April 28, 2006
Just Say "NO" To a Spanish US Anthem
This is rich:
MIAMI (AP) - British music producer Adam Kidron says that when he came up with the idea of a Spanish-language version of the U.S. national anthem, he saw it as an ode to the millions of immigrants seeking a better life.
So why is he only honoring Spanish-speaking immigrants? (Let's leave the illegal part out of the argument for the moment.) What about Germans? Icelanders? Russians? Peruvians? Brazilians? Swiss? Danes? Poles? People from various African nations?
America is an amalgamation of all of the nationalities listed above and many more. To honor one group over another is just more of the PC nonsense we've come to expect these days, and it's time we put our collective foot down.
This country, as a country, was founded by English-speaking peoples, and those who immigrated here after its founding all learned to speak English. It's not always easy, but as Thomas Jefferson said, "Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindred and tongues."
Speak whatever at home. But speak English when dealing with other members of the public.
Those of you interested in finding out more on this subject, visit the U.S. English Foundation.
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hell.. its the same shit.. people dont understand the national anthem in english
posted by
jenny at April 29, 2006 02:36 PM
I suppose those whose vocabulary has to include a vulgarity when posting to a public web site probably wouldn't understand the National
Anthem. Our Anthem is about those brave Americans, nearly all immigrants (and legal), who stood up to those who would attempt to challange our freedeom and democracy. "The land of the free and the home of the brave". Where are the brave among the illegal immigrants? They sneak into the U.S. becasue they are too weak to stand up to a corrupt government. Millions of people of this country fought for and died for the freedoms in this country. I don't see these illegal immigrants from Mexico fighting for freedom. No! It's much easier steeling their freedom by sneeking across the border and breaking the laws of this country. They cry "Viva La Raza". Well, I have no respect for anyone who is too afraid to stand up and fight for what they believe. To me, they are nothing but deserters and traitors of their own country. They want respect, go home and claim your freedom. Claim your rights and be willing to die for them, like so many Americans have. And as far as steeling our National Anthem. Stand up America! Don't let them get away with it. They want a boycot. Fine. I think we can eat at Applebee's on Monday. Last time I checked, at least here in my hometown, ther weren't any non english speaking waiters, bus persons, and chef's there. Or wait, maybe Olive Garden, or even Ramono's Macaroni Grill. Believe me, it will be a long time before I eat at a Mexican resteraunt or support any Mexican establishment. Get real! There are a lot of legal high school and college kids who would gladly do those hotel and resteraunt jobs and a lot of able bodied legal immigrants who will work in the fields. In plain english, "Viva La USA".
posted by
stan at April 30, 2006 01:42 AM
Stan, while I do not agree that the National Anthem should be translated to Spanish, I don't see how they'll do it and keep the same concept. I think you have a few misconceptions. Those of us who have left their country to live here, did not do so as traitors. Actually, we have fought long and hard, and the U.S. interventions in our land (acts of war) have led us to immigrate to the U.S. You do recall Oliver Norton, The United Fruit Company? So, please have your meal at Apple Bees, just don't be upset when the meal takes more the an hour to be cooked, or the plates for the previous party have not yet been picked up. Or even worse, the apple bees is closed due to lack of staff.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 10:33 AM
Please don't give me that drudge about the U.S. Invasions and so-called acts of war having anything to do with this issue. Illegal immigrants, whether from Mexico or any other country come here because of selfish reasons. They do not come here to better their own country, rather, themselves and their families here and those still back home. Mexico is a beautiful country, in some cases even more beautiful than the United States. It has the same potential as the US to prosper and be a leading cultural and economical powerhouse. But it is being driven by a government of greed and corruption. Mexico's problems are 90% internal and have nothing to do with the U.S. or any other foreign government. Mexicans can and should stand up and take back Mexico if they want what we have here in the U.S. It is there for the taking. If the 30 million Mexicans living here illegally would go back to Mexico and declare war on corruption they would have a country to be proud of rather than to run from.
As far as Applebee's is concerned; no problem waiting, I'll have a couple American Beers and enjoy my favorite sports in ENGLISH!!!I'm sure it will be delicious!
posted by
stan at April 30, 2006 06:47 PM
A British dude contriving a version of the US national anthem in Spanish: can you say self-serving publicity stunt?
posted by at April 30, 2006 10:56 PM
Illegals have no respect for anybody, they bite the hand that feeds them for free such as:
Such ungratefulness make me want to vomit!
posted by OMG at May 1, 2006 07:07 AM
Amen Stan. I'm with you on this one.
posted by
canuck at May 1, 2006 09:10 PM
I just wanted to mention that in order to be a Mexican citizen (according to their constitution) your parents have to be Mexican as well as you being born in Mexico. Why is it that they can come here and have kids that become citizens while they us up benefits that WE have to pay for?
Something is really wrong here.
posted by
Lucy at May 1, 2006 09:50 PM
Well done!
posted by
Jane at August 5, 2006 07:05 PM
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Celebrity Sighting!
You know, I hardly ever see celebs walking around in NYC, although I know they are everywhere. (I've seen Curtis Sliwa a couple of times, but only because my office is in the same building as WABC Radio).
However, today I saw Nathan Lane at the Tick Tock Diner on the corner of 34th and 8th. He was on his way out, script in hand, and walked by the table my friends and I were at.
Look at me, getting all excited. I'm such a cheeseball!

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Kewl!! :)
posted by
Tuning Spork at April 28, 2006 05:09 PM
I think you know, Pam, my brother and his family live in Ridgefield, CT. Robert Wagner, "Mary" from Peter, Paul, and Mary, and Harvey Fierstein live there. The first two they see a lot, the last they haven't seen.
posted by
John Ruberry at April 30, 2006 12:17 AM
Robert Stack also lives in Ridgefield...I used to work there, and one of my sister lives there, and I've seen him around a couple of times. Some guy who used to be on ER moved to my town a few years back...I forget his name...but I haven't seen him.
posted by Pam at April 30, 2006 09:13 AM
You mean short and stuffy fat and ugly Nathan Lane, who cares he is pretty UGLY and overrated and overpay, he is so boring, I truly think he is 'g' everytime I see him myself
I don't think he is 5" tall and anybody that is shorter than that is consider a midget
I thought you were going to say that you saw a better looking celebrity
posted by Lindsey at May 1, 2006 07:12 AM
Two people convicted in the various scandals of former Ill. Gov. George Ryan live in my town. Or used to...since they're in prison now. No, I don't know them!
posted by
John Ruberry at May 1, 2006 10:03 AM
Well I went to high school with former congressman from Ohio Mary Rose Oakar! Now there's something to be proud (?) of! Another classmate is a Judge in Cleveland (which is solidly Democratic Liberal).
And me - I'm just an ordinary person leading an ordinary life - and grateful to be doing so.
posted by
Gayle Miller at May 1, 2006 01:33 PM
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Another Reason California Is In the Toilet
This should come as no surprise:
(AP) SACRAMENTO California's state senators on Thursday endorsed Monday's boycott of schools, jobs and stores by illegal immigrants and their allies as supporters equated the protest with great social movements in American history.
By a 24-13 vote that split along party lines, the California Senate approved a resolution that calls the one-day protest the Great American Boycott 2006 and describes it as an attempt to educate Americans "about the tremendous contribution immigrants make on a daily basis to our society and economy."
The word missing in the above statement is ILLEGAL. But why let pesky details get in the way of sucking up to potential voters?
Illegal aliens and their supporters may think they are indispensible to our economy, but that's not necessarily the case. From the Center for Immigration Studies:
It is often suggested that "matching a willing worker with a willing employer" is all that matters when it comes to immigration policy. The fiscal costs of illegal immigration indicate that focusing only on workers and employers is grossly inadequate. If the presence of large numbers of unskilled workers lowers prices for some goods and services, but at the same time increases the burden on taxpayers, then this may not be a good deal for the country. Put simply, the mere fact that employers want more workers, and foreigners wish to work in this country, does not mean that Americans necessarily benefit from their coming. This fact must be considered when formulating policy.
Again, why let pesky details get in the way? Do they really think they'll close our cities for a day? I doubt it. We'll see who's right on Monday.
Crystal has more on the topic.
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.
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If we were in the toilet, it would be an improvement; we're completely down the drain and headed for sewage plant. It's a !% shame.
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at April 28, 2006 03:07 PM
Had some trouble with my trackback to this post.
posted by
Blandly Urbane at April 28, 2006 05:35 PM
I used to live in California (Northern for 1-1/2 years 2 different times and Southern for about 18 years) and those people just aren't right. I moved back to Ohio in 1994 and have NEVER been sorry that I did so!
The illegals (and they are EVERYWHERE) are rude, frequently lawless. Even the 2nd or 3rd generation Mexicans that I met did not consider themselves Americans and still spoke with heavy Hispanic accents (though they were born here - what's up with that).
Our nation is being invaded and we're doing nothing about it.
posted by
Gayle Miller at May 1, 2006 01:37 PM
The protest wasn't a completely unified statement of any particular cause. It was basically to show that there are great numbers of people who don't swell up with hatred and resentment, such as what is quite common in America today.
The protest wasn't to establish that illegal immigration should be tolerated or made legal, it was to show a unified front.
There is such deeply rooted prejudism against mexicans, and people are quick to judge folks they don't even know. Many americans think that they are better than the lowly illegal immigrants. The protest was a backlash against that sentiment, and to fight for fairness in immigration policy.
Try putting your computer to good use and doing some research. Find out what it takes to become a US citizen. Find the real specific details required of an immigrant. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and think aobut what you would do if you were poor, and needed to provide for your family. Would you be worried about political borders, or preserving the rich man's way of life, or would you be a good provider and do everything in your power to help feed and shelter your family?
It's easy to say "I have mine, let them worry abou theirs" when you are the one with the wealth and luxuries of even the lower middle class american. But that isn't christian, and it isn't friendly. It is a feeling of prejudism fueled by hatred and resentment.
There are more positive ways to protect and preserve our great country. Be humble, have compassion, have an open mind, try working together for a solution.
Separatist methods always lead to segregation.
posted by
just some guy at May 8, 2006 01:50 PM
I can't believe it, my co-worker just bought a car for $71735. Isn't that crazy!
posted by
Betsy Markum at May 31, 2006 08:23 PM
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News the AP Way
This article about a senate probe into the failures after Katrina via AP is entitled " Katrina Report Again Rips Bush Admin." Note the first two paragraphs (all emphasis mine):
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Senate inquiry into the government's Hurricane Katrina failures ripped the Bush administration anew Thursday and urged the scrapping of the nation's disaster response agency. But with a new hurricane season just weeks away, senators conceded that few if any of their proposals could become reality in time.
The bipartisan investigation into one of the worst natural disasters in the nation's history singled out President Bush and the White House as appearing indifferent to the devastation until two days after the storm hit.
Further in:
It said the Homeland Security Department either misunderstood federal disaster plans or refused to follow them. And it said New Orleans for years had neglected to prepare for large-scale emergencies.
"The suffering that continued in the days and weeks after the storm passed did not happen in a vacuum; instead, it continued longer that it should have because of - and was in some cases exacerbated by - the failure of government at all levels to plan, prepare for and respond aggressively to the storm," concluded the report.
And this paragraph is near the end:
Though the new report singles out officials from New Orleans to Washington for blame - and lambastes Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff in particular - it gives Bush a mixed review for his performance. It credits the president for declaring an emergency before the hurricane's landfall, but faults him for waiting until two days after it hit to return to Washington and convene top officials to coordinate the federal response.
In other words, there was plenty of blame to be passed around, and Bush didn't completely bungle things. Isn't it interesting, though, the way the article is crafted? Casual readers may not have even bothered glancing beyond the headline, let alone the first two paragraphs. "RIPS BUSH ADMINISTRATION" says it all, doesn't it?
Just another example of fair and balanced reporting from your impartial media.
Hat tip: Cookiewrangler
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April 27, 2006
Teddy Kennedy Opposes Wind Farm Project
Via Boston.com:
As record oil prices turn attention to the need for renewable fuels, momentum is building in Congress to buck Senator Edward M. Kennedy's bid to block the proposed Cape Cod wind energy project, potentially reviving efforts to construct the sprawling windmill farm in Nantucket Sound.
The chairman and the top Democrat on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee said yesterday that when the bill Kennedy backs that would effectively halt the wind farm comes up for a vote in the Senate, they will object on procedural grounds. They say they'll argue that a renewable energy project shouldn't be lumped in with a bill governing the Coast Guard.
Kennedy rejected suggestions that he doesn't like the wind farm because it would be near his Cape home, and said the project probably wouldn't be visible from the Kennedy compound. He said he's against the project because it would create a range of environmental and navigational problems and would hurt tourism, one of the area's key industries.
Frankly, I think he's against the project because he plans to provide all the power the wind farm would generate from his very own piehole. All of these years being a blowhard are finally paying off for the good senator from Taxachusetts...

"You want wind?"
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Then there is this angle:
Here is a passage from Peter Schweizer's Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy:
But from the moment the Kennedy family got wind of these plans (so to speak), they came out in strong opposition. Their complaint: The wind turbines would be built in Nantucket Sound, about six miles off the coast from the Kennedy compound in Hyannis. The problem was not aesthetic; the Kennedys wouldn't be able to actually see the turbines from their home. Instead Robert Kennedy, who had been beating the drum for alternative sources of energy for more than a decade, complained the project would be built in one of the family's favorite sailing and yachting areas. (My note: You can't make this stuff up!) The Kennedys were quickly joined by other affluent environmentalists with homes in the area, including newscaster Walter Cronkite and historian David McCollough, and the media war began.
posted by
John Ruberry at April 27, 2006 11:33 PM
RFK Jr., that is.
posted by
John Ruberry at April 27, 2006 11:34 PM
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Oil and Hypocrisy on the Hill
Important stories such as the influx of illegal aliens and what's going on in Iraq have taken a back seat to the price of gas, which is around $3 a gallon at the pump (a little more, a little less, depending on where you live).
Okay, I'll bite.
What really gets me in the finger pointing that is Congress' favorite game to play, is that they ignore some of the larger issues behind the price of gas: the fact that we aren't allowing oil companies to drill closer to home, the fact that increases in demand in China and India contribute to the higher demand (therefore higher cost) of oil...and the fact that many of us like to drive big cars.
Case in point: the legislators themselves. In this piece over at WaPo, we get an idea as to why those oil prices are so important:
"Since George Bush and Dick Cheney took over as president and vice president, gas prices have doubled!" charged Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), standing at an Exxon station on Capitol Hill where regular unleaded hit $3.10. "They are too cozy with the oil industry."
She then hopped in a waiting Chrysler LHS (18 mpg) -- even though her Senate office was only a block away.
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) used a Hyundai Elantra to take the one-block journey to and from the gas-station news conference. He posed in front of the fuel prices and gave them a thumbs-down. "Get tough on big oil!" he demanded of the Bush administration.
Republicans don't get off easily either:
At about the same time, House Republicans were meeting in the Capitol for their weekly caucus (Topic A: gas). The House driveway was jammed with cars, many idling, including eight Chevrolet Suburbans (14 mpg).
Sen. John Sununu (R-N.H.) hopped in a GMC Yukon (14 mpg). Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) climbed aboard a Nissan Pathfinder (15). Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) stepped into an eight-cylinder Ford Explorer (14). Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) disappeared into a Lincoln Town Car (17). Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) met up with an idling Chrysler minivan (18).
Next came Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), greeted by a Ford Explorer XLT. On the Senate floor Tuesday, Menendez had complained that Bush "remains opposed to higher fuel-efficiency standards."
So our Congressional blowhards moan and groan about high oil prices, but continue to tool about our nation's capitol in gas guzzlers. Shouldn't these folks be setting an example to the American people? Aren't they supposed to be leaders?
Then again, we shouldn't be surprised, considering the perks our elected lawmakers are used to. Why should they have to conserve? Such a thing is obviously beneath them, the self-anointed patricians of American society.
Until they begin looking at the real causes behind rising oil prices, and until they decide to set a positive example for the people who look to them for answers, I have no interest in their blustering and lecturing.
This is the sort of nonsense that contributes to the poor approval rating of our Congress these days.

Technorati: gas prices oil prices congress
As they say, great minds...Here's Brainster's take on it.
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I think you would enjoy reading this post from The Oil Drum: The Politics of Oil: The Discourse Must Change.
leaders of both political parties are not only headed in the wrong direction with respect to gas prices, but we also worry that they fundamentally misunderstand the factors behind the current situation at gasoline stations around the US. Public statements by political figures over the past several days would seem to suggest that oil companies and their record profits are the sole factor determining the price of gasoline. Not only is this untrue, but it is dangerous to give the American people the impression that only oil companies are to blame. The American people need to understand that the phenomenon of high gas prices cannot be attributed to a single source. They also need to understand that no one political party will be able to fix our current woes.
posted by
peakguy at April 27, 2006 01:17 PM
You'd think that one of those congressmen would be smart enough to be seen in a Ford Escape Hybrd.
posted by
john at April 27, 2006 08:44 PM
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April 26, 2006
Quote of the Day
I was just over at Brainster, and came across this comment from Gayle, who has her own blog here. The quote was in reaction to the childish remarks made by a leftwinger to Tony Snow's being named the new White House press secretary, but I thought it was a good, overall description of today's left and how they deal with issues that don't go their way:
These are the rantings of overprivileged babies (the baby boom "me" generation of Bill and Hitlery) who didn't get their own way in the 2000 election (or 2004) and have been having a tantrum ever since. No amount of logical proof that they are wrong, no amount of empirical data will change their so-called minds because they "FEEL" they've been cheated and ill-used which has impaired if not obliterated their ability to think rationally. It's pathetic as hell while still infuriating.
Ha ha, I love it! Check out Gayle's blog when you have a moment...she's worth the read.
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More On Illegal Aliens
With the May 1st boycott of schools and businesses in support of illegal immigrants in America looming, there are a lot of hot tempers around.
Here's a sample from comments left right here on this site (copied and pasted exactly):
Notice Carmen says she is a Mexican-American, and stands behind her people.
I find it interesting that she doesn't consider herself an American. But then again, I don't know if she's her legally or not. If she is here legally, her comment is even more disturbing than if she isn't.
Remeber if you are not a native o America you are also an inmigran in some way, I am also an inmigrant like every single one of you.
Milt ignores an important point: Except for a few extreme wackos, the beef most Americans have with this whole "movement" is that these are people who have snuck over our border in violation of our immigration laws, and then they have the audacity to demand rights that are not theirs. We are not anti-immigrant, we are anti-illegal immigrant. This is a crucial difference the rabid pro-illegal crowd is determined to ignore.
Of course we are all of immigrant stock of some kind. (There are theories that even American Indians came over either on a Bering Strait land bridge or possibly by boat -- albeit thousands of years ago.) For anyone to claim otherwise is ludicrous.
However, since 1875, when the Supreme Court of the United States decreed that the regulation of immigration was the responsibility of the federal government, there have been laws to uphold. Not all of those laws over the years have been something to be proud about, but that's why we have legislators who can improve upon outdated ideas.
The point is, we have legislation making illegal for anyone to just waltz over the border without proper documentation/permission. And, if you want to become a citizen, there is a process for that as well. My ancestors did it. And since they did it legally, and I was born here, then I'm a native. Sorry, but there's no two ways about that one.
Oh, and here's a lulu of a comment:
I think the boycott will help all Americans see how much we are needed by them. How can they say we steal jobs when were doing jobs they dont want to do. I don't see them digging holes in streets, or cutting yards..
Why would we dig holes or cut yards when we know we'll be passed over for such work because there are illegals willing to do it for less? Americans love a bargain. By the way, I have no respect for those who deliberately hire illegal aliens on the cheap. Not only are they saying to the illegals, "You aren't worth paying what an American would expect," but they're saying to everyone else, "We're above such petty concerns as checking for green cards or visas. As people with money and oversized egos, we are above the law."
Illegal aliens cost us more than they supposedly save us. For example, hospitals in and around the border area are closing because they can no longer aborb the cost of treating illegals who cannot pay. School budgets are bursting at the seams, paying to educate children whose parents do not contribute to said school budget. And so on and so on.
I'd like to close my rant with the following question. I hope someone can answer it for me:
Why is it that the same people who are screaming that we shouldn't outsource jobs overseas because it's taking employment away from Americans seem to think it's okay for illegal aliens to come over and take jobs away from Americans who would do them -- if the pay scale was not being artificially lowered by greedy employers and illegals who are willing to do just about anything for pennies?
Technorati: illegal aliens illegal immigration may 1 boycott
More: Debbie at Right Truth notes that high gas prices are eclipsing the illegal alien stories in the news. Does the MSM have ADHD?
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.
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theres a big misconception about why people come here. immigrants don’t leave their families and risk death crossing multiple boarders by land and sea because they want to come do menial jobs in the US. many don’t even come with the idea of staying. people risk their lives and take the degradation once here because they’re desperate. take a look at the situations that have driven people here. the irish came because of famine the russian because of communism. today it is no different, the countries people immigrate from are in turmoil… for many waiting four years for a visa isn’t an option. when they decide to risk their lives and leave their homes it is an act of desperation. if the US truly wants the influx of immigrants and the amount of people that come and stay to diminish, the US needs to stop nourishing violence and turning a blind eye to exploitation. better conditions in the homelands of the immigrants would mean less immigrants. Content people don’t pick up and leave.
posted by
MYRNA at May 2, 2006 02:00 PM
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Spinning: It's More Than Just an Exercise Class!
From Drudge:
Gym Instructor Mocks Bush In Front Of First Daughters
Tue Apr 25 2006 10:32:05 ET
A spinning instructor at Washington, DC's Sports Club/LA mocked President Bush without realizing (believe it or not) that a first daughter was in his class!
ROLL CALL reports: The instructor, Glenn Makl, is said to be horrified to learn after class that the president's daughter Jenna was there to hear his making fun of President Bush and handing out of a video clip compilation of some of the president's more memorable gaffes and malapropisms.
Jenna Bush was working out at the club with her boyfriend, who later complained about the politcal ranting of the trainer, a source tells the DRUDGE REPORT.
What the h*ll is a spinning instructor doing making political statements during class? I doubt that's what the people were there for. I hope he's horrified. And, I hope he is thoroughly embarrassed. While I doubt he'll get fired over the incident, no doubt his employers will be angry about the adverse publicity for the club over this, and will make things quite uncomfortable for him.
What a doofus.
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April 24, 2006
File This Under: What News?
This is news?
PRESIDENT George Bush can’t get no satisfaction — after Mick Jagger grabbed his hotel room.
The Rolling Stone splashed out £3,600 a night for the suite days before the US leader tried to book it.
Now Mick, 62, who has been a fierce critic of the Bush-led war in Iraq, is refusing to give it up.
Oy! The newsworthiness factor of this story, on a scale of 1 to 10, barely makes it as a 1.
First come, first served. End of story.
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Rewriting American History
I was away over the weekend. My husband and I went to Long Island (or, as we from Connecticut like to call it, Connecticut's Hurricane Barrier ;-)) for a bar mitzvah. We ate so much food I felt ill when we got home last night. But my gluttony is not the subject of this post.
At our hotel, hubby was flipping through the TV channels, looking for something suitable to watch while we killed time (we settled on Shrek 2...great flick). While he was flipping, we caught a portion of an "educational cartoon" which depicted the swearing-in of George Washington as our first president.
Normally I would think such an effort worthy (despite the cheesy animation). Kids today aren't learning enough about our country's history. This time, I was appalled.
I don't know what the channel was. I don't know what the cartoon was called. But what I do know is that the creators of the cartoon are trying to rewrite history. How do I know this, despite only watching about one minute of it?
In the crowd of folks watching Washington be sworn into office were various black people. Not slaves, mind you, but well-dressed "free folk" black people. In fact, there was a well-dressed black man on the balcony with Washington, among those who I am guessing were part of Washington's inner circle.
(One wonders why other ethnicities were not included in the crowd. No Asians? No Hispanics? What gives here?)
By sanitizing our history, the cartoon makers are doing everyone involved a terrible disservice. Yes, there were black people in America at the time of Washington's inauguration...but very few of them were freemen. The majority were slaves. Washington himself owned them, and they weren't freed until his death. That is the ugly truth of it, and it's one our nation eventually faced and did something about. It is very unlikely that, at Washington's inauguration, well-dressed blacks would be standing about unmolested, watching the event with smiles just like everyone else.
Making historical events look multicultural when they were not is not a road we should go down. Sugarcoating history, either to whitewash the ugly parts or to give it a fake balance, gives impressionable students the wrong information. Good intentions mean nothing when the facts are misrepresented.
(If any of my readers know anything about this cartoon, please leave a comment with some more information. In hindsight, I wish I had continued to watch so I could get more information about the creators, but as I was away from home for an enjoyable event, I wasn't in the mood for anything but mindless entertainment.)
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We used to call Pitney Bowes "New" Headquarters Building the Stamford Hurricane Barrier.
I used to work in the old Headquarters on Wheeler Dr. back in the 80s, and I rode out Hurricane Gloria in Hamden.
posted by
PCD at April 25, 2006 07:13 AM
I dunno, Pam. It's always been my understanding that there were plenty of free blacks in the north back then. One of the men who died in the Boston Massacre was black.
Slavery was brought to this continent by the British, and many free black men served in the Continental Army during the Revolution, and they weren't in segregated units as they were later. There were many black soldiers fighting in the Battle of New Orleans, for instance.
That there would be blacks witnessing the inauguration, in New York City, of the revered General Washington as our first President seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Even though the new Constitution didn't abolish slavery in the south, it was hoped that the spirit of liberty that flowed from independence would accomplish that soon enough.
Of course, it took another 80 years and a much bloodier war to do it.
posted by
Tuning Spork at April 25, 2006 03:41 PM
Tuning Spork,
As I was the one who noted this in the morning cartoon I feel obligated to reply.
You are right on that - it is believed that 15% of the population of New York was of African origin. And it is equally true that it wasn't as absolutely segregated as it would later become upon the hardening of Southern sensibilities.
"New York once had a slave population second only to that of Charleston, South Carolina, and that Africans, free and enslaved, have played a significant part in New York's history since Manhattan was first settled in the seventeenth century" http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/cityhall/
I guess my concern was the context. Somehow I found it hard to believe that 30% of the audience, including someone up on the podium would be black and obviously on absolutely equal stature at that time. That just isn't correct.
