May 31, 2007
PETA Requests Tax Breaks for Vegetarians
From the Washington Times:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada are being asked to extend vegetarians the tax break currently given to hybrid-car owners for purchasing a vehicle with low carbon emissions.
The request comes from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals founder Ingrid E. Newkirk, who read a University of Chicago report arguing that switching to a vegetarian diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius.
PETA, as you know, is the group that likened the slaughter of animals for food consumption to the systematic slaughter of 6 million Jews by the Nazis during the Holocaust, and to the slavery and lynching of black people. Two PETA associates were also arrested on animal cruelty charges a couple of years ago. So please, take whatever this group proclaims with the proverbial grain of salt.
Newkirk obviously hasn't heard that the Prius is more environmentally damaging overall than the much-criticized Hummer. She might want to reconsider the comparison.
Vegetarians are some of the most self-righteous people on earth when it comes to health and the environment. I know: I was one for ten years. Fortunately I got over myself, and enjoy eating meat once again. I have no problem with those who choose not to eat meat. However, that choice is not license to lord it over everyone else.
Besides, how does one prove one is a vegetarian for the purpose of receiving the tax break? Grocery and restaurant receipts? What if the "vegetarian" eats a hamburger at the neighborhood barbecue? Oops, loophole.
Yet another ridiculous request for special treatment from a special interest group that is bent on making us follow their rules for living.
h/t: Moonbattery
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Not so fast PETA (there are those capital letters again)!
It is my understanding that because of their diets, vegetarians fart more than omnivores and methane is a Greenhouse Gas.
Somebody is trying to pull a fast one here.
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 31, 2007 05:28 PM
Being a minority(White Anglo Saxon Protestant)can I throw in for tax breaks too? Oh thats right I am the sinner who has to pay for all sins. My bad!!!
posted by
Mike at June 1, 2007 09:48 AM
On giving this a little more thought, since vegans do fart more, maybe they can buy "methane credits" from people that don't like beans or other gas-producing foods.
posted by
joe-6-pack at June 1, 2007 05:09 PM
pull a fast one? You mean pull my finger.
posted by John the Libertarian at June 3, 2007 02:32 PM
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Fred Thompson Quits "Law & Order"
Further indication of his desire to run.
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Quote of the Day
"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birthplace or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American.
"If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American.
"We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns out our people as Americans, and American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house, and we have room for but one soul [sic] loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people." ~ Excerpt from a letter written by former President Teddy Roosevelt in January of 1919.
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Teddy Roosevelt also said that the problem with hyphenated Americans (e.g., Italian-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Afro-Americans) is that they don't want to be Americans.
posted by
pa at June 1, 2007 10:07 PM
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On Bush's Betrayal
This is a wonderful bit from Laura Ingraham's show yesterday. She sums up what conservatives (those who supported George Bush) are feeling regarding his condeming us as bigots and non-patriots for opposing this "comprehensive" immigration bill. In a word, betrayed.
Sadly, even Linda Chavez, whom I respect and admire greatly, chalks up our reluctance to bigotry and racism.
But it's not just those xenophobe conservatives who are upset. Some libs are starting to figure out it's not all lemonade and gumdrops.
Let me repeat: opposing this bill is not racism. We had such an amnesty bill over 20 years ago under Ronald Reagan, and it didn't work. What makes the proponents of this one think it will succeed where the previous one didn't? Border control is a joke. Not only can poor, unskilled people desperate for work slip in, but those who wish to blow us to smithereens can as well. And legal immigrants who have applied for the proper documentation and consideration to be citizens must be wondering why they bothered to follow the rules when 12 million people stand to benefit from their lawbreaking ways.
And if these people are really doing the jobs Americans won't do, what will happen when they attain legal status, citizenship? Who will do the jobs then? As Americans they'll no longer have to hide, and employers will have to pay them more, if only to cover taxes, Social Security, etc. Will those same employers who have benefited from paying illegals peanuts suddenly be thrilled about paying them what those born and bred here expect to be paid?
Control the borders. Support the law as it stands now. Prosecute greedy employers who hire illegals under the table. Deport those with serious criminal records. Then we can begin to figure out what to do with the rest.
What's so hard to understand?
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Man, are you guys going to be sorry you asked Thompson to run. Knee jerkers.
posted by
mudkitty at May 31, 2007 09:34 AM
So are the "conspiracists" right about GHWB and GWB being "Globalists"? Is it all part of a "grand plan"? Is WND paranoid or visionary?
Sometimes I wonder if this perceived push towards combining the U.S., Canada, and Mexico are seen as an unavoidable necessity, in case "we" have to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, as it "goes nuts", sliding into an unholy mix of Socialism and Islamism.
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 31, 2007 09:40 AM
Thanks for your contribution to the debate on immigration. Ann Coulter had a great column yesterday about "W"'s betrayal.
posted by
steadyjohn at May 31, 2007 01:30 PM
Don't really understand mudkitty's comment above. And I'm making my hamster run as fast as it can.
Thank you for pointing out that it was papa Reagan who screwed the pooch on amnesty. Noonan stuck a knife in W's back recently on this issue, but failed to mention it was her boss that contributed to the deep distrust.
posted by John the Libertarian at June 3, 2007 02:38 PM
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Victor Davis Hansen: The Global Immigration Problem
Another must-read by the inimitable VDH.
It is past time to remember that paying our own poorer laborers more, doing some occasional physical work and obeying the laws - the immigration ones especially - are not icky or a bummer. Rather, this is the more ethical and, in the long run, cheaper approach.
Read it all.
h/t: Larwyn
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Saying Goodbye to Cindy Sheehan
While I'm not sorry to see the hind end of the "peace mom," there are a few lessons to be learned from Cindy. I write about them over at today.
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Good post at FSM.
[Metaphor alert!]
Maybe we see a few shreds of wisdom on her part, now that she realizes that she is "yesterday's news".
If she tries to go "back home", if burned bridges are blocking her way, will she admit that she lit those bridges "afire" or will she continue to blame someone else?
After her grief & publicity-intoxication "bender", this may be the beginning of the hangover. Will she go through a self-critical remorse phase as part of her "drying out".
It is easy to despise someone like her for the Aid and Comfort she gave the enemy, but in some ways she is just like Rosie O'Donnell, a deeply unhappy, lost person that needs prayers. After losing a child, one can probably never be totally happy again, but sometimes people can come to "grips" with the reality and the reason "why things are".
There are plenty of 9/11 widows/widowers, moms, dads, siblings,...that suffer in the same way, yet they don't make a spectacle of their grief. And they don't blame their own homeland and President for their loss.
It wil be interesting to see what her "next phase" is.
Sorry for the overuse of metaphors/cliches - this is just how it came out.
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 31, 2007 10:02 AM
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May 30, 2007
Dana Milbank: Gore "Too Smart" For His Own Good
According to the Washington Post's Dana Milbank, the biggest roadblock to Al Gore winning the 2008 election (should he deign to throw his hat in) would be his superior brainpower. You see, Gore is fantastically brilliant, and that's a turnoff to the majority of Americans because we're, well, dumb.
A capacity crowd of 1,500 people jammed into Lisner Auditorium at George Washington University last night for Al Gore's speech and book-signing. But the numbers don't matter: Even if Gore were speaking before a sellout crowd at Verizon Center, he would still be the smartest guy in the room.
He reminded his listeners of this repeatedly last night.
Milbank goes on to regale us with Gore's references to classic history tomes and the fact that many of our Founding Fathers (is it still okay to say that?) read both Latin and classic Greek. Considering those languages were considered part and parcel of higher education in those days, it's little wonder that our Founders, most of whom (if not all) came from wealthy backgrounds, were so well-read. Does Gore read Latin and Greek too? I suppose it's of no matter. As long as Gore can talk about it, it's enough to prove he's the smartest guy in the room. According to Milbank, "Gore practically oozes gray matter." And Milbank practically oozes brown matter...but I wouldn't brag about that.
But could the hoi polloi handle having such a genius as Gore at our country's helm? Milbank thinks not.
Imagine the Iowa hog farmer cracking open "Assault on Reason," and meeting Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Paine, John Kenneth Galbraith, Walter Lippmann, Johannes Gutenberg, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Jefferson and Marshall McLuhan -- all before finishing the introduction.
Imagine that? Those Iowa hog farmers. What a stupid lot. Throw them in with the average Americans whom, according to Gore, watch between four and five hours of television per day, and you get a bunch of nincompoops who would quail at the prospect of having such a learned man in the White House. Of course, he must be smarter than George W. Bush (aka Chimpy McBushitler). I mean, who isn't?
Could it be that the Democrats were wrong and Bush didn't steal the election in 2000? Could it be that the real reason Gore didn't win was because lesser-educated Americans felt they needed to be more mentally acute than their leader? It then follows that John Kerry lost to Bush in 2004 because again, the average American blob in red state flyover country couldn't stand having a brilliant man in the Oval Office. (Turns out, of course, that Kerry wasn't quite as smart as advertised...but it made a good story at the time.)
Frankly, I'm not convinced that Gore is the intellectual he wants us to think he is. But let's assume for the sake of argument that he is.
What Milbank and so many others fail to understand is that it takes more than just booksmarts to be a good leader. Strength of character, the ability to delegate responsibility and appointing the right people to delegate that responsibility to, the willingness to admit to a mistake, consistency, and the willingness to listen to other ideas -- these are some of the characteristics of an effective leader. Yes it's important to have an IQ higher than that of a gnat. But one doesn't have to be a member of Mensa either.
Gore's problem (and Kerry's after him) is not his intellectual acumen, but his pretentiousness. For example, as he looks down his nose at the unwashed masses whom he strives to educate about the perils of global warming, he himself does not take the precautions he lectures the rest of us about, with his numerous private jet rides and his large, energy-consuming homes. And as for his giant intellect, think back to your own schooldays...did you like hanging out with the kid who always made sure everyone knew he had the highest grades in the class?
In addition, Gore is stiff, priggish and standoffish. You can't imagine him having any kind of sympathy for you or your everyday problems. His former "boss," Bill Clinton, had that ability to connect with ordinary people. So does President Bush.
In a nutshell, Gore thinks he's better than the rest of us. And that's a major turnoff. We would expect someone like Dana Milbank to appreciate him, though. Milbank thinks he's better than the rest of us too.
UPDATE: Here's a slightly different take on this over at Moonbattery.
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Gore cheats on tests :)
posted by
Kitty at May 30, 2007 04:14 PM
We didn't vote for Gore because WE'RE smarter than Gore.
Maybe Dana meant Gore is a smartass
posted by
Charles at May 30, 2007 05:24 PM
Dana again reveals the delusion of the Democrat Partisan.
posted by
hnav at May 31, 2007 09:01 AM
Oh for the love of all that is holy - considering that Iowa is where all the caucuses get their start, based on the idea that the citizenry of Iowa is representative of the entire USA...using the "Iowa hog farmer" analogy is really more than insulting to the farmer. It's a slap at the whole state.
Gore is stiff, very pretentious (god I love that word) and doesn't portray an ounce of leadership ability. He might have a high IQ, but that doesn't mean he has the common sense to use it (my brother has an IQ of 180 but he's one of the stupidest smart people I know...).
It's about leading by example - and the Gore & Kerry examples are of the elite who deign to mingle with the commoners - all the while reminding the commoners that they are "common" while Gore & Kerry are the ivy league, silver spoon, which makes them better than everyone else.
posted by
Kris, in New England at May 31, 2007 09:09 AM
Good article on Gore, and I agree. However, to say 'the' hoi polloi is redundant. 'Hoi' means 'the' in this plural noun.
posted by
Rachelle Young at May 31, 2007 09:57 AM
Ye olde saw. Ronald Reagan was a dumb actor and a bufoon, while Jimmy Carter was just too brilliant to work with Congress. George H.W. Bush was a waffling stuttering old geezer, while Bill Clinton was a genius. W is an idiot, while John Kerry is so smart and sophisticated. And on and on.
My olde saw? People who say they are smart, aren't.
posted by John the Libertarian at June 3, 2007 02:46 PM
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Fred! '08
Last week, I passed on a tidbit from the OpinionJournal's Political Diary that Fred! Thompson was thinking about announcing on or around July 4th. The Politico is now saying that it's more than just a possibility:
Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race over the Fourth of July holiday, announcing that week that he has already raised several million dollars and is being backed by insiders from the past three Republican administrations, Thompson advisers told The Politico.
A member of Thompson's inner circle, who insisted on anonymity, said the former senator will offer himself as a consistent conservative who can unite all elements of the Republican Party. "The public is increasingly cynical and disenchanted with government," this adviser said. "Competence is at the heart of what people want from government, and they need to have a sense that government can do the things they care the most about. They want a reason to continue Republican governance. Thompson can be seen as the adult with a firm hand on the tiller."
This is the most exciting news I've heard in months! He has my vote and my donation. But let me be clear: if he doesn't win the nomination, there will be no picking of sour grapes here...I will be voting for whomever gets nominated. A so-so Republican is a better choice than any of the current crop of Democrats.
And lest you forget, this is the kind of straight talk we can expect from Fred! Thompson. I look forward to his campaign!
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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Al-Qaeda Warns: Worse than 9/11
Al-Qaeda has not been resting on its laurels after the "spectacular" attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11. No, they really hope to make a statement soon:
An American member of Al-Qaeda warned in an Internet video that US President George W. Bush should withdraw all his troops from Muslim land or face attacks worse than September 11.
Adam Gadahn, a convert to Islam who has been indicted for treason by a US jury, issued a list of demands and warned they were not up for negotiation.
"Your failure to heed our demands means that you and your people... will experience things that will make you forget all about the horrors of September 11, Afghanistan and Iraq, and Virginia Tech," he said in the video posted on Tuesday.
"You're losing on all fronts and losing big time," said Gadahn, who is the English-language spokesman for Osama bin Laden's terror network.
Born in 1978, Gadahn -- also known Azzam al-Amriki and Azzam the American -- is a native of southern California and has appeared in several videotapes for Al-Qaeda since 2004.
His conversion to Islam came after he began attending the Islamic Centre of Orange County in California, where he is believed to have come under the influence of two foreign-born Islamic radicals.
Gadahn's parents must be so proud!
But don't worry. According to John Edwards, the war on terror is a bumper sticker slogan, made up for political reasons. I'm sure once Bush is out of office, all threats from al-Qaeda and other splinter Islamist groups will disappear. Isn't that what the Democrats have been telling us for the past six years?
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Hillary Accepts $4,000 Donation from High School Student
Gee, if I had had $4,000 lying around when I was in high school, I would have found better ways to spend it. But was it really from a football-playing private high school student? From Reverse Spin:
Most high schoolers dont have $4,000 lying around to give away and those who do are not going to give it to a U.S. Senator from another state.
Unless, of course, his mother or other relative is an employee for a company whose top officials have given Hillary more than $150,000 over the last several years and one that could strongly benefit from a Clinton presidency. Valerie Ramsdell has been a top official for Buffalo Grove-based International Profit Associates, a business consulting firm in the cross hairs of state and federal governments for alleged fraud and blatant company wide sexual harassment. Her $4,000 donation to Hillary two weeks prior to Camerons listed the same 1200 Valley Road address.
Mrs. Bill Clinton taking money from tainted sources? Say it ain't so!
On a tip from Marathon Pundit.
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May 29, 2007
Veterans' Graves Desecrated
Many of us spent Memorial Day weekend working around the house, at the lake, or having barbecues with friends and family. Many of us did not stop to give a thought to those whose deaths on the battlefield ensured that we can live the free lives we enjoy today. However, it's better to give them no thought at all than to allow bile and hatred of those same dead patriots spill over in the following manner:
ORCAS ISLAND, Wash. Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans' graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday.
Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities said. Swastikas drawn on paper appeared where 14 of the flags had been.
Members of the American Legion on this island off Washington's northwest coast replaced the burned flags with new ones Sunday afternoon.
The vandals struck again on Memorial Day after a guard left at dawn, the San Juan County sheriff's office said. This time, the vandals left 33 of the hand-drawn swastikas.
"This is not an act of free speech. This is a crime," Sheriff Bill Cumming said in a statement released Monday afternoon.
Sheriff's department officials declined to comment further on Monday.
Apparently the freedoms our soldiers procure for us at the cost of their lives include the freedom to be vile and offensive toward their memory.
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May 26, 2007
RadarOnline Interviews Gene Simmons
Gene Simmons isn't afraid to say what's on his mind. RadarOnline talks to him about Iraq, Hollywood's (and America's) attitude toward the military, and much more:
In terms of this Republican administration, some views about stem cell research, gay rights, separation of church and state, and on and onI don't agree with any of them. But you can worry about the trees and the environment and gas emissions later. Right now there's a bigger problem, and it's a guy who doesn't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat; he wants to blow himself up and take you out. That's the problem. I think racially profiling anybody from the Middle East ... the Swiss have been good this year, and as an Israeli, I want you to look at me first. I want you to search my anal cavity and look at my tax records. I want you to look at me first, and then at every guy named Muhammad.
You mean global warming isn't the biggest threat to humanity at the moment? Now that's refreshing! I suppose he won't be invited to any of Al Gore's soirees any time soon.
On a tip from Kitty!
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so many valid points in his interview - and he is so right, doesnt matter if you are a Dem or Rep, the terrorists will kill you no matter who you vote(d) for and to believe otherwise is called denial!
posted by
Jeanette at May 26, 2007 08:17 PM
THAT was a great interview. I loved how his opinions were not about a particular party. I find that very refreshing.
Anyway, Pam, I would be remiss if I didn't send this to you:
This fits in brilliantly with your series on Americans viewed abroad.
If you post, can you post to LLP, PULEASE? like, as a birfday present?
posted by
aaron at May 28, 2007 06:46 AM
About 15000 Americans are murdered each year. When "terrorists" are responsible for say 1000 then maybe your fearmongering will work better.
posted by
John Ryan at May 28, 2007 07:29 PM
This reminded me a little of a movie that I saw once.
I'm guessing that Gene might know a thing or two about terrorists. I mean he is from Israel and probably had to do research his rool in the movie above. Believe it or not, he was really convincing.
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May 25, 2007
Honest Blogger Quiz '07
Here are my answers to ideological questions in this quiz created by Tony Pierce. Hat tip to Reverse Vampyr, whose answers resemble mine in many ways!
1. Which political party do you typically agree with? Republican
2. Which political party do you typically vote for? Now: Republican. (I had a big change of heart...see answer to below question.)
3. List the last six presidents that you voted for? Bush '04, Gore '00, Clinton '96, Clinton '92, Bush '88
4. Which party do you think is smarter about the economy? Republican
5. Which party do you think is smarter about domestic affairs? Libertarian
6. Do you think we should keep our troops in Iraq or pull them out? Keep them in Iraq until their military and government are strong enough to take over and protect themselves from their enemies. Rome was not built in a day, you know!
7. Who, or what country, do you think is most responsible for 9/11? Osama Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia, and al-Qaeda
8. Do you think we will find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? We have found WMDs, just not as many as we expected to (which the media promptly buried). I am convinced that most of them are in Syria, since Saddam Hussein sent several convoys there during the buildup to the March 2003 invasion.
9. Yes or no, should the U.S. legalize marijuana? No
10. Do you think the Republicans stole the last presidental election? Absolutely not. Nor did they steal the one before that (and I voted for Gore in that one).
11. Do you think Bill Clinton should have been impeached because of what he did with Monica Lewinski? Bill Clinton was not impeached for enjoying the, er, charms of Monica Lewinski. He was impeached for lying under oath and efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses in a civil rights action, among other things. It had nothing to do with his sex life, although that was quite embarrassing for our country in and of itself.
12. Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good president? How loudly can I say no? Hillary is a dedicated socialist who would have our government rule our lives in the way many European governments do...and we can all see what happened to France and Germany and what is happening in Britain. I also do not approve of her penchant for licking her finger and sticking it in the air to see which way the political wind is blowing before she makes any kind of decision (or backpedal).
13. Name a current Democrat who would make a great president: I don't think any current Democrat would make a great president. Although he's not an official Democrat anymore, Joe Lieberman is someone I would consider only because of his understanding of challenges our national security faces in these troubled times.
14. Name a current Republican who would make a great president: Fred Thompson is my favorite so far, but he hasn't yet declared his candidacy.
15. Do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion? Abortion used as birth control is despicable. In today's day and age, there is no excuse for so many "oops" moments. We're talking about life here! If at all, abortion should only be allowed in cases of rape, incest, or saving the life of the mother.
16. What religion are you? Christian; specifically Lutheran.
17. Have you read the Bible all the way through? No
18. Whats your favorite book? ...And Ladies of the Club by Helen Hooven Santmyer
19. Who is your favorite band? Current: KT Tunstall. Retro: Duran Duran.
20. Who do you think youll vote for president in the next election? Rudy Giuliani is a possibility, but I'm more leaning towards Fred Thompson if he runs.
21. Do you think President Bush and Vice President Cheney should be impeached? No. For what?
22. Do you think it was a coincidence that gasoline prices have nearly tripled and oil company profits have hit record highs while there was a US President whose family made its fortune through oil? How scary it would be for our president to have that much power! What critics often ignore is that not only is demand increasing here at home but overseas, specifically China and India, two burgeoning economies with huge populations. Simple economic rules apply: more demand, higher prices. Gas prices went up during the Carter administration, and his family made money by growing peanuts. And the price of everything goes up over time. Environmentalists need to stop whining about caribou in ANWR, new refineries, and trumped-up fears about nuclear energy if we are ever going to break free of our dependence on foreign oil, new technologies notwithstanding. Ethanol is not going to cut it...nor will "carbon credits."
23. Do you think President Bush is the worst US President ever? and if not, who is? No. My bet is currently on Jimmy Carter, whose missteps and faltering enabled Islamists to take over in Iran and usher in a new age of Islamofascist terrorism, for which not only the US, but the world is only just beginning to pay for.
24. Do you think Iraq is going through a civil war? Despite what the media would have us think, no...but if things don't improve, I have my worries.
25. Now with all that the US has gone through, do you think it would have been better for the nation that George Bush had never been elected president? No. Despite his imperfections (his tendency for big spending and his unfortunate stance on the border and illegal immigration), I think we are in much better shape today than we would have been if either Gore or Kerry had been elected. Bush had 9/11 and the following era thrust upon him and responded admirably, with a show of force that was necessary against a fanatical group that respects force over diplomacy. He is a man of conviction, something rare in today's political climate.
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Anger Against Amesty Bill is NOT Racism
Michael Gerson, writing for the Washington Post today, claims that conservatives who oppose the "comprehensive" immigration reform bill that is now before Congress are, for all intents and purposes, racists.
But the real passion in this debate is not political, it is cultural -- a fear that American identity is being diluted by Latino migration. Tancredo is the lowbrow expression of this fear. Professor Samuel Huntington of Harvard University, whom Tancredo calls an intellectual mentor, presents the highbrow version. Huntington argues that Mexican migration is a threat to American unity and to the "core" of our cultural identity. "America," he says, "was created as a Protestant society just as and for some of the same reasons Pakistan and Israel were created as Muslim and Jewish societies in the 20th century."
There definitely are some groups who are white supremacists, and therefore don't want immigration from groups who don't fit into that mold. Racists are everywhere, but they are not restricted to the Republican party. And the claim that a majority of Republicans feel this way is slanderous.
What Gerson and many amnesty proponents either genuinely fail to realize or deliberately fail to admit is that the outcry in this nation is not about where these immigrants come from, but that they have entered this country illegally. That the majority of them come from Mexico or other Spanish-speaking countries south of the border is simply a coincidence based on geography. Those of us who are angry about illegal aliens are just as angry at those who come from Mexico as those who come from Ireland or elsewhere. Playing the race card is a cheap propaganda tool that is used to shut down debate. After all, who wants to be branded as a racist?
Illegal aliens have not only shown disregard for our laws, but expect to be rewarded for doing so. This bill would do just that -- reward lawbreakers while others who have applied for citizenship the proper way must sit back and watch while linejumpers reap rewards that legal applicants have waited years and paid plenty of money for. As it is, illegal aliens are already receiving freebies that American citizens (and other legal residents) must pay for.
Aaron of Lifelike Pundits puts it quite succinctly:
These illegal immigrants or undocumented workers (or, better yet, trespassers) send their children to schools that my tax dollars pay for and I have no children. I pay my taxes to the government to educate American citizens, not children of people who decided that they were above our laws.
Millions of people who wait years to do this legally do so because they recognize that it is a privilege to be an American.
Like a home, it is the prerogative of America to decide whom she will invite to come in and be a part of the family. If we would rather have more skilled than unskilled workers come here, what's wrong with that? Why should our Social Security and Medicare system (already overburdened) be strained to the breaking point with people who not only have put nothing into it thus far, but if made legal, would put little in before subscribing for benefits? And regardless of the skill level of those invited, the fact that some don't wait for an invitation but demand entry shows how much regard they have for our "nation of laws," as President Bush put it.
The threat of terrorism is yet another issue. If it's easy for Mexicans and others to slip across the border in search of work, it's just as easy for terrorists (Islamists, etc.) to cross the border. Indeed, three of the "Fort Dix Six" were in the country illegally. Who knows how many others have made their way in via the porous sections of our southern border? Why is that not a concern?
There is a problem, egged on by the multiculturalism movement, with some immigrant groups being less eager to embrace American culture and become one with it, preferring instead to create communities that are more like the country they came from. If they prefer the comforts of home, then why did they leave? The American dream is not just a piggy bank waiting to be raided. It's all-encompassing. To be proud of one's heritage is one thing. To completely re-create life the way it was before coming to our shores is quite another.
Yet this is a separate issue from the anger over the amnesty bill. Claiming that conservatives oppose it because they are racists obscures the real question: that of the law and the rights of the citizens who will bear the cost of this mass "pass Go, collect $200" scheme.
Our Congress and president are showing little regard for the citizens who voted for them and pay their salaries. This amnesty bill is a slap in our collective face, and shows us that for both parties, garnering a potential voting bloc is more important than safety and economic concerns. And it's not appreciated.
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Out of curiosity Pam, would you support a constitutional amendment to deny citizenship to a person born in American territory if the mother is not here legally?
posted by
paul at May 25, 2007 12:36 PM
Pam, heres an excellent article written by Fjordman about immigration and the EU. This needs to be read and passed on.What is happening in Europe today is what we will face if we dont control our borders and dont stop getting sold out to the North American Union.
posted by
Mike at May 26, 2007 08:25 AM
Paul, I think you pose a good question. But it need not be a Constitutional amendment; simply creating a law disallowing illegal "anchor babies" could be sufficient.
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at May 27, 2007 02:38 PM
There's so much to say here, it's hard to know where to begin. I guess with: the level of racism I have seen with my own two eyes is staggering, and it's made so much worse when the person calling someone a "beaner" or stopping their van to throw oranges at a migrant worker walking on the street says, "I'm not really a racist". So we're not talking about white supremacists here. You're right when you say that it's not just a Republican v Democrat thing, it's just that liberals seem to have enough sense to feel ashamed about it when they are caught in blatantly racist acts or statements. Your distain for the "multicultural movement" is just incredible and comes off as, well, racist. Learning English is important, but listening to our music and eating our food and wearing our clothes is not. And, well, how are they going to learn English if they're not allowed to go to school? Oy...
posted by Ro at May 29, 2007 06:09 PM
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May 24, 2007
Islam vs. Islamists UPDATE: PBS Will Allow Broadcast
From the Washington Times:
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) announced a joint agreement yesterday to make "Islam vs. Islamists" available to the 354 Public Broadcasting Service member stations across the nation as a "stand-alone" TV program, with a little extra embellishment.
"We plan to distribute the film to any public broadcasting station that wants it. We'll package it and also produce some sort of discussion to accompany the film, and give it some context," OPB President Steve Bass told The Washington Times yesterday.
"There has been a lot of debate on whether this program needed editing. Some said yes, some no. When you're dealing with an object of controversy, it is better to let the audience draw their own conclusions," Mr. Bass said.
"As stewards of the investment in public broadcasting, this fulfills our responsibility to the taxpayer," CPB President Patricia Harrison said yesterday.
The often-disquieting 52-minute film explores the struggles of moderate American Muslims at the hands of their radical brethren and gives details about a "parallel" Islamist society that is slowly but surely developing within the U.S. borders. The film was produced by conservative columnist Frank Gaffney Jr., founder of the Center for Security Policy, filmmaker Martyn Burke and Middle East scholar Alex Alexiev.
Goodness, let the audience draw their own conclusions? What a concept! It's going to sweep the nation! As for responsibility to the taxpayer, you're darn tootin'. It's our tax dollars that paid not only for the creation of this film, but also for the salaries of the likes of the high-and-mighty Patricia Harrison.
We may have to wait a few months, but the film will be aired by those stations who wish to. I have to wonder, though, what the "extra discussion" will be about. Still, it's a victory.
If you're one of those who wrote to PBS letting them know of your displeasure, pat yourself on the back! And be sure to contact your local station and let them know you want them to air it. We the people...doing the work those on our dime won't.
In the beginning: Islam vs. Islamists: Trailer Online
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Say NO to Amnesty
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h/t: Right Wing News
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Going Back to the Middle Ages?
Will the green movement ultimately squeeze out the middle class? Steve Janke asks the question:
[C]an a carbon neutral society even have a middle class? And what is a society in which the middle class doesn't exist, or is almost invisible? It was like that in the Middle Ages, wasn't it?
Read more of what Steve has to say about the holier-than-thou "do as I say" crowd.
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PC Flap Ends Up Backfiring on Whiner: The Wopburger Stays
Score one for common sense:
The Blue Parrot in Louisville [Colorado] has a burger on its menu called the "Wopburger." To some, the name has a negative connotation, but to others, it's no big deal.
The Blue Parrot owners, Joe Colacci and Joan Riggins, said since the restaurant opened in 1919, it has never had a controversy quite like this. However, despite the controversy, they said the name of the burger is going to stay.
An Italian-American customer argued that the name "Wopburger" was offensive and is an ethnic slur, while others said the complaints are political correctness gone too far.
"He was giving my grandson a hard time about this Wopburger," Colacci said. "He said, 'you have to take this off the menu.'"
According to, the term "wop" comes from the word "guappo" meaning "swagger or pimp."
The owners said they considered changing the burger's name, but their customers told them not to.
"All over the country people have called -- I've been on a Baltimore radio station -- and they have all been very supportive," Riggins said.
Because of the controversy, the owners said the Wopburger has become one of the most popular dishes on the menu.
When's the last time you heard anyone called a "wop?" It's one of those classless terms that's gone the way of "dago" and "polock." I'll bet if you asked a bunch of kids under the age of 20 what a wop is, most of them, if not all, wouldn't have a clue.
What gets me is that one customer out of how many has complained about this burger? And he felt he had the right to demand that the restaurant owners change the name? He even went so far as to complain to the Boulder Valley School District, which buys spaghetti sauce for its lunch program from the Blue Parrot. That complaint nearly caused the Colacci clan to change its mind.
All James Gambino ended up doing was bringing the Blue Parrot lots of free publicity, and Wopburger sales are up. (Figures he's an East Coast transplant.) Colacci, the last name of the owners, is Italian. If they aren't offended, then so what?
As David Harsanyi says in the Denver Post:
Political correctness allows a small group of energetic do-gooders to dictate what acceptable speech is for the rest of us. Yes, being offensive is the right of every American. And what's offensive, in many cases, is nebulous.
But, thankfully, there's a flip side to this freedom - a wonderful and infallible remedy for those who find the Wopburger an offensive treat:
Don't patronize the Blue Parrot and don't buy one.
h/t: Ankle Biting Pundits
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The redneck definition of "Wop" is the sound a flat tire on a car makes before it starts to come apart.
The first time I ever heard that term was from a Notherner - the kind word for "Yankee".
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 25, 2007 12:53 PM
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Dr. Zudi Jasser: Must-See Interview
Erick Stakelbeck, who has regular features on Hot Air, interviews Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser. Dr. Jasser is an American of Syrian descent who spent 11 years in the US Navy, and currently serves as chairman of the Phoenix-based American Forum for Islamic Democracy (whose slogan is, "At home with American liberty and freedom"). As Stakelbeck says, Jasser, a devout Muslim, realizes that "Muslims are freer here than anywhere in the world."
During the interview, Dr. Jasser discusses his personal experiences with one of the "flying imams," how the John Doe lawsuit fosters the goals of terrorism, the best antidote to Islamism, and the decision by PBS to censor the documentary Islam vs. Islamists.
Be sure to watch this one. We need more sane voices like Dr. Jasser's in this debate.
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Jimmy Carter: Still Just a Goober
Check out my comments about the man whose photo is next to the word "malaise" in the dictionary, over at today.
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May 23, 2007
Fred Thompson May Announce July 4th
According to the OpinionJournal's Political Diary from today (subscription required, so I can't provide a link), Fred! Thompson is planning to officially announce his candidacy for president some time around the Fourth of July weekend:
It looks as if Fred Thompson will be announcing his presidential candidacy around the Fourth of July weekend. He already has hired Tom Collamore, a former Commerce Department official, as his campaign manager and former Federal Elections Commission chairman Michael Toner as his campaign lawyer.
The announcement has been delayed while Mr. Thompson builds up a credible staff to enable him to hit the campaign trail in an organized fashion. He also had to clear up loose ends on his calendar by fulfilling speaking engagements and allowing original episodes of NBC's "Law and Order," on which he has a regular role, to air before federal equal-time rules kick in that would prevent NBC from airing them.
GOP rivals are carping that Thompson's campaign will fizzle out early admidst the task of fundraising and building grassroots support in key states. Yet that might not be a problem, according to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), who says, "Fred has the most spontaneous support I've seen of anyone in the last 40 years."
Keeping fingers crossed!
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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You are brave indeed Blogmeister!
I too wrote that Fred Thompson will announce the first week of July at
Keep your guard up!
posted by
mertens at May 23, 2007 06:03 PM
Actually, I think he's been playing it smarter than the rest, even if he didn't have a choice. He's told everyone where he stands on all the hot button issues of the campaign, yet he hasn't really spent much money on it - it HAS been a total grassroots effort. His campaign will gain instant momentum once he formally declares - I can't WAIT!!!
Unfortunately I won't be able to celebrate. I'll be with my dearest friend on the 4th and she's about as bleeding heart liberal as they come...though her hubby isn't. I'll just be happy inside. :-)
posted by
Kris, in New England at May 24, 2007 09:45 AM
RUN, Fred, run! As soon as he announces, he has my support 100%.
posted by
Will Cate at May 25, 2007 10:36 AM
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ABC News Exposes Secret CIA Plans
Oops, they did it again:
The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell the Blotter on
The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the subject, say President Bush has signed a "nonlethal presidential finding" that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions.
"I can't confirm or deny whether such a program exists or whether the president signed it, but it would be consistent with an overall American approach trying to find ways to put pressure on the regime," said Bruce Riedel, a recently retired CIA senior official who dealt with Iran and other countries in the region.
One might be forgiven for thinking that Brian Ross and Richard Esposito work for the New York Times, but they work for ABC. Yet really, all of these guys subscribe to the same groupthink.
John Hawkins weighs in:
This is a malicious leak designed to aid America's enemies and compromise our national security. It's scandalous that someone leaked it and it's even more scandalous that ABC betrayed its own country by publishing it.
He has it exactly right. Bush Derangement Syndrome is alive and well within the hallowed halls of our top media, and national security be damned as long as publishing this kind of information either hobbles the Bush administration's efforts to curb rogue, terrorist states or makes Bush look bad -- or both.
It's tempting to theorize that Ross and Esposito are on Ahmadinejad's payroll, but that would be giving them too much credit. These guys are representative of the MSM in that they really do believe that they are doing our country a favor by exposing secret government operations that, if they work, will increase security for not only Americans, but much of the world. Don't they get it? Even France is coming around about Iran.
With friends like this, we sure as hell don't need enemies.
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posted by
Kris, in New England at May 24, 2007 05:52 PM
Unless this is one of those leaks that's not a leak, in which case you've insulted two men for no reason.
Guess it's one of those things we'll never know.
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Quote of the Day
Re. the proposed "comprehensive" immigration reform bill (aka amnesty bill):
"Like many Americans I am highly offended at the devaluation of citizenship inherent in offering it those who have violated our rules. There may be practical and humanitarian reasons to allow continued residence, but why even consider citizenship, other than to engineer the electorate to the advantage of one party?" ~ Thomas Lifson
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DC Madame for Hillary!
You know, for someone who seems somewhat frigid, Mrs. Bill Clinton sure has some hot women backing her bid for the presidency. First it was "adult film star" Jenna Jameson vocally lending her support, and now it's Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who is also known as the DC Madame.
Palfrey thinks Mrs. Clinton is "great," and that "she's bright and articulate." (Wait a minute, I thought Barack Obama had the articulate bit sewn up. We can't have more than two articulate candidates!) I guess Palfrey hasn't seen this video of Hillary giving a recent commencement speech.
Palfrey also despises President Bush, saying he got where he is because of his father. And Mrs. Bill Clinton got where she is all by herself? Interesting!
Make sure you read the comments section at the first link above...there are some real gems.
I know I wouldn't be thrilled to have these two, er, ladies publicly advocating my candidacy. But then, as long as they're willing to help fill the campaign coffers, why would Hillary complain? Show me the money, baby!
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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I like Kitty's idea - NO women in positions of power. She was referring to 24, but I think it applies here as well.
posted by
Wyatt Earp at May 23, 2007 11:29 AM
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May 22, 2007
Iran's Fingers Plunge Deeper Into Iraq Pie
Iran, along with al-Qaeda, is planning a summer offensive in Iraq that is aimed at convincing us to withdraw from Iraq for good.
Why am I not surprised? And with the current makeup of Congress, Iran realizes it has a good chance of succeeding.
Thanks, Nancy and Harry. Thanks alot.
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Amnesty Bill Would Provide Free Legal Services
This whole amnesty bill gets better and better the more I hear about it:
Ken Boehm, Chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), today criticized the immigration bill crafted in secret by Senators led by Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Arlen Specter (R-PA).
Boehm said, "If passed, this bill will make taxpayers pay the legal bills for illegal aliens seeking amnesty. Tucked away on page 317 is a provision that would allow lawyers in the federally-funded legal services program to represent illegal aliens, which they are presently barred from doing."
John Carlisle, NLPC's Director of Policy, said, "Many taxpayers will be chagrined to learn they may soon have to provide a lawyer for illegal aliens who should not be here in the first place. Activist lawyers, illegal aliens and government money are a bad mix."
Chagrined is not strong enough word. Angry, offended, livid, ticked off, furious...those are a few words that come to mind. It's bad enough that we as taxpayers have been paying for illegal aliens' schooling, civic, and medical expenses. Now, if they're given an official pass by the government, we'll pay for crunchy granola lawyers to fight for rights they don't deserve in the first place. I might as well throw the money I earn down the toilet for all the good it's doing me personally.
Meanwhile, the Senate has voted 69-23 to move forward on the bill, although it's doubtful it will see any real action before June. Sen. Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy, the one of bloated blowhards we all have to thank for this monstrosity, had this to say:
"Our plan is a compromise. It involved give-and-take in the best traditions of the United States Senate. For each of us who crafted it, there are elements that we strongly support and elements we believe could be improved. No one believes this is a perfect bill. The world is watching to see how we respond to the current crisis. Let's not disappoint them."
Since when do we compromise with criminals? And it's more than just being an imperfect bill; it's a slap in the face to American citizens and other legal residents of this country. And I don't give a hoot about disappointing the rest of the world. When other countries begin consulting us on their immigration law, then maybe they can have a say in how we conduct our affairs. I'm sick and tired of self-serving politicians like Kennedy worrying more about what "the world" thinks than what Americans think.
But then, these potential citizens are just another voting bloc, whose votes are ripe for the picking. And that's really what it's all about.
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US Doctor Convicted of al-Qaeda Support
Via al-Reuters:
A federal jury convicted a Florida-based doctor on Monday of supporting al Qaeda by swearing allegiance to the group and attempting to help treat wounded fighters.
Rafiq Sabir, 52, was found guilty of conspiracy to provide material support to al Qaeda and providing or attempting to provide material support or resources and faces a maximum of 30 years in prison when he is sentenced September 12.
His lawyer is whining that his conviction is because of the "erosion of constitutional rights" since 9/11. No, he was convicted because jurors were convinced that he and his cohorts pledged support to al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in the name of Islamic jihad.
And Safir was no illegal alien like three of the "Fort Dix Six." He was born and raised in New York.
Have fun in prison...
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He must not have taken a Hippocratic oath.
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May 21, 2007
School Indoctrination Time: Update II
Well glory be! Not only did my daughter's science teacher show The Great Global Warming Swindle to her class, but he showed it to all of his classes. And, per my daughter, at least five or six kids in her class alone have begun to question the "conventional wisdom" of man's contributions to global warming.
See? It pays to get involved. Perhaps there's some hope in our public schools after all. (Well, just a leetle bit.)
Speaking of the Goracle's movie getting shown in school:
So how did An Inconvenient Truth become required classroom viewing?
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Force the teacher to eat Salt Cured Drowned Polar Bear in the teacher's lounge as punishment
posted by
John Ruberry at May 21, 2007 11:50 PM
Good Show! One small step...
The next step is to offer a film downplaying the viability of corn-based ethanol, as a fuel.
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 23, 2007 11:49 AM
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Senate Support Shaky for Shamnesty Bill
According to the Washington Times, only 17 senators officially approve of what amounts to an amnesty bill for illegal aliens. The bill is scheduled to hit the Senate floor today for discussion, and was written in secret by a dozen senators in cahoots with the Bush administration. Is this the way we want our government to be run?
N.Z. Bear has an anotated copy of the bill online for you to see for yourself.
Sen. Arlen Specter (RINO-PA) claims this bill is the best they could do.
"It will treat the 12 million undocumented immigrants in a constructive way. It is not amnesty. They'll have to pay a fine. They'll have to earn their way to citizenship," he said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "It's better than what we have now."
Not amnesty? Letting the pass go by paying $200 is not amnesty? And how exactly is the government going to enforce this fine? The same way they've been enforcing our immigration law over the last twenty years or so? Do they really expect illegals, who are flouting the current laws, to whip out their wallets and fork over thousands of dollars in order to start on the path to citizenship? If they were so inclined, they would have gone the legal route in the first place. This will not clean up our illegal alien problem, but will make it worse. The whole deal reeks.
Voters are not pleased, most notably the Republican base. A couple of Republicans were booed by their constituents over the weekend. Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina and Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia were both booed at their state Republican conventions because of the their support for the bill. Heh.
Don Surber doubts the bill will survive the week. I hope he's right. We call it illegal immigration for a reason: it's against the law.
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The only portions of this bill that will be actually enforced will be the granting of legal status to illegal immigrants. All the other provisions will be either scuttled or ignored as "too difficult to enforce." And we're right back to amnesty.
Just wait till these millions of illegals become legal citizens and begin to claim Social Security for their retirement after NOT paying into the system for their entire lives. And we think we've got problems with Social Security now?
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at May 21, 2007 01:36 PM
Exactly. But a population weaned on the government teat will be a population that continues to vote for the party with the biggest boobs. Sorry for the vulgar comparison, but that's pretty much what this all boils down to: votes. And sad to say, GWB is in league with the Dems on this one. I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "I Stand With President George W. Bush." Well, in this instance, I can say I don't.
posted by
Pam at May 21, 2007 03:12 PM
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May 18, 2007
Connecticut House Approves Illegal Alien Tuition Bill
The Connecticut Post headline actually reads:
House OK's immigrant tuition bill
Bill approved giving in-state tuition to the undocumented
"Undocumented" is PC-speak for illegal aliens. I like my headline better.
Apparently this got through the House when a Republican attempt to make English the official state language failed. Why am I not suprised? The bill passed 76-67, and would affect in the neighborhood of 200-250 students per year. (Guess who the majority party is in Connecticut?)
Rep. John Harkins, R-Stratford, said that children of illegal aliens can't register to vote, yet if they're offered in-state tuition rates, they may gain an advantage over the children of other Connecticut residents.
"My concern about this amendment is it's not providing a level playing field," Harkins said. "The legal taxpayers in the state of Connecticut, the people who voted us into office, also have rights."
Harkins said that while the bill was well-intended, it's flawed. "I just, quite frankly, think it's wrong," Harkins said.
"At the end the day, you're either legal or you're not."
Let me clarify what Harkins said: It's the legal taxpayers of Connecticut who have rights, period. Why should we be paying for uninvited, illegal aliens to receive an inexpensive college education...when not even all of our own citizens who would like to go to college can afford it, even at the reduced rate?
Rep. Felipe Reinoso (D-Bridgeport), responsible for the bill's House success, compared the illegals seeking help with tuition to Gen. Lafayette during the days of the American Revolution:
"He fought for this country, shoulder-to-shoulder with General Washington," Reinoso said. "So the history of immigrants is not recent, it's not five years or 10 years. This is a nation of immigrants."
That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Lafayette made a decision to come with his men (though he was officially told not to by King Louis XVI), fought with Washington's Continental Army for no remuneration, and left once the job was done. He was not an immigrant of any kind. (He was also a titled aristocrat with a large fortune. I doubt he would have needed tuition assistance if he had decided to stick around and apply to Yale or Harvard.)
This may be a nation of immigrants, but it is also a nation that is supposed to uphold the law of the land. By granting rights to those who do not deserve them, Connecticut will basically thumbing its nose to federal immigration law. Not that the feds are doing a great job at upholding it either. But it's the latest in a long line of insults to taxpaying citizens, who are the ones left holding the bag at the end of the day.
Rep. Andres Ayala (D-Bridgeport) sums up the liberal stance:
"These kids are not looking for a handout," Ayala said. "What they're asking for is what they deserve, based on merit. It tugs at your heart. It's mind-boggling. I don't understand it."
He said that while undocumented children can apply for scholarships, they can't get financial aid because of their illegal status.
"I don't think that anyone is legal or illegal," Ayala said. "People are here without documents. They're undocumented."
They're asking for what they deserve based on merit? Their parents break the law by bringing them here, we subsidize their primary education and other things like healthcare, and now they need more? Cry me a river. I'm sorry if their parents put them in the middle of a bad situation, but I shouldn't have to pay for it.
If you're a Connecticut resident, contact your state senator and let him/her know how you feel about this.
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Approving this in CT essentially eliminates higher out of state tuition price for ANYONE because they are by federal law not allowed to allow illegals to take in-state tuition breaks while a citizen from Omaha is made to pay more.
Federal law (Title 8, Chapter 14, Sec. 1623) states: "an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State ... for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit (in no less an amount, duration, and scope) without regard to whether the citizen or national is such a resident."
Giving in-state college tuition to adult illegal aliens residing in each state would give them benefits not given to American citizens in other states ( e.g., war veterans).
A 1996 Federal law mandates that if instate rates are given to illegals, those rates must also be given to all applicants of each state's colleges and universities from the other 49 states. Although the law is not actively enforced, giving in-state tuition to illegal aliens is a clear violation of federal law.
Taxpayers get screwed again. American taxpayers should wake up and see how they are being ripped off by the high costs of tolerating illegal aliens in our midst.
posted by
Judy Aron at May 18, 2007 06:35 PM
"What they're asking for is what they deserve..."
Is this person on drugs? And can I have whatever she's taking???
As a resident of CT, this is so sickening I don't even know where to begin ranting. My property taxes are about to go up approx. 75%, we pay some of the highest gasoline taxes in the country. What now?! A tax increase so people who are here illegally gain access to rights and priviledges they have done NOTHING to earn or deserve? Because it will be the LEGAL residents of our fair state that will shoulder this particular burden - I for one have had just about enough.
posted by
Kris, in New England at May 21, 2007 07:13 AM
Off Topic/On Thompson: For those of you who hate Hollywood, you sure love Hollywood politicians.
This guy is so Hollywood, he'll win an Oscar for playing a president on TV. But he won't get your nod. Talk about bimbo-eruptions. Talk about trophy wives and numerous mistresses.
I, as a liberal, pray for Thompson to get the nomination.
Instead, you're going to get stuck with, good old safe Mike Huckabee.
posted by
mudkitty at May 21, 2007 08:01 AM
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Santa Fe May Hire Mexican Nationals as Police
The Santa Fe Police Department apparently has a few jobs Americans won't do...twenty, to be exact. And, they're considering hiring Mexican nationals to fill the empty slots.
Sgts. Gillian Alessio and Marvin Paulk, who are in charge of the department's recruiting and training, said Tuesday they are considering alternative approaches to fill 20 vacancies on the city's 155-person police force.
"Every day, we get approached by young men and women from Mexico who are in the country legally but are not naturalized," Alessio said.
"There is a huge pool of people who are dedicated, hardworking and trying to become citizens of this country. They would like nothing better than to devote their time to protecting the communities that they live in," she said.
But according to Police Chief Eric Johnson, it's against regulation to hire non-citizens as law-enforcement officers. The article does not say if he plans to see if he can get around the rule. Details, schmetails.
As Van Helsing of Moonbattery says,
Maybe we should just cede the Southwest to Mexico right now and get it over with. Why drag it out for a generation?
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Wait -- you have a problem with people in this country LEGALLY to hold jobs? Huh??
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Amnesty Ads May Be in Five Languages
It used to be that immigrants did what they could to assimilate into the society they wished to become a part of. Now, it's the society that's doing its best to assimilate in order to meet the needs of the immigrants in the name of multicultural sensitivity.
That's bad enough, but when it's illegal immigrants we bend over backwards for, that really gets in my craw.
According to Jim Boulet Jr. of English First,
"The Senate has been seriously considering literally begging illegal aliens to accept amnesty and doing so in at least five languages."
"Amnesty for 12 million law breakers is bad enough...Groveling before these illegal aliens begging them to accept amnesty in at least five languages is the sort of thing that drives Americans crazy about our immigration and language policies."
Michelle Malkin is on top of the latest amnesty bill information. Ace of Spades urges you to contact your senators and demand that the bill be read on the Senate floor (h/t Larwyn). Hot Air is on the case as well.
THIS IS UTTER AND COMPLETE GARBAGE! Why on God's green earth do we have immigration laws if those who flaunt said laws get rewarded by what amounts to amnesty? Every single country in the world has immigration laws. It's nothing new. Why are Americans expected to make exceptions? And what does this say to the many law-abiding immigrants who follow the rules to become citizens, waiting years and spending big bucks in the process? Are they worth less than the lawbreakers? If I were a legal immigrant vying for citizenship, I know I'd be really ticked off right now.
To quote the great one, Mark Levin: Do these Republicans ever learn? . . . Do they understand that a majority of the American people, whether theyre Democrats, Republicans, or nothing, have had it up to here with illegal immigration and they dont want to subsidize it?
That these ads would be in five different languages is simply adding insult to injury.
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Help Hillary Clinton Nail Down a Campaign Song!
Via The Man, here is an e-mail sent out by the Hillary for President campaign:
Dear Friend,
Hillary needs your help. We've been working on an important issue -- the kind that can make or break a campaign. And your input is absolutely critical to ensuring that we make the right decision.
That's right -- we're picking our campaign song.
We've got a great selection up in an interactive poll on our website, with artists like Shania Twain, U2, KT Tunstall, the Dixie Chicks, and more. Visit the site, listen to the songs, and make your choice. Or you can suggest one of your own.
Thanks for participating. And don't miss Hillary's announcement of the song contest on YouTube -- you won't want to miss it. Trust me.
Patti Solis Doyle
Campaign Manager
Hillary for President
That's right folks. It's not her socialist, nanny-state ideology or her likely inability to lead a great nation that should concern you, but which song will be chosen to represent her campaign and lull you into a false sense of security. These are important times, people!
With that said, here are my duly noted submissions:
Witchy Woman by the Eagles
Summer in Hell by Fred Schneider and the Shake Society
Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes
Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stones
Like a Virgin by Madonna
Add your ideas to the comments section!

