April 11, 2006
Why Don't We Counterprotest?
Mary Grabar knows:
While thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters converge in major American cities waving Mexican flags and signs in Spanish, polls show the vast majority of Americans opposed to their demands.
So why don’t we protest? Why not simply show our strength and wave the American flag and signs in English?
For one thing, we’re keeping the country going. We can’t afford to lose our jobs. We are neither the elites of the alternate universes of the academy and major media, nor are we “artists” supported by tax dollars or trust funds. We are not the beneficiaries of the tax-payer supported largesse that these elites are agitating for on behalf of the illegals. We are not high school teachers who through the brainwashing of our educational system believe that participating in mob protest is a good civics lesson. As the evening news has shown, many of the protestors are jubilant, defiant school children playing hookey and getting taxpayer-funded school buses to take them back to school.
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Actually, we've got a local talk radio host in Dallas - Darrell Ankarlo - who tried to organize a pro-American demonstration in response the the illegal immigrant/Mexican demonstration. But he was shut down by LULAC when they managed to get his permit revoked. They want to be able to protest in favor of ILLEGAL immigration, but want to be able to silence American citizens from standing up and having their voices heard.
Posted by: reverse_vampyr at April 13, 2006 02:54 PM