But you are correct that the crowd at Washington's inauguration wouldn't have been a bunch of dead white men.
posted by husband-dude at April 25, 2006 05:24 PM
I agree. Yes there were free blacks (as noted in my post), but as husband-dude pointed out, it is unlikely that they would have been on equal stature with whites at the time...especially the one on the podium in similar attire to Washington.
posted by Pam at April 25, 2006 06:59 PM
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April 21, 2006
Liberalism Defined
According to Rachel Marsden, the EU wants to redefine the term "Islamic terrorism" to:
"Terrorists who abusively invoke Islam." According to the EU Observer, other terms under review include "jihad," "Islamist," and "fundamentalist."
Marsden has come up with her own definitions of liberal terminologies. You'll love 'em!
One of my favorites:
Environmentalists: Celebrities who brag about their environmentally friendly hybrid cars while tooling around the world in gas-guzzling private jets. Liberals who can't afford a car also use this label so they don't appear pathetic to friends.
Hat tip: GD
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Rachel must have been working against a deadline. The list was top-notch, but far, far too short.
posted by
Steve at April 22, 2006 08:45 PM
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T-Shirt Ruling Disturbing
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against a California student the right to wear a t-shirt to school that says the following:
"Be Ashamed, Our School Embraced What God Has Condemned'' (on the front) and "Homosexuality Is Shameful'' (on the back)
The ruling is as follows:
"We conclude that'' Poway High School student Tyler Harper's wearing of his T-shirt " 'collides with the rights of other students' in the most fundamental way,'' wrote 9th Circuit Judge Stephen Reinhardt, quoting a passage from Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District, a seminal U.S. Supreme Court decision on the free speech rights of students.
"Public school students who may be injured by verbal assaults on the basis of a core identifying characteristic such as race, religion, or sexual orientation have a right to be free from such attacks while on school campuses. As Tinker clearly states, students have the right to 'be secure and to be let alone,' '' Reinhardt said.
"Being secure involves not only the freedom from physical assaults but from psychological attacks that cause young people to question their self-worth and their rightful place in society. The 'right to be let alone' has been recognized by the Supreme Court … as the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men,'' Reinhardt said.
In other words, certain groups of people are being told that they are guaranteed the right not to have their feelings hurt.
Isn't that what this is all about?
One caveat: I believe that schools have the right to enforce dress codes. However, if they are going to enforce it against one group, they should be even-handed. Giving preference to one group over another isn't they way to go about it.
Here's a scenario: Anti-Bush t-shirts can be seen just about anywhere in this country. If President Bush took it into his head to sue the wearers and/or the manufacturers of such shirts because it was a "psychological attack that caused him to question his self-worth in our society," the suit would be tossed out faster than yesterday's newspaper. And I would agree: freedom of speech should not be trumped by hurt feelings. (In any case, the president has more to worry about than malicious malcontents wearing obnoxious t-shirts.)
That's not to say that a t-shirt saying "this (insert person/group) must die" or other such violent vitriol should be tolerated. It's one thing to criticize. It's another thing to threaten violence. This is where any civilized society should draw the line.
It's also not to say that people shouldn't think twice about what message they choose to broadcast to the general public. I don't think it's a good thing to go out of your way to offend someone else...but to demand such compliance is another matter entirely. Especially when, as an example, the student in question was offended by pro-gay issues being openly discussed at his school.
What about his being offended? What about his rightful place in society? What about his religious beliefs, which are what prompted him to wear the shirt? Are they not worth defending? No one seems to worry about the feelings of a Christian who believes homosexuality is a sin.
And therein lies the problem. By elevating the status of one special interest group over another, we are giving lie to the very foundations our country was built on. The First Amendment rights of a student who believes homosexuality to be sinful have been trampled in an effort to keep homosexual students from getting their feelings hurt.
No matter who you are or what you do, not everyone is going to like you and/or agree with your actions. This is a lesson that everyone needs to learn at an early age. By banning certain t-shirts at school, certain students are being told that their feelings are more important than someone else's rights.
That is an extremely disturbing trend.
hat tip: Memeorandum
Other views: Betsy's Page, Blue Crab Boulevard, Orrin Kerr, The Volokh Conspiracy
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April 20, 2006
Muslim Students Taught Nonbelievers are Filth
And this is surprising why? Via Drudge:
MUSLIM students training to be imams at a British college with strong Iranian links have complained that they are being taught fundamentalist doctrines which describe nonMuslims as “filth”.
The Times has obtained extracts from medieval texts taught to the students in which unbelievers are likened to pigs and dogs. The texts are taught at the Hawza Ilmiyya of London, a religious school, which has a sister institution, the Islamic College for Advanced Studies (ICAS), which offers a degree validated by Middlesex University.
Strong links to Iran? Who would have thought it possible?
The article says the students wish to remain anonymous. Who can blame them? At least they're speaking out.
The text is one of a number of books that some students say they find “disturbing” and “very worrying”. Their spokesman told The Times: “They are being exposed to very literalist interpretations of the Koran. These are interpretations that would not be recognised by 80 or 90 per cent of Muslims, but they are being taught in this school.
One of the teachers passes the buck:
Dr Bahmanpour said: “We just read the text and translate for them, but as I said I do not deal with the book on purity. We have left that to the discretion of the teacher whether he wants to teach it or not.
“The idea is not to teach them jurisprudence because most of the fatwas of Muhaqiq are not actually conforming with the fatwa of our modern jurists. The idea is that they would be able to read classical texts and that is all.”
Here's the doctrine in question:
‘The water left over in the container after any type of animal has drunk from it is considered clean and pure apart from the left over of a dog, a pig, and a disbeliever’
‘There are ten types of filth and impurities: urine, faeces, semen, carrion, blood of carrion, dogs, pigs, disbelievers’
‘When a dog, a pig, or a disbeliever touches or comes in contact with the clothes or body [of a Muslim] while he [the disbeliever] is wet, it becomes obligatory- compulsory upon him [the Muslim] to wash and clean that part which came in contact with the disbeliever’
You gotta love that tolerance!
I have a strong suspicion that fundamentalist Islamists, including terrorists, are getting much of their funding from Iran. This possibility should be explored. Will it happend? Or will we continue to worry more about appeasement and the appearance of tolerance in this touchy-feely world?
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April 19, 2006
How Sorry Is She?
Michelle Malkin reports that the NKU professor who encouraged students to join her in pulling down an anti-abortion/pro-life display of crosses (a display sanctioned by NKU) has now apologized...sort of. In an interview with a local television station, Professor Sally Jacobsen had this to say:
"I deeply regret my impulsive action in dismantling that display."
"I really love NKU and care very much about my students and don't want them to be harmed. It was a mistake of judgment for me to invite my students to participate in that action. At this point, I really want the university to be able to defuse the firestorm of attention around this."
I guess I'm a skeptic, but I have a feeling her being sorry has more to do with the fact that the university actually took action and suspended her, rather than using the old "academic freedom" tack that we've come to expect from our institutes of higher education of late.
There is still the possibility of charges being brought against Jacobsen by the group that sponsored the display (which has been restored). It's not certain if the students who participated will face charges. Frankly, I'd like for them to receive some sort of punishment, even just community service of some sort. They need to realize that their actions have consequences. Hiding behind the "she said we should do it" excuse might hold for young children, but college students should be a little more responsible.
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You would expect Jacobsen's apology to half hearted. The way she described her actions was half-honest, half-not, "I invited them to join me..."
I have no doubt that it was something more along the lines of, "Come on, let's go tear down that [expletive] display." Incited, more than invited.
But the important part isn't Jacobsen's half apology, it's the university officials' very clear stand on the matter. Good for them. They are showing the ivy league a thing or two about integrity.
posted by
lumberjack at April 20, 2006 08:09 AM
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May 1st Boycott by Illegal Aliens Cancelled?
I guess they are worried about possible backlash against their cause. Sorry, but we're already mad.
The Uncooperative Blogger has the details.
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I strongly suspect they became worried that the whole "doing jobs Americans won't do" argument would come crashing down.
posted by
Stephen Macklin at April 19, 2006 12:03 PM
Actually it's not cancelled. The boycott for may first will go on as planned.
posted by MYRNA at April 25, 2006 10:13 AM
posted by
carmen at April 25, 2006 12:59 PM
If you want to stand behind your people, as you call them, then go back to Mexico.
If you want to stand by Americans, feel free to stay.
posted by Pam at April 25, 2006 06:56 PM
Remeber if you are not a native o America you are also an inmigran in some way, I am also an inmigrant like every single one of you.
posted by Milt at April 25, 2006 08:34 PM
I think the boycott will help all Americans see how much we are needed by them. How can they say we steal jobs when were doing jobs they dont want to do. I don't see them digging holes in streets, or cutting yards..
posted by
Samantha at April 25, 2006 10:20 PM
No the Boycott is gonna go as planed, it HAS NOT BEEN CANCELLED, I`m gonna Support My Raza, Arriva Mexico, and Arandas Jalisco.
posted by
David Hernandez at April 26, 2006 12:00 PM
we r gonna stand behind our people.. we will show how much we are needed in the usa... and its NOT cancelled.. sorry truth hurts usa... without immigrants u ain't nothin!!!
posted by
seca at April 26, 2006 01:13 PM
"No Work - No School - No Purchases" on Monday May 1st ! Remember don't go shopping, don't buy Kinberly-Clark products (Kleenx, Huggies)the congress man that propossed the bill is the the heir to Kimberly-Clark. For those of you in Mexico, no purchases from American franchises (Sears, Wal Mart, Burger King..etc)
posted by
Socorro at April 26, 2006 01:15 PM
The boycott will take place, im mexican middle eastern/american.
I will support the immigrants!
posted by
moises at April 26, 2006 02:43 PM
if people work and pay taxes they have the right to be treated like citezens because they are helping the economy!
posted by Diana at April 26, 2006 07:14 PM
I love my race and nationality but I have a hard time standing behind a bunch of rowdy people yelling "Viva Mexico" when what they want is amnesti in the US. Drop the Mexican flags, get organized, stay focused, and know why you're protesting. You can get what you're after if you play the game correctly. Viva La Raza, Los Inmigrantes, y La Causa!
posted by
Jim at April 26, 2006 08:43 PM
Ok I don't have any problem with ANY immigrant from ANY country who comes to AMERICA for a better life. I would do the same if I was born someplace else! HOWEVER, why did you come here if you are so proud of the country you just left? Drop your damn flags and pick up the red white and blue. Its where you live now. Be an AMERICAN. And whats the point of the protest? You want a cookie? You want us to say WE NEED YOU? Do you realize this country flourished without you? So why do you think we NEED you to prosper? Yeah and dont go to school anymore our schools are too crowded as they are.
posted by
Jackson at April 27, 2006 03:34 AM
Hmmmm interesting
posted by
Mike at April 27, 2006 04:42 AM
Im mexican and I really dont understand why immigrants or any ethnicity is trying to debate amnesty without paying taxes? Pay your taxes just like everyone else is! Taxes build roads, schools (in which your children go to by the way) medical, etc. Most of these people have no idea what theyre even debating, and whats sad is, most of these people are not even legal, which means they cant vote the day people take the polls. Pat yourself on the back I guess for meaningless effort. And I agree with Pam, feel free to stay here if your proud to be an American, your not in Mexico, you came here without any invitation, so play by the rules and your more than welcome to stay.
posted by
Danny at April 27, 2006 04:51 AM
posted by
VONJO DEJOHN at April 27, 2006 05:53 AM
PLEASE BOYCOTT!!! Then MAYBE the American people will open their frickin eyes and see that WE DON'T NEED YOU ILLEGAL PRICKS IN OUR COUNTRY!!! We don't need the high crime rate thanks to the elligals, we don't need higher taxes thanks to the illegals, we don't need hospitals closing thanks to the illegals. Screw every one of you morons who support ILLEGAL ACTIVITY in our country!!!!
posted by
bryan at April 27, 2006 10:26 AM
posted by
Lynn Walsh at April 27, 2006 11:53 AM
aight you white self-centered pieces of cr*p. you think that this protest is just being done because we want you to believe you need us?...no you're wrong. many of us came over with dreams of succeeding. so if you all want to destroy our dreams, we are going to show you how your economy would look like without us. you will now see a day without a mexican. so on may first when you grass aint being cut, you paper is not being delivered, your trash is not picked, and you little ones arent being taken care of by their nanny's...thats when you will realize how much you actually need us. so think about what you are saying before you do. you should know how much immigrants help the american economy, we pay taxes just like any american citizen, so we should be offered something back...not a cookie, but something we could show for our hard work...maybe something like SUCCESS!!!
posted by
{DiNgO}[1] at April 27, 2006 01:06 PM
That's so unfortunate that you Anglo-americans are so enraged that a boycott will occur, if you don't really want or need illegal immigrants here why are you all so angry?????
Scary thought isn't it, that you may have to do your own yard and house work, raise your own kids, and work in unsafe working conditions that these illegal immigrants are subject to each and everday. Open your eyes people, This country was built by immigrants.
posted by Nessa at April 27, 2006 02:00 PM
FYI.....The May 1st Boycott hasn't been cancelled. I think our country has other bigger problems and concerns than the ILLEGAL-IMMIGRANTS. Like gas prices, more money for schools, our safety, and criminals. Why are all of you so called "AMERICANS" making such nasty remarks about the ILLEGAL-ALIENS. Let me remind you that the MEXICANS aren't the only ones who come to the U.S. illegally, there are CHINESE,JAPANESE,ARMENIAN,BRAZILIAN,SALVADOREAN,FRENCH,ITALIAN,PUERTO RICAN,CUBAN,AFRICAN,SPANISH,ARGENTINIAN,AUSTRALIAN, AND LOTS MORE. What we should do is remember that this country is not ours or anyone's.....have we forgotten that sooner or later we will all die! So in reality nothing on earth is practically ours. Why not help eachother instead of hating eachother. I am proud to be MEXICAN, my kids 4 are CHICANOS (MEXICAN-AMERICAN), and let me tell you all that we are here to stay!
posted by
ROSSY at April 27, 2006 02:55 PM
I have one question, just one?
Why are you people, ( illegal mexicans ) so against becoming legal and paying taxes?
posted by Danny at April 27, 2006 03:34 PM
Let me ask YOU one question, just one.....Who said that the (correction) ILLEGAl-IMMIGRANTS (not illiegal-mexicans) are so against paying taxes and becoming legal?
Do you even watch or hear the news at all??? That is what this whole situation is about. We want a green-card and the right to live here without any fear, or the pain of leaving our children alone in this country without parents when we are deported BACK TO OUR COUNTRIES. The "MEXICANS" aren't the only illegal-immigrants in the US DANNY BOY, didn't they teach you that in school?
posted by
ROSSY at April 27, 2006 03:56 PM
WHy do most people think that illegal immigrants don't pay taxes? WHy do most people think that illegal immigrants don't want to have a legal status in this country? WHy do most people see embracing our Hispanic heritage as anti-American? Be less IGNORANT and find out the reasons behind the boycotts and the protests, realize that this country is comprized of immigrants who took the land from the Native Americans. Realize that our society is dependent on all its members, realize that we all want the right to a decent life. I SUPPORT the cause and my heritage MEXICANA 100% in the US. Lets keep true to the American way and accept immigrants into OUR country, because our different heritages have created this great nation.
posted by
Marta at April 27, 2006 04:05 PM
P.S. By the way Danny, I am not what you called an ILLEGAL-MEXICAN. I became a U.S. Citizen last year but I stand behind the illegal-immigrants because my parents were also illegal at one time and I saw how hard they worked for me and my sister. I also want my children to be proud of their Mexican heritage (even though they were born here in the U.S.)
This is something that some of you are never going to understand because sadly, IGNORANCE is still among US.
posted by
ROSSY at April 27, 2006 04:05 PM
You go girl!
posted by
Rossy at April 27, 2006 04:07 PM
HAVE we forgotten who built the trans continental railroad?...mostly chineese and german imigrants. who built the skyscrapers of chicago and nyc?..italians and irish imigrants...who developed steel and its mass production in america?...andrew carnegi an imigrant...on whos backs did america make its tabacco and cotten industry?...afican slaves ..imigrants....this county has made its money off of cheep labor (imigrants) since it declared it's self a free nation. Imigrants today are no differnt from the italians of the 20's and the irish of the 30's or even the pilgrims of the 1500's ...they want to work so they can feed their families, they want to live with out being persectued...live and let live
posted by MYRNA at April 27, 2006 04:07 PM
That's right Myrna!. Who makes your (white people) GAP, Old Navy, FOREVER 21, and other famous brands clothes? Who packs, loads and unloads all these boxes to be sent out to the malls? I don't see any white people working in these so-called sweat shops or in warehouses breaking their backs lifting heavy boxes for minimun wage and no benefits.
What I do see is alot of white chicks standing in line waiting for the welfare office to open. Either they are getting drunk and flashing men in CANCUN MEXICO or at home old & alone with their 30 cats.
posted by
Rossy at April 27, 2006 04:41 PM
The May 1st event is on! and so is the energy of the people who work very hard to better themselves, their families and this country. Immigrant people have the LOWEST unemployent rate compared to native citizens, sometimes they don't know the language very well, but they manage to keep a job and pay into social security, who can dispute that?
posted by
Sandy at April 27, 2006 04:54 PM
Frist of all we are all Americans. People from Mexico were born in Central AMERICA, people from Brazil, Chile and so on were born in South AMERICA. People need to stop being so ignorrant and arrogant. Although I am not Mexican, I stand with them in their struggle. I DO realize that without the economic help from illegal immagrants, California and most of the US would be where they are today. Just because people leave their homeland for the United States does NOT mean that they arent proud of where they are from. They come here for OPPORTUNITY that Mexico and other countries cant provide for them. NO ONE should deprive them of this. Those of you who are against immigration, just ask yourself. The fruit, vegetables, wine and other daily products that you use; whos hands picked those crops? FACE THE TRUTH! I have heard people say, that this is the AMERICAN RACE. I believe that is the wrong. We are the HUMAN RACE and we should all have the same equal opportunity no matter where we were born or where we reside.
posted by
Chelsea at April 27, 2006 05:14 PM
I support the immigrant's movement because they are HUMAN beings; moms, children, dads, grandparents, walking out and asking for recognition of their person and their work. The United States can still be the greatest country in the world (in spite of the war), if we keep our good values and embrace the people who work hard and bring such great family values that our society so desperatly need. Blessings to the immigrant movement!!!
posted by
Jenny at April 27, 2006 05:29 PM
posted by
BENNY at April 27, 2006 06:45 PM
This ones for Rossy
Lol, okay Rossy, Do you watch the news at all? Youre the example and definition of "Naive" Any way its stated, Illegal mexican, Illegal immigrants or whatever, you tell me what the majority of the population is thats protesting? oh yes the illegal mexicans (Im the type to elaborate thats why Im gonna say illegal mexicans) and the small percentage of what other ethnicity it may be. Have you even done any research of the people who are in mexico, germany, russia any country at the moment who want amnesty?, they are actually filing the paperwork, the LEGAL way and then they come to America, now those people have to wait even longer because we have to admit amnesty to those who crossed over illegally, who had no consideration to the legal system, what steps were to be followed, it was easier to pack up, and just cross the border, and the hell with everybody else, Let me tell you something Rossy, I work At D.E.S, Department of Economic Security and I can personally say that more than half of the people who file for assistance is illegal mexicans and no other ethnicity, thats why I say mexicans to elaborate which ethnicity Im reffering to, because if YOUVE seen the news at all, what is the majority of the race, ethinicity who are protesting? I have no problem with any ethnicity who would love to come to our country, My parents were illegal mexicans who are now legal because they did it the right way, the first time,and they agree as well, Follow the damn rules, nobody wants to kick you out, had you done it the right way, damn Im hungry, Im out!........
posted by at April 27, 2006 07:04 PM
immigrats are full of *&)!, i had a latino girlfrind and she left me for a black guy. and thats fine with me since their belong with eachother, they need to go back to africa or mexico.
posted by
sean at April 27, 2006 07:08 PM
im not an illegal but i really support the boycott, gas prices are up the roof, i now pay 60cents for lettuce if they leave i would have to pay triple or more heck no, come on people open your eyes and be realistic not you not me would pick strawberry for minimum wage.
by the way we are all the same under god's eyes.
posted by
joey at April 27, 2006 09:22 PM
To the person that wrote Rossy (Mr. D.E.S.)
I hate to break your heart, but this issue is about Racism and Civil Rights. Even if your parents came here legally, you are disliked and disapproved us as much as the rest of because YOU"RE STILL NOTHING BUT A MEXICAN in the eyes of many. Don't kid yourself sweetie. I'm guessing you're a light skinned Hispanic!
posted by linda at April 27, 2006 09:57 PM
WOW sean you're so ignorant, it's people like you that give white people a bad name...I'm Mexican 1st generation i was born a US citizen, we don't mow lawns my father is a wealthy man and he worked his ASS off to get where he is, i stand 100% behind the boycott...i don't understand why no one can see that the US is made up of immigrants.
posted by JL at April 27, 2006 10:08 PM
I personally hope they do go through with this stupid boycott. But, while your at it stay out of the emergency rooms (where illegals generally don't pay), stay out of school (they're overcrowded because of you anyways) and don't collect any government assistance. Then, we'll just see how better off we are. I want to see the totals for how much we save by not making the legitimate tax payer pay for illegals in that manner. By my calculations it will all be a wash....Start showing some respect for the taxpaying American citizen. We're tired of your attempted blackmail...it's not working and what you're really doing is alienating those who supported you in the first place...So go ahead, boycott, see where it gets you!
posted by Lisa at April 27, 2006 10:44 PM
No Linda, Mr. D.E.S is actually one of the most well informed individuals on this board, who isn't an easily led baffoon that actually does his research.
Well said Mr. D.E.S.
posted by Syn at April 27, 2006 10:46 PM
posted by
Myrna at April 27, 2006 11:46 PM
Viva American citizens and the LEGAL immigrants
who've made her what she is today. Why is it the pro-ILLLEGAL immigration crowd doesn't get the difference between legal and illegal. What makes them think they are so much better than the people who've chosen to do their paperwork properly and wait in line for citizenship or even just apply for a green card? I wonder why they don't work so hard in their own country? If Mexico is so fantastic then why don't you go back and fight for it?
Something to think about...
posted by Lisa at April 28, 2006 12:12 AM
Great! Go back than.
With all do respect people, I'm all for immigration, just not illegal immigration. WHY? Because its Illegal!
posted by syn at April 28, 2006 12:14 AM
If you want to be heard and felt, write your congress on May first. Send stamps to school with your kids on Monday and have them write letters instead of walking on freeways. If you really want to make an impression flood their offices with mail!!! As much as possible. Buy as many stamps as you can and be heard after the physical protests end!
posted by
PublicDefender at April 28, 2006 12:57 AM
It's 2 Am in the morning...so Imma keep my personal opinions as short as possible.
1. I do believe that everyone should immigrate here LEGALLY. Because, of course, it isn't fair that the people crossing illegally are skipping ahead.
2. I think that a FEW people have made some very idiotic decisions when they decided to fly the American flag backwards, and the Mexican flag beforehand. THOSE people should definitely go back to Mexico if they think it is so grand.
3. The U.S. designates only so many visas a year. And, on average, it takes more than 4 years to get one. MOST people in Mexico live at poverty level. The government is corrupt...and there is little protection for basic human rights, especially for dark, and indigenous Mexicans. Hopping the border for many is not only seeking opportunity, but hoping for a chance of survival.
4. Why isn't that you guys show more of the many many American flags that were flown. There was only ONE case photographed of the American flag being flown upside down. That does not represent how most immigrants feel. BUT they do have the right to love Mexico. Not Mexico as a country. Not Mexico the government. NOT Mexico the landmass. Mexico as it identifies to who they are inside...their culture. BUT they are HERE (in the UNITED STATES - God Bless- ) because they believe in democracy, and have aspirations of living out the great American dream. Even if for them it translates into getting a low-end job, getting paid minimum wage (which is many times better than Mexico), and being in the shadows.
Mexicans are here to stay (and we have been in the southwest far longer than the Anglo and German people.) We are not here for the reconquista. We don't plan on making everyone speak spanish, or having corn replace wheat as America's staple crop. We are here, like the Italians, Germans, Dutch, Irish, Polish, Jews, French, and Swedish, to bring our own cultural mix while adopting, as our own, the great American values of Hamilton, Jefforson, Adams, and Franklin.
Please don't misjudge us by choosing to represent us by the few idiots out there that have no idea what they are doing, and no respect for this amazing country. If anything know, that I am not stereotyping Americans by using the few racist idiots that haven't looked at both sides carefully, and do nothing but follow (like sheep) the serpent that is the media.
Most people on this site haven't done their research. Everything they know either comes from racist conservative talk shows or radio stations...or (for those zany racist Mexicans out there as well) an extremely liberal media.
Where the heck is logical, moderate, well-informed, America? People on both sides need to stop believing all the lies and myths that they hear, read, and watch.
-Immigrants help the economy more than they hurt it.
- they do not come here to fill up your schools and hospitals. What happens to those billions of dollars that go to Social Security but that are never claimed?
- If someone is against illegal immigration it does not mean that they are ANTI Hispanic, ANTI Latino, ANTI Mexican, or a racist. They just like laws.
-Well, unless they are the KKK or the Neo Nazis. Then watch out if you are a Mexican, you might get beaten the hell out of and even raped. Damn, I forget *terrorist* groups still exist in this country.
-Latinos, more than any other ethnicity out there, date and marry inter-racially. Don't tell us we're not ready to integrate.
-CHILDREN of immigrants and their supporters...DONT DO THE MAY 1st WALK OUT!!! Schools lose money. And, no, it's not the school losing out...IT'S YOU. That money is designater for YOUR education...the LA Unified School District is bad enough as it (and others too.)
Besides that, I support the May 1st boycotts. Our economic strenght needs to be recognized. That's it.
posted by
Rudy at April 28, 2006 05:03 AM
If you like mexico so much then go back!! for christ sake if you want to be here in the U.S then respect the laws that the country has, why don't you instead of waving mexican flags wave U.S flags?? in that way you may show to the governemt that you really apreciete to stay and contribute to the economy. But if you like "La Raza Mexicana"" the go back to that pothole and shut the f@#$k up!!
posted by Daniels at April 28, 2006 08:06 AM
I am the daughter of a mexican national. I was born in Colorado. I still believe there should not be amnesty. All other countries throw undocumented people in jail.
