Mrs. Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Evan Bayh, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Jay Rockefeller, John Edwards, Howard Dean: all of these politicians who are now saying going into Iraq was a mistake didn't think so a few years back. Here they are in their own words. (This little film, sponsored by, takes a few minutes to load, and is less than four minutes in length.)
Facts can sometimes be an inconvenient thing. Especially for a certain presidential candidate who now says things like, "If I had been president in October of 2002, I would not have started this war." Back then, she said, I can support the president, I can suport an action against Saddam Hussein because I think it's in the long-term interests of our national security." This piece is loaded with that and other tasty little tidbits.
Is this your excuse? Seriously? After 6 years of republicans in the majority? This is why the republicans are screw ups? The Democrats made them do it?
You know, for a leader (the highest-ranking woman in the US, we are constantly reminded), Nancy Pelosi sure has a lot to learn. She and her hand-selected companions (including the token Republican) left for the Middle East yesterday, with nary a word on the plight of the 15 British sailors and Marines being held hostage in Iran.
"I am very disappointed that the speaker chose not to act," said Rep. Charles Dent, R-Pa.
"I believe it's important for us as Americans to show our solidarity with the Britons," he added in a phone interview Friday. "The British are our closest allies, and I think we have to stand next to them in a moment like this."
Agreed. Since we got over our differences over 200 years ago, Britain has been our staunchest ally. Even if we can't actually do anything about the situation in Iran until (1) the British act first and (2) they ask us, a show of support and solidarity from our elected leaders is the very least we should offer at this juncture.
But Pelosi & Co. obviously don't see things that way. That the priority is to travel to the Middle East to speak to the president of Syria (against the wishes of this administration) in a blatant affront to President Bush speaks volumes. Britain's situation is just a minor detail.
Obviously, Britain needs to step up to the plate first. Their dithering is making the situation even worse. Iran is doing its best to show other Middle Eastern countries that the West is all bluff and bluster. Continued attempts at diplomacy in a situation where diplomacy is a joke simply bolster Iran's position amongst its neighbors.
No doubt the recent Congressional vote to pull out of Iraq on a specified date is contributing to Iran's renewed beligerence. But power here at home is more important than international consequences.
Democrats worry more about the good opinion of countries like France and Germany, even though France and Germany do everything they can to jam a stick in our foreign policy spokes, and ignore Britain when she needs us. We should all feel embarrassed on their behalf, since they obviously aren't.
Embarrassed is the least of it. Our foreign enemy is delighting and taking every advantage in this collusion with our domestic enemies. And make no mistake -- Pelosi, et al ARE our domestic enemies.
The question then is "Now, what are we going to do about it????"
This rant isn't very conservative of you. So what if someone tries to sell something fake. No one has to buy it. Let the market decide. I hope you're not suggesting we regulate.
Pat over at Brainster has a lengthy piece about Rudy Giuliani's fiscal record as New York's mayor. From what Pat has discovered, Rudy has some explaining to do as far as his views on taxes and responsible spending.
You don't have to like Tony Snow's politics. Heck, you don't have to like him at all. But to mock a man who is dealing with life-threatening cancer and to sell a t-shirt about it, says more about your lack of character than any decent person would care to know about.
I dont like the shirt, I would not buy it but it is freedom of speech - anyone who does not like it can argue why and also speak with action by simply not buying.
I am sure we will not see any Edwards t-shirts about her cancer, which will just show more class on the Republican's side. The person who created this monstosity of a shirt has helped more than he has harmed by continuing to name call, which is hurting both parties of late more than anything!
The only actual pictures or real, linkable comments I could find about this shirt were on conservative websites. It's all very well to say that this is highly reprehensibe and terribly offensive (which it most certainly is), but could you link to something that shows this shirt but is NOT a conservative/religious website?
"...but could you link to something that shows this shirt but is NOT a conservative/religious website?"
Now Ro, aren't we being a little intolerant here?
It is not the "Liberal" content of "Liberal" websites/blogs that we find so offensive, it is the hateful tone in which it is often delivered. If you find a Conservative blog/website where there are similar hateful thoughts expressed towards "Liberals", please advise and we will attempt to discipline them.
Joe -- Pretty much anything I read in a blog, especially one with a particular political bent, is just bunk to me unless I can find some other source outside of that political bent. I don't think that's intolerant at all; much to the contrary, I'd say. And as ugly a/s this is -- and it is, indeed, terribly ugly -- I would have to be blind or overtly selective to think the left spews any more hate speech than the right. (BTW, for webmaster -- I'm getting a spam filter for "ugly a/s"...)