La la la LA la la la....
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Highway to Hell - ACDC
Dude Looks Like a Lady - Aerosmith
Sick of You - Gwar
posted by
The Man at May 18, 2007 12:38 PM
How about Elton John's "The Bitch is Back".
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 19, 2007 03:07 PM
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May 17, 2007
Holding Women to Lower Standards
My Family Security Matters article today.
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I think you may have linked to the wrong article. Interesting, but doesn't talk about women or lower standards. (Feel free to delete this comment if I'm missing something or you redirect the link).
posted by at May 17, 2007 01:37 PM
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Storm Hits My Town -- Who Can I Blame?
Yesterday, my area was dealt a severe thunderstorm. Due to downed trees and power lines and the resulting traffic jam, it took me nearly an hour and a half to drive the eight miles from my office to my home. Our power was out, and we cooked dinner on my husband's camp stove. It's back this morning, but many people in my town and in surrounding towns are still without power.
School was closed, and I had to bring my girls in to work with me this morning because there is a tree that is *this close* to falling on my house, and my husband and I agreed it wasn't a good idea to leave them alone (even though my oldest is nearly 15). The downed tree is being held back by another, but if it goes, it will hit my year-round sun room, which juts off the back of the house (it used to be a deck). I'll be posting photos of the damage in my neighborhood later.
So my big question is: whose fault is this? Whose fault is this? Who can I blame for the fact that I'll have to pay a professional to come and cut that tree down before it comes crashing through my home? Who can my neighbor across the street blame for the damage to her pool from the tree that came crashing down on it? Where can the people in my neighborhood go to complain about the huge trees that are down all over their yards, bringing down power lines and depriving all of us of cable television?
Can it be George W. Bush's fault? It must be, as so many other natural disasters have been attributed to him...