Argument: They do jobs nobody else will do.
Well they also make it impossible to stay in business too. Companies that only hire legal people have to compete with companies that hire illegals. I have seen where contracted jobs like any home remodeling is very competetitive. There are american citizens that have small businesses that have a hard time bidding for jobs against other contractors that hire illegals. Now tell me that is fair. A big group of hispanics will get together and do a job quickly and take less for the job. You can say capitalism at work. Yes, but now the statement that illegals are only taking jobs americans won't do is not entirely true anymore.
So that arguement does not hold.
Argument: Illegals pay taxes and make a difference for our country.
Yes I am sure some do. However, a lot of the money earned is sent back to their native land. Not all the money is pumped back into our economy. Some illegals that do have a taxpayor ID and do have taxes taken out. Yet not all illegals are doing this and paying taxes. Yet illegals are making most of all our resources (schools, roads, hospitals etc.,) at taxpayer expense. Some are making minimum wage and do not have many taxes to pay. The poor always pay less than people who earn more. Some poor pay no taxes because they make under a certain amount.
Argument is not entirely true, now is it.
Not all illegals are contributing to our soceity.
I can also say that not all americans contribute to our society either. Some would not take a job if you gave them a job.
I am against all people who are lazy and are a leech to soceity.
The problem is there are many disadvantaged people in this world. There has always been since the beginning of time.
There is no easy answer or fix to it.
I understand people want a better life. But here it seems to be an entitlement. Everyone feels they are entitled to things just because they want them.
So do we pick and choose what laws we agree with and don't. I do not agree with that one so I will break the law. I wonder what law I could break and get amnesty. We must not break the structure of law or you will have lawlessness.
In other countries, you break the law, you are sent to jail. Getting representaion? Yeah right?
There are many waiting for the rights of legalization the right way. Let's let 10 million cut in line before you. That is fair right? What about the people whoi follow and obey the laws rights?
With all these boycotts and marches we have here for rights and illegals. I have to wonder if enough of these people would stay in their own countries and fight for their rights and changes in government over there what would happen. Yet they want to come over here break the law and demand rights. With the same zeal they take for getting over the border, what if they used it to make their country better.
Frankly America does not have the resources to take care of every disadvantaged person in the world. Either we fix things now or expect hire taxes and lower standard of living for eveyone.
Enforce the law.
I have not even started about national security. We cannot just have anybody crossing our borders. Yes people are here to work. Some people are here to do harm (terrorism, crime, drugs). I suppose we can just ask eveyone why they are coming over? NOT!
We need to protect all our borders.
posted by petra at April 28, 2006 08:22 AM
Damn this country is full of ingnorant and stupid mexicans who know shit,can't even speak well their own language, I came here the legal way, I enjoy, respect and thanks the U.S for what it has given me. I dont go out waving the colombian flag and say colombia is the best, because lets face it, it has is own problems, altouhg i still remember my heritage with respect, now i feel more of a American, I pay taxes, follow all the laws, so far i have come across this mostly mexicans and central americans who i just feel sorry for them. Stupid
posted by Colombian at April 28, 2006 08:27 AM
By the way i dont support the fricking may 1st boycott, I think it should be call the may 1st mexicana boycott since almost all the bitching comes from the mexicans and some central americans but still the same what the hell.
posted by colombian at April 28, 2006 08:30 AM
Yes, a lot of the people out there are Mexican and Central American. Obviously, since they have more numbers you are going to notice them more. There are plenty of Colombians that jumped many borders -asshole- and they are out there too. Did you even pay attention to the march in New York? There were people that are descendant of Africa, the middle East, Korea, China, Japan, Dominican Republic, and South America. And at my college the people leading the march there are not Mexican, they are Chinese and Japanese American. They are representing because this doesn't only affect Mexicans, it affects all recent immigrant groups that are not from EUROPE.
I'm sure if Colombia were next to the United States instead of Mexico, it would be a whole bunch of Colombians out in the street, and not Mexicans. That goes for any Latin American country at the moment (except for Costa Rica...they know how to handle their crap and get down to business).
All my fellow Colombian friends will be part of the boycott. This has become more than an immigration issue, it has become an issue of civil rights. It doesn't matter if you say that you like Latin Americans, Asians, or Middle Easterners as long as their legal. Because, in reality, that's not how America is right now. And this is the time for all the non-western-european ethnic groups to stand up for their rights in this country. Children of parents from Iran, of parents from Mexico, of parents from Lithuania, of Parents from Chile, of parents from China, of parents from Ghana...no matter where their parents came from, they have the right to say that they American.
I am American, and on May 1st I will boycott for the rights of all those that are still treated with an inferior status.
A lot of Americans are afraid of a changing face. BUT if you really want to look at the future, the future is not Europe. Europe is a beautiful continent, with historic sites, but failing economies (except for the cases of England and the Nordic countries). It is aging. If America wants to continue to be the bright fire of democracy, it must learn to immerse itself in the other faces of the world. This is Asia and Latin America. America is successful because all the people with talent come here. Now it is our job to accept them when they come here, so that we don't lose out to China, India, and Brasil in the future. If we don't take in the world's talents. WE have no future.
posted by
Rudy at April 28, 2006 11:23 AM
I have a few comments and questions. I've spent a few years in Venezueala and have many latino friends. I suggested at work that we take a company day off of work on May 1st. You should have seen the wind leave the sails when this was presented. "This is our day..." Why can't I support reform to the current system? Why am I excluded? That seems bigotted to me. If Mexico is such a bad place...what are YOU doing to fix it? Leaving your people behind to continue to suffer? That doesn't seem fair to me. I understand the need to fix the current way things are done. Do you honestly think that giving away green cards to all the current illegals will solve the problem? I don't think so. It is rewarding them for being exactly that, illegal. Why should we reward someone that doesn't obey or respect our laws? Yes you pay taxes and contribute to Social Security, you also get free schooling, and english classes in those schools to cater to the fact that many immigrants don't speak english. This is a priviledge many from your home country's may never enjoy. Many have said that you want "Us" to see how our economy will suffer if you don't spend any money...you think the economy isn't horrible messed up as is? I live in a right to work state, what would happen if all the employers decide to just fire all those that are obviously so aggressive that they want to harm these companies that are affording them a better life? Please think before you folks post such obviously hate filled messages, this if for both sides. Hate will just feed a fire that will never be put out. Just bear in mind that this may backfire and get unwanted results. You are dealing with an administration that believes in firing first and asking questions later.
Best of luck with the protest, I hope both sides come out winners. I honestly hope that no violence comes of this all. We've had enough bloodshed over the last couple of years to last this nation for a long, long time.
posted by
Chris at April 28, 2006 12:13 PM
If someone breaks into your house, what do you do?
Is there any person on this board that would let them stay?
How about if they did the dishes and mowed the lawn?
I think not.
It would not be safe, would it?
You can't do RIGHT, by doing WRONG!
Disobeying the USA's law is wrong!
Disobeying any country's law is wrong!
It's their country, not yours.
The USA already brings in more LEGAL immigrants than all other countries in the world … combined! Over 1 Million a year. There is no country in the world that freely allows unlimited numbers of infiltrators to become citizens. There is no country in the world that gives more benefits and rights to criminals such as these. There is no country in the world that spends more money to care for these people, who didn't care enough to obey that country's law.
Why then is the USA a target? Why are there DEMANDS that the USA be held to a different standard than every other country in the world? Why no boycotts of countries that felonize illegal infiltrators. Why no boycotts of countries that shot, beat, imprison, rob, rape, or murder these infiltrators?
It seems to me if the real goal was for countries to recognize human rights and open boards, then the USA should be the LAST country in the world to boycott.
Makes me think these people are just out for their own self-interest!
And the answer to the first question is:
You’d have to for the security of your family.
posted by
mb at April 28, 2006 12:25 PM
Alright you RACIST WHITE PIECES OF SHIT! im tired of have to reading your crap. listen up and listen good. you all know you need us and are afraid of the boycott. i wished that for one day you can switch lives with one of our parents and go work under the same conditions they work in. i am an immigrant and proud of it. i came, learned the language and adopted the lifestyle you live in. but that doesnt mean that i am going to close the doors for those who are still coming. i just want you all to know that we deserve some respect for doing them jobs you all dont do....FUCKEN RACIST REDNECKS! thats right, i said it. quote me if you want. but you all are some fucken haters calling us "NOTHING BUT SOME MEXICANS"...fuck that. we are mexicans, with pride and dreams of succeeding. so stop hating and realize what is relly happening. this is just some racial bullshit. just support the boycott and shut your ass up!
-->Nothing but a Mexican, who isnt afraid of saying what others wont...
posted by {DiNgO}[1] at April 28, 2006 01:02 PM
I am mexican, I came and are here legally, ny mother, sister and husband and daughters are american citizens. The truth is this:
It cost us about $3500 a year for every illegal immigrant family, if legalized they would cost double that, check cis.org (center for immigraton studies:the high cost of cheap labor), the taxes they pay are not even a tip for all the services we as tax payers provide.
They are not all "good working people" immigrationhumancost.org (crime victims)
talks about all the atrocities that ilegal immigrants commit and get away with every year (does the name Lee Malvo ring a bell?, the DC Sniper) granted there are white people doing bad things also but they are citizens and at least there is hope of justice, with illegal immigrants they just go back to wherever they came from and escape punishment. I have been persecuted because I suggest to illegals to speak english and end I up labeled as a racist that thinks that is better than the rest or tries to be someone who is not, I even had this response for a recently made US citizen who doesn't know one iota of english. "the jobs americans won't do", my husband is a 3rd generation white american
and does windows for a living here in Nevada, try working out here at 118 degrees, we pay taxes (big time this year), a business license, business insurance, etc, but still can't afford health insurance, if there is an emergency we pay dearly (and are still paying from last year), but now a company that has illegal aliens working for them is underbidding our prices by half!, I would call ICE, but what are they going to do?, the question is whose fault it is? it is the AMERICAN CITIZENS fault, I had to force my husband to go vote last two elections (he never did before), where are the american protesters?, when will you rise and say enough is enough, and through peaceful, legal and smart ways get this problem resolved, or I will be living in another Mexico, where the few rich rule, your vote doesn't count, politicians do whatever they want, gas prices go up every week and so does everything else, and everybody sings "Nuestro Himno" (the spanish version of the star spangled banner, which in its second verse says, translated from the spanish to english says: "its stars, its stripes, the freedom, we are the same, we are brethren, in our hymn...my people is still fighting it is time to break the chains...)
What am I saying? America already looks like Mexico :(
Now after all this blogging (talk is cheap) we can all resume our lives and go watch MI:III and pretend everything is OK.
Sincerely and respectfully Carla D.
PS.I am going shopping on May the First, as a small token to my land America the beautiful!
posted by
Carla at April 28, 2006 01:38 PM
To all you sorry asses talkin shit about mexicans?You guys are lame how sad that you need a computer to talk shit!I want to see you say that shit in our face,try it & youll see what happens to you since were all criminals anyway might as well get something out of it &do a lil ass kikin sorry ass white mothafuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!At least you dont see us mexicans in corners asking for money.YHEA we may be selling flowers or strawberrys but shit at least were working unlike these sorry ass homeless loser white pricks yousay you want to get rid of all these criminals,hey thats coolwe should start with all these white fucken perverded ass rapist&child molesters,you want to get rid of the drugdealers hey thats cool too!lets getv rid of these white fucken dope,crack head muthafukers that use the shit too. where should we deport these assholes too?I understand that there are illigals that do break the laws & dont better our country but make it worse.(Im not ignorant)But they are not all like this.people that come here to work & make a good livin are not criminals & should not be treaded like one.yes they are illigal but shit wasent everybody at some point? everybody came from somewere.the mothfucker that discovered america was an illigal too who gave his ass a green card?Oh maybey your white ass did!!! I give a shit were you work at!!!!!!!!!!! All you got to know is that were mexicanos& proud & if you dont like it you can keep on typing on your computer because I know for a fact your sorry asses cant speak up in person.If you got something to say, come & say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVA LA RAZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT MEANS FUCK YOU WHITE KRACKERS BIATCH!!!! STRAIGHT OUT OF CALI (NOMATTER WHAT YOUR WRONG IM RIGHT! SHUT THE FUCK UP GET UP & DO SOMETHING!IM OUT!!!DRIANA
posted by at April 28, 2006 01:42 PM
Why is it that no one is even looking at the bigger picture? The rogue governments of these countries illegal immigrants hail from unashamedly watch these activities and don't offer any concrete initiatives with a view to obliterating the need for its people to leave. We as American people need to focus on this factor. We need to hold these governments accountable for their shortcomings (fiscal irresponsibility leading to no funds for schools/education at home, no opportunities for citizenry after a degree is achieved, lousy infrastructure which leads to compromised safety and low morale, etc..). Heck! With government like that, who would want to stay in those countries? It's time for some collective thinking and less tolerance on dealing with these corrupt, ill-conscienced foreign politicians who have no face!
posted by Paco Stanley at April 28, 2006 01:45 PM
WOW! this issue is really getting hot, it's so hot the people that don't want us are so concerned, and angry about our little boycott. As an immigrant who served in the Armed Forces and experienced discrimination, and still came on top, I find the ignorance a bit shocking. But don't worry, us immigrants will stay here to defend "your country, and serve your meals." Oh, by the way, apparently not much world history is taught around here, a good number of the "illegal immigrants" that now reside in the U.S. do so due to the political situation created by the U.S. in our native countries. My family is Central American; we would have never come here if it was not for the U.S. interventions in our homeland. Funny, as a veteran I will never be called an American.... I wonder how many of you out there complaint under the blanket of safety that we provide. And to our supporters, Ladies and Gent's, please..., do not lower yourselves and insult the people whom oppose immigration. Some immigrant just died in a battlefield ensuring their freedom of speech.
SGT U.S.A. (Former)
posted by Brian (Veteran) at April 28, 2006 01:54 PM
to all you talking shit about mexicans an illegals, stop talking behind your computer, so sad is the only way you can talk smack.
i guess you guys are afraid and starting to see that is looking the way it use be 100 of years ago, check this out ignorant racist mothafuckers if you ask me to go back to where im from i can walk my ass back, as for many of you will never make it, tell you why! cause you ain't from this motherfucker either. this is to all you talking shit MOTHERFUCKERS no matter what RACE you are, and if you wanna talk even more come holla at me PUNK BITCHES. 2645 2nd ave los angeles ca 90062
posted by CRISTIAN at April 28, 2006 02:44 PM
Let's remember we are ALL human beings, let's put aside race, color, ethnicity or whatever you want to call it. We are here as ONE. We are all affected by the changes in politics, which we influence whether we can vote or not. And STOP calling each other names. I don't think that is the best way to find a solution to such a complex issue. I believe a balance needs to be found, where all parties (illegals, legals, US Citizens and Americans - yes, everybody born in the Americas, the continent, is an American) find a common ground. I agree that many illegals need to be legalized and that our borders need to be controlled. An uncontrolled influx of immigrants eventually is going to hurt everyone living in this country. In addition, immigration laws need to be stricter and entry shouldn't be given to just anyone, but to those who deserve it. To deserve it you need to abide to the laws of this country. Also, don't generalize by saying that all immigrants are Mexicans or even Latinos, others like Chinese, Russians and Africans will be affected by these laws. Furthermore, be proud of where you come from, but also be proud of where you live now. The United States is a welcoming land and it should remain as such. Those who are just arriving need to assimilate to this culture without forgetting their original roots and still grow roots here.
I am a US Citizen of German-Irish descent. I will be part of this boycott because I believe we all deserve to be here, in this land of prosperity.
Let us not forget 9/11. We were all affected by it and we should still say: UNITED WE STAND.
posted by Amy at April 28, 2006 03:28 PM
Thank you for serving. I too am a veteran. I served through the first Gulf War.
Thank you for the request that we all communicate in a civil manner.
You are correct. This was your land, long ago … but not today.
Your land was also our land, long ago … but not today.
Thank you for the civil, kind comments.
One thing I disagree with you on is the boycott. You say we need to have secure boarders. But are willing to support their total disregard to these boarders. Lets be very clear on this. The groups involved with this boycott are actively working against boarder control. Compassion for others is one thing. Leaving ours selves open to whoever wants to enter is another.
A couple things people are forgetting:
- Discrimination happens on all sides. I’ve spent much time in Mexico. Reynosa, Poza Rica, Ciudad del Carmen, and other places. By far, most people were very kind and helpful. I still have very good friends there. I was even in one person’s wedding. But I too was discriminated by some. As we all know, some things commonly happen in that country that are not common here. I believe most illegal infiltrators to the USA are treated better than legal guests in Mexico. And yes I was legal. And yes I was a guest. I was asked many times to come there. And I was very happy to visit and help out.
- It is “OUR” country! There are set, defined boarders that are universally recognized worldwide. Boarders worldwide have come and gone throughout the years. These boarders are here now weather you like it or not. Let’s not forget the history that the USA defeated the Mexican military and marched on to Mexico City and then give back the land up to Texas. It seems some people have selective memory when it comes to history. But it does not matter today. It is HISTORY.
posted by
mb at April 28, 2006 03:48 PM
Everyone keeps saying, "Don't come here illegally, do it the right way". To immigrate legally to the US, you pretty much have to be wealthy. A friend of mine from New Zealand applied for US citizenship "the right way" and it cost him just over $30,000.00. The people from Mexico and other countried in Central and South America that are coming here illegally are POOR! They are looking for a better life; a job, a home- so they can provide for their families. All they want is the same opportunities in this country that all other immigrants have had over the centuries. And those of you who think illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, get your heads out of your a**es. EVERYTHING IS TAXED, salaries, food, water, utilities, clothes, gas,...EVERYTHING IS TAXED.
posted by
Gabriel at April 28, 2006 03:59 PM
Whats with all the foul language from everybody on here?
posted by Mr. D.E.S at April 28, 2006 04:05 PM
Nobody should post their thought on here and display anger or debate issues with obscenities, nobody will really decipher what youre trying to explain, Lets start using some intellect here, and this applies to anybody who comes on here to post........
posted by Mr. D.E.S at April 28, 2006 04:12 PM
I can't believe so many people don't understand this. Non-citizens can get paid back State and Federal taxes from the US government. All they have to do is complete one government form, turn in the receipts, and show citizenship of another country. The only way they would not be able to get this refund is if they are working illegally, and that would only apply to income tax.
I do this when I travel to Canada. The USA does have this available. I've given the form to co-workers from other countries. Mexico does not offer this program to it's visitors.
Regarding the cost of immigration, many companies will sponsor non-citizens with a work visa that could lead to citizenship. The process can take many years to be finalized, but it’s at no cost to the immigrant. That’s how most people legally immigrate here. If you’re truly doing jobs that Americans can’t or won’t do, the company will pay for sponsorship. If the company won’t pay, then just maybe an American can take the job.
Regardless - costs of legal immigration is no justification for law breaking
posted by mb at April 28, 2006 04:50 PM
I'm truly amazed at the number of people willing to defend this law breaking. It is a serious National Security threat! And people are coming up with excuse after excuse to justify it. This was their land 200 years ago, they pay taxes, their Government is bad, our Government works too slow, we’re all humans, etc.
These are all great reasons to help people out. But these are not reasons to leave our boarders defenseless! These are not reasons to reward criminal behavior. These are not reasons to put certain people on the fast lane to citizenship.
As stated earlier, the USA takes in more legal immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined! If we fail to stop even one person wishing harm upon us, it could destroy the USA as we know it. And then we may not be able to help any immigrants.
posted by mb at April 28, 2006 05:08 PM
Funny thing is, they did this in Mexico last month. They boycotted American companies like Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Dunkin Donuts, and McDonalds. The funny thing is, who are all of the employees? Mexicans..
posted by syn at April 28, 2006 05:26 PM
The issues of boarder defense has been used in this blog a couple of times. While I do understand the need to secure the borders, it does not scape me that "none" of the terrorist tragedies that our has experienced have come from south of the border. We are basically securing against terrorism at the wrong place. The terrorist don't walk the desert, they arrive in airplanes with student visas. They have business relationships with our government. I did not see this level of anger with the ports deal. I don't know that a fast track to citizenship is the answer, I becames a citizen while in the service and I was given no special treatment. However, a comprehensive opportunity to work legally, is a different option. The boycott will accomplish its mission in showing how the immigrants services do affect our economy, and strengthen it rather than drain it.
My fellow sympathisers, please stop looking like fools by using derogative language. Use critical language instead.
posted by Brian at April 28, 2006 05:29 PM
posted by at April 28, 2006 07:40 PM
Hey c'mon we all know this is just a diversion from the bigger issue. THIS ADMINISTRATIONS FAILURE. and we Americans like losers fall for it all the time!
Having said that the Mexicans had this land first and before them the Indians but if you don't know most Mexicans have Indian blood too; and then the FOREIGNERS came and cheated them out of their land. We all really know Americans are the real illegal immigrants, that is if you know your history...
posted by
satellitepilot at April 28, 2006 07:46 PM
It's funny, the ones using the foul language can't even spell it correctly. Another reason why illegal immigrants should be sent back home.
Want to be really scared? white people will be a minority in 20 yrs, you are just getting a taste of their racism and hate towards americans and in particular white people.
And for those ignorant cursing bigots (which is someone who is intolerant to others):
Ustedes son lo hijos de puta por pensar que en su ignorancia con una "huelga" van a triunfar, por eso ya no vivo en Mexico, hay muchos mexicanos ignorantes, por que no van a pedir esos mismos derechos del PRI y el PAN?, por que no se van y se manifestan alla?, por que alla los echan al vote I aqui los estupidos del govierno les dejan hacer lo que les da la regalada gana, pero sean advertidos la gente de los EU no van a aguantar tantas estupideces. Y yo soy mexicana, venida legalmente, y no una "racist white person"
Abajo con Mexico y con "Nuestro Himno", ILEGALES, ILEGALES, ILEGALES IGNORANTES!!!!!!!!!!
We are not getting scared over the rallies, but more like someone gets annoyed over a cockroach, and those get zapped!.
posted by
Carla at April 28, 2006 08:12 PM
Hello everyone,
I am white, but my grandfather immigrated to this country - legally - 70 years ago. He came from Europe but back in the those days was treated with the same distrust and hatred that is being given to immigrants today. During WWII, he was not interred (like the Japanese) but followed, ridiculed, harrassed, and given a curfew to live by.
Since my mother was born, she knew her father wanted all his children to speak English first, and Italian second because they had to learn to FUNCTION in America as normal citizens and to do that, they had to learn ENGLISH.
I'm cool with however families do things in their home, but I wouldn't dare move to a foreign country and not know the language and then expect them to cater to me. WRONG!!! That would not happen. Sooner or later, just like generations of immigrants around the world, I would be forced to assimilate and speak a common language.
I'm not as much upset with the language thing (really couldn't care less), but what I'm most peeved about is that at these rallies, protesters are waving flags from other countries. You want to be in America, fly the right flag. If the other flag is more important to you, then go live there. My grandfather faithfully flew a flag every day until the day he died.
My point is..........take the flag with you, idiots!!!!!!!! You're not going to make any friends by not flying the flag. Don't be stupid and you'll get what you want.
posted by
Eeek a Mouse at April 28, 2006 08:30 PM
You're actually saying that leaving the boarder wide open is not a security threat?
Of course security on all fronts must be improved. The land borders are a huge part of that. Security on other fronts has been increased since 9/11. Why should the land borders be different?
Also, this boycott is not only to show the service provided by those who may be here illegally. It is also an organized event by groups who are actively working against secure borders. Check into it. You may want to boycott for the good of these people. But these groups are working against securing our borders.
That will hurt all of us in the long run.
posted by mb at April 28, 2006 08:45 PM
I also wanted to thank you for presenting yourself civily. Thank you.
posted by mb at April 28, 2006 08:49 PM
MB, I can appreciate the perceived threat by leaving the borders wide open; however, there are no significant targest near the U.S. Mexico borders. Had there been targets in this area, the unfortunate events during 9/11 would have taken place around these areas. None of the terrorists were actually illegally in this country. All were able to travel at their pleasure. Not only that they were able to attend pilot trainig, no illegal alien from this side of the border has been shown to have these patterns of behavior, and actions. Other treats have been identified, however, they were identified at the Canada, U.S. border. No wall will protect us from terrorism. The war on terror is a different kind of operation. This operation deals with people that cannot be defeated until their spirit is defeated. Remember a secured border cannot be defined by the walls that surround it, but by the ability to manage the traffic in it.
posted by Brian at April 28, 2006 10:38 PM
OK. Now I understand. No threat at all leaving the borders wide open. Since the 9/11 terrorists didn't come that way, there's no chance of anyone else coming that way. Drug dealers and gang members certainly don't come straight across the southern border. They likely fly in from Canada. And because there are no major targets within walking distance for the border ... we're all safe! They may have enough money for a dirty nuke, but how would they get a car. Plus we stop a good 20% of the vehicle's coming across the Southern border ... no chance of anyone wishing harm upon up making their way through. I've been driven across the Texas/Mexico border some 9 or 10 times. Never once have I been stopped! But I'm sure I'm the only one who was missed.
This is dangerous for both countries! Airport / customs security has been increased. The border needs to be as well. Threats and weapons to be used against us may already be in the country. But we can certainly stop anything else from getting through and securing our land borders is an important part of that. You suggest that this is a different type of war and no wall will protect us. I venture to guess it'll help. And if you honestly believed the words you just wrote, you wouldn't lock you door at night. That lock won't stop someone from getting in, but it'll certainly help.
Brian I thank you for your time, but could not disagree with you more. We must secure our borders for everyone's safety. Just because a threat hasn't come from the Southern border does not mean one wont.
Also, the idea of rewarding law breakers promotes more of the same. There is no reason these people should be given citizenship and benefits ahead of people who earned as you did.
And lastly, by participating in the boycott, you are supporting groups who are actively working again national security. You are rewarding criminal behavior. And you are protesting for "open immigration" to the country that takes in more immigrants (legally) than all other countries combined. That just doesn't make much since now does it?