I've written about this on American Thinker today. However, let me point out an error in my own writing here (I've informed the editor at AT about it, and hope he will run the correction).
The link I provided for HR 1401 says that Republicans cast the "nay" votes, while the text in my article says that Democrats voted "nay." Embarrassed? You bet. I definitely regret the error. But my criticism that anyone would object to the provisional language that passengers reporting suspicious behavior be protected from lawsuits still stands.
This is what's great about the Internet. My goof was pointed out to me by a reader, and for that I am appreciative.
UPDATE: Donald W., the reader who pointed out the error, wrote again with more clarification. Here's the text of his e-mail:
I don't see this as a goof. Your point was correct, but it seems the
link or the source you cited possibly had an error.
At a different site (
there is enough information provided to track down the details at and find the relevant text:
find the appropriate place in the text.
A bit farther into the text indicates that a Mr. King demanded a
recorded vote on the motion to recommit (Roll No. 200 ), and in this case the
noes were all votes by Democrats.
The goof seems to be on the part of the site. I see the
AT editor has corrected the page, but it appears to be an edit, as
opposed to what I would call a noted correction (i.e., this was
incorrect, this is the correction).
I sure feel better, and I appreciate the time Donald took to write me!
UPDATE II: AT has the correct link up now. It goes to show that it's important to check and double-check so that the correct information goes out!
Maybe the fault is in link. It says that Bennie Thompson D- MS voted aye, also contrary to your post. Could it be one of those creatively worded amendments where yes means no???
Here's an article from Spiegel Online (the English translation) that is an absolute must-read if you are at all concerned about the rash of anti-Americanism in Europe, specifically in Germany. Don't think it exists? With today's technology allowing us to hear and read news from all over the world, if you don't know about it, you must be too busy watching Dancing With the Stars. Teaser:
[German] Anti-Americanism is hypocrisy at its finest. You can spend your evening catching the latest episode of "24" and then complain about Guantanamo the next morning. You can claim that the Americans have themselves to blame for terrorism, while at the same time calling for tougher restrictions on Muslim immigration to Germany. You can call the American president a mass murderer and book a flight to New York the next day. You can lament the average American's supposed lack of culture and savvy and meanwhile send off for the documents for the Green Card lottery.
Not a day passes in Germany when someone isn't making the wildest claims, hurling the vilest insults or spreading the most outlandish conspiracy theories about the United States. But there's no risk involved and it all serves mainly to boost the German feeling of self-righteousness.
It goes on to discuss how America is the guy in the black hat, while Iran and other Muslim countries wear the white one. Read the rest here.
David's Medienkritik, the German blog devoted to exposing the never-ending anti-American sentitment in German media, has an important point to make:
MAJOR PROBLEM: Neither Malzahn nor Gloger address the key role German media, particularly SPIEGEL and Stern, have played in drastically raising the level of anti-Americanism in Germany over the past several years. In that sense they and their colleagues remain - (Thomas Kleine Brockhoff comes to mind) - in a deep "state of denial." Introspection and self-criticism are painful - but to ignore the horrific malpractice and anti-Americanism in German media over the past several years is, in a sense, to play the audience for fools.
Emphasis mine.
This reminds me of the problems in our own media, where the major outlets are in a state of denial regarding their liberal slant when covering the news. Journalists, constantly looking for ways to expose shoddy practices in business and government, shy away from going so far as to expose their own shoddy practices.
It's a token article, surely. But one that is welcome nonetheless.
Never fails to amuse me that those who have fought and died to protect free speech are those who have to suffer the bricks and bats of the poor misguided liberals.
Der Spiegel and Stern are Germany's Time and Newsweek: glossy moonbat publications that regard the public as idiots. In Germany, they pander to the cheap resentment some Germans feel over having been totally eclipsed by America.
