September 29, 2006
"Thank You For Making Me Safe"
Go to Anna's site for the text that accompanies this wonderful photo. Have a box of tissues handy.

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Thank you once again for the link, Pam!
posted by
Anna at September 29, 2006 01:57 PM
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What's The Plan?
Via My Way News:
"On his watch, five years after 9/11, he not only has failed to capture Osama bin Laden, but as the (National Intelligence Estimate) indicates, his failed policies have made America less safe and spawned terrorism, not decreased it," said Karen Finney, spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee. "Democrats will be tough and smart, and will actually fight the terrorists, not leave them to plan future attacks."
That's really great. What I'd like to know, however, is what the Democrats' plan is. For the last five years, we have been hearing about how tough the Dems will be on terror. Bill Clinton even claims he left a comprehensive plan on how to combat terror behind for the Bush administration to utilize. (Funny how Clinton didn't have time to use it himself.)
So I ask the question that so many of us want an answer to: What do the Democrats plan to do to fight terrorists in general and Islamofascists in particular?
While I'm waiting, I think I'll vote Republican in November.

Do the Dems have a plan yet?
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nice post...
i sense it seems to be 'run away', 'blame Bush', 'look silly'...
posted by
hnav at September 29, 2006 12:03 PM
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Stupid Quote of the Day
"Terrorism is a manageable action. It can be lived with." ~ Oliver Stone, movie maker and foreign policy expert, while in Spain to both promote his movie World Trade Center and make his Spanish audience happy by bashing President Bush and the US in general.
Terror can be lived with. I wonder if Stone will still be saying that if his tony Hollywood neighborhood is attacked?
(On a tip from Cookiewrangler)

Doesn't mind having terrorists around
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September 28, 2006
What I Will and Won't Miss About NYC

Regular readers of this blog know that for the past two years, I have been commuting 5+ hours daily (both ways) to New York.
That is about to change.
I recently accepted a position with a company that is located only 8 miles from my home in Connecticut, and my last day with my current company in New York is October 11th.
There are a lot of mixed feelings that come with leaving any job, and it's no exception here...especially since New York is hands down the most vibrant city in the nation. So, I've come up with a list of the things that I will and will not miss about working in New York. Enjoy!
Read More "What I Will and Won't Miss About NYC"
*The friends I've made at my current job (natch).
*Walking through Bryant Park on a sunny day.
*Getting the NY Post for only 25 cents.
*Being able to eat just about any kind of food at any time of day...all within a block of my office.
*The opportunity to go to rallies and demonstrations on my lunch hour or right after work.
*Shopping on my lunch hour.
*Views of the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty/New York Harbor from my office.
*The Christmas windows at Lord & Taylor and Macy's.
*Walking throught Times Square at night.
*Seeing the grandeur of Grand Central Terminal.
*Knowing I'll now never have the chance to meet "The Man" from GOP and the City.
*Being able to tell people, "I work in Manhattan."
*Leaving my house at 6 a.m. and getting home at 7:15 p.m.
*Dodging bicycle couriers (easily more dangerous than cab drivers).
*Evading those who hand out endless pamphlets, coupons, menus and advertisements.
*Being able to eat just about any kind of food at any time of day...all within a block of my office. (I know this is something I said I'd miss, but maybe now I'll be able to stick to a diet.)
*Comparing myself (and coming up lacking) with all the Sarah Jessica Parker wannabes on the streets.
*The nasty smell of bad drains that seems to linger on certain streets.
*Slipping on dead birds in the middle of the street (yes, it happened to me).
*Seeing able-bodied people begging on the streets.
*Nearly tripping over tourists who stop suddenly to take a photo.
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Congratulations Pam. And to think that I'm planning to move to Fredericksburg, VA in the Spring and probably commute to D.C. during the week (1.5 hours each way) - but only 3-4 days a week!
posted by
Gayle Miller at September 28, 2006 11:28 AM
Great, that's 5+ hours daily of commuting is terrible.
posted by
home at September 28, 2006 06:49 PM
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A Must-See Photo
Think our soldiers are busy bollocking things up royally in Iraq? Think they're beasts whose only interest is in killing innocents?
Take a look at this. It says much more about our guys over there than the MSM wants you to know.
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Thanks for the link Pam! I would love to see this photo all over the net so people can see who are warriors really are!
posted by
Anna at September 28, 2006 03:43 PM
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Lamont Trails Lieberman by 10
In a Quinnipiac University poll released today, Joe Lieberman is 10 points ahead of Democrat-annointed Ned Lamont.
Lieberman, a three-term Democrat running as an independent after losing the party nomination in a primary, is favored by 49 percent to 39 percent over Lamont in the three-way race. Republican Alan Schlesinger trails with 5 percent.
The Quinnipiac poll showed that Lieberman has higher favorability ratings among likely voters, 51 percent to Lamont's 31 percent. While Lamont has slightly higher favorability numbers among Democrats (47 percent to 43 percent), Lieberman far outdistances his challenger among likely Republican and unaffiliated voters. Seventy percent of Republicans view Lieberman favorably compared to 12 percent for Lamont, and 48 percent of independent voters view Lieberman favorably compared to 30 percent for Lamont.
Unaffiliated voters outnumber Democrats and Republicans in the state.
Back on Labor Day, I said that Lieberman had more popular support than Lamont. My opinion was based on the fact that while Ned Lamont had a large contingent of supporters marching with him in a local parade, Joe Lieberman received far more cheers from parade goers when he came around the bend.
Yes, there is more than a month left before election day, and things can change drastically in politics in that amount of time. But with unaffiliated voters outnumbering both Democrats and Republicans in Connecticut, the primary victory that hard left Democrats were celebrating earlier this month may be all they have to keep them warm come the chilly month of November.

Pulling ahead in the polls
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Pam !
where are those MSM stories about this race against Joe, being a bellwhether for the Nation, against the Bush Administration?
posted by
hnav at September 28, 2006 11:29 AM
The MSM horde is keeping it zipped because to draw any attention to the race would be to show the whole country what a pathetic one-trick-pony Ned Lamont is.
posted by
Alex Nunez at October 1, 2006 10:53 PM
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September 27, 2006
Are You a Republican, a Democrat, or a Southerner?
Take this quiz and find out! (stolen from Tammy Bruce)
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children.
Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock .40 calibre, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.
What do you do?
Republican's Answer:
Read More "Are You a Republican, a Democrat, or a Southerner?"
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Democrat's Answer:
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
Does the man look poor or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
What does my wife think?
What about the kids?
Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
What does the law say about this situation?
Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days and try to come to a consensus.
Southerner's Answer:
BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Click..... (Sounds of reloading)
BANG! Click "Damn! I'm out!"
Daughter: "Nice pattern Daddy! Were those the Silver Tips, black talons, or them new Hollow Points?"
Son: "Can I shoot the next one Daddy?"
Wife: "You ain't takin' THAT to no Taxidermist!"
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That is CLASSIC!
posted by
Gayle Miller at September 27, 2006 02:11 PM
Good one! I'm stealin' it...
posted by
reverse_vampyr at September 27, 2006 02:51 PM
Now that is some funny crap! I am sorry to say that I am not a Southerner, but I am a Republican.
posted by
Denny at September 28, 2006 03:32 AM
Aw, come on! You expect us to believe any self-respectin' Southerner (I assume you include Texans in that group) would be caught with only enough extra shells for one reload? And why didn't the wife join in? Women's lib, and all. ;) If I had to wager, I'd say that at least a third of our Texas gals can easily outshoot their hubbies, especially when it comes to defending their cubs.
Great post, Pam! I might have to steal that one myself. :)
posted by
Kyle at September 28, 2006 07:45 AM
I love it! Thanks for the chuckle.
posted by
joe-6-pack at September 28, 2006 09:46 AM
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Germany Goosesteps Toward Dhimmitude: Part II
More on a subject I blogged about two days ago. Via MyWay News:
BERLIN (AP) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned against "self-censorship out of fear" on Wednesday, a day after a leading Berlin opera house decided not stage a production because of concerns it could provoke Islamic ire.
German leaders widely condemned the Deutsche Oper's decision not to put on a production of Mozart's "Idomeneo" with a scene featuring the severed heads of Jesus, Buddha and the Prophet Muhammad, after Berlin security officials said they could not guarantee the opera house's security in the event of violent protests.
"We must be careful that we do not increasingly shy away out of fear of violent radicals," Merkel told the Hannover Neue Presse. "Self-censorship out of fear is not tolerable."
Muslim reaction in Germany is mixed:
Ali Kizilkaya, leader of Germany's Islamic Council, welcomed the move, saying a depiction of Muhammad with a severed head "could certainly offend Muslims."
But a leader of Germany's Turkish community said it was time Muslims accepted freedom of expression in art.
"This is about art, not about politics," Kenan Kolat told Bavarian Radio. "We should not make art dependent on religion - then we are back in the Middle Ages."
But we know which reaction will get the headlines. So do the fearful German artsy types and the Islamofascists...which is why the opera was cancelled in the first place. (Note there is no fear of Christian or Buddhist reprisals. Think we're on to something here?)
Yes, I call them Islamofascists. Victor Davis Hanson, in an article for National Review Online earlier this week, tells us why it is indeed correct to call these radicals Islamofascists:
Envy and false grievance, as in the past with Italian, German, or Japanese whining, are always imprinted deeply within the fascist mind. After all, it can never quite figure out why the morally pure, the politically zealous, the ever more obedient are losing out to corrupt and decadent democracies — where "mixing," either in the racial or religious sense, should instead have enervated the people.
Such reactionary fascism is complex because it marries the present's unhappiness with moping about a regal past — with glimpses of an even more regal future. Fascism is not quite the narcotic of the hopeless, but rather the opiate of the recently failed now on the supposed rebound who welcome the cheap fix of blaming others and bragging about their own iron will.
By throwing in the towel before one's hat has even been thrown into the ring, Gemany continues its march toward dhimmitude, despite Merkel's words of caution. The rest of Europe seems to be going along for the ride. American leftists are always urging us to be more like Europe. This is definitely one more reason why we should not be.
Michelle Malkin has more.