Release the hounds, Smithers!
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Blame the tree huggers who let go!!!
posted by
Mike at May 17, 2007 08:14 AM
Glad ya'll are OK.
After having been through a tornado in 1998 and an ice storm in 2000 (where a tree top speared our roof and one limb came through our bedroom ceiling, shattering a mirror on the wall), I have gotten tired of crashing sounds.
Where we live now, we have a backyard and sideyards full of mature hardwoods and pines (plus a dead hickory), any one of which could cause havoc during a storm, so I worry everytime we get high winds after a rainstorm.
Thus when things get "wild and wooly", we retreat to the basement.
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 17, 2007 11:34 PM
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May 16, 2007
Democrats: Taxation Without Representation
UPDATE (5/17/07): That was a close one...Nancy wisely decided against this foolish move.
Posted on The Corner:
In a stunning move, House Democrats today revealed they will attempt to rewrite House rules that have gone unchanged since 1822 in order to make it possible to increase taxes and government spending without having to vote and be held accountable. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today vowed Republicans will use every available means to fight this unprecedented change.
This is an astonishing attempt by the majority leadership to duck accountability for tax-and-spend policies the American people do not want, Boehner said. The majority leadership is gutting House rules that have been in place for 185 years so they can raise taxes and increase government spending without a vote. House Republicans will use every tool available to fight this abuse of power.
What happend to the open, honest, ethical Congress we were promised back in November?
If the Republicans fight this in the same manner they fought the upcoming immigration bill (read: amnesty bill), the sales for Pepto Bismol and Kaopectate will increase dramatically nationwide.
h/t: Michelle Malkin
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I seriously doubt they'll fight this (or get the public support) as they have for illegal immigration. Perhaps its the pessimist in me speaking, but the Dems will succeed in pushing this through the back door in more ways than one to raise our taxes, increase spending, and blame it all on Bush and the Repubs.
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Reverse_Vampyr at May 17, 2007 10:29 AM
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Londonistan Calling
A disturbing look at what London in particular (and Britain in general) has become by the erudite Christopher Hitchens.
h/t: The Strong Conservative
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And it's only going to get worse in the coming months/years. This is what happens when government pandering runs amok.
posted by
Wyatt Earp at May 16, 2007 11:39 AM
I'm reading "While Europe Slept" now.
posted by
John Ruberry at May 17, 2007 10:34 PM
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Surrender Monkeys to Protest in San Fran, Carson City and Las Vegas
Are you ticked off at Congress and its so-called leaders over their cut-and-run stance in Iraq? Do you live in or near San Francisco, Carson City or Las Vegas? Move America Forward (headed by the lovely Melanie Morgan) is staging protests at the regional offices of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Here's the press release:
Living, breathing, Surrender Monkeys, will lead crowds of patriotic Americans protesting the efforts by Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to undercut support for the missions of our troops in Iraq.
The monkeys (waving white surrender flags) along with pro-troop supporters will be conducting protests outside the district offices of Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 10:30 AM Pacific Time.
Protests will take place outside the district offices of Senator Harry Reid in Las Vegas and Carson City, as well as outside of Speaker Pelosis San Francisco district office. Monkeys will be leading the San Francisco & Las Vegas protests.
The protests are being organized by Move America Forward (website:, the nations largest grass-roots, pro-troop organization and will be called Surrender is Not an Option. The protests will include picketers carrying white surrender flags to mock the defeatist approach offered by Reid & Pelosi at these office locations:
NANCY PELOSI: 450 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102
** 333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016, Las Vegas, NV 89101 AND
** 600 East William Street #302, Carson City, NV 89701
The anti-war movement and their leaders in Congress have gotten too far ahead of themselves and they are now going to experience the backlash from the American people. If these anti-war advocates wont stand behind our troops then maybe they should stand in front of them on the frontlines in Iraq and Afghanistan, said Melanie Morgan, Chairman of Move America Forward.
Move America Forward will also be debuting a new ad that takes Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to task for their war is lost attitude towards the war in Iraq.
Were not going to sit back any longer and allow politicians and anti-war groups like to undercut our troops, were starting to fight back, said Melanie Morgan.
For more information please visit www.MoveAmericaForward.Org
I'm a former resident of Nevada, and while I'm thankful Harry Reid is not my senator (I have to live with Chris Dodd), part of me wishes I still lived in the Silver State so I could take part in this event. (I used to live about 15 miles north of Carson City.)
These two are a disgrace and deserve to know that we've had it with their shenanigans. If you can, please consider attending!!! And if you blog about it, be sure to pass along the link!