This it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must say all every one. Salve. After this I must say that I m going to post on my Twitter profile. And this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really nice sharing. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on my google search I was very glad. I think I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
posted by bilete avion at October 29, 2011 04:52 AM
What is here it is a great article. But first of all I must salute all every one. Salve. And now I must say that I have post on my Twitter profile. I will do this because finally I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really very good information. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on google search I was very glad. I think I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
posted by keylogger spy at October 30, 2011 01:38 AM
This it is a great piece of information. But first of all I must say all every one. Hello there. After this I must say that I have post on my Facebook profile. And this because finally I found what I was looking for. What you post here is really very good sharing. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on my google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
posted by g shock watch at November 11, 2011 01:16 AM
What you have here it is a great article. But first of all I must say all the visitors. Hello. And now I must say that I will post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because finally I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really very good post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on my google search I was very happy. It is possible I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
This it is a great piece of information. But first of all I must say all every one. Salve. And now I must say that I will post on my Hi5 profile. And this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you post here is really very good post. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on my google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
Bounjour. I just want to say that what you post here is really good sharing so I have post on my Facebook profile so all can have the possibility to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on my google search, and i was so becouse in the end I found what I was looking for. My regrds
Hello. I only want to observe that what you give us here is really very good sharing so I have post on my Facebook profile so everybody can have the freedom to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on google search, and the reason is that in the end I found what I was looking for. My regrds
What is here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must say all every one. Bounjour. And now I must say that I m going to post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you post here is really nice information. When I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on my google search I was very glad. It is possible I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
What you have here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must salute all every one. Hello there. And now I must say that I m thinking to post on my Facebook profile. And this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really very good post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on my google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
What is here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must say all the visitors. Bounjour. After this I must say that I will post on my Digg profile. And this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really good post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
This it is a great article. But first of all I must say all the visitors. Hy. And now I must say that I have post on my Hi5 profile. And this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really respectable post. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Spiegel Online: Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs, on google search I was very happy. I think I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
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posted by fastest boat at November 16, 2011 04:00 PM
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Pat from Brainster has details about the return of the ERA, now known as the WEA. As he says,
[O]ne of the problems liberals have is that they refuse to learn from the lessons of the past, and hence they seem to be steaming full speed ahead into the same shoals that wrecked them 35 years ago.
Hy. I only want to observe that what you say here is really very good sharing so I m going to post on my Twitter profile so all can have the freedom to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, on google search, and the reason is that in the end I found what I was looking for. My regrds
What is here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must say all the visitors. Salve. And now I must say that I will post on my Twitter profile. And this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really respectable sharing. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, in my google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
posted by g shock watch at November 11, 2011 01:22 AM
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posted by g shock watch at November 11, 2011 02:47 AM
What is here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must salute all every one. . And second I must say that I have post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because finally I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really the best post. When I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, on my google search I was very happy. I think I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
Hello. I only want to say that what you say here is really nice sharing so I m going to post on my Hi5 profile so anyone can have the possibility to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, in my google search, and the reason is that finally I found what I was looking for. My regrds
Hy. I just want to emphasize that what you give us here is really the best information so I m going to post on my Hi5 profile so everyone can have the chance to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, on my google search, and the reason is that at last I found what I was looking for. My regrds
Hy. I simply want to emphasize that what you give us here is really nice post so I will post on my Digg profile so all can have the possibility to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, in my google search, and i was so becouse at long last I found what I was looking for. All the best
posted by muuttopalvelu at November 16, 2011 04:25 PM
This it is a great article. But first of all I must say all every one. Bounjour. And now I must say that I m thinking to post on my Twitter profile. And this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really respectable information. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, on google search I was very glad. It is possible I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
This it is an interesting article. But first of all I must salute all every one. Bounjour. And second I must say that I have post on my Twitter profile. And this because finally I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really respectable information. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, in my google search I was very glad. It is possible I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
What you have here it is a great article. But first of all I must say all the visitors. Bounjour. And second I must say that I have post on my Digg profile. I will do this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really good sharing. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: The ERA Back From the Dead?, in my google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
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As hundreds of people protested and others turned out in support, Morristown's council last night endorsed the mayor's effort to have the town's police deputized as federal immigration officers.
"We are looking for lawbreakers and that is it," said Councilman Dick Tighe. "We're trying to take criminals off the streets, we're trying to take criminals out of the country."
Mayor Donald Cresitello has asked the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement to train and deputize up to 10 police officers so they can charge suspects with immigration violations and order them to appear in federal court, which could ultimately lead to deportation.
The mayor's action did not require the council's consent, but the panel approved his move in a 6-1 vote.
Morristown's police stand to be among the nation's first municipal forces to gain such powers. Only 10 law enforcement agencies now participate in the federal program: Florida and Alabama state police, and eight correctional institutions. About 20 municipalities have applied, according to ICE.