Not marching toward the Third Reich, but to dhimmitude
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September 25, 2006
Germany Goosesteps Toward Dhimmitude
Berlin's Deutsche Oper has removed the provocative staging of a Mozart opera from its schedule for fear of enraging Muslims, the opera house said in a statement.
One of three opera houses in the German capital, it cancelled director Hans Neuenfels's production of "Idomeneo", a 1781 drama set in ancient Crete, because authorities warned it could present an "incalculable security risk".
In the staging, which sparked audience protests during its premiere in December 2003, King Idomeneo presents the lopped-off heads of Poseidon, Jesus, Buddha and the Prophet Mohammed and displays them on four chairs.
German critics saw the show at the time as a radical attack on religion and religious wars.
Musical director Kirsten Harms decided to cancel the new staging of the opera, scheduled for November, to avert "any danger to the audience or staff" that could arise from violent protests.
The opera itself deals with resistance to sacrifices demanded by the gods but makes no mention of any of the world's major religions.
The cancellation comes two weeks after Pope Benedict XVI sparked Muslim anger on a visit to his native Germany when he quoted from a medieval text that criticized some teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as "evil and inhuman".
And the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten set off a firestorm in the Muslim world when it printed 12 caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed last September and other, mostly European, newspapers followed suit.
Islam considers images of the prophet to be blasphemous.
Sparked Muslim anger? Set off a firestorm? Does subscribe to Euphemisms R Us?
I wonder if the musical director worried about the reactions of Buddhists, Christians and Greek mythology fans? I rather doubt it. Not surprising, since they aren't likely to riot, burn buildings and issue fatwahs.
It's fortunate indeed for the theatrical community that most religions don't go into murderous mode every time those religions are depicted in an unflattering manner onstage. What would we be left with then?

Keeping track
More on this story from: Western Resistance, The Dread Pundit Bluto
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You Know You've Hit Gold When...
...your interviewee gets angry at you rather than answer the question.
Chris Wallace interviewed Bill Clinton on FOX yesterday, and Slick Willie became absolutely livid when Wallace asked him about his administration's record on fighting terror.
You can watch the meltdown here.
During his rant, Clinton accused Wallace of a "conservative hit job" and of having a "smirk" on his face. I love how when journalists ask tough questions of Democrats, they are accused of being part of that vast right-wing conspiracy.
Afterward, Wallace said it wasn't a smirk, but "sheer wonder at what I was witnessing."
Michelle Malkin says of Clinton, "Always, always blaming someone else for his failures."
He may have the majority of the press eating out of his hand now. But when history gets a hold of him, it will be another story entirely. Lots of luck then!

Clinton: Trying to kill the messenger
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Imagine if Clinton had focused that much rage at terrorism when he was in power? We'd have peace and free oil.
posted by
The Man at September 25, 2006 10:42 AM
History will not be kind. But I very much doubt that William Jefferson Clinton believes in either the afterlife or history!
His legacy is one of disgrace, dissipation and disloyalty to his own country - long before and during his presidency.
posted by
Gayle Miller at September 25, 2006 03:25 PM
I'm thinking that Chris Wallace will move his chairs around. You could see him trying to pull back away from the wagging finger and he had nowhere to go!
As for Clinton...No, his legacy will be Monicagate and Black Hawk Down.
posted by
Anna at September 26, 2006 06:13 AM
I thought it was a great and calculated move by the Democrats coming into the mid-term elections. Bubba has a 60% approval rating, which is surpassed only by Laura Bush. Watching Slick Willy defend himself will embolden the liberals to come out and vote and, unfortunately, help his shrew of a wife in 2008.
posted by
Shawn at September 26, 2006 10:26 AM
it was truly pathetic...
and anyone who believes reminding the Public of the Clinton Negligence as helpful for Democrats, is not seeing things clearly...
another Wellstone Memorial Moment, and the Democrat Partisans remain deeply in denial.
posted by
hnav at September 28, 2006 11:32 AM
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September 23, 2006
Helping Those Who Help Us
*Sticky post...this will remain at the top until 9/23. Scroll down for newer content.*
As pointed out by Andrea Shea-King and Mark Vance, milblogger SC Eagle's wife, Ellicia, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. The couple has young children, and you can imagine how difficult a time they are having in dealing with this. While she would like to stay at home with her family, military insurance does not cover hospice care.
If you would like to help, donations are gratefully being accepted. Click here for details.
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so very sad...
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September 21, 2006
Light Posting Today
I have a super-busy day ahead, and doubt I'll have much time to post today. In the meantime, please check out the blogs below for humor, NASCAR, commentary and more:
Lifelike Pundits
Rightwing Nation
Reverse Vampyr
Ex-Donkey Blog
Support Your Local Gunfighter
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Enjoy the day!
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Heyyyy, thanks for putting me on the list!
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September 20, 2006
Meme: You Know You've Reached Middle Age When...
Joe at geosciblog tagged me for this meme. I guess since I am closing in on 40, I can be considered middle aged. Here are my observations.
You know you've reached middle age when:
*You prefer to stay home on Friday and Saturday nights.
*You would rather listen to talk shows than music on the radio.
*You ask the question: "Was I that obnoxious when I was that age?"
*You remember a time when cell phones, home computers and iPods did not exist, and you make sure your kids know.
*You become less interested in pop culture and more interested in world events. turn to tag: Gary at Ex-Donkey, Pat at Brainster, and Kitty at Kitty Litter.
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Yikes! I'm going to need to reflect a little on this one. It may take me into the weekend.
posted by
Gary at September 20, 2006 07:43 PM
Pam - I have hangnails older than you! You're only starting to reach the "interesting" stage of your life.
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What the MSM Didn't Tell You
Hugh Hewitt reports that major press outlets didn't bother to report a very important part of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN yesterday...the ending. Here it is:
"I emphatically declare that today's world more than ever before longs for just and righteous people with love for all humanity, and above all longs for the perfect, righteous human being and the real savior who has been promised to all peoples and who will establish justice, peace and brotherhood on the planet. Oh Almighty God, all men and women are your creatures and you have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirst for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by you, and make us among his followers among those who strive for his return and his cause."
Hewitt writes:
When the fanatical president of a strong and ambitious for nuclear weapons country appears at the United Nations, that's news. When that president has repeatedly threatened Israel with destruction, denied the Holocaust's existence, and sent long rambling letters to the leaders of the U.S., France, and Germany, people will want to know what he says and what it means.
When he delievers a radical address that --in soft tones, yes, but urgent ones-- declares the U.N. to be illegitimate, the war against Israel by Hezbollah to be a creation of the U.S., goes out of his way to alert Christians that Jesus was just a prophet, and then closes with an apocalypse-welcoming appeal to God, that's not just news, it is very crucial news, news that underscores many important facts for the West and the U.S., chief among them that "diplomacy" leading to a "better deal" isn't on this radical's mind. He wants his nukes. He wants the apocalypse.
And the appeasement press does not convey this; doesn't even bother to report the closing appeal to the Almighty.
Why would they? To liberals and their MSM cheerleaders, Western conservatism is a greater threat. So blinded by that ideal, they refuse to take Ahmadinejad or other Muslim radicals seriously.
To their...and our...peril.
On a tip from husband dude.
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When Shari'a Law Comes A-Callin'
Last week, Rosie O'Donnell made her debut on the daily all-women gabfest The View. During the show, which aired live on the fifth remembrance of 9/11, Rosie made the following claim:
"...radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America."
Cue loud applause from the audience.
Of course, living in a country where one has the right to say just about anything without fear of retribution no matter how wrong or tasteless, it was easy for Rosie to say these words. Here she is, an open lesbian in a publicly acknowledged relationship, raising children and living the good life afforded her by her career. Does Rosie really think that radical Christians would take those things away from her? Does she really believe that radical Christians are the same as radical Muslims? If so, she doesn't get out very often.
The following are all examples of the justice meted out by Shari'a law, the Islamic law that all radical Muslims would have ruling not only in Middle Eastern countries, but the world over. WARNING: Some of the following images are disturbing. If you are easily upset, don't look.
Read More "When Shari'a Law Comes A-Callin'"
Women who commit adultery are stoned to death...

or hanged.