This picture is next to the word "defeat" in the dictionary
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Call it what you want, but it looks like the pull out is coming. The new "war czar" called for a decrease in troops last year -- which would be a very odd choice if the WH weren't thinking that, oh crap, the rest of the world might actually be right about this whole Iraq thing.
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Hazleton Mayor a Shoo-In for Re-Election
Remember the mayor of Hazleton, PA, who was all over the illegal immigration problem last year? Well, Mayor Lou Barletta is all but guaranteed re-election this year. See why over at Right Wing Nation.
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May 15, 2007
Congressional Approval Down, Bush Holds Steady
A new Gallup Poll finds continued low levels of public support for both Congress and President George W. Bush. Twenty-nine percent of Americans approve of Congress, down slightly from last month's reading (33%) and this year's high point of 37%, while Bush's approval rating is holding steady at 33%. Both the ratings of Congress and the president are slightly lower than their respective 2007 averages. Approval ratings of Congress are higher among Democrats than Republicans, while Bush's ratings are much higher among Republicans.
Goodness, I thought that with the "new Congress in town," the Dems were certain to do a better job than the president in the eyes of the public! Where's that "change" that America voted for back in November? Could it be that this is not the change voters were looking for at all? All the dithering in Congress about funding the war as long as there's a definite, redeployment date doesn't seem to be working out quite as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid planned. I can't wait to see what Plan B is.
Mike at Flopping Aces figures,
So, using the standards that were previously applied to President Bush by the left we may now demand that Congress, led by Democrats must abandon their policy of retreat in Iraq as well as the other planks in their socialist "ruin America" agenda.
Others blogging: Outside the Beltway, Blue Crab Boulevard, Jules Crittenden
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Why is it that we are pummeled with Bush's low numbers, but rarely hear about those of Congress? Could the MSM be biased???
posted by
Wyatt Earp at May 15, 2007 11:23 AM
There's no bias in the mainstream media. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along, move along.
The frustrating thing is that the low approval numbers won't be highlighted by Republicans and used as political fodder the way Dems use Bush's low numbers. It makes me wanna pull out my hair that Repubs shy away from fighting the Dems with their own (slimy but VERY successful) tactics.
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at May 15, 2007 11:39 AM
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Bloomberg Sets Aside $1 Billion for Possible Run
New York City mayor (and RINO) Mike Bloomberg is still making noises about a possible independent run for president in 2008, and he has $1 billion of his personal fortune of $5.5 billion to do it. (Bloomberg is the founder of Bloomberg L.P., a financial data, research and news company.)
Another possible independent candidate is Sen. Chuck Hagel (RINO-NE).
With that kind of money, Mike Bloomberg could wreak quite a bit of havoc, but I doubt he could win for a couple of reasons: Except for New Yorkers and people in the immediate surrounding communities, Mike Bloomberg is hardly a household name. I realize that with that kind of money people will soon know who he is (remember Ross Perot?), but his money couldn't buy him the presidency either.
Independent candidates hardly have a great track record for winning really big elections. Yes, Joe Lieberman won his senate race in Connecticut last year, but he was an official Democrat before that, and had both name recognition and a viable track record. As much as people whine and moan about there only being two real political parties in this country, it's doubtful the prominence of the Republicans and Democrats will face any real challenge soon. Plus, the problem with three or more parties is that a large field could make for a small fraction of the population deciding who becomes president.
Independent candidates tend not to win, but to take votes away from the Republican and Democrat candidates.
The question would be, who would Bloomberg suck votes away from? He's a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal...much like Rudy Giuliani. The difference between them, in my opinion, is that Rudy has been battle-tested. He's the one who cleaned up New York and stood firm in the days after 9/11. Mike Bloomberg has simply had to keep up the policies Rudy installed before him to keep New York running smoothly. Plus, Rudy's position on Iraq and the GWOT is crystal clear. Bloomberg hasn't had much to say on those topics, but that would certainly change if he throws his hat into the ring.
Now, where's Fred?
Previous: Bloomberg in 2008?
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Bloomberg is fine for NYC, but nationwide, he won't sell well.
Call me insentive, but he comes across effeminate.
Ron Paul would be the perfect running mate for Hagel.
posted by
John Ruberry at May 15, 2007 05:54 PM
John, you're absolutely right. There may be a lot of support for him in New York, but New York does not represent the rest of the country (as much as they'd like to think they do). And yes, he does come across as a bit poofy. Contrary to the beliefs of some, money doesn't buy everything!
posted by
Pam at May 16, 2007 07:58 AM
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May 14, 2007
Topics Not On the Politically Correct Hit List
For those of you who are worried that you might accidentally make a comment that is taboo in today's ultra-sensitive society, I've created the following list (in alphabetical order) so that you know who and/or what is still permissible to mock. If it's not on this list, be prepared to defend yourself in court:
*country music
*ethnic minorities who are conservatives
*fat people
*France/French people
*George W. Bush
*homeschooled children
*NASCAR fans
*rural residents (read: white trash)
*white people
If I've missed any, feel free to add them in the comments section.
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US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.
posted by anonymous at May 14, 2007 11:43 AM
Is it OK to make fun of Armenian-American politicians?
Add Heterosexuals (Breeders or Adopters) to the list, as well as...
Global Warming Skeptics/Deniers
SUV/pickup truck drivers
Boy Scouts
Those engaged in barley-generated ethanol research (beer drinkers)
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 14, 2007 12:55 PM
Where is Working Mothers? We get it at work from the single people because we have to take time off for a sick child, or other child things. Companies have programs for working mothers(like my company) with benefits for taking time off for a sick child and there is FMLA. Single people tend not to like that sort of stuff "it's not fair"
posted by Mrs Media Matters at May 14, 2007 05:10 PM
You forgot:
Dick Cheney
Catholic Preists
Business Executives
posted by
NewtownMark at May 15, 2007 08:13 AM
Excellent additions, folks...keep them coming!
posted by
Pam at May 15, 2007 09:19 AM
I know it may be covered under "men", but it's always ok to make fun of fathers as stupid or inept in commercials, especially if it makes their wives or kids look smarter.
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at May 15, 2007 11:45 AM
Gun owners/hunters
There is one liberal that it is still OK to make fun of:
Bill Clinton
posted by
saintknowitall at May 16, 2007 04:39 PM
Uh-oh, MMM, you're sounding an awful lot like a ...feminist! (Good for you!)
posted by Ro at May 17, 2007 01:32 PM
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Hillary Joke of the Day
Hillary and a Cowboy
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, on an airliner bound for Texas, finds herself seated next to an older, weathered man in a western snap shirt, faded jeans, and a cowboy hat. Thinking herself above the old cowboy, she decides to make sport of him.
"You know," she says, "I've heard these flights go much more quickly if you strike up a conversation with a fellow passenger. So, let's talk."
The cowboy looks at her wryly and says, "Well I s'pose that'd be all right, ma'am. What'd ya like to discuss?"
"Oh, I don't know," says Hillary with a slight hint of sarcasm. "How about Iraq?"
"Hmm," says the cowboy, sensing an attempt to perhaps belittle him, "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first: Horses, cows, and deer all eat the same stuff--grass. Yet a deer passes little pellets, a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse makes muffins of dried poop. Why do you suppose that is?"
Dumbfounded, Senator Clinton replies, "I haven't the slightest idea."
"So tell me, then," says the cowboy with a smile. "How is it that you feel qualified to discuss Iraq when you don't know sh*t?"
Thanks to Cookiewrangler!
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I guess that means she won't be receiving her honorary BS Degree in Scatology with her next commencement speech, since she failed her oral exam.
posted by
joe-6-pack at May 14, 2007 01:00 PM
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May 11, 2007
Get Your Carbon Debits Here!
Sick of rich liberals buying carbon offsets so they can continue to heat/cool/power their multiple mansions and jet back and forth between them in their private planes without feeling guilty? Tired of the same rich liberals telling you what you should recycle, how you should light your home, how you should travel and how many children you should have? is the place for you! They'll kill a tree by shredding it, send you an e-mail confirmation, and send Al Gore an e-mail letting him know that you are on to his carbon offset scheme.
Debits are available for $5 each, and make a great birthday gift. Don't forget, Mother's Day is this weekend, and Father's Day comes up in June. Tired of giving Mom flowers and Dad a tacky tie? Give them one of the deluxe carbon debit packages available, as well as a lovely t-shirt. Don't forget to get one for yourself!
(Why can't I ever come up with great ideas like this?)