Of course it's being called a "racist" and "non-tolerant" move by Hispanics. These terms usually pop up when a community does something to combat illegal immigrants. The idea is to take the focus away from what's really happening (people entering and living in the United States illegally) and create a phony human rights crisis. Meanwhile, communities like Morristown have to deal with rises in crime, as well as having to provide services like healthcare and education to non-citizens, which can be crippling to their economies.
I hope you noticed that the writer of this article was sure to mention how there were "hundreds" of protestors, but failed to give an estimate of how many supporters showed up.
The majority of Americans welcome legal immigrants and wish them well. After all, we all have immigrant pasts. But like any other nation, America has rules about how to enter our country if you want to live here. It's not a free-for-all. Those who don't abide by our rules should be tossed out on their bums. Not only are we tired of those who take advantage, we are tired of those who defend them using tired terms like "racism."
Best of luck to Morristown. I hope other cities and towns take their lead.
We're dealing with a similar situation here in the Dallas suburb of Farmer's Branch, where lawmakers and concerned citizens who want to enforce the law and stop the flow of illegals are branded as racists. Here's to hoping that Morristown, Farmer's Branch, and the rest of America hold fast against the current tide of political correctness.
Tony Blair may be squishy when it comes to social policies in Britain, but he's no squish when it comes to Britain's national security and military. He's now saying that if the 15 sailors and Marines Iran has detained are not released through diplomacy, a "different phase" could begin.
His words, immediately condemned by Iran as provocative, came as the US Navy began its biggest show of force in the Gulf since the invasion of Iraq four years ago, with manoeuvres involving two aircraft carriers, a dozen warships and more than 100 aircraft.
Who's being provacative? Iran grabbed British sailors who they say were in Iranian waters -- a claim that is being disputed by Britain, with Iraqi backing. And, as the US Navy is on hand giving demonstrations, I'm glad to see that if it comes down to it, we will not leave Britain in the lurch.
Commander [Kevin] Aandahl said that it was for regional stability and security. He added: If theres a destabilising effect, its Irans behaviour.
Exactly. Iran started it. We'll see who finishes it.
However, do not despair. Listening to Rush today, he said he thinks the Republicans figured it would be best to get the bill through the Senate as quickly as possible so that President Bush could wield his as-yet-unused veto pen. And with the vote this close, getting enough votes to override the veto will be extremely difficult.
I honestly am in a Jimmah-like malaise right now over politics. I keep thinking that maybe we do need to let the Democrats take over for another four years and then at the end when we have 21% home mortgage rates, maybe we can pull off another twelve years of Republican rule. But no more of the Bushes, they can't do the things necessary for us.
Part of me can understand how you feel about this. However, I don't know if I would wish for America to have to live through four years of the Democrats in order to figure out which party provides better leadership.
While I think W has been a great president overall, his spending habits leave much to be desired. We need a fiscal conservative in office as well as a social one. I'm very interested in the possibility of Fred Thompson running, and am keeping my eyes and ears open in that direction!
Scott Ott at Scrappleface pens what the President ought to (and probably wants to) say:
"I hope my actions tonight make clear to Congress and to our enemies around the world how I view the prospects of surrendering even an inch of ground to the kind of butchers who brought disaster to the streets of New York and the halls of the Pentagon in September 2001."