Anyone suspected of or caught engaging in homosexuality (even a minor) is executed.

Thieves are not given a second chance or even jail time: hands are cut off.

Men regularly beat their wives to keep them in line.

Holding hands with your girlfriend can get you 86 lashes.

Just by being a Christian, one's murder is justified... is the murder of one who dares to convey something about Islam that Muslims find offensive.

There are many other examples; so little time. Rosie: get a clue. Christians who may disapprove of you being a lesbian aren't going to kill you for it. Radical Muslims will, given the chance.
*Many of these photos are from the website Tolerating Intolerance:
How Political Correctness Protects Islam.*
Hide "When Shari'a Law Comes A-Callin'"
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September 19, 2006
Blogs 4 Heather: The Complete Wilson/Madrid Debate
New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid (D), who is running against House incumbent Heather Wilson (R), has refused to participate in televised debates with Wilson. For those of you who are directly affected by this nationally watched race (and for the rest of us), Mario Burgos provides us with a tape of one debate.
Mario comments:
I admit it, and I was kind of annoyed that our Attorney General, Patricia Madrid, refused to participate in televised debates with Congresswoman Heather Wilson before the commencement of early voting. Madrid's camp decided that it was in her best interest not to be seen. I think it's in the voters' best interest to see the candidates they are considering in a format that is not 100% completely scripted by high paid political consultants.
Click here to watch.
Remember, if Democrats take the House, it means Nancy Pelosi will likely be Speaker, and that would make her third in line for the presidency...a scary thought indeed.
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i still cannot believe this Democrat is that pathetic to not engaged in a televised debate...
simply silly...
posted by
hnav at September 24, 2006 11:35 PM
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Chirac: Sucking Up to Iran
Is anyone surprised?
President Jacques Chirac has broken ranks with the US and Britain by calling for the suspension of UN Security Council action against Iran during negotiations over its nuclear programme.
In a radio interview yesterday before flying to New York for the UN General Assembly, the French President provoked a diplomatic storm by backing Iran's demand that the Security Council should halt its involvement in the nuclear dossier.
With the US publicly pressing for sanctions against Iran, M. Chirac said on the Europe-1 radio channel: "I don't believe in a solution without dialogue. I am not pessimistic. I think that Iran is a great nation, an old culture, an old civilisation, and that we can find solutions through dialogue."
It seems France doesn't learn from its own history of appeasement. We can predict the ending to this story...

Recalling days of Gallic glory
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It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Avast, me hearties! Today be September 19th, and it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day! To find out more, click here. And, if ye be in need of a piratical name, click here.
My pirate name is Dirty Mary Cash: You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. You're musical, and you've got a certain style if not flair. You'll do just fine. Arr!
So run the skull 'n' crossbones up the mizzenmast, toss back a mug of grog, and be ready to weigh anchor!

Swab the decks, ye scurvy scum!
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I love the Pirates! I hope they keep the Chicago Cubs in last place!
posted by
John Ruberry at September 20, 2006 12:12 AM
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September 18, 2006
Burqas R Us
With radical Muslims doing what they can to spread Islam to all four corners of the earth, forcing every man, woman and child to either convert or die, I began to wonder what I could do to profit from this coming turn of events.
Who loves to shop? Women! What will women need when the Islamic conversion is complete (at least here in the Great Satan, aka America)? Burqas!
So here, for your shopping pleasure, is Burqas R Us. There are plenty of styles and fabrics to choose from, and burqas to acommodate every budget. (The downside of my opening this business is that once the world bows down to Shari'a law, I will not be able to run Burqas R Us myself, as I will no longer even be allowed out of my home without a male relative escorting me. Still, I figure Burqas R Us is a great public service.)

Perfect for formal occasions!

For young ladies who are not ready to wear black

What the fashionable woman wears when she is about to be stoned to death for adultery

You can wear this on days when a sandstorm is not in the forecast

We suggest you not wear this unless it's in the safe confines of your own home, lest you tempt men away from the true path with your wiles

Popular with twins and those who like those cute mother/daughter outfits

Chic yet casual, a popular "out on the town" burqa

Every woman who actively participates in jihad needs to be properly dressed!

This daring number is popular with women whose husbands take on more than one wife, so he can tell them apart more easily

The wedding burqa. Special storage options for saving it for your unworthy daughter's wedding are available.

Don't wear this one after Labor Day!

High-end formal burqa, popular with celebrities attending film premieres
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This is hilarious! I especially liked "Don't wear this one after Labor Day". Cracked me up!
Nice having you along today. We're getting into the habit of looking for you now!
posted by
Andrea & Mark - Radio Patriots at September 18, 2006 10:59 PM
This one is not so funny, but should be shown 'round the world.
posted by
John Ruberry at September 20, 2006 12:19 AM
posted by
John Ruberry at September 20, 2006 12:20 AM
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Interrogation Today

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More From the Religion of Peace
Followers of the Religion of Peace reacted with calm after last week's speech by the Pope which portrayed Islam as a religion tainted by violence.
Riots, the burning of churches, and the shooting death of a nun have are all the result of Islamic barbarism. A religion whose followers feel they must shut up anyone who criticizes said religion must not have much to recommend it.
The Pope's (misguided) apology did not appease al-Qaeda in Iraq:
"We tell the worshipper of the cross (the Pope) that you and the West will be defeated, as is the case in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya," said a Web statement by the Mujahideen Shura Council.
"We shall break the cross and spill the wine ... God will (help) Muslims to conquer Rome ... (May) God enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and descendants the bounty of the mujahideen," said the statement, posted on Sunday on an Internet site often used by al Qaeda and other militant groups.
Charming. We also have France's greatest appeaser speaking out:
French President Jacques Chirac refused on Monday to criticize the 79-year-old Pontiff, but called for a more diplomatic use of language.
"It is not my role or my intention to comment on the Pope's statements. I simply want to say, on a general level ... that we must avoid anything that excites tensions between peoples or between religions," Chirac said on Europe 1 radio.
"We must avoid making any link between Islam, which is a great, respected and respectable religion, and radical Islamism, which is a totally different activity and one of a political nature," Chirac added.
As usual, French leaders try to cover all bases. One never knows who one will end up kowtowing to, and it's a good idea to be a friend to all.
Michelle Malkin has excellent coverage of this growing problem.

The religion of peace demonstrates its love for all
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This story is getting on my nerves, too. I've had to post several times just to keep up with all the insanity this weekend.
What surprises me is how these "offended" Muslims don't see the irony in their actions - reacting to accusations of violence within Islam by acting... um, violent.
Why we take these nutballs seriously is beyond me.
posted by
reverse_vampyr at September 18, 2006 04:35 PM
The Pope did not apologize. It appears the media is putting words in his mouth.
What the MSM thinks he said:
"I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address at the University of Regensburg, which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims."
What he really said was: ''sono rammaricato'', which translates to 'I'm disappointed',
So, "I'm disapointed in the reactions in some countries to a few passages..."
posted by husband-dude at September 19, 2006 06:38 AM
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September 15, 2006
Oriana Fallaci Dies
It took cancer to silence the woman who would not be silenced by her critics. Oriana Fallaci, the Italian journalist who penned books "The Rage and the Pride" and "The Force of Reason" (both highly critical of Muslims and Islam), died today.
A translation of the essay she wrote after the London bombings can be found here.
A lawsuit was lodged against Fallaci in Italy by disgruntled Muslim activist Adel Smith (accusing her of defaming Islam) earlier this year. In my opinion, followers of a religion who feel they must turn to the courts every time someone criticizes said religion must not have much to recommend it...much like leftism.
Fallaci refused to be cowed by Islamic fascists and their supporters, whose main goal is to silence any who would dare to go against them. We should all follow her lead.
Michelle Malkin has a wonderful tribute. Be sure to check the trackbacks on her entry for other posts about an amazing woman.
Spoke her mind
Imus Calls David Gregory's Bluff
Ex-Donkey talks about David "Don't Point at Me" Gregory's appearance on Imus this morning, where the topic of conversation included Gregory's concerns about President Bush trying to redefine what constitutes torture of POWs.
Click here for details. I don't like Imus much, but you have to give him credit for some sense. What a riot!