Letting liberals know you aren't buying into their cr@p!
h/t: Moonbattery
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El Duderino Analyzes the Dem Candidates for '08
Hilarious! My favorite bit:
Chris Dodd, no one not even Dodd himself thinks he has the slightest chance of becoming president. His candidacy is all about vanity or perhaps a bar wager. Here in Connecticut where a new high school principle is front page news, Dodd's campaign hasn't created any Doddmentum or Chris-to-buzz. In fact we liked it better when he was drinking heavily with Teddy Kennedy and getting handy with D.C. waitresses, Yankee Doodle being the state song and all.
Check out the rest.
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Moonbats Masquerading as Republicans
This week, American Thinker posted a piece I wrote entitled The Danger Within, about the six Muslims who were arrested in New Jersey for plotting an attack against Fort Dix. I received a number of responses, some negative, some positive. However, I found this one quite amusing:
The New Jersey Six "jihadists" sound more like the gang that couldn't shoot
straight then a threat of any real consequence. If they're truly guilty of
violent intent, they should, of course, be punished to the fullest extent of
the law. However, the greatest threat to what remains of American Liberty
does not come from a absurd knot of pizza delivery men and 7-11 clerks but
from the lying clique of neoconservative traitors that has highjacked [sic] the
Republican Party (my party), lied us into a completely unnecessary and
illegal war, and trashed the Constitution in the process.
These criminals (Cheney, Rumseld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feif, Bolton, Kristol,
et al) should be tried, convicted, and executed for high treason and war
crimes. It is unfortunate that in George W. Bush, for whom I voted, they
found an empty suit who believes in nothing but expediency and served as a
blank slate upon which these filth have written this tragedy.
As my blogging buddy Charles says, "real Republicans don't use the code words this idiot peppers his email with."
Rush Limbaugh points out that libs often call in to talks shows like his and claim to be either Republicans or conservatives before they begin the criticism. "I voted for Bush, but blah blah blah." This is the same scenario.
That he would dismiss the men who planned on storming Fort Dix and mowing down as many soldiers as possible in the name of Islamic jihad shows just how much he really cares about our military. Remember, it's not just soldiers on a military base, but many civilian employees as well. Should we be cheering the fact that non-military folks would have been caught in the middle of this?
There are conservatives who disagree with the handling of Iraq, and there are plenty of conservatives who disagree with Bush's tendency toward big spending and his appalling stance toward our borders (Unfortunately, Bush is in good company on both sides of the aisle regarding the borders.) Regardless, I don't know any true conservative who would say Bush and others in his administration should be tried and hung as traitors.
Likewise, the claim that Bush deliberately misled the public about intelligence leading up to Iraq has been debunked.
And if this guy really did vote for Bush as he claims, doesn't he bear some of the blame for helping to put that "empty suit" in office?
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Sorry, Pam, but as usual, I'm just not buying most of your arguments. The only "code word" I'm seeing is that he disagrees with the war and is angry at the Republicans. The commenter you posted sounds a lot like a friend of mine who ended his tour in Iraq by getting shot in the face. He is still a staunch Republican in all the traditional ways, but he is seriously furious at his party right now after seeing all this from a GI's perspective. There's no reason to believe that your commenter didn't vote for Bush -- (almost) half the country did, even though his approval is hovering in the high twenties these days.
And "moonbats" are pretty dead-set against capital punishment, so to speak. Lynchings included, last I checked.
posted by Ro at May 11, 2007 06:25 PM
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Did Dean Stick His Nose Into Kansas Relief Effort?
Note: None of the following has been confirmed.
I first heard of this on the Sean Hannity Show on the way home yesterday. Sean was talking to XM Radio's Quinn and Rose, who said they had a very reliable source tell them that Howard Dean phoned Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius, telling her not to ask for help from the White House until further instructed. Then, according to Quinn and Rose, the source says Dick Durbin called and told Sebelius that the entire incident would be used to criticize the war.
Bryan over at Hot Air has posted a detailed statement he received from Quinn and Rose about the claims.
Again, this has not been independently confirmed. Sean Hannity called Sen. Sam Brownback, who is said to have been on the receiving end of Sebelius' phone confession about the incident, but Brownback is not saying anything at the moment...
If it's fake, then those who are looking to smear the players named should be publicly taken to task and humiliated for such a low blow. But if it's true, well...let's just say the blowback could get very messy indeed.
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Even if it's true, we can count on the MSM to ignore this, so that most people never know about it.
posted by
Van Helsing at May 11, 2007 10:19 AM
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May 10, 2007
School Indoctrination Time: UPDATE
Apparently my daughter's science class will be watching An Inconvenient Truth either today or tomorrow. Per my request, she asked her teacher if he'd be willing to show The Great Global Warming Swindle, and he said he would if time permitted. So I dug out my copy and gave it to her to bring to school today.
So will they get to see it? Good question. The "time permitted" bit might have just been something he said so he can use it as an excuse later as to why the kids didn't see it. Or maybe time really is tight, and he'll do his best to fit it in. I'll let you know.
Speaking of which, Moonbattery tells us how all students at Roger Williams University have to take Core 101: Science, Technology and Society, where watching the Goracle's movie is required.
Previous: School Indoctrination Time
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This really pisses me off! My boss'daughter is 15 and having similar difficulties in her history/current events class (yes, in CT). Her teacher is to the left of left apparently, and has called her out in front of her classmates for her differing opinions, saying she's just a mouthpiece for her parents (of whom he knows nothing actually, for all he knows the daughter is the polar opposite of her parents).
So her dad decided to "take this on, one sleepover at a time". Went out and bought some coffee mugs with George Bush on them; told his daughter her friends will be drinking out of those mugs ONLY...
But it really is a sad state of things when a student with a differing opinion gets embarrassed and chastised by her HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER. I know, believe me - I was in 8th grade during the Carter/Ford election - my current events teacher was decidedly a Carter fan, I was not. Many verbal battles ensued, with my parents ultimately talking to the school board about his politics and treatment of students with a differing view.
posted by at May 11, 2007 10:09 AM
Ooops, that rather long diatribe above is from me...
posted by
Kris, in New England at May 11, 2007 10:10 AM
You don't know if he's to showing it teach or critique, do you?
Any history or social studies class shouldn't be about content anyway, it should be about getting students to think critically. Teachers should treat all students the same, regardless of the politics, obviously: they should chanllenge them all.
posted by
paul at May 11, 2007 01:33 PM
Well gosh, May, if her dad controls details down to what she and her friends(!) drink out of, then maybe there's something to that "mouthpiece for her parents" comment.
Incidentally, I had the exact opposite experience in high school, having grown up in an extremely right wing area. I'd get called out and shot down for speaking up about everything from bilingual education to welfare to capital punishment. My point is that Im totally sympathetic if your daughter gets slapped down by her teacher for her political beliefs thats crummy. However, if the teacher is just showing the movie in order to fuel discussion, just have her be ready to call out the factual errors (Im guessing if you have such a problem with the movie that youve seen it and know what is wrong or misleading about it, right?).
posted by Ro at May 11, 2007 06:49 PM
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Michael Moore Being Probed
Yes I know, the visual brought up by this post's title is a disturbing one, but I assure you it's not what you think. Moore may be facing a probe by the Treasury Department for violating trade and travel violations with Cuba.
For those of you who have been doing your best to ignore Moore-related news, he brought some ill 9/11 rescue workers to Cuba for medical treatment in order to, er, prove how much better the Cuban healthcare system is than the one here at home, all a part of his movie.
Jim K. had this to say about Sicko over at Moorewatch:
Heres the problem(s) with this typical Moore trick: One, we have no way of knowing who has access to the hospital he chose. Can the average poor person in Cuba walk in like he did? Two, hes co-opting 9/11 again to make another dump truck full of cash, just like he did the last time. Three, one can walk in to any hospital in America and be treated. They cannot refuse to treat you. Four, its quite possible that Moore lied just to get these people involved...
Perhaps Moore took them to this facility.