What is here it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must salute all the visitors. Bounjour. And now I must say that I m thinking to post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really nice post. When I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search I was very glad. It is possible I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
posted by bilete avion at November 1, 2011 07:07 PM
Hy. I just want to observe that what you share here is really the best post so I have post on my Hi5 profile so all can have the chance to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search, and i was so becouse at long last I found what I was looking for. All the best
Salve. I simply want to observe that what you post here is really good sharing so I m going to post on my Twitter profile so everybody can have the possibility to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search, and the reason is that finally I found what I was looking for. My regrds
What is here it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must say all the visitors. Hello there. And now I must say that I m thinking to post on my Digg profile. I will do this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really good post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search I was very glad. It is possible I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
This it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must salute all the visitors. Hello there. And second I must say that I will post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really very good post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search I was very happy. I think I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
This it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must say all every one. Hello. And now I must say that I m going to post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you post here is really nice sharing. When I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, in my google search I was very glad. I think I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
Bounjour. I sincerely want to emphasize that what you share here is really very good post so I have post on my Digg profile so everybody can have the opportunity to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, in my google search, and i was so becouse at long last I found what I was looking for. Thank you
Hy. I simply want to say that what you give us here is really the best information so I will post on my Digg profile so anyone can have the opportunity to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search, and i was so becouse at long last I found what I was looking for. My regrds
What is here it is a great piece of information. But first of all I must say all the visitors. . And second I must say that I m thinking to post on my Digg profile. I will do this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really respectable information. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search I was very happy. It is possible I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
posted by easy money at November 21, 2011 11:45 AM
What is here it is a great article. But first of all I must salute all the visitors. Salve. After this I must say that I m going to post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because finally I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really the best sharing. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Senate Passes Iraq Spending Bill Calling for Scheduled Pullout, on my google search I was very glad. It is possible I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
posted by money online at November 21, 2011 12:04 PM
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Marathon Pundit tells us that the New York Times, whose magazine recently reported on a woman who said she served in Iraq (but now it turns out she did not), pays its publisher Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger Jr. earns $4.4 million in salary and compensation. This, even though stocks and earnings are down.
So much for quality.
It's funny. Newspapers like the Times are usually hot on the trail of CEOs who make big bucks even when their companies are not doing well, yet its own chief continues to rake in the cash while the Times is sinking faster than the Titanic.
thus far Pepsi has been known for inventing and distributing strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
In the past Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and selling strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
thus far Pepsi has been known for making and distributing strangely flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
For a while now Pepsi has been known for coming up with and selling strangely flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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Salve. I just want to declare that what you give us here is really good post so I m thinking to post on my Facebook profile so all can have the possibility to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, on my google search, and i was so becouse at last I found what I was looking for. Thank you
What you have here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must say all every one. Hy. And second I must say that I m going to post on my Facebook profile. I will do this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really nice information. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, on my google search I was very happy. It is possible I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
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Salve. I simply want to say that what you say here is really nice sharing so I m going to post on my Facebook profile so anyone can have the opportunity to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, on google search, and the reason is that at long last I found what I was looking for. My regrds
Bounjour. I sincerely want to emphasize that what you post here is really very good sharing so I m going to post on my Twitter profile so anyone can have the opportunity to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, on my google search, and the reason is that in the end I found what I was looking for. My regrds
Salve. I just want to declare that what you give us here is really good post so I m thinking to post on my Digg profile so everyone can have the freedom to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, on google search, and i was so becouse at long last I found what I was looking for. Thank you
Hello there. I only want to declare that what you post here is really good information so I have post on my Facebook profile so everybody can have the opportunity to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, in my google search, and the reason is that at last I found what I was looking for. All the best
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posted by serwer VPS at November 19, 2011 06:55 AM
What is here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must salute all the visitors. Hello there. And now I must say that I have post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you post here is really nice post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, on google search I was very happy. I think I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
What is here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must salute all every one. Hy. After this I must say that I have post on my Facebook profile. And this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really good sharing. When I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: Is Pinch Sulzberger Worth $4.4 Million?, in my google search I was very happy. It is possible I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
posted by easy money at November 21, 2011 12:35 PM
Between me and my husband we've owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I've settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
I'll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
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In the past Pepsi has been known for producing and distributing strangely flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
In the past few years Pepsi has been known for creating and distributing strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
Congress: Supporting the Troops...As Long As Pet Projects Get Funded
It's no wonder Congress has dismal approval ratings. It seems as though the only way we can get funding for our troops overseas in Iraq is to attach pork projects. Just look at some of the attachments to the recent war funding bill that squeaked through the House:
$4.2 billion in disaster aid for farmers hurt by drought, floods and other disasters in recent years.
$6.7 billion in additional federal efforts to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, including housing aid, public infrastructure funding and aid to Gulf Coast fishermen.
$3.1 billion to implement a 2005 round of military base closures, which helps local communities affected by military base closings paves the way for redeployment of 12,000 troops stationed in Germany and South Korea to domestic bases.
$2 billion for national security efforts such as port security, explosives detection for airline baggage and rail and mass transit security grants.
$747 million to ease a shortfall in the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides health care to children from low-income families.
$640 million in heating subsidies for the poor and elderly.
$500 million to combat Western wildfires.
What does any of that have to do with funding operations in Iraq? Democrats who voted "yes" claim they weren't bought, but that's kind of hard to believe when you look at the add-ons and consider that they total $21 billion.
