President George W. Bush's defeat in congressional elections a victory for Iran.
Bush has accused Iran of trying to make a nuclear bomb, being a state sponsor of terrorism and stoking sectarian conflict in Iraq, all charges Tehran denies.
"This issue (the elections) is not a purely domestic issue for America, but it is the defeat of Bush's hawkish policies in the world," Khamenei said in remarks reported by Iran's student news agency ISNA on Friday.
"Since Washington's hostile and hawkish policies have always been against the Iranian nation, this defeat is actually an obvious victory for the Iranian nation."
One word: appeasement.
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What is scary is dealing with the next generation of Jihadists...check out the link to a video posted in Joe Gehr's blog at
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BAGHDAD, Iraq - President Jalal Talabani said Thursday that he had been assured by Democrat congressional leaders during a recent visit to Washington that they had no plans for a quick withdrawal of U.S. forces.
Or this:
George McGovern, the former senator and Democratic presidential candidate, said Thursday that he will meet with more than 60 members of Congress next week to recommend a strategy to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by June.
I leave you to guess.
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Via Breitbart:
Two days after losing a bid for a second term, Sen. Lincoln Chafee said he was unsure whether he would remain a Republican.
"I haven't made any decisions. I just haven't even thought about where my place is," Chafee said at a news conference. When pressed on whether his comments indicated he might leave the GOP, he replied: "That's fair."
This is good news for the Republican party, especially as the article goes on to say that Chafee stayed with the party mainly because it helped bring federal dollars to his home state of Rhode Island.
In other news, RNC chairman Ken Mehlman is planning on stepping down at the end of the year, and rumors are flying that Michael Steele may be asked to take the position. Steele, as you know, ran a great but ultimately unsuccessful campaign for senate in Maryland, and his post as lieutenant governor there will end in January.
A bunch of my blogging buddies (Kitty, Aaron, Gayle and others) were discussing this possibility via e-mail just yesterday. What a great opportunity for this fine man to get more national experience and exposure...who knows? 2008 isn't far away, and we need all the good candidates we can get.
Goodbye Lincoln Chafee, hello Michael Steele!
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From Insight:
Rep. Nancy Pelosi plans to sideline colleagues who are hawkish on national security in the Democratic leadership in the House.
"Nancy Pelosi wants total party discipline," a source in the Democratic Party leadership said. "If you played ball with the Republicans during this session, then you're not going to be given an important chair in the next session."
This shouldn't surprise anyone.
It seems one of the first on the chopping block is Jane Harman, whose seniority on the House Intelligence Committee gave some reason to think she would be awarded chairmanship.
The sources said the 61-year-old Ms. Harman, regarded as the best informed House Democrat on intelligence and technology issues, angered the liberal Ms. Pelosi by supporting the Bush administrations policies on defense issues, particularly the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act. They said Ms. Pelosi has rebuffed lobbyists in the pro-Israel community and defense industry that sought a chairmanship for Ms. Harman.
"If Nancy Pelosi's apparent determination to deny Jane Harman the chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee to appease the Black Caucus is any indication, Democratic control is not going to be good news for those who believe in competent oversight of the national-security apparatus," said Loren Thompson, a defense analyst at the Lexington Institute.
But we already knew the Democrats' first priority has never been national security or defense.
It's possible the chairmanship of this important committee will go to Rep. Alcee Hastings (FL), whom the Black Caucus has been pushing for this appointment. Hastings, you might remember, was impeached for corruption and perjury (he accepted a $150,000 bribe) and removed as a federal judge in 1981. I'm relieved we'll have such impeccable leadership from the Democrats after the culture of corruption of the Republicans.
It's good to know that the chairmanship will be awarded based on who is most competent...make that most competent at being a Democrat player.
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Boy, that didn't take long, did it.
She isn't even going to pretend to be strong on national defense.
Will the blue puppies bite, whine, or cower?
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posted by samsung un46d8000 at March 13, 2012 08:17 AMHide Comments
This is something DePaul University's Paul Klocek found out the hard way.
John Ruberry, the Marathon Pundit, has been following Klocek's story (Klocek was fired by DePaul after arguing with Muslim students about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict), and he's dug up another nugget about (Council for American Islamic Relations) CAIR's role in the affair. Read about it here.
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That means "let the buyer beware" in Latin. Too bad it's not required on all political ads. Nancy Pelosi (in between ordering draperies) is busy telling us that "Democrats are ready to lead. We're prepared to govern. But that means in a bipartisan way." If they're so interested in bipartisanship, where has that bipartisanship been in the last 12 years? Was all the filibustering just my imagination?