David Gregory: Just another pretty face
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posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at September 15, 2006 12:58 PM
Thanks Dave...I have now fixed my title! For those who didn't see, I wrote Dick instead of Dave in the title...
posted by
Pam at September 15, 2006 01:05 PM
Gregory is really not too swift...
Reminds me of Kerry sometimes...
But, Imus will still vote for Hillary I will bet, this fall...
He should know better.
posted by
hnav at September 16, 2006 10:01 PM
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Jay Stephenson of Stop the ACLU on Constititional Public Radio Today
Andrea Shea-King and Mark Vance will have Jay Stephenson of Stop the ACLU (a great site dedicated to informing the public of the ACLU's shenanigans) on their show today. You can listen to Constitutional Public Radio from 3-5 Eastern online here. If you are so inclined, you can also join the chatroom by clicking here. It should be a great interview!
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Put Up or Shut Up
Last night on Larry King Live (Larry loves guys like this), Sean Penn said President Bush has "devastated democracy," Bush and Donald Rumsfeld have done "enormous damage" to "this country and mankind" and other rubbishy bits.
Newsbusters has details.
It's time for Sean Penn to either run for office or just shut the hell up and stick to mediocre acting.

A great his own mind
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Hey man, it is just more "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" for Sean Penn. I guess that is as far as his education went.
posted by
joe-6-pack at September 15, 2006 11:31 AM
How about if he just shuts up and totally bypasses the whole "running for office" bit?
posted by
reverse_vampyr at September 18, 2006 04:38 PM
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September 14, 2006
Jimmy Carter Hopes Lieberman Loses
Jimmy Carter gave what can actually turn out to be a backhanded endorsement to Joe Lieberman in the upcoming Connecticut senate race:
[Ned] Lamont's campaign got a boost Wednesday from former President Carter, who offered a blistering critique of Lieberman's support for the Iraq war. "He was one of the originators of public statements that misled the American people into believing that the Iraqi war was justified," the former Democratic president said on CNN's "Larry King Live."
"He's joined in with the Republican spokespersons by saying that Democrats who disagree are really supporting terrorism," Carter said. "So for all these reasons, I've lost my confidence in Joe Lieberman and don't wish to see him re-elected."
Moderates who are undecided may want to go with Lieberman after this. Why would they want to go with the man whose wishy washy politics back in 1978 emboldened the Ayatollah Khomeni and his followers, giving rise to Islamic fascist terrorism worldwide?

Jimmy Carter: a true nut
Ex-Donkey also weighs in.
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Jimmy never got over the political "ass-kicking" Ronald Reagan gave him. He's an angry, bitter man.
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at September 14, 2006 11:34 AM
Looks like a pinata for rabbit birthday parties.
posted by
Rodney Dill at September 14, 2006 07:40 PM
At last I know what I want to go as for Halloween with the kids!
I will be Jimmah Carter as a peanut - the site of me will make everyone turn into Republican voters immediately.
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Your post is really wonderful..thanks for posting...your post is very informative
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Was Judge Abdullah al-Amiri Nominated By Clinton?
You might think so after reading this exchange during Saddam Hussein's trial:
Questioning a Kurdish witness Thursday, Saddam said, "I wonder why this man wanted to meet with me, if I am a dictator?"
The judge interrupted: "You were not a dictator. People around you made you (look like) a dictator."
"Thank you," Saddam responded, bowing his head in respect.
So much for an unbiased courtroom.
Show Comments xbbaqsc
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ejldu at March 27, 2008 12:14 AM
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bilete avion at October 29, 2011 05:32 AM
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bilete avion at October 29, 2011 09:30 AM
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You have done a outstanding job!|Hello there! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site? I'm getting sick and tired of Wordpress because I've had problems with hackers and I'm looking at options for another platform. I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.|Hey! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading through this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this page to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thank you for sharing!|Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You definitely know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your site when you could be giving us something informative to read?|Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!|Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my iPad and tested to see if it can survive a 30 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is totally off topic but I had to share it with someone!|I was wondering if you ever considered changing the page layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?|Howdy, i read your blog occasionally and i own a similar one and i was just curious if you get a lot of spam remarks? If so how do you stop it, any plugin or anything you can advise? I get so much lately it's driving me mad so any support is very much appreciated.|This design is incredible! You definitely know how to keep a reader amused. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost...HaHa!) Wonderful job. I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!|I'm truly enjoying the design and layout of your blog. It's a very easy on the eyes which makes it much more enjoyable for me to come here and visit more often. Did you hire out a designer to create your theme? Fantastic work!|Good day! I could have sworn I've been to this site before but after checking through some of the post I realized it's new to me. Nonetheless, I'm definitely delighted I found it and I'll be bookmarking and checking back frequently!|Hello! Would you mind if I share your blog with my myspace group? There's a lot of people that I think would really appreciate your content. Please let me know. Thank you|Hello, I think your blog might be having browser compatibility issues. When I look at your website in Opera, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Other then that, awesome blog!|Sweet blog! I found it while searching on Yahoo News. Do you have any tips on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I've been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Thank you|Howdy! This is kind of off topic but I need some advice from an established blog. Is it very difficult to set up your own blog? I'm not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast. I'm thinking about making my own but I'm not sure where to start. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Cheers|Howdy! Quick question that's totally off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My site looks weird when browsing from my iphone 4. I'm trying to find a template or plugin that might be able to correct this issue. If you have any suggestions, please share. With thanks!|I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your blogs really nice, keep it up! I'll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back later on. Many thanks|I really like your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you make this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz reply as I'm looking to create my own blog and would like to find out where u got this from. appreciate it|Incredible! This blog looks just like my old one! It's on a totally different topic but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Great choice of colors!|Heya just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren't loading correctly. I'm not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I've tried it in two different web browsers and both show the same results.|Hello are using Wordpress for your site platform? I'm new to the blog world but I'm trying to get started and set up my own. Do you require any html coding expertise to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!|Heya this is somewhat of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I'm starting a blog soon but have no coding expertise so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!|Hi there! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any issues with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing many months of hard work due to no backup. Do you have any solutions to protect against hackers?|Howdy! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be ok. I'm undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.|Hi there! Do you know if they make any plugins to protect against hackers? I'm kinda paranoid about losing everything I've worked hard on. Any recommendations?|Hi! Do you know if they make any plugins to assist with Search Engine Optimization? I'm trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I'm not seeing very good gains. If you know of any please share. Thanks!|I know this if off topic but I'm looking into starting my own blog and was wondering what all is required to get set up? I'm assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I'm not very web smart so I'm not 100% certain. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks|Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the pictures on this blog loading? I'm trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it's the blog. Any feed-back would be greatly appreciated.|I'm not sure exactly why but this site is loading incredibly slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end? I'll check back later and see if the problem still exists.|Hi there! I'm at work surfing around your blog from my new apple iphone! Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts! Carry on the excellent work!|Wow that was odd. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn't show up. Grrrr... well I'm not writing all that over again. Anyhow, just wanted to say wonderful blog!|Hey there exceptional blog! Does running a blog similar to this require a large amount of work? I've virtually no expertise in programming however I had been hoping to start my own blog soon. Anyhow, should you have any suggestions or techniques for new blog owners please share. I understand this is off subject however I simply wanted to ask. Appreciate it!|Hey! I realize this is kind of off-topic but I had to ask. Does running a well-established website such as yours take a large amount of work? I'm brand new to blogging however I do write in my diary on a daily basis. I'd like to start a blog so I can easily share my experience and views online. Please let me know if you have any recommendations or tips for brand new aspiring bloggers. Thankyou!|Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates. I've been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.|I do not know if it's just me or if everybody else encountering issues with your website. It appears as though some of the written text on your content are running off the screen. Can someone else please comment and let me know if this is happening to them too? This might be a issue with my web browser because I've had this happen before. Many thanks|First of all I want to say great blog! I had a quick question which I'd like to ask if you don't mind. I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your thoughts before writing. I have had a difficult time clearing my thoughts in getting my ideas out there. I do take pleasure in writing however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually wasted simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or hints? Thank you!
posted by
Edwin Tartaglione at February 12, 2013 06:48 AM
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posted by
Intotatub at February 16, 2013 09:13 PM
Lust In LA
She's sexy alright, and licensed to thrill! Hyapatia Lee stars as a sultry sexologist who insists on getting up close and personal with her clients in this scintillating romp from 1986. ...
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posted by
CetBlolddwete at April 16, 2013 11:14 PM
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Blair: We Need U.S. Involvement
Tony Blair tries his best, but the poor guy is beating his head against the wall:
"The danger is if they decide to pull up the drawbridge and disengage. We need them involved," Blair said, spelling out his political vision in a pamphlet published by The Foreign Policy Center think-tank.
"The strain of, frankly, anti-American feeling in parts of European politics is madness when set against the long-term interests of the world we believe in," he said.
Responding to those who have criticized the White House, Blair said in his pamphlet: "The danger with America today is not that they are too much involved."
"We want them engaged. The reality is that none of the problems that press in on us can be resolved or even contemplated without them," he added.
Frankly, it's tempting to let Europe rot. I'd love to pull out of world affairs and watch them mire down in their own incompetence. But that's not our way...and the problems that face Europe eventually affect us.
Moonbattery also takes a look at this story.
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September 13, 2006
Murtha Introduces Resolution Asking for Rumsfeld's Resignation
Good grief:
Today I introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives calling for the immediate resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
The President must show the American people and the world that there is accountability for the mistakes that have made in the war in Iraq. We must restore our credibility with our allies and the world in order to effectively fight the global threat of terrorism.
Secretary Rumsfeld has failed in managing the military response to this threat and should be replaced with someone who is capable of not only recognizing the mistakes that have been made but addressing them head on for the good of our military and our great nation.
If one should be called upon by Congress to resign for mistakes made, all of our government -- including our Congress -- would be a giant echo chamber.
I can't wait to see how far this resolution goes and who will hitch their wagon to this illustrious star.
(Like the announcement on HuffPo?)
Heard about this on Rush Limbaugh's show today