Brian, sleep well with your front door wide open. I feel safer with mine locked shut.
posted by mb at April 28, 2006 11:55 PM
To all you illegal aliens, and that is what you are, illegal aliens not immigrants. Immigrants follow our laws and customs and come into this country the proper way. So go ahead and boycott, I want you to boycott that way I will be able to see what companies are closing down for you to protest and I will stop buying their products. So go ahead, boycott.
posted by
Bob at April 29, 2006 12:19 AM
The truth about Illegal Immigrants is:
Most ( I didn't say all) are jail birds, illiterate, have joined gangs, drugh addicts, drug pushers, wife beaters, child molesters, criminals, maybe one on each of their very large family works and the rest collects welfare, ssi, ssa, food stamps, free healthcare, free monetary help from our Goverment, the wives get pregnant each year to collect more welfare for each child they get Medical to pay for all doctors and all deliveries of their UGLY children, they refuse to learn the English language, they don't respect the Laws of this land, as we can see when they crossed the border illegally, they use FAKE ID's that they buy for a few dollars, such as FAKE driver's licenses, social security's and other FAKE documents, that they present when they apply for Goverment help, an illegal Alien Gets Goverment benefits, BEFORE any born American Citizen, because they are considered THE MINORITY which only means THE POOR....but how can they collect everything FREE from this Country? when some have just crossed the border including their old parents? they have abused the Legal System and broken the Law, they are violent and lawless there is no question about it, God is about to deal with each and everyone of them, because even the bible says: THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE...and that's exactly what they are doing, illegal immigrants want this country for their own, with their idols...i.e. virgin of Guadalupe, the ugly Mexican Flag, indians with feathers, dancing to their gods...this is absolutly lawless and out of control and we let them get away with everything...because the media portrays illegals as hard workers that only want a better life, but the media should expose the other side, of their drunkeness, rioters, drug pushers, drug addicts, gang members, criminals....one of the worse gangs is a salvadorian gang called I think S-13? what are they doing here? they are a menace to society, illegal aliens should also stop having those ugly children, because they are truly ugly and not well behave when they go to the stores shopping, it's a shame that we have let this 'characters' take over our Nation
...and no I am not a racist...but just look at the Irish for example, they work, pay taxes, behave and had learn to speak English
I say ship them all back and let their Presidents/Dictators take care of their own, Vicente Fox should create jobs, housing, healthcare for them upon their arrival, no we don't have to pay the bill for the lazy, ignorant illiterate Illegals....is not our responsability...or our burden
May God help us to get rid of these type of people!
This is exactly what they think of us I dare you to click:
posted by
Linda at April 29, 2006 03:26 AM
hello everyone i have read what everyone here wrote iam american .born here and my family is cuban now i want to clarify cubans do not come in illegal and either do puerto rican .take them out of the equation ./alright lets see here iam hispanic this much i am but this is what i think of mexican /they do the jobs noone else would do and for less by all means if u want to see ur sister or family memeber that have works so hard to get an edducation .cleaning school toilets and digging holes ....well by all means let them go we dont need them right .shit we the americans can work in the fields picking fruit and hurting our hands .my point is this country since the beggining of time .has been of the emigrants .we somehow or another has had an ancestor imigrant .unless all u people are indians u are of immigrants decend .u all came here for the same thing this mexicans as we want to call them did .the dam american dream .instead there is no american dream for them .u should see how the majority lives the work like ants .drink there lives away from the stress do drugs to keep going .and live in the worse housing and still come back kicking .some of these kids do better then the us the american kids did and do in our school .because all the they want is what every person back in our american history books wanted when they came here and took over .ask ur self what iam oh iam american ,no u are not .the only american native was the indian .........everyone else came illegal whether u did or u parents or ur parents parents at what point or another usa grew due to ur ancecetors coming in here .again let them go and we will do there jobs we will dig the holes diliver the pizza construct in the hot ass sun for less then min wage ....i really iam dieing to see that ....because when it happens u so called american now remember i was born here of cuban decent never had anyone in my family line come illegal .so iam not picking sides iam just seeing the facts .that we will be left cleaning the toilets they leave behind .the hole they no longer dig ....and the biggest one taking care of the american born kids they leave behind ........
posted by
marisol at April 29, 2006 07:08 AM
Is United States a country of immigrants?
I just don't understand how come that you (and all of you are immigrants, unless you are a native-american) are against of more people coming to this country and have the same opportunity that you, your parents or grandparents were looking for when they first came here.
For those of you, who are specially aganist immigration from people from Mexico. How about if you go to do some research and find out about where this people came from.
History tells that the ancestor land for many Mexicans (history refers to them as Aztecs)were Utah.
Texas, California, Arizona and some other states belonged to Mexico.
That was Mexican Land and now my question is
Who are the immigrants?
posted by
Silvya at April 29, 2006 09:21 AM
how dare you insult our intelligence? We all know where we came from and our ancestors, This is what our country is made of. BUT we all did it the right way!!! We didnt get working papers and green cards for NOTHING.. we waited till we got them, then we worked our fingers til they bled to make a living. YOU should be proud for being here in the 1st place and not FIGHT the ppl in this country. You think once u become citizens that you will be digging streets? mowing lawns? NO.. you will whine like everyone else or go on welfare and take advantage more so of this country. Face reality. You will march with the mexican flag???? you will protest in spanish?? learn english, speak english and march witH the american flag if you want to become AMERICAN!!!!
I better stop rambling , I could go on and on and on.. go back to mexico if you stand behind *your* people
posted by candace at April 29, 2006 10:39 AM
Yes Candace, I know (since I am mexican) of many poeple that are using all kinds of services and are here illegaly, but I have a friend that came in desperation about 12 yrs. ago illegaly with her two small children, we were talking about all this mess and she told me that she would never dream of doing the things that these people are doing and saying, she speaks english, writes it, homeschooled her children for several years (which are on the top of their class now) and married an american citizen 8 yrs ago (she did loved him), now she works with her husband and is a vital part of her community, BUT SHE IS THE EXCEPTION RATHER THAN THE RULE, because I know far more people, even naturalized citizens that do not speak english, don't pay taxes, even if they are succesfull economically they are still ignorant and hate white people and anyone who speaks english (even me as a "traitor").
And to Ekk a mouse: the difference between this people and your gradpa is that he flew a flag every day of his life (I fly my American flag every day too) and these people past Mon will throw theirs in the garbage and fly their Mex flag.
Instead of watching that idiot on MI:III go see United 93, think of a bombing in starbucks or a church every week, just like in Israel or Iraq, all they need is a 100, well, in the last demostrations I seen hundreds of thusands that hate america waving their flag and DEMANDING for "their" rights, what will happen if they don't get them?, Mon is just a small show.
posted by
Carla at April 29, 2006 11:03 AM
well, maybe america would be greater if all the lazy people from wellfare would start working, so the mexicans, wouldnt have to scrub our toiletts..
posted by
jenny at April 29, 2006 02:34 PM
I normally dont post on these kinds of things, but the total and complete arrgoance of some of these illigal immigrants forces me to respond.
Heres some food for thought, America is roughly 250 yrs old in that time, Americans have built up the most powerful country in the world. Not only are we the most powerful, but we belive in freedom, free speech, free religion, etc. No other country in the history of the world has ever been this Great..
Now lets look at mexico.. in all the time that mexico has been around what have they accomplished? poverty.. corrupt governtment, .. trash etc.
Now we have mexican's/illigals saying that without them america could not function... They are saying
that they are doing jobs american wont do..
Well I would just like to point out that they are doing the jobs that our youth did 20-40 years ago.
Mowing lawns, waitering in restruents, building roads, these are all things that americans did before their was such a problem with illigals. They are stealing the jobs away from Americans, by accepting low wages etc.
The fact that some illigals think that the United States, the most powerful country in the world that
grew this way without them, really needs them here.. almost makes me sick.
And to set the facts straight, I have NO problem with immigrants comeing to this country legally, but when people sneak in under our noses, cheat the system then make arrgant comments about how we need them...*shudders* makes me sick..
posted by
Matt at April 29, 2006 04:29 PM
MB, you make a great deal of relevan points regarding border security. I point in the previous postin was to say our borders should not be secured. Not at all; however, equating the illegal immigration to terrorists attacks does not match. While there is the possiblity of terrorist entering the country as south of the border, it has not happened yet. Why? because they don't need to, they have access to enter our country legally. Building a wall won't make us any safer, unless we also close all ports of entry. In all my travels I have only been stopped once in an airport. I have never been inspected. Actually I have been inspected once, when I was flying in official military business, and I presented my military ID. And that was in Arizona... Our foreign policy is our best defense against terrorist attacks. Avoiding distabilizing foreign governments in the name of U.S. interests is our best defesen against illegall immigration. But do not mixed them, they are not the same issue. In fact, if the U.S. had not distabilized Central American governments in since the 50's, you would probably have almost no Central American People here. MB, this is a cause and effect issue.
I would also like to thank you for your insightful arguments and civil behavior. Although we disagree we can present our issues in a respectful manner. I must now prepare for the boycott, L.A. is sort of complicated to be here and not consume.
Best wishes,
Please do answer I'm enjoying the debate.
posted by Brian at April 29, 2006 04:51 PM
MB, second sentence should be "My point in the previous posting was "not" to say our borders should "not" be secured."
posted by Brian at April 29, 2006 04:54 PM
Are they also going to boycott WIC offices? The mexican illegals should give up Medi-Cal and pay for their baby's delivery. They should pay for their own milk and give up WIC couchers. They should not send their kids to public schools for a whole year so we save money and they should learn that city parking lots are not RESTROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by ProudAmerican at April 29, 2006 06:39 PM
Please copy and paste this link above into the 'address' line:
...and see their violent behavior, these illegal immigrants, are violent, they are mostly from Mexico, but also El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, Argentina and all part of Central and South America
They are under the blind misconception that California, Texas, Arizona and many other States belong to them, what a lie from the pits of hell, so they think that they own this land and want to turn it into a Nation full of ignorant, illiterate WILD INDIANS
The truth of the matter is, if you want to see the truth about these violent illegals, just stop at any Social Services 0ffice or Social Security office, they look like they just crossed the border, but still they take priority to get MEDICAL, FOOD STAMPS, MONETARY COMPENSATIONS each and every month for having so many children out of wedlack, and to top it all off they bring more people here illigally, such as their old parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends to get into the FREE system mostly for them, because if you are an American Born Citizen, you take second place, they are a priority, the system encourage them to have more children and to bring more illegals, not to work, but to get all the freebies they can get, and SOME are using the USA FREE money they get to build the house of their dreams to go into retirement in their ignorant Countries
They are already flying the cheap ugly Mexican flag over our beautiful American flag, and have changed the Nation A....lyrics, what a blasphemy to this Country and us American Citizens, these people are full of hate and violence as you can see by the link I provided on top of this post
Illegal Aliens are:
Drug pushers
Drug addicts
Jail birds
Gang members
Wife beaters
...and get their FAKE ID's in one of the best places, infested with the worse kind : McCarthur Park in Los Angeles, where the march will begin monday at 9 a.m.
Ship them all back
The fence will do no good, they will dig tunnels, at less is an electric fence
Vicente Fox should create more jobs, more housing and healthcare for all the WILD INDIAN mexicans, is his responsability and burden not ours
THESE people are portrayed as hard workers which they are NOT...they are all lazy, illiterate and want to impose their way of living and their ugly complicated language on us Americans
Go back to your Country and when you are there, take a bath, and drink the filfthy water, and taste the scum of your filfthiness
Shame on Americans that defend this criminals that had broken our Laws by coming here illigally
posted by
Linda at April 29, 2006 07:14 PM
all iam saying is let the once who are here stay and not have to leave tere kdis behinf then close the border so that this wont have to keep happening ,.but i mean we can just send them back because like i said u aint gonna clean the toilets or dig the holes i sure aint .also what about all the children they will leave behind whos tax payers money will that come out of your and mine ....think about it /
posted by
marisol at April 29, 2006 07:44 PM
It is funny how someone here said that "immigrants are ignorants" and can't spell illegally"
"immigrants bring more people here illigally"
and calls them "Indian" does this literate and knowledgable person where India is?
posted by
sylvia at April 29, 2006 08:22 PM
Who broke your laws?
Who came to this country and kill the Native Americans? Your ancestors!! if you are a European descendent.
posted by
mirna at April 29, 2006 08:25 PM
9-11 "We will never forget", right...americnas already did by allowing the border to this chaotic.
Who do you think funds these leaders:
Mexican drug cartels, they are a growing problem in Mexico and are more violent than you can immagine, do you think they want you to close the border?, and to say that a fence will be no better than none at all...why don't you move to a mexican getto and tear down the walls (or fence) of your new home?, let me know how it went.
posted by
Carla at April 29, 2006 11:22 PM
Let's think about this for a second. I believe that most people are not against immigrants or immigration. As it has been stated before, everyone here is an immigrant or decendant of one. (I am sure that even the 'Native Americans' immigrated here at some point) The point is that ILLEGAL, or in other words AGAINST THE LAW, IMMIGRATION can't be tolerated. It is a blow to the American people, to the American Law, to the standards and principles we stand for (or did at some point).
Now, another topic related to this. Let's say that all the ILLEGALS (whether they are Mexican, Bulgarian, French, English, Nigerian, or whatever else) are allowed to stay and be made citizens. Well, all of the sudden all these HARD working people that WORK jobs us AMERICANS WON'T work for the WAGES employers get away paying WON'T need to work anymore. Why not? WELFARE. Just look at the welfare sucking trash (not everyone on welfare, but you have to admit MOST people on welfare fit this description) we have now. Most of the 11 million illegals will qualify and I am sure most will take advantage.
Now, I work, I work hard. I make decent money, but I sure in hell don't want to pay even more to the government to support more WELFARE SUCKERS that broke our law in the first place! Just think about it. If you stand for Illegals you are in the WRONG country and you are just plain STUPID. Here's your sign.
posted by
Javeeva Jones at April 29, 2006 11:59 PM
Linda, are you familiar with world history, and the concept of "cause and effect?" Unfortunately, some immigrants fit the list of adjectives you posted, on the same token so do so called americans. By the way, you must mean U.S. citizens, since "America" is composed of all countries begining in Canada on the north to Chile on the south. Our country is named the United States "of" America. "Of" is a preposition, meaning the United States is connected to America. America been the larger part. The U.S. been a part of "America." America comes from "Americus Vespucius" a Florentine (Italian to you) navigator, and the continent was named in his honor. Not so ignorant for an immigrant....
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 12:46 AM
First, Mexicans belong to mexico, you don't belong here in the States. Second, if you, as illegal immigrants, ask the U.S. government to do you a favor, do it smart. For example, do not intice your children to boycot school when you are trying to show that "you can make a difference too." Last, do not make your situation worse by jamming the freeway, going against the rules. If you are so powerful as claimed, Mexico perhaps is a good place to exercise your power. If you ever attempt to "make a difference," you should do it in Mexico, the poor need you.
I hope my message would wake you up.
posted by
Jason at April 30, 2006 12:50 AM
Linda, just to answer you question above, we will not be boycotting WIC offices, or delivery rooms. We pay the same taxes you pay, except we tend to unfortunately be too scared to claim an income tax return. So, as tax payers, we will continue to utilize the basic services provide by our taxes, that including everyone on this blog. I know it is a disappointment, and since immigrants legal or illegal (by the way illegal immigrants are not eligeble for TANF)are not the majority of the TANF (Welfare to you) receipients, we'll continue to use our Human Service Delivery System. Good day to you....
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 12:56 AM
Jason, what makes you think these illegal immigrans come from Mexico? May be you should wake up. I know a good cup of Colombian Java could help.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 12:59 AM
I find it interesting that in mexico if you are cought in their counrty illegally it is considered a felony. On top of that you will be deported and or jailed.. In addition to this if you are cought aiding a illigal immergant into mexico you are eligible for jail time, and or heavy fines..
Now we have illigal immigrants predominently from mexico comeing into the United States and saying that our immirgation laws are inhumane.. people breaking our laws then demanding that we change them...
I say we adopt the immirgation laws of the mexican people of mexico.. That ought to solve a lot of problems
posted by Matt at April 30, 2006 02:44 AM
Wow i read this whole thing! Well i agreed with some things and disagreed with others. Im only 16 & still in high school. I participated in our schools walk out, and then again in a march in our city & i will definately participate for the boycott on MAY 1ST. My dad came here illegaly, he didnt have time to waste on the paperwork and wait years to finally get residence. Life doesnt stop for anything and thats why so many immigrants rather cross here with out papers then to wait while their families start starving to death. I live in a town where ag is more important than any other industry so trust me when i say i know how hard illegal immigrants work. These people are my neighbors, they do more for this country than me a U.S native. This country sends our soldiers to war to give people far away from us rights like ours, but wont give rights to people who are here already working and paying state taxes and doing so much for this country. It doesnt make sense. Do i think they should pay taxes... of course but how are they going to be able to do that whit out legalization. People are complaining how they dont pay their taxes, well then give them a green card, give them those papers that say their U.S citizens so they can pay their taxes. I also find how some U.S natives complain "oh well if i go to mexico, i will get deported" please we see thousands and thousands of U.S teenagers crossing the borders into mexico every year. yhea did you people forget about the infamous spring break?? I carried the Mexican flag during the walk out, shoot i display it proudly... does that mean im anti american?? Well guess what im not, i would give my life for this country, dang everytime i hear the star spangled banner i get chills. basically what im trying to say dont say people who are carrying other flags are anti american cuz most of them are probobly not we didnt burn the american flag in the demonstrations, but i saw other people of other ethnicities mostly white burning mexico's flag. That right there is rude and racist. That's what you guyz should be complaining about. 9/11 had nothing to do with hard working people crossing our borders. 9/11 was caused by U.S citizens who didn't do their jobs right (fbi, cia). Dont compare them to terrorists, its like trying to compare a dog to an elephant, their both animals but other than that they have nothing in common. Im MEXICAN-AMERICAN. I'll never forget where my roots come from. These undocumented workers struggle everyday for the AMERICAN DREAM. Something most u.s citizens were handed to. Thats why i want to help to give rights to those who do a lot for this country. Thats why i know one day when my kid has their history book and these walk outs and marches are in there i can say i participated in that. Hopefully the outcome will be rights for undocumented immigrants
posted by
Vero Rangel at April 30, 2006 03:57 AM
What part do you not understand about illegal immigrants? please copy and paste the link provided and see them as they really are with guns and in gangs
NO the majority don't work, they collect welfare, food from the WIC program and so much more
If the link doesn't work, copy and paste above into the 'address' line
The Boycott planned is not to support IMMIGRANTS in general, it is to support ILLEGAL UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS.
Bottom line: On May 1st, if you don't go to work and go to the rallies or whatever and put on a white t-shirt, then that means you support people who enter into our country illegally, which means, they came here without permission. You will be supporting the street gang members, the drug smugglers, the murderers, the rapists, the junkies, the child molesters, and all of the other scumbags who have crossed our border without permission because they are not permitted to enter our nation legally.
You can support immigrants who come here legally, most of us do, but on May 1st, that is a day that is for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, they day when criminals are going to march on our city streets and demand the rights they don't deserve.
posted by
Lanz at April 30, 2006 06:48 AM
How can they pay taxes...THEY DON'T WORK! they get all FREE, from food to medicines, to housing, money, schooling, translators and a lot more
We don't need these illiterate people in our Country, hey I don't want my children to get lies in their hair from them or roaches from their houses, they are not very clean are they?
Does this sound racist? they are the most racist people in the world, they only care about their own
Hasta la vista
Au revoir or...
C'est la vie
posted by
Donald at April 30, 2006 07:06 AM
Lanz, wher do you get your statistics? Do you even know what a statistic is. You mean to tell me 5 pictures are capable of describing several groups of peole? Do you even kow what you saw in the pictures? Your ignorance really amazes me. You also don't understand the cause and effect concept. Let me explain it to you. Action "A" intended to create result "B" also creates result "C,D, and F." While you blame illegal immigrants for all of our problems, you forget illegal aliens do not qualify for "pubic services." The only publi service they qualify for is "emergency medical." It appears as if you have not researched this issue at all. Maybe getting a couple of pictures would help.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 09:54 AM
Donald, do you have a job? If you do I assume you pay what is called FICA, Disability, and so on. FICA is you social security tax, illegal aliens pay for that because "DOL (department of labor) requires employers to deduct the required taxes. Illegal aliens pay these taxes. The employers do withold these taxes, they may just go to a fake account, or a real account that is now receiving multiple sources of income. So, they don't ge the medicines for free. Our elderly do, since you (assuming your are under 65) and I will probably not have Social Security benefits by the time we retire.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 10:00 AM
Vero Rangel,
You seem to have much pride in your Mexican heritage, but little in your American heritage. So it's rather simple ... go to Mexico. If our laws aren't good enough for you and your family to respect, then why did you come here. You work hard, so therefore you deserve to be here? I work hard too. I've worked as well, but Mexico has not given me anything. I work for an international company and was asked many times to visit Mexico and show them a new technology. As stated in previous posts, I was very happy to do so. Yet while there, I had no rights. I could not own land. I had to have a work permit. I could only stay as long as I was needed. While there, I was also robbed (fairly common there). The local police had to be bribed to let me work. The transit police had to be bribed to let our equipment travel. Land owners showed up with knives and guns and made us pay to travel on there land, even though the law allows us to. We had to pay a local "union" to protect us. If we didn't pay them, they would've robbed us. The "union" for the neiboring town also paid us a visit and we had to bribe them as well. We also had to bribe the government to do the work. And last but not least, I had every legal right to be and work there, I was asked to help them out, I had all the correct paperwork, but the government there also wanted a bribe to let me leave the country.
And you are protesting again the USA. You are complaining that OUR laws aren't good enough for YOU. I've been here and there. I know many illegals on this side. Many very good people. But being good and working hard does not justify illegal activity. You say you pay taxes, so you should be the same. Well - isn't it up to the USA to decide that? And you know as well as I do that many DO NOT pay taxes. As I stated eariler, the USA government will pay that money back.
ANAD YOU ARE NOT A MEXICAN-AMERICAN! There is no such thing! The USA does not allow dual citizenship. Part of becoming an American is renouncing all other ties. There are only American's and others. You need to pick a side.
I think you and your family are out for your own self-interests. If you were truely protesting for "open immigration" the USA would be the last country you'd protest against.
Have you checked into the groups organizing this event? Have you looked at their websites and seen what they are activily supporting?
I understand you are only 16. I understand your family members are good, hard working people. I hope they do become citizens the legal way. I also hope you do a little more research on what this protest is all about. It's not only about giving these criminals rights that take people following the laws years and years to get. It's also about leaving the borders wide open. This is a huge security threat to everyone here! The USA takes in more legal immigrants every than the rest of the world combined. The USA gives more money as aid to other countrys than anyone else. If we are hit because of open borders, we won't be able to help the rest of the world.
And that's what you are protesting for!
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 10:49 AM
My friend, why do you refuse to face the facts? You imply that no wrong doers come here illegally. Come on. First of all, ALL of these people are criminals!
Illegals, while 3% of the population, are 17% of the Federal prisoners. That means those coming over are 6X more likely to be "wrong doers" than the legal population.
California - A Latino site "bragging" that only 12.5% of California prisoners are illegals. Not something to brag about at all! http://www.voznuestra.com/PoliticalWires/_2002/_October/6
I'm sure everyone will be able to find stats that back their own views. And nobody will know the whole truth.
But the reality is if "1" bad person gets through the border, we all may pay the price.
Secure our borders for everyones safety!
These protests are actively working against that goal!
If you support these protests, you are working against National Security!
If you support these protests you are making it easier for terrorists to enter our country with weapons.
We all may pay the price because of your greed.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 11:35 AM
Hello MB, greed, what greed? I don't directly benefit from illegal aliens any more than you do. In fact in my line of work, I deny illegal immigrants services, I happen to be a social worker who specialized in workforce development. We at no time provide services to illegal aliens, and we do not profit from our services since we are non-profit. An amnesty would actually probably create a negative influx into our ability to provide services. I do not disagree to securing the borders. If you recall my other postings, I do not even agree with blanket citizenship. I just do not agree with putting illegal immigration on the same level with terrorism. And yes illegal immigrants do break the law, but that does not make them less human, or all criminals as some postings imply. I'm not against national security, heck, just like you I too wore the uniform, and swore to defend this country. We just defend from differnt angles.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 11:57 AM
If companies are fined heavly for hiring illegal workers, there will be no incentive for people to come to America illegally. Stand in line, pay your dues, learn the language, and become legal citizens.
Also, there is no such thing as a job that an American will not do.
posted by Julie at April 30, 2006 12:06 PM
Julie, there are jobs regular "Americans" will not do. I have experienced it. They say, " that job is for a mexican (meaning immigrant)." Our country has been experiencing a great deal of outsourcing, this means our job are going overseas. A big reason is our current cost of doing business in the U.S. So, we can lose jobs to illegal immigrant with a percentage of the income staying here. Or, we can loose entire industries, with all income staying abroad.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 12:14 PM
Why is it so hard to understand why Americans feel resentment to people breaking our laws?
If all the sudden the tables where reversed and 12 million americans went into mexico illegally and once their stole the jobs that "Mexicans wont do" then demanded the same rights as mexican citizens, and in addition to that flew the american flag down mexican streets, changed the mexican national anthem
to English, talked about takeing over part of mexico
and adding it to america, Refused to speak spanish, refused to give up our american culture,
and after all this decided to call mecicans racist and damand Citizenship...... Wow.. dos'ent make a lot of sense does it.
And for anyone supporting criminals, i.e. people breaking the law of the United States, .. What are you thinking? your actively supporting law breaking.. What do you want us to do, open up the borders to anyone? not check who is comeing in? while they bring in their dieseases, criminal history, drugs, etc... Give me a break, grow up and play by the book.. this is'ent mexico, we obey the laws here..
posted by Matt at April 30, 2006 12:39 PM
Get real! I did very hard farm work growing up. I'm better for it. My nephew can't get a summer job because the illegals are willing to work under the table for below min. wage. So these farms won't hire America's youth. Our young won't learn a good work ethic and the value of a dollar. The companys, the illegals, and the government are all to blame. It's America's youth that is hurting because of it.
But it really doesn't matter. These people DON'T have a right to be here. They are criminals. They are taking jobs away from Americans wanting to work. If it's even just 1 job taken away, it's too many.
But the bigger picture is that we are ALL LESS SAFE because of the open borders.