And we now have Harry Reid as the Senate Majority Leader. The man who, unbeknownst to many, has been involved in ethically questionable land deals. Why do so few know about it? Because the MSM didn't make it a reporting priority. Scandals about Republicans take precedence in our biased big media.
Loony Cindy Sheehan is already calling for impeachment and imprisonment of President Bush, and her reaction to Donald Rumsfeld's resignation was caught on video.
This is what we have to look forward to. But then, I don't think I should be surprised. Most voters only pay attention to politics in the month or two preceding the election. Now that it's passed, they'll go back to paying more attention to the divorces of Britney Spears and Reese Witherspoon, worrying about whether or not Nicole Richie will drop dead of anorexia, and who the next American Idol will be.
I said this in an e-mail to some blogging pals:
As a group, the baby boomers (specifically the liberal ones) have done the most damage to our country than any other generation I can think of. Their so-called "feel good" policies have no basis in reality and have been very costly to everyone, especially to those the Dems profess to be representing (the poor, women, minorities, etc.).
These are the people who will be shaping our policies for the next two years.
When the tax cuts that the Republicans pushed through expire and the economy slows down, when yet another minimum wage hike is pushed through and unemployment goes up as a result, when taxes are raised in order to fund yet more programs that don't benefit those who pay for them, and when we pull out of Iraq and a greater bloodbath than we've seen thus far occurs, you'll know who to thank.
Yourselves, for voting in the Democrats.
(Am I being a sore loser? I don't think I'm so much a sore loser as much as I am worried about the "new direction" this country is headed in. The Democrats didn't tell us about that new direction, and for good reason: they would never have been voted in otherwise.)
My friend Gary at Ex-Donkey has a different outlook.
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This mentioned video coverage of the reaction to Rumsfeld`s resignation is a good proof that his resignation is only a start of the change in the current administration. I wonder what is comming next !
Thank you for sharing this story with me !
posted by Maria loves pictures at November 9, 2006 09:53 AMI would recommend that we all hang on tightly to our BVDs because it's going to be a very bumpy two years.
In their excitement at their victory, I believe the Dems will seriously overreach and, due to the new media of all kinds, will be taught with their pantaloons down around their ankles in a way that the American public will instantly reject.
Let us not pin the roses on Harry Reid (D-Soon-to-be-Felon)just yet. The legally mandated recount in Virginia may yet pull our huevos out of the fire. And Joe Lieberman could easily be a wild card.
(Why is it that talking about the Dems makes me think of dirty underwear? Hmmmm!)
posted by Gayle Miller at November 9, 2006 12:32 PMHide Comments
and time to break out the aspirin to take care of one heck of an election night hangover.
The Dems took the house. The Senate is still up for grabs. George Bush may still be president, but his ability to continue with his agenda is greatly diminished, which is what the Dems were hoping for. And although new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says "no impeachments," don't hold your breath.
With Charlie Rangel in charge of the House Ways and Means committee, don't expect funding for Iraq to continue, which will turn it into the quagmire the Dems have wanted it to be from day one.
We can pretty much expect nothing to be done in the next two years. And those of you who either decided to vote Dem or stay home yesterday in order to "teach the Republican leadership a lesson," you know what they say: be careful what you wish for...
Ed Morrissey says:
However, in terms of policy at least, the American people have spoken. The majority endorsed these views, and now we have to see them play out. We can certainly criticize it -- and we will -- but we have to respect the voice of the American electorate. They wanted a different direction, and now they have to experience its consequences.
Of course, what that direction is, the Democrats have never actually "said." So hold on to your boots.
On the bright side, perhaps America will regain some of the popularity we've lost over in Europe. And the terrorists sure will be happy!
Still, some are saying that this loss has a silver lining: after two years of Democrats lording it over us in Congress, the people will be ready for the Republicans once again in 2008. Hugh Hewitt says, "If the GOP adopts and refines the tactics the Democrats have used for the past four years all will be well two years hence, and perhaps even better than well." I hope that's true. And I hope the Republicans will spend the next two years licking their wounds and figuring out how to get their base back.
But unlike the Dems, we won't be threatening to move to Canada or some other country because we didn't get our way. We won't say things like "this isn't MY Congress" but rather "How can we make this better?"
Here are some thoughts from Michelle Malkin..
So we have our work cut out for us, fellow conservatives. Are we ready for it?