Remember there was one guy who saw through Moore's ploy. Joe Picurro of Tom's River, NJ said, "I would rather die in America than go to Cuba."
As with Moore's other films, what ends up on the cutting room floor may prove to be more educational than what we see on the big screen.
And one might wonder if Moore has seen this study coming out of Sweden, regarding how British cancer patients are less likely to survive a bout of cancer due to less access to life-saving medications (h/t Blue Crab Boulevard) than other European countries. Britain, as you know, has the lovely NHS that provides you with "free" healthcare.
Here's the best part:
The proportion of colorectal cancer patients with access to the drug Avastin was 10 times higher in the US than it was in Europe, with the UK having a lower uptake than the European average.
Still want to go to Cuba with Michael Moore? Here's hoping the government sticks it to him, and good. (And I hope they remember to use rubber gloves.)
h/t: Michelle Malkin
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May 09, 2007
A Soldier In Need
Kyle from Lonestar Pundit sent out the following e-mail:
Chris Cooper Jr is currently stationed in Iraq. His father passed away from cancer last month, and the combination of loss of income, medical bills and funeral expenses has basically wiped out the family's financial resources. Cooper has had to take out a loan against his military pay to help his mother pay for the funeral and other bills.
How can you help? Kyle has details at his blog.
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Thanks for helping to get the word out, Pam! I'm hoping to have more info on the best way to donate to the family soon from CavMom, who talked with Mrs. Cooper earlier this afternoon.
posted by
Kyle at May 9, 2007 03:43 PM
I ran across you blog from a story I read on WND. Great stuff! I love your writing.
I read this story, and I cried. Thanks for posting it. Maybe we can start a little viral marketing for this family and get them the help they need.
Jinger Jarrett
posted by
Jinger Jarrett at May 10, 2007 11:37 PM
The story I was talking about was posted on American Thinker, but I found it through WND.
Sorry for the confusion.
Jinger Jarrett
posted by
Jinger Jarrett at May 10, 2007 11:39 PM
This blog is worth sharing to others. How would our government help this soldier and need and the rest.
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Jon Voight On Democrats, Pelosi and Bush-Bashers
Following up remarks he made in a RadarOnline interview and on Bill O'Reilly's show, Jon Voight made a powerful statement on MSNBC's Scarborough Country. Head on over to Newsbusters for all the juicy details.
One has to wonder if Voigt is just fed up to his ears with all the nonsense going on in our country, or if he's planning on retiring soon and realizes he can now say what he wants without the fear of being blacklisted in Hollywood. But for whatever reason he's speaking out about what concerns him, I say more power to him!
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Obama Exaggerates Kanasas Twister Deaths
In his zeal to find a way to place blame on President Bush for the relief efforts following the tornado that hit in Greensburg, Kansas last week, Barack Obama said the following at a campaign stop:
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people diedan entire town destroyed...
"Turns out that the National Guard in Kansas only had 40 percent of its equipment and they are having to slow down the recovery process in Kansas."
Ten thousand people? Try ten. [correction -- 12 -- ed.]
(Please don't get me wrong -- any death related to such a natural disaster is a tragedy, and our prayers go out to the families affected not only by the deaths, but those whose homes and livelihoods have fallen victim to the whims of nature. I do not mean to belittle their situation.)
Obama said his error was due to being tired from his constant traveling on the campaign trail, and that he meant to say ten. But there's more to this story than just a misstatement. Obama is using this opportunity to bolster his anti-war stance, because that mean old Bush has taken away National Guard equipment for a hurricane that he must have known would hit at some point. The shortage was one of the first things out of Governor Kathleen Sebelius' mouth, and Obama is only one of many to take up the "blame Bush" banner and wave it proudly.
For just as Katrina could be laid at Bush's feet, so must the Greensburg tornado.
Confederate Yankee says of Sebelius,
Despite the reduction of certain kinds of National Guard equipment in state armories, I suspect that the personnel and equipment that remain at Gov. Sebelius' disposal is more than sufficient to handle the effort at hand. On some level, she seems to agree. Of thousands of National Guardsmen available, she has apparently deployed just 110.
It seems that her anti-war pronouncements and appointments have as much to do with her claims as does any actually [sic] shortfall of equipment, and I suspect her words have as much to do with Sebelius' political hopes as it does the reality of Greenburg's [sic] battered ground.
It's funny how state and local government officials who are Democrats find a way to blame President Bush for the natural disasters that happen on their doorsteps. And it's funny how quickly the media follows suit.
I repeat my question from the other day: where are all the Hollywood celebrities and their offers of help and support?
UPDATE: This Kansan doesn't seem to think a lot of Sebelius' opportunistic whining.
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The Danger from Within
My views on the Fort Dix plot over at American Thinker.
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May 08, 2007
Chuck Hagel Considers 2008 Run as Independent
Caution: Raging RINO ahead!
Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) is hinting that he may run for president in 2008 as an independent. I guess an independent run is the closest Hagel can come to admit he's not really a Republican without totally ticking off those Nebraskan Republicans who foolishly voted for him.
He'll likely use his support of a timeline for pulling out of Iraq as part of his campaign strategy.
Fortunately, while Hagel is well known in Washington, I don't think he's well known enough on a national scale for him to make much of a showing. Connecticut's Chris Dodd (D) has the same problem.
h/t: Ankle Biting Pundits (who predicted this scenario back in 2005).