Support of the boycott is support for those wishing harm upon us.
posted by at April 30, 2006 12:43 PM
Get real! I did very hard farm work growing up. I'm better for it. My nephew can't get a summer job because the illegals are willing to work under the table for below min. wage. So these farms won't hire America's youth. Our young won't learn a good work ethic and the value of a dollar. The companys, the illegals, and the government are all to blame. It's America's youth that is hurting because of it.
But it really doesn't matter. These people DON'T have a right to be here. They are criminals. They are taking jobs away from Americans wanting to work. If it's even just 1 job taken away, it's too many.
But the bigger picture is that we are ALL LESS SAFE because of the open borders.
Support of the boycott is support for those wishing harm upon us.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 12:43 PM
I'm sorry if I worded my statement incorrectly. The greed comment was not directed at you, but rather the illegals protesting for open borders.
The whole final paragraph was directed that way.
From previous posts I know you to be a citizen who has served. Thank you once again.
And yes it is greed! Coming here, not obeying our laws, demanding things others wait years for (if they're able to get it) sounds like greed to me.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 01:05 PM
MB, If we are less safe as you state, why is it that during all the years this has been a problem we have "NEVER" had terrorism problems from this population? We are less safe, but not due to illegal immigration. We are less safe due to our greedy international policies. Do you actually think that a country where the U.S. has interest would be able to acutally elect and keep a president that did not conform with he U.S. agenda? The only reason the U.S. has not been involved with any other country suffering from civil war is becasue we have no stake at it.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 01:14 PM
MB, correction note, thank you...
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 01:15 PM
Fair is fair! I say 20,000,000 Americans run across the border, protest in the main city streets, wave the American flag, burn the Mexican flag, and shout "F*** YOU MEXICO" to every car that passes. Wonder what whould happen then? The American's put up with it. Would the Mexicans?
posted by fair at April 30, 2006 01:19 PM
Our airlines were thought secure until 9/11.
The USA did not realized the determination of people wishing us harm until 9/11. Just because no one has ever used the Southern border against us, does not mean they won't. It's not secure! It's wide open! It provides an opportunity for these terrorists.
How can anyone argue that leaving these borders open makes us anything but "LESS SAFE"?
We ARE less safe because of illegals entering. I've given you the links. There are people who have entered illegally and commited serious crimes while here. If ONE additional crime is commited by this group, we are less safe. If ONE of those crimes is prevented by securing our borders, it's worth it.
The international comments are not for this board. If another country wishes to wage war against us (or harm upon us), that's all the more reason to secure our borders.
posted by at April 30, 2006 01:36 PM
Our airlines were thought secure until 9/11.
The USA did not realized the determination of people wishing us harm until 9/11. Just because no one has ever used the Southern border against us, does not mean they won't. It's not secure! It's wide open! It provides an opportunity for these terrorists.
How can anyone argue that leaving these borders open makes us anything but "LESS SAFE"?
We ARE less safe because of illegals entering. I've given you the links. There are people who have entered illegally and commited serious crimes while here. If ONE additional crime is commited by this group, we are less safe. If ONE of those crimes is prevented by securing our borders, it's worth it.
The international comments are not for this board. If another country wishes to wage war against us (or harm upon us), that's all the more reason to secure our borders.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 01:36 PM
I think those people would be shot.
While in a bar in Mexico, I once cheered for an English soccer team playing against Mexico. That was not the smartest thing to do.
We should respect their ways.
They should respect ours.
I think that's fair.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 01:41 PM
I am Mexican, and I want to tell to all that pople who are attacking my community just because we were waving our countries' flags, saying that we are not proud of this country.
The United States of America flag, has the same colors than the English flag, and I do not thing that it is a concidence. I see pride of descendants from the English colonies. There is nothing wrong with that, but this people should be a little more considerable and stop locking for ways to attack and stereotype communities to bring up issues.
posted by
Carlos Bustamante at April 30, 2006 02:39 PM
Remember the ALAMO,a few weeks later a caucasion man, who liked to drink alot and lived with indians, whooped up on an egocentric, one legged, military dictator and his european style trained army. We did it once, we can do it again.
Bush and our government need to pull their heads out of their butts. Enforce current laws and able our borders with more help and incentives to protect our borders.
Why are the illegals worried about any new laws, the current ones are not being enforced now.
posted by
kscout at April 30, 2006 02:48 PM
So....if a Boycott of U.S. entities is going to happen on May 1st...then why don't we have a Boycott Hispanic week....stop all aid to Mexico, Shut down the Borders for a week, and All Hispanic employees and business can close for a week,,,,how would that go over. Riots in the streets are coming....Not a good situation. Think about it
posted by
Blane at April 30, 2006 02:49 PM
This issue is not about Mexico or about Latin America. It is about immigrants. It is about humans, and migration for a better life. From the beginning of time people have migrated from place to place for food. This country was build by and for immigrant people. It is what makes it special from any other place. Wasn't it only a few hundred years ago that the English were immigrants because of the the same reason? I believe every human being should be given an opportunity if they are willing to work hard it. Haven't we all been in that same situation where we just want to be given an opprotunity to work? We all need each other one way or another.
I also believe that if you are a guest in someone else's home you should respect their rules, but ignorance and hate is not going lead us to a productive or peaceful path.
posted by israel at April 30, 2006 02:57 PM
Yeah, it is about Mexico, Latin America. I do not see the Veitnamese waving their flag above the US flag or changing the lyrics to the National Anthem. We are talking about the elephant in the room. I am not afraid to talk about it either. My family came from Switzerland because of religious persecution. My grandfather was so poor that he never got Christmas presents as a child. I say go ahead and boycott, protest and do not be suprized if there is an ugly backlash.
posted by
kscout at April 30, 2006 03:06 PM
First, I want to talk about 2 Nazis that have a radio talk show in Los Angeles that for the last month or so have opened up their airwaves to callers who are nothing but racists as well. They are John & Ken of the John & Ken Show on AM radio station 640 KFI. Well, a couple of weeks ago they proposed to pull off a stunt where they along with other "American (White/Nazis)" would have a car wash at some shopping plaza in Riverside, California for a day, just to prove that "they" will do any job illegal immigrants do.
Well, "okay" I say. But let's see these RACISTS wash cars for tips only. And, let me see them do it everyday, and try to pay their rent, eating expenses (for self and family), fuel for commutes to and from work, buy clothes and school supplies for their children, etc., etc., I can go on! I want to see John & Ken, and any other racist f#!k, who share the same views as they do, go and do the work immigrants do.
And then you have the mainstream media, running stories about how African-American leaders are urging the black community to join efforts with the Minutemen (the KKK, by another name) against Hispanics/Latinos, because "illegal Hispanic/Latino immigrants" are taking all the shitty jobs that black folks SHOULD be getting.
I really like how African-American leaders came forward against this ploy by the media to cause conflict between the brown people and the black people. This is one of the things I love about black people, they speak up.
Now, I am technically and legally an American by birth in this great country. My parents are Mexican who were immigrated to the U.S. legally. But their parents and other family members came to the U.S. illegally at first and then paid, and did whatever it took to be legal American citizens. It's funny how some people I know, who came into the U.S. illegally and then became a citizen are hating on these protesters now.
Anyway, my point is... this "Anti-Immigrant HH4437" was presented to create a distraction with help from the media and all powers that be, for some greater injustice that is going on behind the bigger curtain against ALL of the freedom loving people of America.
Everyone should be coming together to protest against real problems!!
Another thing...
BUT it's okay for young Hispanic/Latino immigrant men and women to join your military to go off and fight and die for your profit though, isn't it.
Everyone in the U.S. needs to WAKE UP!
posted by at April 30, 2006 04:03 PM
First, I want to talk about 2 Nazis that have a radio talk show in Los Angeles that for the last month or so have opened up their airwaves to callers who are nothing but racists as well. They are John & Ken of the John & Ken Show on AM radio station 640 KFI. Well, a couple of weeks ago they proposed to pull off a stunt where they along with other "American (White/Nazis)" would have a car wash at some shopping plaza in Riverside, California for a day, just to prove that "they" will do any job illegal immigrants do.
Well, "okay" I say. But let's see these RACISTS wash cars for tips only. And, let me see them do it everyday, and try to pay their rent, eating expenses (for self and family), fuel for commutes to and from work, buy clothes and school supplies for their children, etc., etc., I can go on! I want to see John & Ken, and any other racist f#!k, who share the same views as they do, go and do the work immigrants do.
And then you have the mainstream media, running stories about how African-American leaders are urging the black community to join efforts with the Minutemen (the KKK, by another name) against Hispanics/Latinos, because "illegal Hispanic/Latino immigrants" are taking all the shitty jobs that black folks SHOULD be getting.
I really like how African-American leaders came forward against this ploy by the media to cause conflict between the brown people and the black people. This is one of the things I love about black people, they speak up.
Now, I am technically and legally an American by birth in this great country. My parents are Mexican who were immigrated to the U.S. legally. But their parents and other family members came to the U.S. illegally at first and then paid, and did whatever it took to be legal American citizens. It's funny how some people I know, who came into the U.S. illegally and then became a citizen are hating on these protesters now.
Anyway, my point is... this "Anti-Immigrant HH4437" was presented to create a distraction with help from the media and all powers that be, for some greater injustice that is going on behind the bigger curtain against ALL of the freedom loving people of America.
Everyone should be coming together to protest against real problems!!
Another thing...
BUT it's okay for young Hispanic/Latino immigrant men and women to join your military to go off and fight and die for your profit though, isn't it.
Everyone in the U.S. needs to WAKE UP!
posted by
Chuntaro Lopez at April 30, 2006 04:04 PM
Americans are:
Drug pushers
Drug addicts
Jail birds
Gang members
Wife beaters
Drunk in Cancun
Desease spreaders
not able to learn anything outside their "culture"
War Starters(they just find a weaker enemy)
I hope North Coreans find a way to build a bomb that kill only Nazi, fascist Americans, bet you wouldn't just go and invade North Corea just like that, I mean they do have Weapons of Mass Destruction, right???. Fuck you all!
posted by
Ki NAN at April 30, 2006 04:16 PM
MB, I do not disagree that we are less safe, or that illegal immigrants have committed serious crimes for which I believe cruel and unusaual punishment would be just appropriate. However, all of this has a begining. Illegal immigration didn't just happen. And, I am not speaking of the Mayflower, or Columbus. This is why the international comments do belong. We can see it in our current engagments. As we try to stabilize a country, the community cannot seem to get it together. This is not the first time this is happened. I cannot speak to the mexican migration, I'm not mexican. However, I did experience the Central American Migration, and he CIA involvement in our land. These international actions by the U.S. distabilized countries sending its people for greener pastures. Were would hey go? Let's protect our borders, let's be safe, but do not lay blame where it is not due. We cannot ignore that our closest allies are our neighbors, maybe if we improved our dealings with them, we would not be having this conversation.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 04:23 PM
Im back. Dang i have to laugh on the stop aid to all hispanics thing. Haha imagine how funny it would be if MEXICO stopped selling its patroleum to the U.S haha then we could all pay over $5 for gas. Yhea dont be stupid. You talk about how all these people are criminals and act like they're the only ones who go and commit crimes. Dont point the finger at one group look at the other ones. Calling latinos dirty, haha ur kid wouldnt get lice if she or he was clean to begin with. Damn so if i go out to oklahoma and visit poor white families they wont be dirty they wont have lice? I have to agree with u on one thing the translation of our anthem. I totally disagree with that, it should of stayed how it is. But cuz of one thing like that doesnt mean we should close our borders on them. Not every undocumented worker comes here to do crime. I see more hard working undocumented workers than i see undocumented workers participating in criminal activity. Honestly i think legalization of these people would help our security. We would be able to track them down like how they can track me down. If this country knows who these people are because they have papers then that adds safety. Because no matter how high u build these walls or how hard u make the laws, people will always come. What backlash are u talking about. The same shit i go thru, little white kids thinking theyre better than me just because of the color of my skin. The same shit i see at the stores white people looking at others dirty and thinking theyre better. Yhea if thats the backlash we go thru it everyday. All i have to say you guyz are saying that by enforcing the new laws that this boycott is against everything would be more safer. Complaining about tax money going down the drain cuz of undocumented workers. Well guess what there would be even more money wasted if you send them to prison. U talk about getting an education, well the children of these immigrants wouldnt be able to go to college and get a higher education. Those are the laws im against. How can we go and fight for rights of others overseas who are in terrorist activity but wont give a helping hand to those who keep our economy alive???
posted by Vero Rangel at April 30, 2006 04:37 PM
I think everyone here makes an interesting point, given whatever information their mind has been conditioned with.
Let me think like, and be a racist Anglo-American for a moment, if I may! Okay! Yes, everybody that is not originally from this country should leave!
Except for us whites! As we were here first, this country belongs to my race, we stole this country and killed many Mexicans and Native Indian tribes to take this country from them fair and square! So everyone that is here illegally should be thrown out!
Okay, the very first illegal immigrants to this land and country now known as the United States of America are those people with white skin. Because I still haven't come across that page in history where the Native Americans and or Mexicans invited the Anglos over to their land and said, "hey, come on over, and we'll give you our land-by the way, would you slay us in our sleep, that'll be cool!!"
No, I don't remember that in any history book!
But the past is the past.
Now, I would really like for the U.S. government to clamp down on and secure the borders really hard and not let anyone in to the country. But the U.S. government CAN'T do that! Because it CAN'T be done! Because it would cost too much money! Because it would require new technology and resources! And because it would take too many men and women to do the jobs that keeping a border secure require!
The U.S. doesn't have that kind of money!
It's impossible!
I can understand how the U.S. government CAN be too broke to really secure the border!
After all, in the fall of 2003 the U.S. congress gave George W. Bush $18.4 billion for the Iraq war, of which only $336 million can be traced as going towards the actual war.
And every year since then another $18 billion or so.
I'm sure a major chunk of that money has made it's way into Halliburton (Cheney) and other defense companies that fall under The Carlyle Group (Bush).
This is borrowed money that puts tax payers in debt.
Now, let me be a "Hispanic/Latino" for a moment. "I don't want Bush to clamp down on the border because I need to work here!" "There is not enough jobs in Mexico/Central America/South America/Wherever, only American companies that will pay me $160 dollars a month", "I may loose my house and land, because the economy was made bad and I had to get a loan from an American Finance company and now that company will get to keep my land if I don't pay them back every cent I borrowed plus the super high interest", "All I want to do is work, doing anything, I need to earn more than the $40 a week I would earn in Mexico/Central America/South America/Wherever", "And how will I feed my family!", "Is my family and children's future certain?"
"I know!" - "I will jump the border to the U.S.A. and go and steal that job from some American employee"
Yeah, you know how GREAT those jobs, Hispanic/Latino immigrants have pay!
Sh!t, American teenagers don't even want to work these jobs because of how shitty the pay is and how high the cost of things have gotten.
Okay, you people against these poor Hispanic/Latino immigrants trying for a better life want the jobs they have?
What it is, is that the forces behind the reasons of why the U.S.'s economy is so f!'d-up want the American citizens to blame the Hispanic/Latino immigrants, and not who really is responsible for it!
Wake up everyone!
posted by
Jorgito Bushito at April 30, 2006 05:17 PM
I teach at a community college and I am the only gringo in the room. My students speak in Spanish and laugh afterwards to intimidate me, but hey I am bilingual too. Ha Ha. I also get pissed because they brag about their parents not being truthful and getting them free lunch at school. I work 2 jobs so that my white kids do not have to get free lunch. I keep the economy alive, from what I understand illegals send 8 billion dollars back to the motherland. That is alot of tortillas.
posted by
kscout at April 30, 2006 05:21 PM
You are 16. You should know by now how to express your view without using those words.
Your parents should've taught you better.
They also should've taught you that breaking the law is wrong.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 05:36 PM
But, I do have one challenge to ask of Hispanic/Latino/Or whatever immigrants! And this goes for you "Mexican-Americans & Chicanos" as well!!!!
Boycotting for 1 day isn't going to do anything for you, or anyone for that matter!
You want to impress me? You really want to make the powers that be hurt?
Let me see all of you Hispanic/Latino/Or whatever immigrants boycott everything for a weekend!
Why May 1st, and not MAY 5?
Is it because you want to go out and start partying on Friday May 5th (because it's Cinco de Mayo) and go out drinking and spending money, HERE in America?
Is it because the next day you're going to drive to the market and spend all kinds of money on meat, cases of beer, potato chips, chicharrones, lemons, saladitos, tortillas, etc., to have a carne asada to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo weekend?
Pinchez beaners (I'm a Mexican so don't trip, OK my people!)!!!!!!
Because I can't think of a better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo then by making it a weekend boycott!
May 1st, a Monday. How much money do you spend on any given Monday? Anyone? Probably close to none!
But on Fridays, you get your PAID, you don't have to spend, just cash your check go home and go to sleep. Next day Saturday just go have a nice Mexican meal or 2, "NOT AT TACO BELL", but at a nice REAL Mexican restaurant. And do the same on Sunday!
3 days companies would not see a beaner's dollar!
Can we do that?
I know I can!
posted by
Jorgito Bushito at April 30, 2006 05:43 PM
I don't know how you can say that out of millions of people here illegally, none of them have committed a serious crime? You ask for stats and even when we provide stats from a latino point of view (12% of prisoners are illegals), you still defend them.
You refuse to see the truth.
These are people just as you and I are. Some good, some bad. But none of them are above the law. And ALL of them have broken it.
And NO, this is not the board for international affairs. We've taken action against many countries over the years. We wiped out Japan ... but that does NOT give them the right to disobey our laws. We wiped out Germany ... but that does NOT give them the right to disobey our laws. If we did wrong against a country then we should do what it takes to make it right, or they should what they can against us. It does not give anyone the right to disobey our laws and demand citizenship ahead of everyone else.
This board is about the protest tomorrow.
The protest supporting open borders and no way to track who or what makes it's way across. This protest works against Federal law. The protest works against public safety.
You've said a few times that there is no threat from the southern border because there have been no problems. Let me ask you something ... Has you house ever been broken into? No. Then why lock the door at night. That's what you are saying.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 05:53 PM
Cinco de Mayo is NOT a Mexician Holiday! That's a Gringo made holiday, an exucse to drink tequila. Cinco de Mayo doesn't mean squat to real Mexicans.
posted by sotelo at April 30, 2006 06:26 PM
MB, I agree this board is about our protest tomorrow, and this protest has to do with not only felony charges for illegal aliens, but also criminalizing those who help illegal aliens. So how come you keep adding national security to this issue? If national securit is part of this issue, then the matter in which is achieved, and the root-cause for this issue is probably also part of it.
posted by Brian at April 30, 2006 06:27 PM
I think I've mentioned this on every post.
The groups organizing this event are activily working against securing the borders.
Support of this protest is support against national security.
posted by mb at April 30, 2006 07:54 PM
My questions are:
Why do blacks and hispanics always use the 'racist' word as their 0nly defense? can they think of something better? the racist word is not doing anything for you anymore, because we already know that is your only defense
Why are you such rioters about everything?
Why do hispanics have to take their whole family to the stores and let their children run like wild animals and speak so loud?
Why do they have so many children if they are so poor and collecting Welfare?
Why do they all have lies in their greasy hair?
Why do they all have roaches in their homes?
Why do they hate to get an education, unlike us Americans ?
Why do they cause a riot about everything?
Why do they twist and lie and get FAKE ID's and come into the USA illegally if they love their Country 'so much' and live just like if they were there always?
Why are they such beaners?
Why are they so lazy?
Why do the women are so filfthy, and love to gossip?
Why? Why? Why?
This is not your Country and America will do just fine without you and your culture, which is way behind, just like your third world Countries
Go back and when you think about bettering yourself and your family and have better looking children and are willing to work and not to get FREE everything, maybe we will take you back
Have a good life!
posted by
Mrs. Hagen at April 30, 2006 10:20 PM
Is the boycot cancelled for tomorrow?
Are you kidding us?
These people will never cancel, this is their cup of tea, to be lawless, and low class
These are the type of people God hates:
Palestinians and others
Why? because their outside is dark but their inside is even darker, their hearts are black
These people are full of hate and are the most ungrateful people on earth, they are guided by their emotions and not by God, God doesn't like violent people
Blessed are the peacemakers because they will see God
posted by
Cheryl at April 30, 2006 10:32 PM
Please know your history well, the poem on the bottom of the Statue of Liberty was written by an illegal immigrant. Racism is built solely of ignorance; I am a US citizen and have many illegal immigrants in my family, so I know they work solely for the cause of building US economy. How can you say 'Pay your taxes' if US government officials will deport anyone who confesses they are illegal in this country. Give us freedom, and we will pay our taxes if we have merely the opportunity to pay them. Yet they condemn us as felons, and we are forced to hide behind the shadows of the term 'Illegal Immigrants.'
posted by
Estela Lopez at April 30, 2006 10:46 PM
What I don't understand is why many illegal Hispanics call whites "racist" when all they do is talk about "my people" as though a country or culture is about all about race, not national sovereignty. Its funny how reading these blogs that many, though not all the Hispanics (legal or illegal) keep saying things like "white pieces of sh**t" and crude comments like that. Don't you guys carefully read the postings? Don't you notice there are some Hispanics on this blog that don't agree with the illegal invasion either? No, you just want to focus on the whites as though they alone only are against illegal immigration. That proves that many are really more into race than the equality and freedom this country has to offer. Besides, how the hell do you know who is or isn't "white" on tihs blog anyways? For all we know, 90% of the people on here may be white, or maybe 30% are black, 25% Asian, etc. I'm a mixture of Asian, white and Cherokee. How could I get away with saying things like "my people" for pete's sake- I have no one people to have allegiance with except my fellow Americans of all creeds and colors.
posted by
Kiyomi at April 30, 2006 11:05 PM
Your criminal family members are here for the benefit of the US Economy???? The BENEFIT of the US economy!?!?!?!? That's hard to believe. Last time I looked, illegal infiltrators were a major drain on the US economy.
They come here against our wishes and DEMAND citizenship for "our" own good? They break our laws for "our" own good? Well, their help was not asked for! And even though "they" seem to know what's best for "us", "they" don't have any right to be here. "They" don't have any right to tell "us" what to do. "They" need to respect "our" laws and go home!
posted by at April 30, 2006 11:10 PM
I just wanted to remind those of you that are opposed to the May 1st boycott, that the majority of illegal immigrants (Latinos & non-Latinos), have risked their lives to come to this country. How many of you have put your life on the line for a better life? My husband and I were both born in this country, and yet still experience discrimination because of our skin color. If I were to post our experiences, I could write a book. So how old are the immigration issues? Time to come up with solutions! How many "Americans" really know what's going on outside of our country? How many of you really know how many people die every year trying to come to the U.S.? Many individuals that are opposed to the boycott ask why are illegal immigrants coming to this country, really ask yourselves why. How many times have you gone to bed hungry? How many of you that are opposed to the boycott have tried to raise a family on about $5 a day? Try it, it's no fun!!! What is America scared of??? Latinos are the majority in this country people! Stop turning your cheeks, cause we're not going anywhere!!! QUE VIVA LA RAZA!!
posted by
Sandra at May 1, 2006 01:11 AM
Oh yes, FYI, nobody in my family or my husband's family has ever been convicted of a felony or are criminals. On the contrary, most of us have gone to college, own our homes and contribute positively some how to our community. So those of you who are generalizing and talking all that smack, you can kiss this BIG LATINA's A**!
posted by
Sandra at May 1, 2006 01:13 AM
If u are going to throw around random facts you may want to do your research... Puerto Ricans are not here illegaly..... You may want to read up on the history of the nation you so want to be a part of...
posted by
os at May 1, 2006 01:18 AM
I don't understand why the Illegal immigrants don't cause their riots against their corrupted Goverments and corrupted presidents? i.e. Fox, Chavez and many others, put the pressure on them, your Countries are also rich in oil, silver, Gold and drugs
Put the pressure on President Fox to provide for you, is his responsability to take care of you, NOT Mr. Bush our President
Are you afraid to have your voices heard in Mexico or el Salvador?
I know the Law there is corrupted, but you love to gang up on us Americans, our Goverment and our President, why don't you go and gang up on your Dictators?
Illegals are so ungrateful is truly amazing!
If anybody doubts that most illegals are getting full benefits from our Goverment, I dare you to stop at any Social Security 0ffice or Social Services office for Welfare, even most of the social workers there are hispanics and only seem to want to help their own race....speaking of racism, illegals are the most racist people on the face of this earth
YES I have great respect for the hard workers, such as those that work in construction, fruit 'pickers' and other hard labor jobs, but we can count them with our fingers, the majority of 80% get FREE FOOD, FREE MEDICAL, FREE MONEY it is a fact, so get your facts straight
Hasta la vista illegal immigrants
posted by
Donald at May 1, 2006 02:23 AM
I think you've made the point for us. Anyone who doesn't understand why America doesn't want illegal infiltrators here, only has to read your posts.
Americans do understand what it's like in the rest of the world. We LEGALLY take in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined. We give more aid than any other country in the world. But here we have a group of people DEMANDING to be placed in the front of the line for citizenship. They come here against our wishes. They come here with no regard for our laws. They burn our flag. ... But American's are the bad guys.
You comment about the protest being for immigration rights. Is there a country that gives more to it's immigrants? If you were honest with yourself, you'd see America should be the last country to protest against. It seems you've had a great number of opportunities because of American. You forgot to say "Thank you".
I believe you have a different reason for supporting the protest. I believe those to be selfish reasons. Why else would people "for immigration rights" boycott the country that gives the most? And "que viva la raza"? I think you are the racist.
posted by mb at May 1, 2006 02:25 AM
Mrs. Hagen:
Anywhere you go, East Coast, West Coast, on TV, in the Movies and even in magazines... what do you see??? How many Latinos, Asians, Europeans, etc., do you see begging on the streets??? jobless??? drunk??? on drugs???
Can you answer that?
The answer is ZERO.
We come here to work, provide a better future for our children, buy a home, open up a business. THE AMERICAN DREAM. What makes you more of an American than ME?
Not a DAMN thing! I love my native country, and love the USA. Its the "FLAVOR" of this country what makes it so great.
You say we are lazy and collect welfare? We live in roach infested homes?
I guess IGNORANCE IS BLISS. Put your glasses on Ms. Desperate Housewife.
posted by
Angie at May 1, 2006 02:33 AM
If you knew GOD you would not say what you said. I pray that you find GOD, and ask for his mercy.
posted by
Angie at May 1, 2006 02:48 AM
If all these people are so good, why did they break the law coming here?