Murtha: You're fired! Rummy: In your dreams, bozo!
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All over the country, everytime Murtha speaks, countless retired and active Marines no doubt slap their foreheads, saying - "I wish he would just shut up!".
posted by
joe-6-pack at September 13, 2006 03:02 PM
Murtha: You're fired! Rummy
Rummy: I'll resign when you finally take a crap.
Murtha: Dang it, stymied again.
posted by
Rodney Dill at September 14, 2006 07:42 PM
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George Clooney To Address UN Security Council
From Nikki Finke:
...Thursday...Oscar winner George Clooney is scheduled to address the United Nations Security Council on the crisis in Darfur.
According to the Oscar-winning actor, the US, the UN and the world's policies on Sudan is failing. "If we turn our heads and look away and hope that it will disappear then they will-all of them, an entire generation of people. And we will only have history left to judge us," Clooney has said about the tragedy.
I agree that the situation in Darfur been ignored for far too long. But for the UN to invite him to speak to their Security Council is an indicator as to how much of a joke this institution has become. Clooney does not represent the US in any way; he does not create any kind of policy. He is an actor who has picked a fashionable cause so that he'll be considered a serious person, not just someone who entertains people for lots of money.
The sad thing is, it's likely the UN will listen more closely to Clooney than President Bush or his chosen representative to the UN, John Bolton, have to say about anything.
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It is said that the mark of truly being “crazy” is expecting different results from doing the same thing over and over and…. Ok, we needed to try some new approaches, hoping we could find a new formula for mass social change (stopping Genocide has NEVER been done.); looking for one that would be comfortable, convenient, safe, executed from our computer terminal / phone and TV in some combination. The variations we’ve tried are: * Blame , * Emails* Letting the Nonprofits do * Divestment. And the results are in. WE ARE NOT, STOPPING THE GENOCIDE!
You mean that the answer for Darfur is the same answer we found for…* Ending the Vietnam War, * Gaining Civil Rights in the US, * Gaining Women the right to Vote in the US, * Ending apartheid in South Africa, * Throwing off the British oppression at our start....?
Yup. No one else, nothing else can stop it, can save 4,000,000 in Concentration Camps in Sudan and Chad. The buck stops with WE-THE-PEOPLE. Let’s stop talking and start - marching, demonstrating, sitting-in, hunger striking….
The next step is September 17th (; BUT, then we need to be ready on SEPTEMBER 18th, 19th… AS LONG AS IT TAKES, WHATEVER IT TAKES.
Jay McGinley,, Day 105 24/7 DC Vigil; Day 35 Hunger Strike (54 days so far this summer, with breaks); Arrested Sept 9th at White House with 29 others from Save Darfur;
posted by
Jay McGinley at September 13, 2006 06:22 PM
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On Universities and 9/11
This is an excellent editorial by Harvey Mansfield (in the Boston Globe!), entitled "At universities, little learned from 9/11." An excerpt:
Sept. 11 was a stunning blow to multiculturalism. The attacks showed that we have enemies who hate us because they hate both our principles and our practices. They despise the way we live not because we do not live up to our principles of freedom, democracy, and toleration, but because we do. They do not think we are multicultural; they believe we have one culture, and they mean to do away with it.
The feminists at Harvard seek to remove every vestige of patriarchy in America, but they have said almost nothing about the complete dismissal of women's rights by radical Islam. To do so would be to attack Islamic culture, and according to multiculturalism, every culture is equal and none is evil. They forsake women in societies that repudiate women's rights and direct their complaints to societies that believe in women's rights. Of course it's easier to complain to someone who listens to you and doesn't immediately proceed to slit your throat. No sign of any rethinking of feminism has appeared in the universities where it flourishes.
Read the whole thing.
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September 12, 2006
Bush Can Never Win
Senator Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy blasted President Bush for his speech last night, aired during ABC's showing of The Path to 9/11:
"The president should be ashamed of using a national day of mourning to commandeer the airwaves to give a speech that was designed not to unite the country and commemorate the fallen but to seek support for a war in Iraq that he has admitted had nothing to do with 9/11," Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., said in a statement. "There will be time to debate this president's policies in Iraq. September 11th is not that time.
9/11 is not only a day of mourning, but a day in which the future of our society changed in just one hour.
The war in Iraq is an integral part of the war against Islamic fascism, whether or not Saddam Hussein funded al-Qaeda. Hussein was thought to be a threat all on his own not only by President Bush but by President Clinton, members of Congress, and plenty of other world leaders before him, who, as usual, were content to sit and do nothing. If we are able to establish Iraq as a working democracy and a friend to America, we will be in a better position to do something about the continuing terrorist threat in the Middle East (including Syria and Iran). It's called a tactical move (something Kennedy should know something about, since he employed plenty during the Chappaquiddick affair).
Ted Kennedy and his cronies accuse President Bush of politicizing 9/11 and the war in Iraq. What of it? And aren't they doing the same thing? It's a political issue whether you like it or not. Nothing will come of ignoring it. (The 9/11 miniseries showed us that.) By taking the opportunity yesterday to discuss it, Bush was doing what he should have: reminding us of the grave dangers that continue to face us as a nation. Taking the 20 or so minutes to placate us and our emotions might have been something Bill Clinton would have done, and that would have been a mistake.

Someone please shut him up!
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The way I see it, an innocent lady is dead becaue of this leftwing blowhard. Dead from his incompetence, intoxication and malfesence.
He has no business lecturing anyone on anything ever, let alone GWB.
posted by
Good Lt at September 12, 2006 12:35 PM
And WHO is Ted Kennedy to tell the president what he can and cannot do? Baystaters should be embarrased and ashamed that they keep this ignorant, bloated buffoon in office.
And to think the battle for our freedom and liberty began and was fought in the once-great commonwealth of Massachusetts....
These people are fools.
posted by
Andrea & Mark at September 12, 2006 01:42 PM
Hey, you said it buddy. I'm glad I found your blog - its great! I lived in Boston for 3 years, and as a conservative, I know exactly where you're coming from: an island of truth surrounded by a sea of liberal insanity.
About the Bloviator, as I call old Ted, I posted something similar over at The Clash. He'll never shut up. I've linked to this post, too!
Great posting, and keep up the good fight out there in New England!
posted by
N.B. Goldstein at September 12, 2006 03:58 PM
My Pet Goat
posted by
MJ Kopechne at September 12, 2006 08:32 PM
I've been waiting to hear Ted Kennedy come out against that new "Death of a President" film romanticizing the idea of assassinating President Bush. As the brother of an assasinated President, I would think he would have a strong opinion about that. But I'm giving the guy too much credit. He's too twisted by his political ideology to see right and wrong.
But then, he's been unable to act morally since he got off the hook for Mary Jo Kopechne's murder.
posted by
reverse_vampyr at September 18, 2006 04:43 PM
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It's Hard to Find a Decent Celebrity These Days...
It's nice to know one of them has a sense of proportion and conscience:
"It's awfully hard if you're his children, his wife, his mother, his dad; there's a certain thing we can't lose as human beings, which is empathy for maybe the hardest job in the world. Whether we think it's being performed right or not we can't, like, wish... or think that's even cute."
That's Kevin Costner, speaking about the upcoming film Death of a President, soon to hit American theaters. Costner has not seen the film.
(Oh, and for the record, I do not advocate banning the film. I do advocate those of us who find it offensive not going to theaters to throw away our hard-earned money to see it. That's called the free market at work.)
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Though he is probably a flaming lib, at least he shows a sense of decency.
I would feel the same way if someone had done this film about Prez. Clinton during his time in office. We just don't need that kind of grief, even if we don't like the President.
posted by
joe-6-pack at September 12, 2006 06:06 PM
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I'm Hooked!
Last Friday I tuned into the Andrea Shea-King and Mark Vance talk show (3-5 pm Eastern) on Constitutional Public Radio. I tuned in yesterday as well AND joined in the chat room, and I do believe I am hooked! Not only do Andrea and Mark talk about the issues of the day in a calm, rational manner, but they respond to the chat room comments both on-air and in the chat room itself. One can also call in to their toll-free number, but I love the interactive aspect. The conversations between the chat room participants are also lots of fun.
Also, several of my blog buddies take part: ThirdwaveDave, Pat at Brainster, and Chris at Lucky Dawg News.
This Wednesday, Andrea and Mark will be interviewing LTC Buzz Patterson, author of Dereliction of Duty. I urge everyone to give Andrea and Mark a listen (and check out their blog)!
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We're glad you're hooked, too. And, I think you'll like the Sunday show as well. Thank you for mentioning LTC Patterson's interview.
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at September 12, 2006 10:10 AM
We love your blogsite! and.... We are delighted to have you with us! And thanks for the great write up! we appreciate it. Look for you today in the chatroom!
posted by
Andrea & Mark at September 12, 2006 11:55 AM
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September 11, 2006
9/11 Tribute Post: Louis Steven Inghilterra
This post is a part of the 2,996 Project, organized by Dale Roe. Click here to read memorial posts dedicated to other victims. *This post will stay at the top of the page for the entire day...scroll down for new entries.*