Do you recognize this man?
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Hey, this is probably a good thing! Once he's run for president (and lost) as an independent, how much luck will he have returning to the Senate as a Republican candidate? Maybe this will give a better qualified (i.e., conservative) non-incumbant a chance at that seat.
posted by
Kyle at May 8, 2007 01:57 PM
I hadn't thought of it that way. Excellent point Kyle!
posted by
Pam at May 8, 2007 02:03 PM
Well he sure won't dilute the CONSERVATIVE vote, or the vote of reasonably sane people!
posted by
Gayle Miller at May 8, 2007 02:49 PM
As close as the Democratic and Republican candidates will be, this will hurt the chances of most Republican candidates.
posted by
paul at May 9, 2007 12:15 AM
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College Prof Faces Termination For Sending Washington's Thanksgiving Address
It's not okay for the faculty at Glendale Community College in Phoenix to send out George Washington's first Thanksgiving address via the school's e-mail system designated for "announcements," but it is okay for them to send out quotes about Women's History Month and the health benefits of eating bananas.
Think I'm joking? Moonbattery has more.
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Eldon Lenorud at April 6, 2013 03:48 AM
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Halal or Haram?
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has a video up on Hot Air which points out some of the pitfalls we infidels face with our ignorance of Shari'a law. So if you're worried about insulting Muslims as a result of this ignorance, you can play a simple game called Halal or Haram? to find out what's okay and what's not okay in the eyes of those watchful imams.

Eyebrow plucking is a no-no according
to Islamic Shari'a law
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Fort Dix Terror Plot Foiled
UPDATE: Michelle is on the case with even more information that you won't hear on the alphabet networks.
UPDATE II: It seems that the men are now being described as "Islamic militants," with quotation marks. The White House announcement let the cat out of the bag, so the media can't ignore it anymore. Calling them terrorists would be more appropriate, I'd say.
UPDATE III: The "hate America first" crowd over at HuffPo is in full denial swing. JammieWearingFool has been trawling the comments section so you won't have to.
Six men have been arrested in connection with a plot to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey, with the intention of storming the military installation and killing as many soldiers as possible.
Out of all the articles I have seen, the men are either not described at all, or are described as ethnic Albanians and (former) Yugoslavians who have been in the US for a few years. But here's a little tidbit you may be interested in:
One of the major legacies of nearly five centuries of Ottoman rule was the conversion of up to 70 percent of the Albanian population to Islam. Therefore, at independence the country emerged as a predominantly Muslim nation, the only Islamic state in Europe.
And we all know that there plenty of Muslims in what was formerly known as Kosovo, 1.7 million of the 1.9 million inhabitants are Muslim.
Coincidence? I think not. But don't expect the MSM to play up this aspect of the story, lest CAIR get their panties in a bunch.
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I heard a CAIR representative on the Hugh Hewitt show last night trying desperately to denounce Islam's connection with violence by denying that the Koran has any calls to violence. I've already posted so many Koran verses urging violence/jihad from that text, it turned my stomach to hear how he was preying on the audience's ignorance of Islam in his denials.
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at May 9, 2007 02:59 PM
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May 07, 2007
TIME Explained
The great Bob Gorrell:

h/t: Timothy B.
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Where's Sean Penn?
Where's Sean Penn? Where's John Travolta? Oprah, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie? They were all on hand to help out in the wake of Katrina in one way or another, but I hear nothing of their jetting off to Greensburg, Kansas to help residents of this town of 1,500 rebuild after 95% of their town was flattened by a horrific tornado last Friday.
Maybe it's because only 10 people died. Maybe it's because Kansas, one of those red "flyover" states, doesn't have the gritty glamour of New Orleans (and as a red state, Kansas' electoral votes went to Bush in 2004). Or perhaps it's because it's more difficult to place blame for a tornado on George W. Bush than it is to pin the blame of a hurricane on him. After all, we all know that hurricanes in America are caused because Bush didn't sign on to Kyoto. There doesn't seem to be a protocol that can fix tornados in the Midwest. Besides, it's all farms, small towns and trailer parks there, right?
Come on,'s your chance to get your name in the headlines in the name of another good cause. I'll bet Sean hasn't fired that rifle in a while, and Travolta's planes should be all lubed up, gassed up, and ready to go. And I'm sure Angelina would love to get out her pink scented stationary to send letters to Congress, asking for increased relief efforts.

Greensburg could use Sean to keep looters at bay
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You won't see any of the usual idiots in Kansas because no one's whining about being a victim. Besides, Sean has no place to launch his boat.
I hadn't thought about Hollywood's finest not showing up. Thanks for pointing it out.
Btw, did you dye your hair? Looks great!!
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at May 8, 2007 03:42 AM
The only whining has been by the Democrat governor, and even that is low-key compared to the whining done by Blanco and Nagin in Louisiana.
And yes, I did dye my hair...thanks for noticing!
posted by
Pam at May 8, 2007 07:42 AM
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Sarkozy Has Work Cut Out for Him
The French took a step in the right direction yesterday by electing Nicolas Sarkozy as their next president. Beating out Socialist Segolene Royal by a margin of 53.06% to 46.94% (with about 84% voter turnout), Sarkozy plans to free up labor markets, do away with France's 35-hour week law (he believes anyone who wants to work more should be allowed to), and eyes tougher immigration and criminal measures.
Now he has to hope that parliamentary elections, which take place in June, keep his conservative UMP party in control, otherwise his planned reforms will go pffft.
I razz France a lot, but I really do hope that the country manages to rise up from the socialist muck it's gotten itself into. Keeping fingers crossed!
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May 04, 2007
Michelle Malkin Interviews Co-Producer of Islam vs. Islamists
Frank Gaffney, co-producer of the banned PBS flick about peaceful American Muslims and their struggle to take their religion back from the Islamofascists, is interviewed by Michelle Malkin, with video on Hot Air.
In a nutshell: Complaints by Islamist sympathizers scuttled the film. If the producers don't make the PC changes demanded by PBS (or rather CPB, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting), they won't air the film. And, since the producers received funds from CPB to make the film, CPB has first dibs on distribution rights...which means no one else can air the film either.
Action is required! You can sign a petition at, you can contact PBS directly, or you can contact your representatives in the House and Senate.
PBS/CPB is censoring an important film financed by our tax dollars. The ball is now in our court.
Previous: Islam vs. Islamists: Trailer Online
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It's been said by George W. that the Islamofascists have hijacked a peaceful religion. Unfortunately, the moderate Muslims are really hijacking the tenets of a religion based on some rather sinister posits. It is strict adherence to the doctrines in the Koran that promotes murder and subjigates women in the name of Allah.
posted by
Headless Horseman at May 4, 2007 10:07 PM
Everyone at work was raving about Bill Moyers piece. I explained to them that PBS is a hack left wing network. No one at work could argue after I told them that this was censored.
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aaron at May 6, 2007 08:49 AM
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GOP Debate Roundup
I couldn't tune in to the debate last night because I had play rehearsal. However, Michelle Malkin, John Hawkins and Sister Toldjah are among those who did. Check out what they have to say. And Hot Air has the video highlights.
The consensus from what I've read around the blogosphere is that this was a so-so debate. But with questions from the MSNBC moderators like, "Would it be good for Bill Clinton to be back in the White House?" and "What do you say to Roman Catholic leaders who would deny communion to those who support abortion rights?", what can we expect? (Romney's answer to that last one was great: "I don't have anything to say to them. They can do whatever the heck they want!")
Please, let the next debate be on FOXNews. At least the candidates will get more meaningful questions.
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Agreed. Please let Brit Hume and Chris Wallace Have a crack at the candidates. A lot of those questions from Matthews and company were reeeeeeediculous.
posted by
Tuning Spork at May 5, 2007 12:47 AM
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Another Hillary Fabrication?
She told us she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, and it turned out to be a load of hooey. Now another anecdote of Mrs. Bill Clinton has been put under the microscope, and it has to do with her having grown up surrounded by farms and babysitting for the children of migrant laborers. Marathon Pundit has the scoop.

Another little white lie?
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She doesn't know the DIFFERENCE between truth and lies any longer!
posted by
Gayle Miller at May 4, 2007 09:03 AM
This is yet one more of a LONG line of lies we'll hear from her campaign over the next two years. It'll be difficult to keep up with all of them, just as it was with her husband. Because sadly, lying works wonders for Democrats.
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School Indoctrination Time
Now that my oldest daughter is in high school, the indoctrination machine has begun to operate in earnest (although I have to say my town is not nearly as bad as others I have heard about). Last night, she told us that in science class today, they'll be watching the Goracle's An Inconvenient Truth. I asked if she knew if the teacher would be showing the opposite side, and she guessed no.
So then I asked if she would be comfortable asking if the teacher would be willing to show BBC's The Great Warming Swindle, which I have on DVD, and she said she would do it. Will the teacher say yes? I'll let you know.
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I wouldn't hold my breath on expecting balance in a public school classroom, but good on ya for trying to squeeze it in there.
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at May 4, 2007 11:35 AM
If she doesn't get anywhere, I will contact the teacher myself...and if I get no satisfaction, I will go to the administration, etc. I'm sick of this crap!
posted by
Pam at May 4, 2007 12:49 PM
So what was the outcome? I've been watching for an update. I'm assuming you got no response from the teacher (that's the norm with our public schools, unless it's about the kids doing something wrong). Any luck with the administration folks?
posted by
Kyle at May 8, 2007 02:06 PM
My apologies...
They didn't actually watch it last week; my daughter thinks she got the date wrong. They've spent the last few days preparing for a big test slated for tomorrow (May 9). Perhaps they'll watch it later this week or early next week. I will definitely let you know if they do and if the teacher agrees/doesn't agree to show the opposing view.
posted by
Pam at May 8, 2007 02:12 PM
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May 03, 2007
Islam vs. Islamists: Trailer Online
For those of you who are interested in seeing the trailer for the documentary about moderate Islamists that PBS axed, click here...Hot Air has it.
Titled Islam vs. Islamists, it was intended to be a part of a Federal project named Crossroads, which is supposed to "enhance public understanding of terrorism, homeland security and other crucial issues in the post 9/11 era." (See this Newsbusters post for more background.) Apparently, there are some "cruicial issues" that don't bear closer scrutiny in the hallowed PC halls of PBS.
PBS is funded by our tax dollars. The makers of Islam vs. Islamists received a federal grant to help them produce it. PBS execs, who complained just a couple of years ago that they were being forced to "toe a more conservative line," evidently doesn't see a problem with this decision. We deserve not only to see a film we all helped produce, but PBS needs to know that its purpose is not to serve as an echo chamber for the liberal elites who populate it. Nor is its purpose to avoid a timely topic just because it might make special interest groups like CAIR throw a hissy fit.
Contact PBS by either using this contact form, or by sending a letter to:
Public Broadcasting Service
2100 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
Frankly, I think it's time for PBS to be cut loose from the government's apron strings and try its wings in the free market. Until that happens, we can at least let them know when we're unhappy with how they are spending our hard-earned cash.