If all these people are so good, why are the fed prisons filled with 17% illegals?
You are only fooling yourself.
I personally don't care if they are all saints.
If they want to become citizens, they have to wait in line like everyone else.
posted by mb at May 1, 2006 03:04 AM
Anyone read "Mexifornia" by Victor Davis Hansen?
Check it out.
posted by mb at May 1, 2006 03:08 AM
We can all sit here behind our computers and bash each other all we want. The truth of the matter is that change requires action. I personally will be attending one of the many boycotts in LA in opposition of HR4437. And we will do it in a civilized, respectful manner for not "all" of us are criminals or illegal for that matter.
posted by at May 1, 2006 04:23 AM
ok I don't live in the US. But if the things stated here are true, the increse in crimes, etc. etc. You may have to realize that this is not characteristical of Mexicans, Latins, whatever. This is characteristical of an irresponsible control of Immigration, and that is my friends ( or not ) in part irresponsability of the US government who haven't had any proper control of immigration for ages. Now it is also the fault of Mexican and other American countries' governments ( because America is a continent, not a country mind you... The USA ok that's a country ) of not having good conditions for their own people ( do you know Mexicans sometimes burn natural gas because the National Oil company doesn't have the means to extract it and use it, for them is better to import oil from somewhere than exploit to the most their own resources). But still I think that if the USA was a civilized country as you guys say it is, it would have solved immigration problems from long ago, but oh no, you decided it was better to pay them low salaries for jobs that "educated" americans wouldn't do, you chose to abuse them rather than live as equalls to them. you did not solve this problem when it could have been solved. I live in the Czech Republic, and I see something really similar here. Ukranians and russians among other ex-soviets are payed with shit salaries here, they come illegally and try to make a living out of it. Oh and by the way Czech Republic is fucking full of Illegal Americans. look for the news if you doubt it, last month the news said the government was thinking of making it harder for americans and british to live here. see ? czechs saw the problem and now they try to solve it. Americans and British ARE a living threat to Czech economy, its not about getting less or more money is about breaking the balance and they are breaking the balance, czechs have to be responsible with this, while they can.Now something similar is what americans should have done long time ago.... no reforms for ex-soviets though, czechs like to abuse ex-soviets just as americans did with mexicans... so what is happening today will be more like the backlash to you americans for being irresponsible with your immigration policies for long. I am trully sorry for you. by the way. Im american, my family came here to establish a bussiness when i was a kid, 6 years ago... so sorry if my english is not like perfect , i only practice with family and few friends , i speak czech most of the time... I was illegal here, blue eyes, white skin, mistreated by czechs.. etc etc. xenophobia is a human disease and i fucking hate it. so please start being civilized, i mean both of sides Immigrants and "natives". thanks. oh im 14 by the way...
posted by Andrew at May 1, 2006 05:50 AM
ok I don't live in the US. But if the things stated here are true, the increse in crimes, etc. etc. You may have to realize that this is not characteristical of Mexicans, Latins, whatever. This is characteristical of an irresponsible control of Immigration, and that is my friends ( or not ) in part irresponsability of the US government who haven't had any proper control of immigration for ages. Now it is also the fault of Mexican and other American countries' governments ( because America is a continent, not a country mind you... The USA ok that's a country ) of not having good conditions for their own people ( do you know Mexicans sometimes burn natural gas because the National Oil company doesn't have the means to extract it and use it, for them is better to import oil from somewhere than exploit to the most their own resources). But still I think that if the USA was a civilized country as you guys say it is, it would have solved immigration problems from long ago, but oh no, you decided it was better to pay them low salaries for jobs that "educated" americans wouldn't do, you chose to abuse them rather than live as equalls to them. you did not solve this problem when it could have been solved. I live in the Czech Republic, and I see something really similar here. Ukranians and russians among other ex-soviets are payed with shit salaries here, they come illegally and try to make a living out of it. Oh and by the way Czech Republic is fucking full of Illegal Americans. look for the news if you doubt it, last month the news said the government was thinking of making it harder for americans and british to live here. see ? czechs saw the problem and now they try to solve it. Americans and British ARE a living threat to Czech economy, its not about getting less or more money is about breaking the balance and they are breaking the balance, czechs have to be responsible with this, while they can.Now something similar is what americans should have done long time ago.... no reforms for ex-soviets though, czechs like to abuse ex-soviets just as americans did with mexicans... so what is happening today will be more like the backlash to you americans for being irresponsible with your immigration policies for long. I am trully sorry for you. by the way. Im american, my family came here to establish a bussiness when i was a kid, 6 years ago... so sorry if my english is not like perfect , i only practice with family and few friends , i speak czech most of the time... I was illegal here, blue eyes, white skin, mistreated by czechs.. etc etc. xenophobia is a human disease and i fucking hate it. so please start being civilized, i mean both of sides Immigrants and "natives". thanks. oh im 14 by the way...
posted by
Andrew at May 1, 2006 05:50 AM
Andrew you are 14 years old and said on your post that you can't speak english very well? but using the 'f' word in almost everyone of your sentences is perfect, so you can't speak english but you can cuz and swear in English??....hmmm absolutly ridiculous, you sound like another ungrateful immigrant !
Angie, ...lol
GOD doesn't bless sin, IGNORANCE or breaking the Law, sin and GOD doesn't go hand to hand, GOD is holy without sin
IGNORANCE for exposing the truth? GOD wants us to speak the truth, because the truth set captives free
The Land was given to Israel GOD's people thru Abraham, Issaac and Jacob, not to the violent, lawless palestinians...any similarities?
The violent always take it by force, it's in the book, the bestseller book
You can't debate with someone that has an education in Religion, Politics and the Law
GOD Bless America ... 0ne Nation under GOD!
The Land of the free and the brave!
What other GOD is like our GOD?
May GOD bless and prosper all that obey the Laws of this land
Illegal Immigrants have broken the Laws of this land when they crossed the border illegally! how hard is to understand this?
posted by
Guess who? at May 1, 2006 06:53 AM
Just look at our flag on top of this page, it's upside down !! what a blasphemy !
...and the Mexican Flag is on top of the US FLAG?
...and the Nation Anthem is translated in Spanish now? OMG
These people are lawless ignorants they have no respect for anybody or any Country
Send them all back, send them all back
Illegal Aliens are SORRY PUPPIES!!
posted by OMG at May 1, 2006 07:00 AM
Andrew for a 14yr old you are a smart kid, you are absolutely right. The problem here is not Mexicans or any other Latino as many seem so quick to blame. If there is any one to blame it is both the US and Mexican government. Treaties such as NAFTA have only backfired as to the goal it set out to reach. The only thing that it has accomplished is the displacement of many Mexican farmers who cannot compete with American subsidized farmers. And this is just one example. So when you think of why so many Mexicans risk their lives to come to the US when others "do it the right way". It is either cross that border or die of hunger. Any solution to immigration will have to dealt with in a bilateral approach. Nor the US or Mexico can solve this problem on their own. Anyway enough talk I need to get ready for the boycott. Hope to see as many of you in the streets of LA. Once again if you plan to march do it in a peaceful, civil manner, with the American flag.
posted by Mexican-American at May 1, 2006 07:06 AM
What? I tried to explain!!since i was 8 i had education in czech, my mom is from here and i rarely speak english! my english is influenced on few books , internet and a few people now. and actually I said i was an Immigrant so your comment about me is just an excuse to expose your hatred to someone that is not me. I hate xenophobia, not you for having it... why don't you let god (yes, god, not GOD) be your cure? religion is supposed to create love in your heart not hatred. Americans also have broken the laws giving them work when it has always been illegal... and on the way they abused immigrants, slavery was abolished long ago but it seems like americans (i mean united statians (?) ) wanted to have it in their country again. remember the civil war??... now there's a backlash for both sides, immigrants have the risk of being kicked out and still be abused, and "natives" have the risk of cleaning toilets, prepare food, clean dishes, and be gardeners, now that would be aweful wouldn't it? WOULD YOU HAVE TIME TO DEFINE GOD DOING ALL OF THIS? and another thing... IS NOT illegal, to say fuck, FOR ANYONE, NO MATTER HOW OLD THEY ARE 14, 18, 21, 57, 99... FUCK!
posted by
Andrew at May 1, 2006 07:12 AM
oh i guess i have to apologize, because i don't know your beliefs in God or any of that, i was angry, didn't mean to be offend you. I just felt like your picking up on me, 14 year old and with what i want to say. I just want to make clear, i will never support xenophobia, racism or anything like them. Still I think the facts are really dramatic and is going to be bad for both sides, it had to come at some point.. i guess. I'm sorry "guess who?" (?) but i just beg you, that whatever you believe in, do it peacefully, do not judge, i have always believed that's God's job, and with that i mean God's decision on what is going to happen. thanks.
posted by
Andrew at May 1, 2006 07:30 AM
haha i just read i wrote "be offend you" on the 2nd line... i meant "offend you" lol
posted by
Andrew at May 1, 2006 07:34 AM
posted by
Andrew at May 1, 2006 07:43 AM
posted by *SHELLY GURL* at May 1, 2006 09:03 AM
American workers lose $190,000,000,000 a year due to these criminals. But that's not enough for those protesting.
posted by at May 1, 2006 09:04 AM
I don't even see why this is an issue... they are illegal... thats against the law, and therefore, should not be tolerated. Some people that are supporting these illegal activitys are now saying to do things such as not to buy items from american based companies.. to hurt america i suppose.... which is the country they are illegaly sneaking into, so why would they want to make it worse?
If someone was to break into my house, and just start doing odd jobs, that doesnt make it fine for someone to just break in. This is very much the same situation.
I have nothing against people coming into our country for other places, but do so legally. Tons of people around the world are trying very hard to get greencards, or student visas, etc in order to come into this country from other parts of the world, and for them, this can be a very hrd task to do. This should not be ruined or made harder due to people illegaly coming in as it has thus far, they have the right to come in just as anyone else, but it should be done on a legal level.
The fact that this is even a discussion is laughable. These people are illegal, and should be treated as such, they are breaking and entering.. and even legal citezens that break or tresspass into an area of much less worth are charged with a lot more, and certainly are not even given a consideration for them to stay around if they want.
I do not think placing them in jail is a good idea since that as well takes our tax dollars to fund, and is quite expensive. Deportation is a much cheaper and quicker result. Obvisouly this as well will take tax dollars to fund, but we do need funding in order to uphold the laws, we just shouldnt be paying for illegal citezens room/food/cable/security with it in jail.
posted by mbox at May 1, 2006 09:21 AM
Just has a few more things to say after reading other sides such as letting illegal people stay due to price increases, etc. This should not be a reason to let people stay here illegaly, these prices should be adjusted to include minimum wage costs for labor, and legal citezens replaced. This would be a pretty good increase for consumer int he long run, but if this process was slowly executed with cut down on illegal aliens, the price change over time would be suddle. As well since we all are pretty aware due to even being able to post our comments online for the world to read, technology is increasing everyday. Our need for labor and low level type jobs are being ever increasingly pushed to higher standards requireing more intellegence due to the massive increase in automation over the years. With this steady rate of increase in technologyes mixed with a cutdown in illegal aliens skewing our markets, I feel the effect of this increase would be very suddle.
We should not just ignore the problem to save a few bucks, we should do what is ultimatly good for this country in the long term, not short term for the sake of money.
posted by mbox at May 1, 2006 09:53 AM
Your very right, I would i wouldnt want someone breaking into my house and using or even stealing my things, so therefore i dont do that as well. I would like people to respect my property, and only to come on it if they were invited, and as well, I do the same. Does this rule somehow not work with illegals? If you do something illegal, nothing should hapen, should you infact win a prize for breaking the law? I think not.
posted by mbox at May 1, 2006 10:42 AM
you contradict yourself,talking abour our Lord when you have so much hatred inside....
God loves everyone, he is love...Those immigrants you talk so badly about are seen as your brothers and sisters in his eyes...
posted by
at May 1, 2006 12:08 PM
How can a person so UGLY like yourself have such a name as LINDA which in Spanish means PRETTY. Tell your parents your name should be changed to DIABLA instead. Which it means DEVIL in Spanish cause that's what you are, you are the devil.
And by the way if all illegal-immigrants are drug-pushers why does your goverment and your people allow the drugs in this country in the first place? Doesn't everything that comes in needs to get thru customs first? Why are your people selling out and allowing these illegal drugs to come in, drugs that your children will consume just for talking s**t. And they'll probably marry an ILLEGAL MEXICAN who's a woman beater. HAHAHAHAHAHA poor LINDA, (I mean DIABLA) and her MEXICAN-AMERICAN grandchildren. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
posted by
Rossy at May 1, 2006 12:11 PM
posted by
DR at May 1, 2006 12:23 PM
posted by
DR at May 1, 2006 12:28 PM
posted by DR at May 1, 2006 12:33 PM
If you all are going to talk about god, we might as well just stop the conversation since I think we all know that really doesnt get anyone anywhere since its strickly opinion. You might as well argue about what the best color is.
posted by mbox at May 1, 2006 12:35 PM
nice cut down with the name calling, that will get you quite far in life I'm sure. I obivously agree that not all illegal-immigrants are drug pushers, but when approaching a obivously wrong fact, dont try to counter-act it with another obivously untrue fact.. thats no way to win, it just keeps pushing for more stupid arguments that contain real information, but only more pesonal insults, and the topic is left in the dust due to both persons overly sensative egos.
The US most certainly doesnt allow drugs in its country, and if it was as hard on people selling drugs as they were for people illegaly coming into the country, im sure we wouldnt have much of a problem to talk about now, not to mention the slack attitude for it.
posted by mbox at May 1, 2006 12:51 PM
God? He said to kill them all (including women, children and animals) because they would bring their idols, rise and take back the land, and that's exactly what happened.It happened to Rome, its happening now, history repeats itself, grace and mercy, yes for those who repent and obey God's law, Jesus said give to Caesar what is Caesar's.
We are not criminals?
check immigrationshumancost.org
We help the economy?
cis.org (Center for Immigration Studies) "the High cost of Cheap labor"
Still not convinced?
See United 93. yes they did not come here illegaly, but just a few men caused so much damage, thet didn't have any high tech weapons, they looked harmless...but they weren't were they?
What if they had taken 10 more planes?
Does having 11 mil (the "official" number) illegal immigrants make you fell secure?
You can feel the hate coming through as they write in here and curse at americans, I feel it and I am a mexican, legally living here and working to become a citizen soon. God Bless America! Abajo con Guadalupe y la raza!
If you want to reply check first those websites and then reply with that forgotten little thing called:
After all the truth shall set you free.
posted by
Carla at May 1, 2006 01:50 PM
To Brian:
My birthday is Cinco de Mayo, and it is a mexican holiday! I had to march on my birthday every year, it commemorates when the French where thrown out of Mexico in Veracruz.
To the nameless (read coward) person, check your Bible, Jesus said:"who is my mother, who is brother...but those who do the will of my Father"
, and last I checked most latin people are Catholics, which it would take me hrs. to explain are not doing the will of God, and also worship Guadalupe (IDOL). My mom almost got killed in Mexico bringing the Gospel.
Ignorant fools, go defend your LEGAL rights in Mexico.
posted by
Carla at May 1, 2006 02:18 PM
Someone just translated this for me:
*VIVAN LOS PRIETOS* .... is this the correct translation?
I know for a fact that 95% of illegal immigrants come here, because they know for sure they will get into the Welfare system and will get FOOD STAMPS, MEDICAL and a monthly big fat check
I hope Social Services and the Social Security offices check each and every person that is illegal and using fake ID's and stop giving them help
American Born Citizens have more rights, they have worked here all of their lifes and many are poor and need help, these characters are taking our benefits from all of us
WAKE UP AMERICA DON'T GIVE UP YOUR LAND to these violent, agressive Illegals
posted by Gretchen at May 1, 2006 02:19 PM
Thanks Carla for standing up for the truth, you are so right, as christians (not catholics, because christians don't pray to mary or dead saint statues etc.)we know who exactly our brothers and sisters are, those that love God and his Son Christ above all things and fear him, we try not to disobey his word because we know that the wages of sin is death
Most illegal immigrants are bringing their catholic religion with them and want to imposse it on us Americans, sorry but this Country my Country is based on christian values, we will never worship 'the queen of heaven' or dance in the streets dressed like wild indians with feathers and be lawless, because most of us are educated and even speak other languages without having to learn them, just because we are well read, well travel, and professsionals
...and to 'rossy' the one that called Cheryl DIABLO, you have blood in your tonge, christians belong to God, so get saved and maybe you will get some revelation from God as to who the real devils are, and who exactly are OUR brothers and sisters
No I am not talking about religion, I am talking about God and obeying Him, religion is a diferent subject, but most mexicans will not know, because they are ignorant and set on their ways
As last note I want to clarify that my brothers and sisters are those that obey the Law and are saved and love Christ, not the rioters that want to take something that is not theirs
Jesuis Le Chemin, Le Verite, Et la Vie !
posted by Kevin at May 1, 2006 03:09 PM
People are people, and the American continent was populated by Indian people. It is the natural right to Mexican people to take the land that belonged to them. And don't forget that most of the south of the USA was mexican until it was ceeded to the US.
So, why to be racist against Mexicans? I think the racists are the people who are scared, scared from the latinos, scared from a deep old culture.
Honestly, that's so stupid!
I am behind Mexican people as most of European people are.
So Mexicans, do not feel lonely in this battle, you have other countries (European) supporting you.
posted by
Chris at May 1, 2006 04:31 PM
CINCO DE MAYO IS NOT A HOLIDAY in Mexico... I'm not even Mexican and I know that...
Are you trying to say that when african americans were protesting agaisnt equal rights they were not doing the will of the Lord? Or when most of the us population was protesting back in the 60's they were not either? Please...what makes this protest any different? People are fighting for something they believe in...Do you think white people see you as an American?? hahahaha youre just another mexican!
I dont believe in having an open border however, we must understand that they need us just as much as we need them...we are interdependent.
what about the oklahoma city bomber?? wasn't he...WHITE?? Evil people are everywhere, in every nation and in every race...if blaming all of society's problems on mexicans make you feel better at the end of the day then go ahead and do so... WE LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE...
lets just agree to disagree
*oh and as a Catholic myself, I don't appreciate the nasty remarks you've made about my religion...faith is a beautiful thing, some have in and some ONLY PRETEND TO...
posted by Arabella at May 1, 2006 05:25 PM
One more thing Carla... Does knowing that somewhere down your line of ancestry there were immigrants make you feel ashamed of yourself?? America is MELTING POT...that is what makes us unique... we have a mix of EVERYTHING...you fail to also realize that there are PLENTY white people living in government housing, or use government assistance...
I think immigrants should come here legally, but for those that dont I dont see them as dirty and untrustworthy then the day after they become naturalized as a fellow american... they are human, as are we...
posted by at May 1, 2006 05:36 PM
OK, one reply regarding these two subjects:
1.Yeah, and how long did you live in Mexico?, I was born there and lived there for 17yrs. on my birthday there was no school or work:Cinco de Mayo
while at school I had to march, who should I believe you or my two lying eyes?
2.Nice religion?...tell that to God when you die see if Mary can get into heaven.
Go Lou (Dobbs)!, I don't like CNN, but he says the truth.
I just got back from shopping, I hope that's where everybody else is, the only business that I saw being hurt where the latin businesses, they were closed.
La raza: the race, in this case is the "pure" dark skinned native mexican (maybe latin) people, they are pretty nasty people, here and in Mexico, very ignorant and can be violent, la raza here claim they are the real owners of the south part of the USA (I remember from school back in Mex. somebody SOLD this land). Apparently the Dem agree with this they passed fliers with a picture of Mex and TX as one, vote them out on Nov.
posted by
Carla at May 1, 2006 05:42 PM
The NERVE on these people... come to my country ilegally (as in "braking-in to my house) and expect to:
Live with me?...
Eat my food?....
Sleep in my bed?...
Fuck my sister?....
...and expect me to PAY, how??:
by saying: "OK, I'll do your yard work, cook for you, make your bed plant some fruit in the yard"
ALL THIS DONE BY FORCE!!!! (Nothing I asked for)
In what brain do you fit that this government that doesn't do shit about cigarret consumption, gun control and alcohol will give a cows ASS about an illegal immigrant?
posted by
Speedy Gonzalez at May 1, 2006 05:50 PM
You said exactly what God said in his word:
**God? He said to kill them all (including women, children and animals) because they would bring their idols, rise and take back the land**
In the old testament:
When the death Angel was sent from GOD to kill all the egyptians and their children, the reason was because the Egyptians were Idol Worshipers and their children were going to be JUST LIKE THEM
Now Illegal Aliens don't change, they are bringing their idols, their culture and their religion (the catholic religion) with them and God is saying:
Deuteronomy 7:2
Make no treaty with them, do NOT give your daughters to their sons, or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me, to serve other gods (i.e. Virgin of Guadalupe, Virgin Mary, and all the dead saints etc.) and the Lord's anger will burn against you etc.,
His word is never returned void and God is the same yesterday, today and forever
These people (illegal Aliens) are very deceiving and come like wolves in sheeps clothing, under the pretence that all they want to do is 'work' bologna !! all they want is all the freebies from the Goverment that they can get
I know a woman that just brought her 95 year old mother, and gets $40,000 a year for taking care of her from Social Security, her and her husband get SSI each with Medical, none of the 3 speak English neither do they want to learn it, and she has the guts to tell others that her and her husband only get $836.00 each a month, when they have not worked in this Country not even a single day
I want to know their secret of getting into the American System this easy
Shame on them
Law abiding Citizen
posted by Law Abiding Citizen at May 1, 2006 07:52 PM
0have sex with your sister?...
want you to pay?....
Not only that but, they want you to:
Be happy about it...
Welcome uncle Nacho as a new member of the "family" also...
And eventually leave your house.
posted by
Carla at May 1, 2006 10:49 PM
Speedy Gonzalez,
First of all your analogy is so off it is rediculous.
I am an American and I can't help but point out a few things to you:
If this country is like a house it isn't YOUR house...it is a home to all of us that live here. And the thing about sleeping in your bed and fucking your sister? What are you doing in the same bed as your sister??!! Nevermind I really don't wanna know.
Realize that a lot of the illegal immigrants are here because although YOU may not have authorized for them to work on the house SOMEONE that lives there did. And apparantly if you still live with your sister then you aren't the man of the house in the first place. (if you are that's just gross).
A lot of the immigrants that have come to this country were lured here by companies offering them jobs at a price. These contractors will charge the illegals a weekly amount to work here for bringing them to the USA. So they get payed 5.75 an hour and then have to pay for having been brought here?? Were talking thousands of dollars that they have to pay back overall.
Plus, regardless of what you guys THINK these people do pay into social security...this is money that if they did file taxes they would GET BACK because they don't make enough. (the only ones that don't pay into social security are those that have been lured here anyway and the companies don't want them to file.)
Okay, so how much money can they realistically be sending back to Mexico? You try to live off of 5.75 an hour with a car payment, rent and still send money off to your mother...it's not gonna be much. And if you are gonna bitch about them sending a little money to another country then stop buying from companies that outsource jobs because it's the same thing! Or don't take a vacation to another country because that would make you un-American. Give me a break!
Lets not bust the balls of the immigrants that came to live in our home because they were lured here and have to pay rent. And if they're fucking your sister (Speedy Gonzalez) she wasn't complaining...maybe you've got a stick up your ass about it because your sister isn't putting her fingers up there anymore.
I'm all for LEGAL immigrants and do think that the illegals should wait their turn, but we need to look at ourselves as well...the US has benefitted for a long time from the cheap labor of the immigrants. If you would stop and think about it the jobs that are being kept in the US rather than being outsourced to other coutries are being kept here because of immigrants doing the work for cheap...plus the prices for produce would quadruple if we had to do it ourselves because many of us are used to making $10.00 plus an hour and not doing a whole lot for it.
I've waited tables for 16.60 an hour (with tips at a very high end restaurant) while the bus boys (immigrants) busted the tables (as well as their asses) and made little over 5 bucks an hour doing the hard labor that I honestly wouldn't do even for 16.60 an hour. I tipped those guys out extra all the time.
Immigrants hustle their asses off and will do twice as much work for half the price... Hmmm that's (2/.5) = 4 times increase minimum in labor cost. Get it?
posted by
Fuck you Speedy Gonzalez at May 2, 2006 01:50 AM
Carla, when did I say cinco de Mayo is not a holiday in Mexico? Actually, I don't think I have addressed any postings at you...For that matter this is irrelevant, I have not read your posting so I have no idea what you stand for. I thought about reading them, but then I realized you are blinded by religious rhetoric. So, either way you will not make sence since you'll probably hide behind the rhetoric when you see yourself challenged without an answer.
posted by Brian at May 2, 2006 12:12 PM
WENT to the march in nyc..turn out was nice. i was just disapointed not to see more hatians jamacians, polish, indians, and asians. They have large comunities in nyc and the bill affects them as well. i think everyone on this forum has forgotten that the face of the imigrant isnt just latino..it comes in all sizes and shades..the bill affects those who came with temp visas the same as those that hopped the fence or paddled their way here. the boycott and march were not just ment for the hispanic population, it was ment for the imigrant regardless of race. the movement would be much stronger if the imigrant population as a whole banded together. i am going to the march in dc on may 20th and hope to see ALL of the imigrant population represented
posted by
MYRNA at May 2, 2006 01:21 PM
Okay, so you say we should enter LEGALLY into the US, right? Fine, explain to me then how to do so, not only entering but staying here permanently to work,live,and have children.
posted by
Rossy at May 2, 2006 02:36 PM
"Explain to me then how to do so, not only entering here permanently to work, live, and have children"
You don't have to come here illegally or legally under the pretence that ALL you guys want is to 'work' but because you know how to work the Legal and American system to get everything free, since you are considered the MINORITY/POOR and qualify inmediately before any of us Americans
...and stay here permanently? I hope not!
...You don't have to live here either, after all Illegal Immigrants think that Mexico is a lot better! Isn't this what you guys think always?
...and have children? I hope that ends soon, why do you want to bring so many children into your world of poverty, ignorance etc.,?
Please THINK!
Put the pressure to your Leaders in your Countries, President Fox is the one that is pocketing all the money, let him build you a future
Which part of 'illegal' do you guys don't understand? is your brain that small?
The guts of changing our National Anthem into Spanish?