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Louis Steven Inghilterra arrived at his office on the 95th floor of Tower 2 of the World Trade Center. He was the senior vice president and treasurer of the Fiduciary Trust Company, and made the 20-mile commute from New Castle, NY to lower Manhattan daily. He was not to know that within hours he and nearly 3,000 others would lose their lives in an attack that would change the course of history.
Inghilterra left behind his wife Diane, his son (now 7) Louis Sam, as well as his mother, sister and niece.
According to this online memorial by his wife Diane, Louis was born in Brooklyn and raised in Queens. At the age of 12, he lost his father to cancer. Despite this early tragedy Louis had a zest for life, showing a love for books and music. In fact, he and some friends organized a band (in which Louis played guitar), and performed in nightclubs and at weddings during their college years.
As an adult, Louis's cherished pastimes became a special connection with his son, Louis Sam, who never tired of listening to music and reading with his father.
Co-workers say Louis was also a man dedicated to excellence at his chosen profession. He was a teacher who shared his knowledge willingly. He was a friend, interested not only in the workplace successes of those who worked for him, but in their personal lives as well.
Louis Steven Inghilterra: son, brother, husband, father, co-worker, friend, died senselessly five years ago today. See his face...remember his name. Honor his memory and those of the others who died that day. We surely owe them that much.
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Very nice tribute. Thanks, and feel free to visit my tribute to John Talignani who died on board flight 93.
posted by
wendy boucher at September 11, 2006 10:23 AM
Beautiful tribute!
posted by
oddybobo at September 11, 2006 12:52 PM
Thank you for the memorial. I hope that you found it as fullfilling as I did in learning about Matthew Vianna.
posted by
David Broussard at September 11, 2006 03:12 PM
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Quote of the Day
"It is their common hatred of ordinary people doing well for themselves that draws the Left to Muslims -- who otherwise epitomize all that the Left say they disapprove of." ~ John Ray, Dissecting Leftism
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Never Forget
This was an act of war:

There are some who say it is insensitive to show these images. That it's too early for movies like United 93 and World Trade Center. I was not in New York or Pennsylvania that day, so I was not an eyewitness. But the tragedy was, and is, shared by all Americans. The rest of the world paid us lip service, giving platitudes like, "We are all Americans now." Shortly thereafter, however, it was back to business as usual, blaming us for all the world's ills. So much for solidarity.
As George Santayana said, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." We begin by remembering.
Others remembering today: Mrs. Media Matters, Moonbattery, Mein Blogovault, Lifelike Pundits, Brainster, Geosciblog, In The Right Place, Tinkerty Tonk, And You Thought You Were Cranky?
Michelle Malkin has several excellent posts in remembrance of the day.
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Those pictures should be etched in our memories forever. They are in mine. Thanks for the link!
posted by
Mrs Media Matters at September 11, 2006 10:29 AM
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American Guards Preferred at Abu Ghraib
This news is a couple of days old, but perhaps some of you have not seen it...after all, since it portrays American soldiers in a positive light, there isn't going to be much coverage:
The notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad is at the centre of fresh abuse allegations just a week after it was handed over to Iraqi authorities, with claims that inmates are being tortured by their new captors.
Some of the small number of prisoners who remained in the jail after the Americans left said they had pleaded to go with their departing captors, rather than be left in the hands of Iraqi guards.
"The Americans were better than the Iraqis. They treated us better," said Khalid Alaani, who was held on suspicion of involvement in Sunni terrorism.
The witness said that even in the thieves' section prisoners were being treated badly. "Someone was shouting 'Please help us, we want the human rights officers, we want the Americans to come back'," he said.
I do like how the Telegraph felt it necessary, however, to show a picture of Lynndie England holding a prisoner on a dog leash. We don't want anyone to forget how Americans torture!
No comment was available from Dick Durbin or Ted Kennedy.
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posted by at December 28, 2013 01:13 PM
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September 10, 2006
ABC's The Path to 9/11
I just finished watching the first installment of the ABC miniseries The Path to 9/11.
First off, kudos to ABC for not giving in to the bullying of Bill Clinton and the Democrats. Yes, some of the "offending" scenes were cut, such as Sandy "Papers Down My Pants" Berger saying he could not give authorization for US agents to capture Osama bin Laden when they had him in their clutches...but what was left certainly looked damning enough. Good...let him squirm some more.
I think the documentary is extremely well done. I had knots in my stomach for much of it...especially when an informant who didn't agree with killing innocent people in the name of jihad was working with Americans to take down Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
The knots gave way to chills in the last few minutes, when the film turned to terrorists on one of the 9/11 flights prepare to take the plane down.
Yes, the movie is just that: a movie. It's a dramatazation, not a documentary. We cannot take it at face value if we want all the hard, cold facts. However, I feel it gives a definite flavor for the years leading up to 9/11: intelligence agencies hamstrung by bureaucratic red tape; officials afraid to make a decision for fear of being politically finished; a general failure by many involved to see the big picture.
Some of the most powerful scenes were those of Muslims (presumably in Afghanistan) hanging and burning then-President Clinton in effigy, shooting at a movie screen upon one of his speeches was being shown, calling Clinton "Satan." It shows the burning hatred these people had toward America before President George W. Bush took office. It doesn't matter who was or is sitting in the Oval Office. While the rest of the world was fawning over Bill Clinton, Islamic fascists hated him simply because he was then the president of the United States, a country they have designated as evil and deserving of conquest...or annhialation.
The best line in the film was just after the mission to capture bin Laden in Afghanistan was aborted. Ahmad Shah Massoud, the Afghan anti-Taliban opposition leader, said to the American operative, "Are there any men left in Washington? Or are they all cowards?"
I will definitely be watching the second installment tomorrow.
Michelle Malkin, Ed Driscoll and Glenn Reynolds have more.
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Quote of the Day
"I don't take policy advice from films." ~ Australia's Prime Minister John Howard, who doesn't plan to meet with Al Gore during Gore's visit to Australia (promoting his global warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth), and why he won't sign the Kyoto Protocol.

Not wasting his time with Al Gore
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September 09, 2006
Bill Clinton's Legacy
Bill Clinton and his minions are still griping. ABC, so far, is not cancelling its 9/11 miniseries. But a lot can happen in the next 48 hours.
No matter what happens in this saga (the kind the media eats right up), one thing is certain: Bill Clinton will be remembered by history as an inept, vainglorious womanizer who rode on the coattails of the Reagan/Bush economy, and whose main accomplishment (welfare reform) happened only because a Republican-controlled congress strongarmed him into signing it into law.