UPDATE (9:56 a.m.): My friend Aaron over at Lifelike Pundits has the ten basics we need to agree on to move forward.
UPDATE II (10:16 a.m.): John Hawkins separates the wheat from the chaff.
This is not the end...
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good stuff. and you're so totally right.
no one said that they are running away or that this isn't their congress.
nancy pelosi will be my speaker
austrailia is looking good for retirement, however.
posted by aaron at November 8, 2006 05:57 PMVery nice article and right to the point. I don't know if this is truly the best place to ask but do you people have any ideea where to employ some professional writers? Thx :)
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posted by Michael Smith at May 15, 2012 02:15 AMHide Comments
Of course, he said she started it:
"I was having a bad day," illegal immigrant Diego Pillco, 19, allegedly told cops. "I didn't mean to kill her. But I did kill her."
Pillco told detectives that he punched Shelly, 40, last Wednesday afternoon outside the Abingdon Square apartment she was using as an office after she yelled at him about the noise he was making while working in a vacant apartment below.
Pillco, who is from Ecuador and speaks only Spanish, also claimed that Shelly slapped him first.
He was having a bad day? I'd say Shelly's day was worse, followed closely by her husband, who found her hanging that evening.
According to the NY Post article, Pillco, thinking Shelly was dead, dragged her to her own apartment and hung her from the shower curtain rod in the bathroom in order to make it look like a suicide.
Watch for those who feel sorry for illegals ("they're just here trying to make an honest living") to jump all over this case like John Kerry on a needleful of Botox. They'll claim he was railroaded and forced into a confession because of his lack of knowledge of English (hey, another good reason to learn the language of the country you come to!) despite forensic evidence matching his sneakers to the scene of the crime.
Pillco's boss is in denial:
The suspect's stunned boss, contractor Louis Hernandez, called his employee "a good kid."
"I don't know what happened. I don't think he did it," he said.
Uh huh. Of course, being illegal, there's no way Hernandez could have done a background check on him (not that he necessarily has a criminal background). Still, the quest for cheap labor has cost Shelly's family more than Hernandez could ever repay.
Victim of an illegal alien
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So true:
"When the scholars of today discuss good government, many of them say, 'Give land to the poor and destitute so that those who have no means of livelihood may be provided for.' Now if men start out with equal opportunities and yet there are a few who, without help or unusually good harvetys or outside income, are able to keep themselves well supplied, it must be due to either hard work or to frugal living. If men start with equal opportunities and yet there are a few who, without having suffered from some calamity like famine or sickness, still sink into poverty and destitution, it must be due either to laziness or to extravagant living. The lazy and extravagant grow poor; the diligent and and frugal get rich. Now if the ruler levies money from the rich in order to give alms to the poor, he is robbing the diligent and frugal and indulging the lazy and extravagant. If he expects by such means to induce the people to work industriously and spend with caution, he will be disappointed."
It was said by a Chinese gentleman, Han Fei, born circa 280 B.C. He was from a royal family of aristocrats but what he says has been true for over two thousand years so far.
Stolen shamelessly from Dissecting the Left
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For a while now Pepsi has been known for coming up with and distributing oddly flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at July 28, 2011 10:48 PMThrough the years Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and selling strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by blue pepsi at July 29, 2011 12:48 PMOver the years Pepsi has been known for developing and selling strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi at July 29, 2011 11:46 PMthus far Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and distributing oddly flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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posted by gwinnett limo at May 11, 2012 07:39 AMIn the past few years Pepsi has been known for coming up with and distributing oddly flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
posted by pepsi blue at May 14, 2012 01:12 AMFor a while now Pepsi has been known for composing and selling oddly flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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posted by Chanell Keech at September 23, 2013 03:41 PMHide Comments
I voted on my way in to work this morning. My polling place was busy, but there was no line; as soon as my identity was verfied (yes, Connecticut requires a photo ID to vote...the horror!), I went right to a booth and cast my vote.
For those of you in Connecticut, you'll have heard that the old machines are history in some towns. I wasn't sure what to expect when I went in (I didn't read the article about the new method in my local paper), but voting couldn't have been easier. You're given a paper ballot that resembles the multiple choice "bubble" tests from your school days. Simply fill in the bubble next to the candidate of your choice with a black felt tip pen (provided), and slip your ballot face down into the electronic machine on your way out the door.
If you can go before work or during the day, that's the best time. After work will be the busiest, when everyone else who didn't want to get up early will be there with you.