The guts of flying your ugly Mexican flags above our Flag
I think the Law enforcement should have security 24/7 not only at the borders, but at McCarthur Park to stop the Salvadorians from selling FAKE ID's to all illegal immigrants so they can go and apply for WELFARE AND OTHER BENEFITS THAT TRULY DON'T BELONG TO THEM
Illegal Aliens are bringing their poor spirits here and are a big deficit to the economy of the USA
Enough already!
posted by Proud American at May 2, 2006 06:07 PM
Proud American,
Okay, you have a right to give your personal opinion but that's only what it is, your own personal opinion. And let me tell you that the MEXICANS aren't the only illegal immigrants here. Why is everyone attacking us? Just because we're closer than anyone else to come in? That's unfair to us because I know that there are people from other country living here illegally and they are much better off than the MEXICANS. For example the ARMENIANS, they all live in GLENDALE California. They drive BMW's, they wear expensive clothes, they live in nice houses, but they buy food with food stamps and a big welfare check. I've been living here since I was 7 years old, I am 28 now and thank GOD I have never been on welfare because I work 2 jobs. Please, don't blame my people (MEXICANS) for any problems you might be having. I don't see how these illegal immigrants affect you in any way. Has any one of them ever hurt you or your family physically? Why do you have so much HATE towards these people?
posted by
Rossy at May 2, 2006 06:22 PM
Look I don't see Irish, Arminians, Italians, rioting in the streets
I don't see them jumping the fences by the thousands each day to come illegally to this Country
As a matter of fact Hindus won't get a Visa at less they are professionals, i.e. Doctors, Engineers etc.
The Majority of asians love to study, education is # 1 in their life and some pay for their own education, of course a few of them even paid for their education, which I don't see Illegal Mexicans doing it
I don't hate anybody, I don't have the spirit of hate as a matter of fact, but we have to expose the truth about this 'cancer' with your people, they don't seem to want to better themselves in any way, shape or form
Just take a look what they are doing with our Flag, putting it below their flag? these people that you love and defend so much have no respect and think that they are going to take this Country for their own
Do you think they looked very cute yesterday? they look low class, and bringing their small children into the march is a big NO NO, what if something happens and it turns into a riot?
Some Media channels are lying and saying that the marchs went smooth yesterday...what a lie, a policeman asked a roudy crowd to move away and their response was to trow glass bottles at the police and one was seriously injured
Uneducated people like illegal aliens have no respect for the Law and never will and their children are following their steps, look at those teens jumping over the schools fences...how do you think they were looking? nice and decent?
C'mmon give us all a break!
posted by Proud American at May 2, 2006 09:38 PM
Hey Proud American,
I see where you are coming from man, but I sure hope for your sake you stop generalizing mexicans as all being the same. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be generalized with the lowest type of people the US has to offer.
I think you do make some valid arguments, mainly about the big mistakes that were made when flying the mexican flag above the US flag or flying the US flag upside down and that should have never been done. I feel that may have been misinterpreted because Mexican is WHO I am, but American is WHAT I am. I hope you understand this, because I think this would help you see where we are coming from.
When it comes to TRANSLATING the national anthem into spanish I don't see anything wrong with that. The translation was taken directly from congress and the only reason it was translated was so that the people that don't speak english would better understand the words to the song and feel what we all feel every time we hear it.
I don't think the song was done as tastefully as it could have been done, but that's neither here nor there because after all the national anthem was originally taken from an old Drinking Song.
Now when you say that you must expose the cancer with my people or that If I like mexico so much why don't I go back...I take immediate offense. I am an American I am here legally and am a US citizen and pay my taxes (and I'm more than sure it's more than what you pay), I am very well educated and payed for my education by working hard and now have my Bachelor's in Electronical Engineering Technology and a PHD in Biomedical Engineering but just because I am proud of my heritage doesn't mean that I should go back to Mexico. Have you forgotten where you came from? As I recall everyone here is an immigrant except for the native indians, and they were mostly on the eastern side of the rockies until driven into the mountains by settlers. If you look in your history books you'll see that Mexico used to stretch all the way up to present day Oregon west of the rockies, but of course you don't learn that in public school because then that would mean that Lewis and Clark really didn't discover unchartered territory, they re-discovered Mexico and began to settle there WITHOUT PERMISSION. Hmmm...so it's okay when the US does it, but when it begins to happen to them they want to cry about it? Interesting.
I honestly don't think either side meant for it to get to this point, but since one person takes one extreme they are forcing the others to take the other extreme and at this rate we will never meet in the middle. What a shame on both sides.
posted by
Proud Mexican-American at May 3, 2006 01:41 AM
I am sorry to get in the middle of Proud Mexican-Amerian and Proud American's chat here, BUT..
I can't find on Proud American's TWO posts where he said : 'Go back to Mexico' !!
1.- Our American flag was UPSIDE DOWN B-E-L-O=W the Mexican flag with an EVIL purpose
2.- The Nation Anthem was changed to spanish with an EVIL purpose
The evil purpose is that you guys ARE ALREADY THINKING OF TAKING THIS LAND OF OURS FOR YOUR OWN, so in 'good' faith, you are already thinking this land is going to be ours soon, so why not change everything to our wants and needs
Who do you really think you are fooling?
You are just like the Palestinians that want a land that is not theirs, because the land of Israel was given to the Jews by their God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the Palestinians just like someone else mentioned above
Someone else also made a good point above:
" The violent take it by force "
As far as your education level I don't know if that is true, you can post that you are the King of England for all I know and or that you paid for your own education, I doubt that very much
As far as you saying that you pay more taxes than anybody else? you assume too much, how do you know?
Nice try translating our National Anthem into Spanish (for which I am sure you will riot some more claiming that illegal Mexicans don't understand English, so learn it)
It was a very nice try, flying our US Flag upside down, below your's, assuming that you will remove our Flag and use YOURS instead as if this land belonged to you
Keep on trying
posted by Veteran at May 3, 2006 07:29 AM
I did agree with this boycott cuz this people is important to this country, they pay taxes like any other legal people or american.The white people wont work on the countryside or mopping floors or any work bad-pay this people do those works let them alone. Working honestly is a crime, you people just see what to want. This people pay taxes and they can't have them cuz they don't have papers. Some latinos that are legal work in places like takecare of babies in miserable works and some illegals are now fighting in Irak for a country that is not even theirs.
posted by
Jose at May 3, 2006 10:06 AM
Proud American,
First:Let me tell you that the drawing we saw on Monday with the Mexican flag above the upside down US flag doesn't mean that the Mexicans did it, isn't the cartoonist a white person?
Stop talking about that ridiculous picture because to be honest with you I have full respect towards everyone in this country legeal or illegal, and not to mention every human being.
Second:Like I said before, the only reason why they blame the MEXICANS more than any other nationality is because we are closer than anyone else to the US border. Oh and by the way, let me correct you that it isn't by the "thousands" who climb the border each day. Don't you hear the news about how many end up dead?
Like I said, stop the hating please.
posted by
Rossy at May 3, 2006 12:50 PM
Rolando is a very good example of the typical mexican, uneducated, low class using fowl language on a public message board
Their boycot march last May 1st...was nothing but EXTORTION!
...and I believe in the long run is going backfire on them! :)
If any american born citizen has applied for SSI, SSA, Welfare, MISP, and or the WIC program etc., and has been denied, blame it to the illegal immigrants, they are the ones that are getting them and that have drained the Goverment assistance programs and are getting all these benefits, that's why they are jumping the fence more each day, they know they will live off us taxpayers...shame on all of them.
Of course there are a few exemptions those that work, but these you can count with your fingers
You don't believe me? stop by any Social Services or Social Security office and you will see what I mean, about 90% of Social workers are hispanics helping their own people, even if they have to go out of their way, it's called reverse descrimination.
You want to know racist people, they are the most racist, they only help their own, it is a fact!
As last note they not only translated our National Anthem in Spanish, BUT the "Spangled Banner" is called Nuestro Himno :(
posted by Shirley at May 4, 2006 10:38 PM
I saw a 'Cinco de Mayo' Parade today in our City and it was nothing but very primitive Mexican Indians wearing Mexican customs and dancing in the streets, they were not organized, they have to stop the traffic and we were stranded in a neighborhood that is not even hispanic
My first thought, when I saw countless policemen there, was: what a waste of our taxes and we the Corporate America are paying the bill
They are surely bringing their way of living from their third world Country into the most powerful Nation in the world the USA
I don't see any decent people coming from Mexico, only illiterate, primitive indian mexicans...hmmm
Will they ever learn respect and learn to speak English?
This is sooooo ridiculous!
posted by Donald at May 7, 2006 01:46 AM
Wrote this for "more on illegal aliens" but it seems no one is commenting there, besides it applies to ignorant remarks being made here.
THERE is a big misconception about why people come here. immigrants don’t leave their families and risk death crossing multiple boarders by land and sea because they want to come do menial jobs in the US. many don’t even come with the idea of staying. people risk their lives and take the degradation once here because they’re desperate. take a look at the situations that have driven people here in the past. the irish came because of famine and political opression. the russian because of communism. today it is no different, the countries people immigrate from are in turmoil… for many waiting four years for a visa isn’t an option. when they decide to risk their lives and leave their families it is an act of desperation. if the US truly wants the influx of immigrants and the amount of people that come and stay to diminish, the US needs to stop nourishing violence and turning a blind eye to exploitation. better conditions in the homelands of the immigrants would mean less immigrants. Content people don’t pick up and leave.
posted by
MYRNA at May 8, 2006 05:32 PM
''People don't come here and leave their families etc., etc.,''
No comparison, European Immigrants, wait for their visas and don't come thru the Mexican border or jump a fence
Hindus have to have a title, such as Engineers or Doctors etc.
Illegal Alien Mexicans come here, and a few willing to risk everything and with work in their minds, but the rest which is a high percentage, come here because they know that they will get free healthcare, free money, free food stamps, free wic programs and free ssi and ssa for their parents and grandparents, with FAKE ID's, the newsmedia need to show the other side of illegal immigrants, the gangs, the drug pushers, drug addicts, the large ammount of illegal immigrants criminals in jails, the women that have countless children out of wedlock because they know that they will get free doctors, free hospital, free food, and more money for each child
How can a 'SENIOR illegal immigrant' get SSI or SSA, when they have never worked in this Country? it's not the illegal immigrants fault it is our Goverment's fault
Illegal immigrants are just taking advantage of this twisted system
Illegal means: against the Law!
If a child is born out of wedlock and just because the mother wanted the child to be born in the USA with free Doctors and Free hospitalization, medicines, food etc., that child should NOT even get a citizenship i.e. a US birth certificate
I would also suggest to the Goverment to CUT all financial Goverment aid...that way they don't have to be 'shipped' back to their Country at our expense, because they will leave on their own a.s.a.p.
Illegal immigrants are ungrateful, they don't want to learn the English language, they are lawless, they will not obey any Laws, they are unruly like their parents, look at the teens jumping over the school fences, it tells a lot about all of them
Ship them back, they give a bad impression and reputation to the this Country, we don't want to be primitive, this is a Country that is well known for his advancement in Culture, education and knowledge
posted by John at May 9, 2006 06:25 PM
Your comments are ridiculous about how the Europeans or indians don't need to jump the fence. If Europe or India were on the other side of the border you will not be talking about "Mexicans"( and for your information
what you are calling "Mexicans" actually are people from different countries because not only Mexicans cross the border)
I wonder who are really the illitarate and uneducated people.
posted by
Silvia at May 12, 2006 09:18 PM
Hindus and Indias are not the same
John very clearly stated Hindus from India
There are American Indians or Mexican Indians or other types of Indians all over the world, including South and Central America
...True Silvia, not only Mexicans cross the border illegally I agree with you, also South and Central Americans, like Salvadorians as stated above
The second largest illegal immigrants are phillipino's
Asians collect all kinds of Freebies as well and get best rates on student loans, better than any American born Studen, is this fair?
This is why we Americans oppose the flow of illegal immigrants, because they are put before us, I worked all of my life to have a nice retirement and NO I don't qualify for any and I just don't understand this
I hope you see our point of view, please put yourselves in our shoes, if we were to 'invade' your Countries illegally and were the prefered bunch to get all benefits won't you be on uproar also?
Most illegal aliens DON'T pay taxes, how can they? you don't pay taxes on things that are given to you free
Please Think before you respond
posted by Scottie at May 13, 2006 04:13 PM
Los viajeros del May Flower eran inmigrantes legales?...............Los indios tenían que habérselos comido el primer día en Acción de Gracias...........
posted by
mariam at May 19, 2006 05:38 AM
posted by tony at June 5, 2006 08:31 PM
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Whistleblowers VS Leakers
Jonah Goldberg's column on Town Hall today explains the difference to the uninitiated.
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Just Another Day for Michael Moore's Minutemen
This is one of the most horrendous things I have heard about lately:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Separate groups of gunmen entered two primary schools in Baghdad on Wednesday and beheaded two teachers in front of their students, the Ministry of State for National Security said.
"Two terrorist groups beheaded two teachers in front of their students in the Amna and Shaheed Hamdi primary schools in Shaab district in Baghdad," a ministry statement said.
A ministry official said he believed the attacks were aimed at "intimidating pupils and disrupting learning."
This is called killing two birds with one stone: getting rid of teachers who are trying to bring their students into the 21st century, and showing the kids that if they try to improve their lives in a way the terrorists don't approve, a grisly death awaits.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, folks.
tags: iraq terrorism
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An Incredibly Good Article About Brit Hume
Brit Hume, who has been a part of the Washington DC news scene for about 30 years, has garnered the respect of many.
Including, it would seem, Howard Kurtz at the Washington Post.
Most of the time it's quite difficult for conservatives of any stripe to get a fair shake over at WaPo, but Kurtz has written an unusually balanced piece about the man who helped make FOX News a household brand.
There are a few "I can't help myself" kind of comments by Kurtz (criticisms that he makes about conservative journalists could be turned right around and used against leftist journalists, for example). Overall, though, I think you'll agree that the article is an accurate reflection of Hume as a man and as a journalist.
Read it and see if you don't agree.
tags: fox news conservative journalists Washington Post Howard Kurtz
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April 18, 2006
Today's CAII Roundup
There's just so much going on in this coalition that I find it hard to keep up! Here are a couple of posts you'll want to check out today:
Two states, two ways of dealing with illegal aliens. Random Thoughts of Yet Another Military Member has the details.
We already have a guest worker program. Didn't know? Find out more at Right Truth.
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Employers Encourage Illegals
This story from the Washington Times clearly illustrates the need to punish employers who hire illegal aliens:
SASABE, Mexico -- A growing number of U.S. employers in need of cheap labor are turning to illegal workers to recruit friends and relatives back home, and to smugglers to find job seekers.
"It continues to become clear who controls immigration: It's not governments, but rather the market," said Jorge Santibanez, director of the Tijuana think tank Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
When Pedro Lopez Vazquez crossed illegally into the United States last week, he already had a job.
His future employer even paid $1,000 for a smuggler to help Mr. Vazquez make his way from the central Mexican city of Puebla to Aspen, Colo.
"We're going to Colorado to work in carpentry because we have a friend who was going to give us a job," Mr. Vazquez said.
Mr. Vazquez, 41, was interviewed along the Arizona border after being deported twice by the U.S. Border Patrol. He said he would keep trying until he got to Aspen.
Read the rest of the article and you will see that Vazquez's case is far from being unusual.
Let's face it. If illegal aliens had no jobs to come to, they would stay put. Why would they take the risk of sneaking over if they were unsure of being able to find work?
I'm all for capitalism. But I'm not for capitalism that circumvents the law in order to save a few bucks by hiring illegal aliens who drive the wage level down for American citizens because they're desperate enough to work for peanuts. Enforce the law by not only deporting illegals immediately when caught, but throw the book at employers who offer them a job knowing they are not here legally.
Entering the country illegally is currently a misdemeanor, but aiding and abetting is a felony. Get the employers and we may have a better chance of stemming the tide.
Hat tip: GD
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.
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Deport His Sorry A**
Sorry, but this kind of cr@p isn't funny:
A Purdue University graduate student was arrested and charged with threatening to kill President George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
Vikram Buddhi allegedly posted the detailed and threatening messages on an online message board.
Buddhi has been studying industrial engineering at the university, having moved temporarily from India to his new home in West Lafayette 10 years ago on a student visa. He was originally hired as a teaching assistant in the math department but was removed from that position and is now a teaching assistant in the industrial engineering department.
Since this is a very busy time for college students, being immersed in studying for their upcoming finals, Buddhi’s attorney John Martin said he hopes his client will be released from jail Wednesday following his detention hearing so he can return to studying.
Buddhi told investigators he posted the message, along with other derogatory messages aimed at the president, but Martin said Buddhi’s actions should be covered by the First Amendment since Buddhi would have never actually carried out his threats.
In the various messages posted, Buddhi urged the Web site’s readers to bomb the United States and for them to rape American and British women and mutilate them, according to court documents. Other messages called for the killing of all Republicans.
“What was allegedly said certainly is derogatory and may be inflammatory,” Martin said. “But there’s no real serious threat more than it was chat on the Web.”
Buddhi allegedly posted his messages on a Yahoo finance board dedicated to Sirius Satellite radio, a site that receives 2 million to 3 million hits a day, Martin said. A concerned citizen contacted the Secret Service office in Dallas to report that a subject was posting threatening messages about Bush, according to the criminal complaint filed in Hammond’s federal court and unsealed Monday.
Buddhi was arrested Friday and told investigators he is not suffering from any mental illnesses nor is he taking any illegal or prescription drugs.
I wonder how his lawyer would feel if it was his name up there instead of President Bush's.
Oh, and I like how his busy study schedule got him out of jail. Like he couldn't read a book in his cell?
How many people would have taken the 9/11 hijackers seriously had they heard any similar comments from them on 9/10/01?
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April 17, 2006
My Beef with Movie Theaters
I took today off (my kids are off for Easter vacation...oops, it's now called "spring break") and took the girls to see Ice Age: The Meltdown. It was a fun film, just about as good as the original. We all enjoyed it.
Here's what I didn't enjoy about the outing:
*Paying $19 ($7 for me and $6 each for the kids) to see 10-15 minutes worth of commercials and previews. In fact, I think this time there were more commercials than there were previews.
*Having to tell my 10-year-old over and over that I'd rather take them out for ice cream after the movie than spend another $20 or so on snacks.
*Listening to the little kids next to us who simply wouldn't shut up during the most exciting part of the movie (whose parents obviously had no control over them)...not to mention the guy behind us who burped loudly. Whatever happened to civility and manners?
*Why on earth are all the cartoons these days voiced over by actors who I don't usually even want to see in the flesh? It used to be we loved the character...now we just go to see (insert celebrity name here) as (insert cartoon character here). But that's a different post subject entirely...
Needless to say, we don't go to the movies often, as I don't enjoy spending my hard-earned money for (often) mediocre films while having advertisements and rude fellow audience members ruin the experience for me.
Thanks for letting me get that out of my system!
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Almost identical to my last jaunt to the movies. I was homicidal at the midpoint of Brokeback.
posted by
Two Dogs at April 18, 2006 08:57 AM
Good lord why did you bother?
Before anyone gets excited and says I'm a homophobe, in this case I'm an AngLeeophobe - this is a man who made the Incredible Hulk... BBBOOOORRRING.
posted by husband-dude at April 20, 2006 05:56 PM
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Freedom of Expression for All but Conservatives
Three cheers for our universities! Now not even librarians can recommend conservative tomes for fear of being investigated on trumped up charges of sexual harassment:
Scott Savage is a reference librarian at OSU Mansfield and a member of the school’s First Year Reading Experience Committee. After suggesting that students read “The Marketing of Evil” by David Kupelian, “The Professors” by David Horowitz, “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis” by Bat Ye’or, and “It Takes a Family” by Sen. Rick Santorum, Savage was put under “investigation.”
The Alliance Defense Fund reports that three professors filed a complaint of discrimination and harassment against Savage because the list of books he suggested made them feel “unsafe.”
Unsafe? A book list made these professors, these enlightened educators who are supposed to be champions of learning and freedom of expression, feel unsafe?
The only thing unsafe about the books suggested is the fact that the students who read them might get a different point of view than the professors want them to. And we certainly can't have anything but groupthink happening on our campuses today.
This bit is on the university's website:
“…we celebrate and learn from our diversity and we value individual differences. Academic freedom is defended within an environment of civility, tolerance, and mutual respect.”
This is quite obviously a load of BS so that parents feel good about sending their kids there.
Why bother with a sexual harassment investigation? It's so time consuming, and probably costs the university money that would be better spent erecting a monument to Karl Marx. Why not just gather all the conservative books in the library and have a good old fashioned, jolly book burning? (I'll bring the marshmallows.)
At least that would be an honest way of dealing with the situation.

How our universities deal with conservative thought
More at: The Bullwinkle Blog
tag: osu
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CAII Action
The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration has been quite busy. Here are a couple of recent posts you'll want to check out:
Joey, a new member, writes of a recently deported illegal who was the "voice of her people."
Brian Bonner discusses Newt Gingrich's advice to Republicans on illegal immigration.
I myself am working on an interview with a good friend of mine who was once a LEGAL immigrant and is now a citizen. I hope to have it posted within a couple of days.
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Neil Young Produces Anti-Bush Album
Talk about taking hatred of President Bush to the extreme: Neil Young, aging hippie and poster boy for the self-absorbed baby boomer generation, has produced an entire album aimed at bashing Bush and the war in Iraq.
"I just finished a new record - a power trio with trumpet and 100 voices," the 60-year-old says in a ticker-tape message posted at the bottom of his official website. "Metal folk protest? It's called Living with the War."
Further details about the album came from Jonathan Demme, the film maker who produced the recently released documentary Heart of Gold about the singer-songwriter. "Neil just finished writing and recording - with no warning - a new album called Living With War," he told the music magazine Harp by e-mail. "It all happened in three days ... It is a brilliant electric assault, accompanied by a 100-voice choir, on Bush and the war in Iraq ... Truly mind blowing. Will be in stores soon."
That's a really great trick: being able to use the present to live in the past. Pass the bong and rally round the peace sign as we declare war on authority!
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What happened to "Let's Roll?"
oh well - he hasn't been relevant since "I got no hambone"
posted by husband-dude at April 17, 2006 03:21 PM
So if you do not agree with what someone is saying or doing I guess in your world that means you hate them.
I don't like what you are doing and I don't hate you....
Since your logic is as simple as a 5 year old kindergaden student let me use small words...
He doesn't hate Bush...that would just be a waste of energy
He doesn't like what this neo con government has done to the reputation of the USA and to it's people.
After all whatever happened to those WMDs or to Plame or to Duke...
Whatever happened to less government and less spending. BTW that is why this is a NEO con government.
posted by
rozzy at May 9, 2006 10:37 AM
Just because I support Bush doesn't mean I support all of his policies. I agree that government should be smaller and that it should be spending less.
I worry less about what others think about us than what I think is right for our country. Why is it that so many worry about our reputation abroad? Do other countries frame their policies in accordance with what we or others may think? It's doubtful, so why should we?
Oh, and that's "hock," not "hawk." I did make it past kindergarten, just in case you were wondering.
Thanks for stopping by. BTW, I don't hate you either...nor do I hate Neil Young. As you say, it's a waste of time.
posted by Pam at May 9, 2006 10:52 AM
I do not think Neil Young hates the USA. He wouldn't have lived here for 40 years if he did.
The gist of what you are saying is: The only opinion that counts is the American opinion.
That attitude will lose the USA it's trading partners because as the US$ declines, and it is, the call of that same dollar is going to go down.
Countries have stopped investing in the US.
Maybe it's the lack of respect that we show them.
Maybe it's because 3rd World countries are more stable...not
This is a sign that the world does not see the Bush administration as a stable government and this is frightening.
You may not like what other nations have to say about us but our government better start listening.
Unfortunately this is not going to happen with this administration, after all Rumsfeld just went on camera and told a former CIA agent that he didn't say he knew where the WMDs were when he was filmed stating specific towns and cities where they would be found.
posted by
rozzy at May 10, 2006 01:49 AM
Listened to Young's new album. His best stuff was always written off the cuff and quickly. This is the same man who openly supported Reagan and was criticized by the left. Now, it's the bone heads on the right's turn to attack. Doesn't say much for Bush. Frankly, I feel the same way about our Prez and I voted for him (wise choice given the opponent), but that doesn't say much for American politics. Thank God someone (a Canadian) has the guts to say what 70% of the country feels!
posted by
Dave at May 11, 2006 08:39 AM
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April 14, 2006
Light Posting Today...
I have today off, and am using the opportunity to clean my house and get my taxes done (yeah, yeah, I'm a classic procrastinator).
Hope to have time to post later...if not, over the weekend!
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April 13, 2006
Al Gore Should Read Geosciblog
Before he gives another speech about the threat of global warming, Al Gore should read Joe's discussions of the subject on geosciblog.
Here's his latest post about how much man and technology really contribute to the changes of the Earth's climate.
His extensive background in geology (he lists his credentials at the top of his blog) give his views much more credibility than your average blogger. Why don't you head on over and see for yourself?
And be sure to tell Al.
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A Picture Says a Thousand Words
This saying has never been truer when seeing the evil wrought in the name of radical Islam.
Reverse_Vampyr has some chilling photos which remind us that the "religion of peace" could use better PR than is being supplied by CAIR and the MSM.
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School Dress Code: Patriotism Taboo
Lots of folks have been getting riled up about the illegal immigration protests that have been taking place within the last week. It's funny how the people who should be protesting (those who WANT reform) aren't...guess we all have to go to work or do other productive things with our time.
Fallout from the uproar includes some schools that have banned any kind of flag waving or clothing that smacks of patriotism for fear of causing unrest within their schools. Safety, they say, is their first priority.
Part of me can understand that. School administrators are indeed charged with keeping as safe an environment as possible for their students. But how far should we go? It's a sad day in our nation when children are banned from wearing the colors of our flag because we're afraid that immigrant children (illegal or otherwise) might be offended by such a blatant show of patriotism.
To quote Jerry Seinfeld: What's up with that?
It used to be that everyone who came to our country wanted to become a part of it, and were be proud to wave our flag and its colors. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and we have the multiculturalist crowd to thank for it. By making a big deal about "cultural identity" as opposed to "American identity," we have created not a proud citizenry, but a bunch of small special interest groups who see themselves as (insert nationality here) before they see themselves as Americans...if they see themselves as Americans at all.
