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May 30, 2007

Fred! '08

Last week, I passed on a tidbit from the OpinionJournal's Political Diary that Fred! Thompson was thinking about announcing on or around July 4th. The Politico is now saying that it's more than just a possibility:

Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race over the Fourth of July holiday, announcing that week that he has already raised several million dollars and is being backed by insiders from the past three Republican administrations, Thompson advisers told The Politico.


A member of Thompson's inner circle, who insisted on anonymity, said the former senator will offer himself as a consistent conservative who can unite all elements of the Republican Party. "The public is increasingly cynical and disenchanted with government," this adviser said. "Competence is at the heart of what people want from government, and they need to have a sense that government can do the things they care the most about. They want a reason to continue Republican governance. Thompson can be seen as the adult with a firm hand on the tiller."

This is the most exciting news I've heard in months! He has my vote and my donation. But let me be clear: if he doesn't win the nomination, there will be no picking of sour grapes here...I will be voting for whomever gets nominated. A so-so Republican is a better choice than any of the current crop of Democrats.

And lest you forget, this is the kind of straight talk we can expect from Fred! Thompson. I look forward to his campaign!

h/t: Cookiewrangler

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:46 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | 2008


Posted by: Kris, in New England at May 31, 2007 09:12 AM

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