Public Brainwashing Service?
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Why would they show the truth? Better to keep people in the dark so they don't realize the true nature of the threat posed by Islamo-fascism.
posted by
J. Strong at May 3, 2007 03:37 PM
I can't remember how much PBS gets from the government, but it is less than I thought at the time that I looked it up. Regardless of the amount, they should either be unbiased (impossible for "journalists" of the liberal bent) or refuse all tax money.
posted by
skh.pcola at May 3, 2007 05:50 PM
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Quote of the Day
"Modern liberals, who have forgotten the meaning and value of liberty, now want to prescribe a rule or a policy for everything, including when and where trees are planted. In their view, the world is putty to be molded to their vision of the good. It is perfectible, and any defect in human relations, income distribution, the number or placement of trees, or even ones emotional state is subject to a new law, regulation, or bureaucratic control." ~ David Strom
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Top Ten Reasons Joan Baez Axed from Walter Reed
Good stuff over at With Malice Toward None.
Background: Joan Baez Banned at Walter Reed
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1) Is this chick still alive?
2) How many soldiers returning from the middle east would want to listen to this leftard?
3) zzzzzzz
posted by
skh.pcola at May 3, 2007 05:53 PM
Joan Baez has beautiful voice that makes people feel good. HELLO?
Especially these young kids who have come from this traumatic place. The Army should have let the veteran audience DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES if they like or dislike her music. Duh.
posted by
Ken at May 9, 2007 11:58 PM
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A couple of links for you to check out this Wednesday morning:
Aaron of Lifelike Pundits attended the Face of America Rally this past weekend in Washington DC. He has coverage of the event, as well as video. Click here to see what you missed!
And John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit has a behind-the-scenes look at what really happened in the University of Illinois scholarships-for-soldiers scandal.
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Aaron Matthew Arnwine at May 3, 2007 08:42 AM
Cool! Your video-making skills are improving!
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Pam at May 3, 2007 08:46 AM
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In Their Own Words
My interview with soldiers from the 610th Brigade Support Battalion is up at Family Security Matters today. Please head on over to check it out!
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German Makowski at October 19, 2013 01:15 PM
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May 02, 2007
Germans Are Fat and Lazy
Gosh, I thought only us big, bad Americans had a weight problem:
Germany has laid claim to the dubious distinction of being the most obese country in Europe, the International Association for the Study of Obesity reports.
The report said 75 percent of German males and 59 percent of German females are overweight, and cited several factors, the Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper reported. Among them were poor diet, mounting consumption of alcohol, and less and less physical activity in a country where 60 percent of people would rather drive than walk.
Germany nudged out last year's three-way tying countries of Britain, Cyprus and the Czech Republic.
Overall, more than 50 percent of Europeans are overweight, the report said, warning of serious economic consequences if left unchecked, particularly among children.
Must be all the bratwurst, creamy potatoes and cheese-covered spaetzle.
And if you're wondering about my post title, I thought I'd take a page out of the German media's book:
US-Kids sind fett und faul (US Kids are Fat and Lazy)
Surely they won't mind...
(Don't get me wrong, I love German food. My favorite local restaurant is Old Heidelberg. I just can't help but laugh how they are quick to point their own fat fingers at us.)

Hardly on the Weight Watcher's list of approved foods
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DogMan has German ancestors; he lived in Germany for 6+ yeras before I ever met him. When I married him, he asked me to fix him Leberkndels, which are liver dumplings. I had to put raw liver in the blender. Do you know how disgusting that is?
However, I also made Streuselkuchen (streusel coffee cake) and Prinzregententorte (chocolate layer cake) and a pork & sauerkraut dish with schptzle. Yeah, German food can be very fattening.
posted by
Kitty at May 3, 2007 06:28 PM
5 out of 8 great-grandparents came directly from Germany, so German food is very familiar to me. I think ONE bratwurst has about 26 grams of fat. But I love them! I was the only kid I knew who enjoyed eating liverwurst sandwiches...back then, my mother would also prepare steak tartare sandwiches, which I also loved. Haven't eaten one of those in about 30 years!
posted by
Pam at May 4, 2007 09:05 AM
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Joan Baez Banned at Walter Reed
Gosh, Joan Baez has no idea why she'd be told she couldn't perform at Walter Reed Army Hospital.
"I have always been an advocate for nonviolence and I have stood as firmly against the Iraq war as I did the Vietnam War 40 years ago," she wrote. "I realize now that I might have contributed to a better welcome home for those soldiers fresh from Vietnam. Maybe that's why I didn't hesitate to accept the invitation to sing for those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In the end, four days before the concert, I was not 'approved' by the Army to take part. Strange irony."
This urge to welcome the troops home is obviously a new one, as it didn't stop Baez from performing at Cindy Sheehan's anti-war demonstration at Camp Casey.
Poor Joan was banned Walter Reed, but earlier this year she refused to talk to FOXNews on the Grammy red carpet after her publicist warned her against it. Free speech has its limits, I guess.
Officials at Walter Reed would not comment on why Baez would not be allowed to perform. Apparently she was invited by John Mellencamp (who himself is a big lefty), who was already contracted to perform, and the short notice may be the official reason why.
Boo hoo, Joan. I'll bet if Camp Casey reconvenes this summer, you'll be welcome with open arms.

She's better off singing to more sympathetic audiences
On a tip from Jeanette.
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When will these aging hippies - Baez, Fonda, et al - STOP trying to co-opt the GWOT for their own agenda. They can't assuage their own belated guilt for their actions back in Vietnam by using the troops from the current wars.
posted by
Kris, in New England at May 3, 2007 08:26 AM
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Finnish Blogger Summoned by Police for Criticizing Islam
According to Gates of Vienna, Finnish writer and blogger Mikko Ellil "has been summoned by the police for a hearing under Finlands 'incitement against groups' law." Click on the link above for more details.
While no charges have been brought yet, the mere fact that he is being brought before the police for merely being critical of Islam does not bode well for free speech in that quarter.
If I lived in Finland, I guess I'd be called before the cops too.
h/t: Larwyn
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Illegal Immigrations Slippery Slope: From Burglary to Bagels
This is an excellent article on illegal immigration by Gabriel Garnica over at I especially like this bit:
If one allows the burglar to keep what he obtains through his burglary, one is rewarding that burglary, plain and simple. It should not matter that the burglar is hungry, unemployed, or poor. While those conditions are unfortunate, they do not justify the burglary. To believe otherwise is to invite chaos and insanity which, the last time I checked, is only the preferred environment of radical liberals.
Likewise, one cannot allow an illegal immigrant to mock this nations laws, enter unlawfully through its borders with the intent of having a child to establish a foothold and then claim lawful residence on that basis. One cannot confer upon illegal immigrants privileges and rewards equal to or, through the insanity of liberalism, greater than lawful residents. To do so is to make a mockery of lawful entry, legal residence, national sovereignty and all that is moral, just and sensible.
Read it all.
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Why Tort Reform Is Needed
Lawyers wonder why they have such lousy reputations. This is one of the reasons why: Judge Roy Pearson of Washington DC is suing a drycleaner for $67 million because they lost the pants to one of his favorite suits in 2005. He had wanted to wear that suit on his first day as judge.
Defending themselves against the suit -- for two years running -- are Korean immigrants Jin and Soo Chung and their son, who own Custom Cleaners and two other dry cleaning shops in the Fort Lincoln section of Washington, D.C.
The ABC News Law & Justice Unit has calculated that for $67 million Pearson could buy 84,115 new pairs of pants at the $800 value he placed on the missing trousers in court documents. If you stacked those pants up, they would be taller than eight Mount Everests. If you laid them side by side, they would stretch for 48 miles.
According to the Chungs, they found his pants less than a week after they initially went missing, but Pearson wouldn't take them. Now they have had to deal with the stress of the lawsuit, as well as having to pay exorbitant lawyers' fees to defend themselves. Soo Chung said she just wants to "go back to Korea." Who can blame her after this?
In my opinion, this is a nasty, vindictive person who has knowledge of the law and its loopholes, and is using that knowledge to intimidate and harass law-abiding small business owners who happened to tick him off on the wrong day. That the case hasn't been thrown out just goes to show how ridiculously low our court system has sunk.
I'm waiting for Pearson to start suing local restaurants and grocery stores for the fact that his favorite suits were "too tight," the reason he sent the pants in for alteration in the first place. I'm sure his weight gain can be blamed on someone other than himself!
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When I saw this report last night, I was infuriated.
Someone needs a good ass-kicking, then have his law license suspended for at least a couple of years.
Yes, we all have our dry-cleaner horror stories, but most of us get over it and we do not have the ability to use the law as a bludgeon.
Anyway, linked to ya.
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joe-6-pack at May 2, 2007 12:23 PM
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degus at November 15, 2011 04:32 AM
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Bill of Non-Rights
A friend of mine sent this to me, and it was too good not to share with those of you who might not have seen it yet. It's often attributed to State Rep. Mitchell Kaye of Georgia, but according to, was penned in 1993 by Lewis Napper. Whoever wrote it, it's great. Enjoy!
"We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional, and other liberal bed-wetters. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights."
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.
ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes. (This one is my pet peeve...get an education and go to work....don't expect everyone else to take care of you!)
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.
ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful. (AMEN!)
ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!
ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!
If you agree, share this with a friend. No, you don't have to, and nothing tragic will befall you if you don't. I just think it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. Sensible people of the United States speak out because if you do not, who will?
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May 01, 2007
As promised, Bush has used the veto stamp on the Iraq spending bill. The reason he vetoed it is because it includes a mandatory pull-out date, not because he doesn't want to fund the troops.
The expected whining has begun.
Democrats chose this day to present the bill to Bush because it's the fourth anniversary of the famous speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln, where the "Mission Accomplished" banner was prominently displayed behind the president. However, here's something I doubt many know: That banner was not ordered by the White House, but by the Navy, in honor of the USS Abraham Lincoln having stayed out on a 290-day mission, which was a long mission for them.
Free Republic has the details.
h/t: Mark Levin Show
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Frist Cleared of Insider Trading Charges
Ed Lasky reports over at American Thinker that Senator Bill Frist has been completely cleared of insider trading charges regarding the company his family founded, Hospital Corporation of America. The MSM was all over it at the time, as you can see by this, this and this.
That was then, this is now.
Now that Senator Frist has been completely cleared of the charges of insider trading, I have not seen this reported anywhere - not in the New York Times, for example. However, at least the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal takes note of Frist's innocence and also of the witch hunt that afflicted him and that seemingly drove him from public life.
Frist may well ponder the question first posed by former U.S. Secretary of Labor Ray Donovan-who, while serving in the Reagan Administration, was also slandered with charges later proved to be false: "Which office do I go to get my reputation back".
Meanwhile, the MSM also continues to ignore allegations that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had a conflict of interest while she was chair of a Senate subcommittee that oversees military construction. Several lucrative contracts went to the company her husband owns.
Just another day's work for our illustrious MSM.
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Communists Celebrate May Day
May Day is not just a traditional celebration of spring, but since 1889 has been a day for communist groups to "celebrate" their message of class warfare and false promises of a worker's paradise.
This group is fighting for communism. But I wonder how hard they would fight for it if they actually had to live under it, like those lucky Cubans?

Cuba's a real paradise for shoppers...
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Illegal Immigrants to Rally Today
Another day, another illegally earned dollar. Well, not today. Illegals and their supporters are planning their second annual rally for today. Conveniently, the MSM calls these "immigration rallies," implying that those who wish to come to America legally are being discriminated against.
People who are not supposed to be here are demanding rights accorded only to citizens and other legal residents. (Here's a tidbit: one in two Mexicans has family working in the US. All that money they send home is holding up the Mexican economy, meaning that the Mexican government can sit back and not make any reforms.)
"If we don't act, then both the Democratic and Republican parties can go back to their comfort zones and do nothing," said Angelica Salas, director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. "They won't have the courage to resolve a major situation for millions of people."
Here's how you resolve it: do the honorable thing and go back home, then apply for legal citizenship. *end hysterical laughter*
Meanwhile, deportations are on the rise, and the typical MSM reporter deals with it this way:
NEW BEDFORD, Mass. The day after his wife was deported to their home country, Honduras, Lilo Manca grieved as though she had died.
Neighbors arrived with doughnuts and juice for their two small children, while Mr. Manca, an illegal immigrant like his wife, Mara Briselda Amaya, took telephone calls from relatives and tried not to break down.
The first thing I thought of was the children, Mr. Manca, who is fighting his own deportation order, told the visitors gathered in his second floor walkup apartment in New Bedford a couple of weeks ago. The future we imagined for them, it all collapsed.
It's a tried and true method in journalism: if you want people to agree with your point of view, go for the tearjerker lead. Don't start off with facts; they may scare potential sympathizers off.
Illegals cost the government over $10 billion per year (as of 2004), a price tag which includes Medicaid, food assistance, federal prison and court systems (for example, Moonbattery has a listing of drunk driving deaths attributed to illegals) and school funding.
All that because "they do the jobs Americans won't do?" More like they do the jobs that some penny pinching American employers would rather pay peanuts for. But is it really worth it?
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin reminds us of the 600,000 illegal fugitives "unaccounted for." The government sure is doing a bang-up job, eh?

Demanding unearned rights in America's capitol
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bilete avion at October 29, 2011 03:35 AM
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