The Mad Pigeon is, not surprisingly, mad about this situation. As a captain in the US Air Force, he has even more reason to find this situation both repulsive and insulting. Here, he addresses Myla Shepard, principal of Shaw Heights Middle School in Colorado, one of the schools that has placed such a ban on patriotic clothing, etc.
Well, Myla... you're durned [PIGEONED] right I'm going to contact you with some questions! Just what kind of politically correct leftist institution are you running there? Did you cancel the Pledge of Allegiance, too? Take down the flag in the front? Do you even HAVE a flag pole? How about canceling classes on American History and Government since they might offend the fragile self esteem of your non-American students? Is this a convenient way to sweep an issue under the rug as to cover the students' eyes from a potentially powerful learning event?
But silly me, I forget we're a reactive society. One kid gets a boo boo on the playground and asphalt gets outlawed. Heaven forbid little Bobby engages in conflict with Nancy over a flag, since conflict is bad. Despite the fact conflict leads to change, creativity, debate, enlightenment, etc. But who am I to argue? I'm just a guy who signed up to die for my country and give you the right to tear down all the symbols I cherish.
Indeed. We have come to expect that other countries are eager to paint America in a negative light. But when such negativity comes from within, and is directed at our children, what kind of message are we sending? That pride for your own country should play second fiddle to the sensibilities of others who are residing here? Some of whom, by the way, weren't even invited.
For more on illegal immigration, check out Flight Pundit.
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email me and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**
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Libby: Plame's Name Not Authorized for Leak
From Bloomberg.com:
A former top administration official said President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney authorized him to discuss with reporters intelligence on Iraq's weapons program and didn't authorize leaking a CIA agent's name.
Former Cheney chief of staff I. Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby, in documents filed late last night in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, said Bush and Cheney only authorized him to disclose once-classified details from a National Intelligence Estimate paper that they believed supported the president's claims that Iraq was attempting to buy nuclear material in Niger.
Will this be the top story on the "major" networks? Don't bet the farm.
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April 11, 2006
Why Don't We Counterprotest?
Mary Grabar knows:
While thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters converge in major American cities waving Mexican flags and signs in Spanish, polls show the vast majority of Americans opposed to their demands.
So why don’t we protest? Why not simply show our strength and wave the American flag and signs in English?
For one thing, we’re keeping the country going. We can’t afford to lose our jobs. We are neither the elites of the alternate universes of the academy and major media, nor are we “artists” supported by tax dollars or trust funds. We are not the beneficiaries of the tax-payer supported largesse that these elites are agitating for on behalf of the illegals. We are not high school teachers who through the brainwashing of our educational system believe that participating in mob protest is a good civics lesson. As the evening news has shown, many of the protestors are jubilant, defiant school children playing hookey and getting taxpayer-funded school buses to take them back to school.
Read the rest.
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Actually, we've got a local talk radio host in Dallas - Darrell Ankarlo - who tried to organize a pro-American demonstration in response the the illegal immigrant/Mexican demonstration. But he was shut down by LULAC when they managed to get his permit revoked. They want to be able to protest in favor of ILLEGAL immigration, but want to be able to silence American citizens from standing up and having their voices heard.
posted by
reverse_vampyr at April 13, 2006 02:54 PM
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Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
As you'll see in my right sidebar, I have joined with a coalition: the Coaltion Against Illegal Immigration. The posts I create are sent to a central "clearing house," and I link posts by other members.
I'm still new to this, and so am a bit behind in my linking. Here's a listing of some of the latest postings about illegal immigration by coalition members:
From Commonsense America: An Open Letter to Our Elected Officials
From Democratica: Where Illegal Immigration Is Taking Us
From My Country-My View: Houston Area Polls Show Immigration Rift Rising
I'll try to do a better job of keeping up. There's a lot of information out there!
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Hey, thanks so much for the link! And don't feel bad about not keeping up, the e-mails from the group are coming in fast and furious...and most are furious! Nice to meet you. :)
posted by
Christi at April 11, 2006 02:47 PM
Thanks for the link... but the blog is called Defend Our Borders. "Democratica" is the name of the template. :(
posted by
Defender at April 11, 2006 08:21 PM
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French Students Protest, Despite Victory
Why? Because it's better than working.
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April 10, 2006
Kos Notices Blogs 4 Heather
I guess you've made the big time when you're noticed by Daily Kos. Blogs 4 Heather (spearheaded by my pal Chris over at Lucky Dawg News) has garnered the ire of Lord of the Left. (All emphasis below mine.)
The Swift Boats are out again! Except, this time in the form of some fairly incompetant, not very intelligent bloggers over at Lucky Dawg News (www.luckydawgnews.com).
They have set up "Blogs 4 Heather" to "stop Nancy Pelosi's takeover of Congress!!!" They've said some pretty extremist things about Democratic nominee Patricia Madrid:
imaPROgressive's diary :: ::
"Patricia Madrid wants America to lose the war on terror. ... she's a weak, appeaser that wants America to tuck tail and run from our enemies... Madrid's appeasement ignorance... Madrid is a self serving coward... Patricia Madrid's pre 9-11 mindset, cut and run strategy, baseless attacks on our commander and chief, and not supporting the troops"
I don't think words can describe how ridiculous this is. Not only is it ridiculous, it's dangerous. Despite the fact that these extremists come from the fringe of the Republican Party, I think that it's an omen for what's to come: nastiness.
This year, Republicans can't win on the issues. So, they're going to ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK. All across the country, they're going to lie about our candidates and make very personal, very inappropriate attacks. When a vicious, spiteful dog is backed into a corner as the Republicans are with their failed policies, all they have left is to attack, and that's what they're going to do. Look out!
Kos spelled "incompetent" wrong. But that's just me being nitpicky, despite my own incompetence.
Take a look at the phrases I highlighted above. Psychologists call this sort of thing Freudian projection:
A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.
And, as Pat at Brainster said in an e-mail, "Being compared to the Swiftees is an honor!"
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Daily Krap calling others liars? That is rich! He's the biggest liar out there.
posted by
PCD at April 14, 2006 10:08 AM
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Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys Surrender...Again!
This time, the French government (I use that term loosely) hasn't surrendered to a foreign enemy, but to French protesters.
PARIS - President Jacques Chirac, bowing to intense pressure from students and unions, announced plans Monday to replace a contested employment law that set off massive protests and strikes across France.
Chirac's office said a new plan focusing on youths from troubled backgrounds will replace the "first job contract," which would have made it easier for employers to fire any worker aged under 26.
The move comes as a blow to Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, who championed the law despite weeks of protests across the country.
Acting on a proposal from Villepin, his longtime protege, Chirac "decided to replace" a key provision of the law with a measure aimed at "youths in difficulty," a statement from Chirac's office said.
Changes to the law would have to address the problem of youth unemployment, which stands at 22 percent, quell the protests and also find a way of saving face for Villepin who has championed the law, commentators said.
I actually had some hope that France was trying to turn its stagnant economy around with this small but important step. By allowing businesses to fire new hires if they don't work out, businesses are more likely to give young people a chance, therefore easing some of the unemployment that has crippled the French economy.
By caving in to protesters, Chirac is only hastening the demise of said economy. And, the country's slide into irrelevance continues. But hey, they get six weeks of vacation!
Do you realize that the folks on the American left think that this socialist model is the way of the future? Just take a look at France and think carefully before agreeing.
On the bright side, perhaps the French press can find a way to blame this on President Bush.
Hat tip: Iowa Voice
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Five More Appealing Prizes Than Hanging Out With Chuck Schumer
I hear one of the prizes on this season's Apprentice is to get some face time with New York Senator Charles "The Chuckster" Schumer. In my mind, a trip to the dentist to have teeth pulled without anasthesia would be a better bet.
The Man at GOP in the City has a few more prizes that are worth more than hanging with the Chuckster. I think you'll agree that they are definitely better choices.
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The Donald was on Imus this morning talking about it. What a wonderful and exciting prize to win--a tour of inside DC with Schumer. Please.
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at April 10, 2006 12:03 PM
Thank you!
posted by
Greg at August 7, 2006 01:24 PM
Good design!
posted by
Alan at August 8, 2006 03:18 PM
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Has-Been Affleck: Hang Bush!
Being a celebrity means never having to say anything that makes any kind of sense. Just ask second-stringer Ben Affleck, who said President Bush could be hanged for treason. From Newsbusters:
Reminiscent of Al Franken on the Late Show last October, on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, actor Ben Affleck charged that President Bush “probably also leaked” Valerie Plame's name and so “if he did, you can be hung for that! That's treason!” In full rant, an apoplectic Affleck asserted: “You could be killed. That's not a joking around Tom DeLay 'I'll do a year, I bribed the state officials with corporate money.' That's like they shoot you in the battlefield for doing that.”
Affleck appeared on Maher's panel with Senator Joe Biden and Bill Sammon of the Washington Examiner. A couple of minutes later, after Sammon suggested Tom DeLay's resignation means the loss of a “poster boy for the left” so they can't use him anymore to raise funds, Affleck besmirched DeLay as a “criminal” while simultaneously demonstrating his political naivete. Though the Texas redistricting orchestrated by DeLay made his district less Republican, Affleck contended: "Tom DeLay personally gerrymandered that district so severely that it looks like a map of Italy....There won't be a Democrat elected in that seat for a thousand years. You can't say he's the poster boy for the left. He happens to be an incredibly powerful Republican who is a criminal and now you blame Democrats for pointing it out!"
The actual transcript is at the bottom of Newsbusters' post.
Um, sorry Ben. President Bush did not leak Valerie Plame's name, and DeLay's redistricting did not result in Democrats losing all. But it just goes to show that the left is on the same page when it comes to propaganda: if we all keep repeating the same thing, people will eventually believe what we say to be true.
Hey Ben, stick to acting. When you can get a paying gig, that is...

Ben Affleck: Waiting for the Mother Ship
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April 07, 2006
Global Warming Gets the Shaft
It seems that despite the drum beating by Al Gore and his celebrity pals, Americans don't see global warming as an imminent threat.
Contrary to what one might expect, Gallup found that while public concern is higher than in 2004, they are "no higher than it has been at several points in the past." In fact, Americans are more worried about water pollution, air pollution, and toxic waste than global warming.
I think people are more scared of the messenger than the message:

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And now the sun is to blame.
It is rumored that our Wisconsin Attorney General, Peg Lautenschlager, will be bringing suit against Mr. Sol.
posted by
Steve at April 7, 2006 11:30 PM
Do you volunteer for half rations if shortages hit due to global warming?
posted by
paul at April 8, 2006 07:44 AM
What does it say for the Democratic party that their last two presidential candidates have been Al Gore and John Kerry?
What does it say for the future of America when those two pathetic losers get millions of votes?
posted by
Jeff at April 9, 2006 11:58 PM
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Blogs 4 Heather: Brainster Gets Results
Admitted S&M fan Stephen Elliott in San Francisco, who has been fundrasing for Patricia Madrid (Heather Wilson's main rival for her Congressional seat representing New Mexico), got caught making nasty remarks about Wilson. In fact, he called her evil.
What's even better is that Pat at Brainster caught him out.
Even better than that, Elliott is trying to backtrack.
Go to Brainster for all the details. Way to go Pat!!!
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April 06, 2006
But if America Did It...
What would you think of adding these amendments to our Constitution?
First, disallowance of immigrant participation in US political affairs. This includes a ban on participation in demonstrations and other public expression of political opinion.
Second, an "Americans first" employment policy, native born Americans having priority over foreigners for all positions in which status of citizenship is not deemed "indispensable."
Third, a ban on all immigrant or naturalized citizens' service as (a) federal elected officials, (b) members of the cabinet, or (c) justices of the Supreme Court.
Fourth, a ban on immigrant service in the clergy.
Fifth, a ban on immigrant ownership of land or aquisition of any rights to natural resources.
Sixth, authorization of private individuals to make citizen's arrests of any individuals suspected of being illegal immigrants.
Seventh, unconditional right of federal officials -- whenever they deem such action appropriate -- to deport immediately and without due process any noncitizen.
Like them? Yes? No? Don't worry, they aren't being proposed. But they ARE part and parcel of the Mexican Constitution.
And we're worrying about offending them regarding our immigration policies?
From Horny Headed Economist (who got it from Military.com) via Dissecting the Left
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email me and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**
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Well, maybe this is how the debate needs to be framed. We are just trying to make our immigration laws consistent with those of Mexico.
posted by
joe-6-pack at April 6, 2006 10:38 PM
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America as a Nightmare
Want an idea of what German high schoolers are learning about America and Americans in general? Read the article from Die Welt, posted at Davids Medienkritik.
My favorite part is about the New American Dream Career game. What fun!
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That is quite pathetic.
Maybe they could compare the two countries' economic growth or unemployment stats.
posted by
Steve at April 6, 2006 08:54 PM
I lived in Germany for 2 years as an Army soldier. I found rank and file Germans had a strong socialist bent, were quite convinced they were superior to everyone else, and had more than their share of sexual perversions. They also demonstrated a proclivity for public drunkeness and urination.
The Germans I met who were my (then) age group- teens, early 20s- were quite possibly some of the silliest, most un-serious people I had ever met.
posted by
Barry at April 10, 2006 03:22 AM
Well done!
posted by
Nathan at August 15, 2006 08:18 PM
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Black Voters Leaving the Plantation?
That's what I thought when I read this (via Drudge):
An internal document prepared by a top Democratic strategist warns that a majority of African American voters in Maryland are open to supporting Republican Senate candidate Michael S. Steele and advises the party not to wait to "knock Steele down."
The 37-page report says a sizable segment of likely black voters -- as much as 44 percent -- would readily abandon their historic Democratic allegiances "after hearing Steele's messaging."
"Governor Ehrlich and [Lt. Gov.] Michael Steele have a clear ability to break through the Democratic stronghold among African American voters in Maryland," says the March 27 report by Cornell Belcher, polling consultant for the Democratic National Committee, which bases its findings on a survey of 489 black voters in Maryland conducted last month.
What's next? A revelation that not all black people enjoy eating fried chicken and watermelon?
It's this kind of attitude toward black voters that is causing them to leave the DemoPratic party in droves: taking their loyalty for granted and offering them no real reasons to stick with the "Party of the People."
Maryland Democratic Party Executive Director Derek B. Walker said the study verified what, internally, party strategists had already concluded: that African American voters who have served as a reliable base for generations cannot be taken for granted.
"It confirms that in this day and age, everyone expects us to do more than just rest on history," Walker said. "We knew we were going to have to engage. But we also know it will be easier for us to forge that relationship because we're right on the issues."
As usual, the DemoPrats feel that it's not the message that's the problem, but how that message is communicated. Big mistake, especially since the poll showed Steele has a good deal of support from churchgoers. Values typically espoused by religious types aren't exactly a DemoPrat forte.
I like what Steele himself had to say about the subject:
In an interview in his State House office yesterday, Steele clutched the DNC report like a football coach who just got his hands on the opposing team's playbook. He said a copy "landed on our doorstep" in the past week.
"This explains everything," he said. "They're afraid of what I represent. They're afraid of the fact that African American voters have options, and I'm one of them."
Yep. But that won't stop the DemoPrats from trying to smear Steele by what they call "exploiting" his connections to President Bush. Why engage him on issues when you can paint him as an Uncle Tom or a house slave?
This race will be a big one. Keep your eyes on it.
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What's that about a plantation?
So you think blacks who vote for Democrats are voluntary slaves, then?
posted by
paul at April 7, 2006 09:33 PM
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Not Fonda Jane?
Jane Fonda haters in the NYC area, take note:
Hanoi Jane will be signing copies of her book, My Life So Far, at Posman Books in Grand Central Terminal on Tuesday, April 18 from 12-2 p.m.
How do I know? There's a big sign in Posman Books' window advertising the event.
/public service announcement
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Pam, please tell me you're going to the signing. Live blog it!! We want pictures!!
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at April 6, 2006 12:21 PM
I just might, young man!
posted by Pam at April 6, 2006 01:11 PM
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April 05, 2006
Principal Joins Student Walkout and Other Nonsense
Anything can be a learning experience. Just ask Texas' Lanier High School principal Richard Solis, who decided to join about 200 students in a walkout in protest about immigration reform.
"I don't condone it, and I'll have to correct it, but the best thing we can do is make it a teaching experience," Solis said told News Radio 1200 WOAI.
Solis said he wanted to make sure the students weren't injured and didn't get into trouble in the march.
How will his marching with them make it a teaching experience? I think it just shows them that the principal is with them in spirit.
Many of those students say their parents and family members are illegal aliens. So if their parents are forced to return to Mexico, they may have to as well.
“My whole life would change,” one student told WOAI. We’re keeping his identity secret because his parents are here illegally.
He says this protest is a way to stand up for his family.
“They told me... my sisters, my brothers.. they told us all... just walk out of school,” said the student. “All the Mexicans in this school, we'd all have to see our grandparents go back. And that's just wrong.”
What's wrong is that your family is here illegally. This entitlement mentality, especially from people who aren't even supposed to be here, is extremely galling. It's unfortunate that so many people don't seem to grasp the concept that non-citizens aren't entitled to live or work here unless they hold a green card, which they have to apply for.
Many of the students said they were unclear about the political issues involved, and were going with their friends or simply taking an opportunity to get out of class and take a walk on a nice day.
"Some of them may have just been copy cats and nothing else," explained Solis.
Some teaching experience. My faith in the public school system grows by leaps and bounds.
Immigration rights leaders unveiled the next major initiative of their movement. It's called "The Great American Boycott of 2006" and is scheduled for May 1st. Organizers are calling for those concerned about immigration rights to boycott work, school and all consumer activities on that day.
Fine, go ahead. I have a feeling this will be about as successful as the boycott of consumer meccas in order to protest our presence in Iraq.
And really: a "Great American Boycott" by non-Americans who are here illegally? Those illegals who decide not to go to work that day are only going to hurt themselves in the end, as they depend on their daily under-the-table wad o' cash.
Some are arguing that illegal immigrants are essential to our economy. Rich Lowry feels differently.
But it doesn't make intuitive sense that importing the poor of Latin America would benefit us. If low-skill workers were key to economic growth, Mexico would be an economic powerhouse, and impoverished Americans would be slipping south over the Rio Grande.
Steve Camarota of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies estimates that illegal immigrants cost the federal government $10 billion a year. State and local governments lose even more. Illegals pay some taxes, but not enough to cover governmental expenses like Medicaid and treatment for the uninsured.
According to Camarota, if illegal immigrants were legalized, their net annual cost to the federal government would only increase, tripling to $30 billion a year. Immigrant workers don't earn enough to pay much in taxes, while they qualify for all sorts of governmental assistance. As they become legal, they will get even more assistance - the benefits that they get from the Earned Income Tax Credit, for instance, would increase by a factor of 10.
Think Principal Solis will present the above information to his students?
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Pop Quiz
What's worse? Starting your day with Katie Couric or ending it with Katie Couric?
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Is death an option?
posted by
John Ruberry at April 5, 2006 11:33 PM
Pam illustates a Hobson's Choice.
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at April 6, 2006 12:23 PM
I wish I could take that back and spell it correctly. Damn, I hate it when I do that!!
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at April 6, 2006 12:26 PM
Some of us have jobs.
posted by floyd at April 8, 2006 08:45 PM
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April 04, 2006
The News According to NBC
According to Michelle Malkin, NBC's Dateline is looking for instances of bias toward Muslims, or at least people who look like them. Click here for details. Notice they're targeting NASCAR.
I live in Connecticut and work in New York City. On the streets I see many men wearing the little Muslim skull caps, turbans, women wearing hijabis and so on. Not once in the year and a half since I have been commuting to the city have I ever seen anyone being harrassed because of what they look like or what they are wearing. Not once. On the train I take, predominantly ridden by evil white folks like me, a man in a turban gets on the stop after mine. Again, I have never seen anyone bother him, and he usually sits just a couple of seats ahead of me.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen and never will. However, for NBC to go trawling for what is frankly a cheesy sting operation at NASCAR events and the like is, to me, reverse racism.
Why reverse racism? Because NBC is working off the premise that "white yahoos" who attend NASCAR races are more than likely racist. Why else would they target these events?
Perhaps NBC would be better serving their cause and the community at large if they posted their hidden cameras in different settings across the country, so as to get a better idea of what happens with the various walks of life that America offers.
Then again, by doing that they might not get what they're looking for.
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Before they were found out, they were probably going to keep trying until they found a drunk, obnoxious redneck, even if they had to buy the beer and create the provocation.
Just imagine..."Hey Bubba, How'd ya like to to be on TV? All you have to do is drink this case of Bud and...OMG, is that an Arab at a NASCAR race? Bubba, you better go find out what he's up to. We'll cover you."
After all, May is Sweeps Month, so they have to get ready.
posted by
joe-6-pack at April 6, 2006 10:45 PM
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Who Hates Who More? Conservatives or Liberals?
Dennis Prager has a good idea.
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Blogs for Heather: Patricia Madrid's Silence
Mario Burgos is one of the Blogs for Heather Wilson clan, and he has an interesting post about Wilson's main rival to date, Patricia Madrid here.
Be sure to check out all of his posts. As a New Mexico resident, he has a good handle on what's going on.
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It's Hard to Be a Political Celebrity
I really feel sorry for celebrities who get vocal about politics. Really, I do. Oliver Stone is the latest one to feel slighted regarding criticism being lobbed at him and other politically correct Hollywooders who dare to criticize President Bush, Iraq, and pet conservative causes.
"We're Hollywood wackos and all that stuff, left-wing... (It's) an easy and facile dismissal. "I'm still a citizen, I've served my country as a veteran, I've had many jobs before the film business. I know something of life, having lived to this age. We have a right to speak and every time we speak: 'You're an actor, a showbusiness director,' we're making it up! This is not a way of dealing with people. This is slander."
Last time I checked, I'm a citizen too. And it's my right to criticize the so-called stars if I don't agree with what they do or say. See, Mr. Stone, that's all part and parcel of being an American citizen: as long as you aren't threatening to kill someone, you can pretty much say anything you'd like. And if others don't like it, they can fire back. Free speech is a two-way street.
I guess I feel sorry for these people because all day long they're used to hearing "Yes, Mr. Stone," "No, Mr. Stone," "Whatever you say, Mr. Stone" from toadies, lickspittles and other various and sundry yes men who depend on celebs like Stone for a paycheck. It must be a tremendous shock to the system when someone dares to disagree...
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Oh, how I love Snarky Pam. "Lickspittles" is my new favorite word. I haven't heard that in such a long time.
posted by
Two Dogs at April 4, 2006 10:08 AM
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April 03, 2006
More on Immigration
Sorry for the light posting of late...I have unexpected (yet long-term) guests camping out in my basement, where my computer is located. I haven't had a chance to move it to the family room yet...maybe over the weekend!
OK, so let's talk immigration. Mary Grabar, who immigrated to this country from Slovenia in 1959 at the age of two, has a few things to say about those who are now protesting in the streets regarding their "rights." (I am highlighting certain passages of the article; for the entire piece, click here.)
I sometimes tell people that I am an immigrant. They are surprised because I don’t have an accent (I came here as a two-year-old). I hold a Ph.D. in English. But as an immigrant, I did not have access to any of the special grants and scholarships available to those who look different from the American of European descent. I have witnessed the imposition of “multicultural” curriculums that have dealt only with cultures of those of different hues of skin tone: to put it crudely, the red (Native American), yellow (Asian), black (African-American) and (brown) Hispanics. Multiculturalism does not include Eastern European cultures.
Sadly, this is true. Grabar discusses how no one translated signs or government documents into Slovenian or other languages from Europe. Those immigrants got on as best they could, learning the language and getting help from their children who attended American schools.
I grew up listening to high school teachers tell me how “privileged” I was simply because I was white. These were the teachers whose mothers had probably hired those like my mother to clean their houses. As a little girl, I accompanied my mother on her housecleaning jobs. When she went to work at the clothing factory, I was left to clean her house and take on her duties. I cleaned neighbors’ houses before I was legally old enough to get a minimum wage job. I have also worked in the vineyards of upstate New York and in a variety of restaurants and bars. These are the types of jobs that apologists for illegal immigrants claim others won’t do.
The people who claim Americans won't do certain jobs don't do them either. It's easier to say such a thing when one's own job is not in danger. Thomas Sowell said it best: If Mexican journalists were flooding into the United States and taking jobs as reporters and editors at half the pay being earned by American reporters and editors, maybe people in the media would understand why the argument about "taking jobs that Americans don't want" is such nonsense.
Back to Grabar:
In the three decades since I was fed the political correctness by teachers in my riot-torn high school, things have only gotten worse. The demonstrations have disrupted daily life and threatened public safety in cities like Los Angeles. But imagine billboards advertising welfare benefits for Slovenians or Ukrainians in native languages. Imagine Slovenians taking to the streets at the threat of denial of welfare for those who are in the country illegally. The image is preposterous. It would be preposterous even to the educators and radical groups who support the protests on behalf of the Spanish-speaking illegal immigrants. They have spent the last three decades working to instill the idea of this particularly visible group as suffering special persecution. They have started with the most gullible—the young people, their students. And the masses have been emboldened to the point of taking to the streets and burning the flag of the country in which they live. Their claims to be part of the heritage of American immigration sound specious to this immigrant.
We are all equal, but some are more equal than others. This is the message we are getting. It's time to reject that message. Especially when it refers to people who violated our laws to come here, and therefore should not be enjoying the privileges of American citizens.
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I've said this all along too. When my immigrant mom was a waitress for 1.25/hr. No one was lobbying for an increase in her pay. No one gave her freebies. She had to work hard. No one made exceptions for her when she didn't speak good English, except once. When she took her citizenship test, a question was asked "who is the governor of PA?" At the time it was Thornburg. Her response? "Dick Thorntree!" The judge said it was close enough.
People who come to this country legally get the shaft. No one is translating for them, handing their kids free money for school, free lunches and medical care. No, you only get that if you sneak into the country and then whine about how you aren't treated the same as US citizens are. Boils me!
posted by
oddybobo at April 4, 2006 09:53 AM
I m trying to migrate to USA from Slovenia.
Its almost impossible. I d like to set up a
company - to many restrictions. Maybe the
law should be changed but to favour those who want to work, invest, etc. What do you think about that?
Best regards,
posted by
Jure at April 20, 2006 07:21 AM
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