Slave to his own image
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Our best years economically were under Clinton, and George Bush will be remembered as a bumbling incoherent idiot who squandered the good will and sympathy of the world after 9/11 by chasing his personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein.
The Republicans (and Joe) never ever let facts get in the way of a good tale or agenda...
damn moonbats are reality based...
Republicans are fear based...
Be afraid, surrender your constitutional rights
"I'm from the govenment, I"m here to help you."
posted by
froglegs at September 9, 2006 12:13 PM
Couldn't have said it any better. Spot on!!
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at September 10, 2006 12:17 PM
froglegs apparently never read "The Emperor's New Clothes" which could have been written with William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, in mind. All of his so-called accomplishments were "smoke and mirrors" or forced upon him by a Republican majority in Congress.
And where is it written that a president must be glib in order to be competent at his job? I'd rather have the real man who actually responds to terror attacks on this country than one who talks real pretty and bombs aspirin factories to distract attention from his impeachment proceedings stemming from his LIES TO A GRAND JURY before you further embarrass yourself froglegs.
Osama Bin Laden felt completely secure in attacking us on 9/11/01 because he believed the Dems deranged lies about George W. Bush and because his experience with President Bush's predecessor had led him to believe we would not respond to further attacks. Whoops to that!
posted by
Gayle Miller at September 12, 2006 02:08 PM
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September 08, 2006
As 9/11 5th Remembrance Approaches...
In the days leading up to the fifth remembrance of 9/11, we are reminded of how much we are hated by many in the world. Islamic fascists hate us simply because we exist; others despise us because they envy us our wealth, power and freedom.
Yet all is not lost. The following three essays are examples of people who don't hate us and are not afraid to say why. The first is a radio address by Canadian Gordon Sinclair back in 1973, the second is a 2001 Romanian editorial by Cornel Nicorestu, and the third is a British editorial by journalist Tony Parsons in 2002.
They may be minority views, but they sure make me feel good. Be sure to pass them on!
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Urge ABC To Run 9/11 Miniseries
Yesterday it was Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright and Sandy Berger who were whining and whinging about the portrayal of the Clinton administration in the years leading up to 9/11, and asking for certain scene changes. Now Democrat leaders are actually warning ABC to pull the miniseries.
John Kerry said the following about Republicans earlier this year, but he may as well be talking about his own party today:
America has always been stronger when we have not only proclaimed free speech, but listened to it. Yes, in every war, there have been those who demand suppression and silencing. And although no one is being jailed today for speaking out against the war in Iraq, the spirit of intolerance for dissent has risen steadily, and the habit of labeling dissenters as unpatriotic has become the common currency of the politicians currently running our country.
Dismissing dissent is not only wrong, but dangerous when America's leadership is unwilling to admit mistakes, unwilling to engage in honest discussion of the nation's direction, and unwilling to hold itself accountable for the consequences of decisions made without genuine disclosure, or genuine debate.
So I urge you to write to ABC and urge them to run the 9/11 miniseries as scheduled. Artistic license was not a problem for the Democrats when many prominent party members attended the premiere of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, a movie highly critical of the Bush administration. The hypocrisy demonstrated here is staggering, especially when one considers that Moore's movie was made while Bush was president, and the ABC miniseries is being aired 5 years after Clinton's term ended. And the Bush administration, as usual, took the high road and said nothing about Moore's film. (Nor did they say anything about the upcoming film Death of a President, which fictionalizes President Bush's assassination.)
As Rush Limbaugh said on his show yesterday, people usually start squawking when criticism hits close to home. We can't let the Democrats get away with what amounts to censorship and a denial of First Amendment rights because they are unhappy with a movie's portrayal of Bill Clinton. ABC has already altered some scenes. They shouldn't cave in any more.
More: Newsbusters, Michelle Malkin, Ex-Donkey Blog

Being censored by Democrats?
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I linked to you but the trackback is giving me "Error 500" nonsense.
posted by
reverse_vampyr at September 8, 2006 12:36 PM
Funny how you don't comment on the fact that the producers & directors of this miniseries admit they just made shit up for "dramatic effect"! The've basically admitted this is out and out propaganda. No broadcast network aired "Farenheit 911." By giving the stamp of approval to this piece of garbage, ABC is lowering itself to the level of Fox "News." You right-wingers are amazing. You can't hold your own in a real argument, so you're fine with just lying about your opponents' conduct and their positions. Then you take pride in the lies. You repeat them, and even embellish them. You obviously have learned from history, mostly from the likes of Goebbels and Stalin. You guys made the phrase "swift boat" synonymous with bullshit. Pretty sad that a political movement would take such pride in being characterized by a contempt for the truty.
posted by
David Stone at September 10, 2006 10:31 PM
Touchy, touchy. Thanks for your astute commentary.
posted by
Pam at September 11, 2006 08:09 AM
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September 07, 2006
Peace Mom Wishes She Could Go Back in Time and Kill Bush as an Infant
Finally! Your wish has been granted. Cindy Sheehan's book, Peace Mom, is available in less than two weeks:
In the book, which hits bookstores September 19, the antiwar icon admits she has fantasized about going back in time and killing the infant George W. Bush, thereby preventing the Iraq War. In fact, she reveals, her son's death in that war almost drove her to take her own life: "Every night I had to restrain myself from taking my entire bottle of sleeping pills instead of just one."
The peacefulness of this fantasy moves me to my very core.
Others who are on the receiving side of her criticism and who should be shaking in their boots: John McCain, Anderson Cooper, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Stephen Hadley.
This book is destined for the Pulitzer Prize short list.

Reading this before betime will give you nightmares
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France Once Again Tooting Its Horn
There's nothing worse than having to listen to the French drone on about how they are superior in all areas of life (except, of course, personal hygiene).
The latest example comes from France's prime minister Dominique de Villepin , getting on his Gallic high horse to denounce a war on terror.
"Let us not forget that these crises play into the hands of all extremists," the prime minister said in a debate on the Middle East. "We can see this with terrorism, whether it tries to strike inside or outside our frontiers," he added.
"Against terrorism, what's needed is not a war. It is, as France has done for many years, a determined fight based on vigilance at all times and effective cooperation with our partners.
"But we will only end this curse if we also fight against injustice, violence and these crises," he said.
"It is the duty of France and Europe to show that the clash of civilizations is not inevitable," he said. "No one retains this wisdom, inherited from our history, as we, French and Europeans, do," he said.
No, the clash of civilizations is not inevitable if one is prepared to roll over as the French did in 1940...a proud tradition that continues today.
Employing typical French tactics, De Villepin did not actually come out and criticize the US and/or President Bush directly. But by using language similar to that used by the President, his subtext is crystal clear: America and its president are eternally inferior to France.
If the following photos illustrate French wisdom and vigilance, we can do without their help.

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posted by husband-dude at September 9, 2006 10:55 AM
It's not a clash of civilizations. That would require TWO civilizations...
posted by
Mark at September 9, 2006 07:33 PM
Nothing against the article, but I disagree with a couple of points to some extenct. I’m probably a minority though, lol. Thanks for sharing.
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September 06, 2006
2,996 Project
For those of you who are not aware, the 2,996 Project is a special blogburst planned for the upcoming fifth anniversary of 9/11. Literally thousands of bloggers have signed up (including yours truly) to commemorate the lives of those who died at the hands of Islamic fascists on that terrible day. (I wrote my post several days ago, and will activate it first thing next Monday.)
Michelle Malkin points out the difference between those of us who are taking part in this worthy blog event, and what the folks over at the Democratic Underground have planned.
Go now to see. Prepare to be disgusted.
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I would leave a trackback, but hates wordpress trackbacks, so consider yourself hat tipped.
posted by
rightwingprof at September 7, 2006 08:43 AM
The original site is down so I have reposted the original list here so that people can continue to read and tribute.
posted by
Jen at September 11, 2006 02:58 PM
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Miller Responds to Lucky Dawg News
My friend Chris at Lucky Dawg News posted about the flap Miller Beer got itself in when it provided money that went toward the planning of an "immigration rights" march in Chicago last week.
Imagine his surprise when Miller posted a comment! Click here for details!
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Aw, this was an incredibly good post. Taking the time and actual effort to produce a very good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and don't manage to get nearly anything done.
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samsung un46d8000 at March 13, 2012 07:55 AM
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Top Terror Suspects Transferring to Gitmo
Breaking news from ABC:
Sept. 6, 2006 — ABC News has learned that President Bush will announce that high-value detainees now being held at secret CIA prisons will be transferred to the Department of Defense and granted protections under the 1949 Geneva Conventions. It will be the first time the Administration publicly acknowledges the existence of the prisons.
A source familiar with the president's announcement says it will apply to all prisoners now being held by the CIA, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept.11 attacks, and senior al Qaeda leader Ramzi Binalshibh.
The source says there are "about a dozen" prisoners now being held by the CIA.
Until now, the U.S. government has not officially acknowledged the existence of CIA prisons.
The Bush administration has come under harsh criticism for its handling of detainees captured in the U.S.-led military campaign to root out al Qaeda terror cells abroad.
Many detainees have been given the legal status of "enemy combatant," which includes both lawful enemy combatants and unlawful enemy combatants.
Of course, the fact that these detainees shouldn't qualify for POW status under the Geneva Convention because they do not fly a flag recognized by other countries and do not wear a recognizable uniform, etc., is not ever discussed by the MSM.
Unfortunately the Bush administration has caved in on this issue. Let's hope this is not a continuing trend.
How quickly will the conditions of Guantanamo Bay once again become front page news?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, alleged 9/11
mastermind, now has more rights than
afforded his victims
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I heard this on Rush today. It's about damned time!
posted by
Wyatt Earp at September 6, 2006 03:15 PM
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Shales Skewers Couric's Debut
I didn't see Katie Couric's debut behind the CBS anchor desk. I have not watched network news in a long time, and these days, my schedule means I don't get home in time anyway. Even if I had the time, Couric's being on CBS is not a big incentive for me to tune in at 6:30.
Tom Shales of the Washington Post was singularly unimpressed with Katie's performance last night. His review is here. A few highlights:
Last night, the show simply played to her strengths, chiefly her ability as an interviewer. She had a taped sit-down with liberal columnist Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, who seemed to be trying too hard to "come across" on television, as if he'd just completed TV training.
Suddenly, with no hint at a transition, Couric was talking about executive changes at the Ford Motor Co. and then about the late Steve Irwin, the crocodile expert who died over the weekend when he was attacked underwater by a stingray. These little mini-stories were rammed together with no indication from Couric that she was changing topics. She needs work, and help, at reading off the prompting device and making it clear when the focus is about to shift.
As someone who used to read news (albeit on radio), I know the importance of pauses and changes of vocal inflection in order to signify a change of story. If Couric received any coaching in this area at all over the last three months, it obviously didn't stick.
Then the show reached its lowest point with an item that Couric had coyly promoted earlier in the day on the CBS Web site: a photograph of Suri Cruise, the previously hidden baby of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. The portrait will be on the cover of Vanity Fair, out today -- so the segment was a shameless plug as well as celebrity trash, the kind of thing better saved for "Entertainment Tonight" and its ilk.
Ugh. A photo of Tom Cruise's offspring is not news. Save that nonsense for People or US magazines. (Do you think Tom would advise Katie to start calling herself Kate, as he has ordered his wife to do?)
So it remains to be seen how well Couric will do in the weeks and months to come. One thing is certain: her shelf life will not be as long as that of her predecessors. After all, we know how older women are treated by television execs. The moment Couric shows any major wrinkles, it's off to the glue factory.
UPDATE (11;56 a.m.): Alessandra Stanley of the New York Times says:
Ms. Couric’s ratings at CBS will not be a test of feminism; they will be a measure of viewers’ flexibility.
I beg to differ. Couric's ratings will be a measure of how well she delivers the news, and how well the show is produced. Period. Her lack of certain anatomy should have no bearing on it.