Now get on out and do your civic duty!
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Those who can't be bothered to vote shouldn't be bothered to complain about the outcome.
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Hot Air has introduced the Absolute Moral Authority card. Here's one I came up with. (Sorry for the hard-to-read print; it's the best I could do on my setup.)
See more at Hot Air and Michelle Malkin.
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nice work...
tomorrow will be a tough one to watch...
hoping we can shock the pundits...
posted by hnav at November 6, 2006 07:30 PMI really liked those cards. You truly are not allowed to question Cindy, Michael or Kerry because of a son, an illness and ... oh, yeah, his service. Give me a break!
posted by Anna at November 6, 2006 09:58 PMHide Comments
"I think that one forgets that American foreign policy for the whole of the (20th) century saved the world from terrible things three times, for which they certainly got no thanks and for which they never had imperial ambitions at all."
~ Rupert Murdoch
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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I have had an epiphany. I used to think Ned Lamont was a millionaire leftist stooge with only one item on his agenda: to pull the troops out of Iraq faster than he could raise your cable bill.
But on the way to work this morning I heard Paul Newman on the radio, telling me that Ned Lamont was a great guy and that I should vote for him. The clincher was that he cited the New York Times' endorsement of Lamont as proof as to why I should vote for him.
I mean, if an actor endorses a candidate, that should be good enough for the rest of us.
Oh, and Ned Lamont himself approved the message.
When Paul says vote for Ned, you do it!
Show Comments
Well, Paul Newman did say that Lamont was "spunky". I mean, what more do you need? Who wouldn't want a spunky Senator?
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posted by Norberto at October 4, 2013 03:13 AMHide Comments
In doing my part to get the Republican base revved up for Tuesday, I did a song parody based on Michael Jackson's Thriller:
It's close to midnight
And something scary's just about to start
Behind the curtain
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes,
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is failure, failure night
And no one's gonna save you as old failure's about strike
You know it's failure, failure night
The Dems are fighting for life
Inside a major, failure tonight
You hear the polls close
And realize that there's nowhere left to run
You fake the old pose
And wonder if your majority'll see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
But all the while you hear the GOP creepin' up behind
You're out of time
'Cause this is failure, failure night
And no one's gonna save you as old failure's about strike
You know it's failure, failure night
The Dems are fighting for life
Inside a major, failure tonight
You're gonna lose big
The voters know how much you guys have lied
Your grave you're gonna dig
Unless you get the voters on your side
Now is the time
For you to give the thing up altogether
All through the night
The exit polls are wrong again times three,
You have to see
Nancy Pelosi calls
And the Dems keep on playin' their masquerade
There's no escapin' the jaws of the electorate in time
(they're open wide)
Ain't it a crime
'Cause this is failure, failure night
And no one's gonna save you as old failure's about strike
You know it's failure, failure night
The Dems are fighting for life
Inside a major, failure tonight
Darkness falls across the land
Poll closing hour is close at hand
Democrats crawl in search of blood
In John Kerry's ritzy neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
No matter how great his renoun
Must stand and face the worst kind of hell
Telling Ned Lamont that he's just swell
The foulest stench is in the air
The failure of the last twelve years
And fed up voters from every room
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay relevant
Your party is dead in the water
For no mere Democrat is in touch
With the average American voter
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I say you buy a karoke online, and sing it one the computer!
How fun!
posted by aaron at November 4, 2006 08:31 AMVery good, Pam and very frightening. What is it Mark Vance said..."The nine most frightening words - Ladies and Gentlemen, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi"
posted by Anna at November 4, 2006 09:52 PMLOL !
getting close...
we have to shock the pundits...
posted by hnav at November 6, 2006 12:15 AMHide Comments
If you want to learn more about the threat we face that is Islmofascism, please do not miss this special. It's airing this weekend on FOX news several times -- there should be a time to fit your schedule.
As the Radio Patriots said on their blog:
Today, we find ourselves confronted by a new enemy, also engaged in a violent struggle to transform our world. As we sleep in the comfort of our homes, a new evil rises against us. A new menace is threatening, with all the means at its disposal, to bow Western Civilization under the yoke of its values. That enemy is Radical Islam.
For more on this must-see special, go to the Obsession website.
And we're not talking Calvin Klein...
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thank you Fox News...
best wishes Pam...
isn't ironic, the terrorists are endorsing the Democrat Party?
posted by hnav at November 3, 2006 02:05 PMNot at all, considering what the Dems stand for: appeasement and an unwillingness to defend our homeland and its values.
posted by Pam at November 3, 2006 02:23 PM'Obsession' is a good movie, but it makes a very common error. The problem is not RADICAL Islam but ISLAM ITSELF. The filmmakers go out of their way to tell us that they are not talking about Islam but some perversion of it. This is wrong. ISLAM ITSELF IS VIOLENT. Robert Spencer talks about this all the time on his website, This is what we really need to understand. A better movie is 'Islam: What the West Needs to Know' with Walid Shoebat (also in Obsession). The trailer is on Youtube and Google and the DVD on Amazon. The website is The problem is not OBSESSED Muslims but ISLAM proper. Wake up USA!
posted by John Sobieski at November 3, 2006 03:17 PMRadican or not, Islamo Fachism has no power when it is brought into the light. We can not compromise or negotaiat with evil. We are too policically correct for our own good and this generation is not willing to sacrafice for the liberty it takes for grantid. The U.S. is not united but has set itself on a couse which is against the Truth and unelss it repents, it will soon be given over to Islamo fashism. Pray for forgivenes, turn from sin, and seek rightiousness. Only in this will God forgive and move His hand to heal our land.
posted by RONALD BALDUS at November 5, 2006 09:28 PMIslam by it's very nature is radical. The fanatics are in control and we ignore this to our peril.
posted by Paul at November 6, 2006 10:26 AMWatch the program twice over the weekend and had a really hard time sleeping afterwards!
posted by Gayle Miller at November 6, 2006 11:56 AMHide Comments
This is a must-read over at The Right Place. Go there, now!
Show Comments
Of course, they won't worry about the so-called danger next time there's a natural disaster somewhere and they want the U.S. to open up its pocketbook.
Source: Guardian UK (surprise!)
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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the Guardian is so funny...
posted by hnav at November 3, 2006 02:06 PMJust cause they talk prissy doesn't mean they're smart! Couldn't hang on to us, could they?
posted by Gayle Miller at November 3, 2006 02:15 PMI feel sorry for you. I hope you learn more about polotics one day. Calling a traitor on his lies is not being anti-amaerican, it is having the courage to be a partiot in these misinformed times. It's a shame Mr. Bush had Bin Laden's family flown safely out of America on 9/11. Don't believe me? Try a google search.
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posted by Kelley Lieder at October 5, 2013 08:03 PMHide Comments
is better than none. Don't worry that the Republicans didn't do everything you wanted them to...worry how much damage the Democrats can and will do if they take control of Congress.
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Benedict Arnold was a military hero during the Revolutionary War. But General Arnold changed his mind on that war, just as Senator Kerry has changed his mind on the war in Iraq -- and no one has claimed that Benedict Arnold's earlier military service made him exempt from criticism. ~ Thomas Sowell
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Excellent quote! Mr. Sowell is nails it yet again.
posted by reverse_vampyr at November 3, 2006 04:26 PMThere are certainly a lot of details like that to take into consideration.
posted by Putting Your Best Bottom Ahead For Summertime time at March 26, 2011 12:25 AMHide Comments
One of my pet peeves is double standards: one rule for me, another for you regarding the same issue.
Apparently, Town Hall columnist Burt Prelusky also dislikes double standards, and likens them to the two Americas John Edwards opined in the last election:
Every black minister can count on being trotted out for photo ops every time a Democrat runs for dog catcher, but let a white parson speak out on an issue, and leftists start running around, screaming about separation of church and state.
If a Christian wears a cross in the work place, the ACLU will be only too happy to nail his hide to the wall of the nearest courthouse. But let a 25-year-old Muslim with a Syrian passport be searched at the airport, and the liberals will hold a candlelight vigil in his honor.
Great stuff. Read the whole thing here.
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posted by aquasana aq 4000 installation at July 22, 2013 08:14 PMHide Comments
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran test-fired dozens of missiles, including the Shahab-3 that can reach Israel, in military maneuvers Thursday that it said were aimed at putting a stop to the role of world powers in the Persian Gulf region.
Translation: "aimed at wiping Israel off the map."
Something else that should worry us:
MOSCOW (AP) - Russian and China indicated that they will not support a draft U.N. resolution imposing tough sanctions on Iran for its refusal to halt its nuclear enrichment program.
The comments by Russia's foreign minister and China's U.N. ambassador were the strongest reactions yet to the draft by the two key U.N. Security Council members, and signaled difficult negotiations ahead on the resolution drawn up by Britain, France and Germany.