An unimpressive first outing
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Why are you commenting about something you didn't see and don't plan to? Katie did not need coaching over the last three months on her delivery. She has presided over three hours of live television, five days a week, for 15 years. On 9/11 she provided eight straight hours of amazing coverage.
posted by
Terrie at September 9, 2006 03:37 AM
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September 05, 2006
Brits Introduce Burqa-Style Hospital Gowns
Further demonstrating how far down the Dhimi Path the Brits have gone, a hospital has introduced a burqa-style hospital gown to keep Muslim women properly modest. Britain can be comforted, knowing that creating gowns acceptable to Muslim patients is higher on the priority list than fixing its problem-ridden National Health Service (NHS).
The blue "Inter-Faith Gown" is the first of its type in Britain and has been trialled at the Royal Preston Hospital. It will be available to those who want it from November 1.
Hospital bosses said the gown -- which covers the entire body from head to toe -- provides extra comfort and cover for patients undergoing medical procedures and whose culture or religion requires more modest attire.
They described the response from patients as "overwhelming" and said it had attracted interest from a number of other hospitals around the country.
Inter-Faith gown? Somehow I doubt Christians, Jews or Hindus will be wearing it. Unless, of course, Islamofascists succeed in converting the world's population to Islam.
The Daily Express editorialized:
"If people want to live in Britain, then they must accept British standards and the British way of life... The standard hospital gown is surely good enough for everyone."
If the gown is a success, British hospitals can expand on their Muslim-inspired products, such as halal hospital food and rooms that have an extra bed for that male relative who has to accompany women in public.

No, you can't see her appendectomy scar
Moonbattery has more.
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Obesity Pandemic?
Now obesity is being termed as pandemic (adjective 1. (of a disease) prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world; epidemic over a large area.):
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - An obesity pandemic threatens to overwhelm health systems around the globe with illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, experts at an international conference warned Sunday.
"This insidious, creeping pandemic of obesity is now engulfing the entire world," Paul Zimmet, chairman of the meeting of more than 2,500 experts and health officials, said in a speech opening the weeklong International Congress on Obesity. "It's as big a threat as global warming and bird flu."
Call me a cynic, but if global warming and bird flu are the yardsticks against which the obesity pandemic is being measured, I'm not too worried.
Experts at the conference said governments should impose bans on junk food advertising aimed directly at children, although they acknowledged such restrictions were unlikely to come about soon because the food industry would lobby hard against them.
When experts begin advocating bans on anything, I automatically take what they have to say with a grain of salt.
When I see little fat kids running around it really bothers me, because I know those kids are unhealthy. The real culprits here, however, are their parents. Banning advertisements for junk food during peak kiddie viewing hours is not going to stop mom or dad from buying the crap when they go to the store. I know someone, for example, who realizes that cereals like Cap'n Crunch and Froot Loops are garbage, but she tells me she likes her kids to have them. What do the experts have to say about that? Will they then suggest that shoppers have "minders" when they go to the supermarket to make sure they buy the correct foods?
Provide parents with nutritional education (through the schools is a possibility),then let them make their own decisions about what they buy. Banning ads on legal products is a fascist tactic that is not going to work. What the experts seem to forget is that we as individuals should be accountable for our own decisions.
Besides, if the experts managed to solve all of the problems they keep squawking about, they'd put themselves right ouf of employment...
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I'm the first one to admit that I am fat. But you know what - it's because (a) I love to cook and (b) I love to eat. I'd happily share any food I have with anyone who is hungry and, in fact, I often feed starving attorneys (where I work).
I'm 64 years old and I bear absolutely no resemblance to Calista Flockheart and thank God for that!
If people choose to look down their noses at me for that - the heck with them!
posted by
Gayle Miller at September 5, 2006 01:12 PM
I have weight issues as well. But I know it's my own fault, and don't blame anyone or anything for it! Banning any kind of ads isn't going to stop me from eating crap...only self-control on my part will have any bearing on it!
posted by
Pam at September 5, 2006 01:14 PM
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September 04, 2006
It's A Great Day for a Parade and Campaigning
Ah, Labor Day...a day devoted to retail sales, picnics, and parades. Here in Connecticut, the town of Newtown has its annual Labor Day parade and this being an election year, all of the candidates were out in full force. As usual I was caught without a camera (had to rush out the door this morning), but managed to borrow one from a friend for a couple of important photo ops. (You can enlarge each photo below by clicking on them.)
Here, you see Democratic candidate for Senate Ned Lamont gladhanding with the crowd. (Sorry, my finger got in the way of the lens on the second photo.)

See that? He had a large number of volunteers marching with him, chanting something like "Go Lamont!" (I can't remember the actual chant).
And here, you see former Democrat now-running-as-an-Independent Senator Joe Lieberman shaking hands with parade-goers.

Lieberman didn't have near the amount of people marching with him. But let me tell you something he did have: more popular support. Where I was sitting, when Lieberman came around the bend, he received a tremendous cheer from the crowd. Lamont didn't receive nearly as much cheering when he showed up. Most of the noise being made for him was from campaign volunteers.
Oh, and Lieberman's popularity is quite satisfying when you realize that, according to the local weekly paper, he was contacted by Newtown's First Selectman Herb Rosenthal (a Democrat), asking him not to march with the Newtown Democrats. (First Selectman is Newtown's version of mayor.)
Quite telling, no?
(Others marching (who I didn't get photos of): Senate candidate Alan Schesinger (R), who I'll bet no one but political junkies like me have heard of; Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (R) (another big cheer getter) and her opponent Chris Murphy (D); and our popular Governor Jodi Rell (R), who received many more cheers than her rival Joe DeStefano (D).)
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Lieberman has the support of the voters, but Lamont has the support of George Soros' Shadow Party. Hopefully voters still have the upper hand.
posted by
Van Helsing at September 4, 2006 06:34 PM
if lieberman had the support of the voters he'd have won the democratic primary.
and if lieberman had such strong support why did he have such a small delegation? why didn't some of his vociferous supporters come out and walk with him, show their support for the senator?
posted by
steve at September 4, 2006 09:39 PM
Um, not only Democrats will be voting in November, Steve. He has strong Republican and Independent support here. As to your second question, I don't "got" me there. Congrats!
posted by
Pam at September 5, 2006 04:49 AM
Is that your middle finger that got in the way of the shot of Lamont?
posted by
the man at September 5, 2006 12:38 PM
The real test is whether or not Senator Lieberman has the support of a majority of CONNECTICUT voters. What George Soros or Al Franken or any of the other leftwing "useful idiots" think is, in the end, completely irrelevant. The choice is one to be made by ALL Connecticut voters and on that basis, I predict a Lieberman victory.
posted by
Gayle Miller at September 5, 2006 01:14 PM
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September 01, 2006
The IDF Inside Lebanon
In this riveting video, taken by Israeli video journalist Itai Anghel during the recent fracas in Lebanon, you'll see the Nahal Brigade in Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon taking part in house-to-house combat. According to Anghel, the Hezbollah fighters were wearing IDF uniforms. How sporting!
Via Menorah Blog on a tip from husband dude.
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