Not that I think U.N. sanctions will do much...just remember how effective they were with Iraq. But by outright refusal to co-operate, we see where Russia and China stand...and it's not with us.
It's not a brave new world we live in, but a scary new world. We need leaders in Congress and the White House that will take these threats seriously. Take that into consideration when you head to the polls on November 7th.
Those aren't toy missiles Iran set off today...
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I will take Joe Gehr's words from the Terrorist's Nightmare Blog( ) and ask you: do we really think our "ostrich approach" will solve the Iranian threat to western civilization? I certainly don't!
Who will put an end to this madness and when? For the sake of my children I hope someone does before it's too late!
Iran should know the capability of Israel in terms of millitary ability and its strategic power in the war.
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posted by Aline Molina at April 2, 2014 09:23 PMHide Comments
but still insists that his words were "misinterpreted."
The only misinterpretation here was by Kerry, who still thinks that his elitist manner is impressive to us little people, and that he actually has a shot in 2008.
Now if he had said, "I'm sorry for believing that people who join the military are lacking in intelligence," then he'd be on the right track. But don't look for that comment any time soon.
Michelle Malkin has a great wrapup.
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This is supposed to be funny. Actually, it's so pathetic that it is somewhat amusing...but the kind of laughs it gets probably aren't what the site creator had in mind.
The site is called Joe LieberMEforME, and is styled after those ads you see on TV for Time-Life CD collections. There's also a YouTube video, which I've embedded here:
With "song titles" like Suicidal Gay Teens Don't Need Help and Don't Knock Bush, He's My Daddy, it's easy to see the level of discourse that this site espouses. Wait, scratch that...what discourse?
Nice try guys...but the latest Quinnipiac poll shows Lieberman leading Ned Lamont by 12 points.
It's easy to see the site creator didn't do his homework. If you check here and here, you'll see that Lieberman's voting record leans decidedly to the left. The only major move right he's made is on national security and Afghanistan and Iraq. So much for being a right-wing lapdog...
Thanks to Alex M. for sending me the link!
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h/t: The Right Place
(Sorry for the overly-large photo; I was unable to resize it.)
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Pam, if you can edit the HTML code, you can "resize" the photo for viewing without actually editing the image file. Inside the "" tag, add this: width="400"
That will display the full image, resized to 400 pixels. (If that's still too large, change the width to whatever works.)
Hope that helps! :)
posted by Kyle at November 1, 2006 06:16 PMOkay, that should read: Inside the "IMG" tag (with IMG inside fish-brackets)...
posted by Kyle at November 1, 2006 06:18 PMHide Comments
UPDATE (11:10 am): Michelle Malkin shows us what the tolerant-minded people in the SF-area think about the whole thing. Unsurprising, to be sure.
The ever-erudite Victor Davis Hanson has a few things to say about John Kerry in the light of his latest slur (yes, slur, and although he'd now like us to believe otherwise, it sure seemed intentional) on the intelligence of those who join our military. Here are a couple of remarks that stand out:
Kerry surely must be one of the saddest Democratic liabilities around. Some afterthoughts about his latest gaffe, which is one of those rare glimpses into an entire troubled ideology:
(1) How could John Kerry, born into privilege, and then marrying and divorcing and marrying out of and back into greater inherited wealth, lecture anyone at a city college about the ingredients for success in America? If he were to give personal advice about making it, it would have to be to marry rich women. Nothing he has accomplished as a senator or candidate reveals either much natural intelligence or singular education. Today, Democrats must be wondering why they have embraced an overrated empty suit, and ostracized a real talent like Joe Lieberman.
(8) And why is the supposedly lame Bush so careful in speech, and the self-acclaimed geniuses like a Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, or Howard Dean serially spouting ever more stupidities? For all the Democrats' criticism of George Bush, I can't think of a modern President who has so infrequently put his foot in his public mouth, and, by the same token, can't think of any opposition that on the eve of elections seems to have an almost pathological death wish.
Bottom line: John Kerry is indicative of all Democrat/liberal elites. They believe themselves to be above the hoi polloi. While they profess to fight for the common man, they really think the common man needs to be told what to do by them...and they expect endless gratitude on a silver platter. They believe in the nanny state, with them as nannies and the blighted souls they "represent" as the children in the nursery.
Kerry says only what the rest of them think. That's why you aren't hearing any criticism from Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The silence in the room is louder than any feeble criticism could ever be.
Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt
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