"Wartime funding should be not used as a gravy train," said Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.
Absolutely. Unfortunately, it's how Congress has behaved for years. Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) says, "I think we also have to make sure that we don't lose sight of what we have to do here at home."
What we need to be doing at home is cutting government pork, not increasing it. But then, it's easy to spend money when it's not yours.
Over the weekend, I received an e-mail from someone named Maxime Phillip, asking me to tell her why I think France sucks. Since I haven't posted on France's suckiness in some time, I figure she must have seen this post of mine that had a "France Sucks" graphic on it.
I was happy to oblige, and thought I might share what I wrote to her with my readers. Enjoy!
While it purports to be a US ally, France does everything it can to stymie US interests. The last time France really helped the US was when the US was fighting for independence from the British...and even that was because France was more interested in poking a stick in rival Britain's eye.
The French press and self-anointed elite take every opportunity to blame everything bad that happens in the world on the US. These days, they specifically blame George Bush, although even when Bush is out of office in 2009, America-bashing will likely remain in vogue.(This is by no means a French-only phenomenon, however.)
France's commitment to socialism means that unemployment is high and economic development is slow. Those hardest hit by this are young people, and more importantly, Muslim immigrants. By giving the immigrants a reason to be angry, France gives radical Muslims a foothold that the French government is unbelievably blind to. The government is signing France's death warrant, both economically and in the fact that Islam will likely become dominant.
France's commitment to the EU has nothing to do with making individual countries stronger, but to create an unelected body that makes laws that affect all Europeans, with France and co-conspirator Germany at the top of the bureaucratic heap.
The French government is, and has been for many years, cowardly, preferring to give in to would-be conquerers rather than fight for sovereignty.
France is whiny. For example, rather than accept that French is no longer the language of business and diplomacy, they complain about it, conducting studies on how to make French more influential. Aren't there more important things for the French government to be worrying about, like the unemployment and slow economic growth noted above?
While baselessly calling the US an imperialistic country, France ignores its own imperialist and colonial past, refusing to admit its role in the mess that is now Rwanda, among others.
They smell badly. It's called deodorant, kids. It's not expensive.
They think Jerry Lewis is a motion picture icon.
They rolled over and surrendered themselves for the Nazis quicker than Paris Hilton does for stray men.
Needless to say, Mademoiselle Phillip has not replied.
UPDATE: A commenter, Lauriane, has told me that Maxime is a man's name. I stand corrected. As for the "fake rivalry" Lauriane mentioned, it's difficult to think that French people think America is great, when most of what we read and hear from their media and government is how rotten America and its culture is. I'm happy that Lauriane is enjoying her (his?...don't want to get caught in that trap again) life here in America, and if we were to meet, I'm sure she/he would actually find me to be a pleasant person. And believe it or not, the majority of Americans (including me) welcome immigrants from all countries with open arms, as long as they're here legally. But when it comes to France, I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Am I wrong about why I think France sucks? Possibly. But I'm not holding my breath to hear the French who love to vilify America admit that maybe they can be wrong too.
For the record, Maxime is a man's name. So Mademoiselle Phillip is a Mister !
I think that you don't know France at all and as a French who live in the US that I'm almost sure that I know better your country that you know mine. I think that the US is a great country and Americans are in general really kind...if only people like you cannot diffuse the image of a fake rivalry between our two countries, it would be perfect and our two people could just learn to discover each other without being as intolerant as you are.
Jim: She "found" me courtesy of another blog and decided to latch on, since she's been banned at that blog. From what I can see, unrelated comments are her specialty. Just do what I do and ignore her.
What Pam neglects to mention, is that she asked me a question on the "other" blog, and complained I didn't answer her. Well, I was temporarily banned on that "other" blog, as she herself just stated above, and couldn't answer her there. In order to answer her question, I had to come over here. Pam even said, on the "other" site, that she had sent me an email (I never got an email.)
Also, on My Point Radio, when Dave invited me to call in, Pam, herself said that she wanted to talk to me, but she didn't have time, and had to get off the phone.
So, she's misleading to imply that I am stalking her over here. And anyway, she herself puts up her webpage, over on that "other" site.
Recall a little war called Vietnam? Check how & why we ended up there!!! It started with French Imperialism. Ho Chi Minh actually approached the USA for help to get rid of the then French backed President - he even copied much of our Constitution! We of course had to stand by the French at the time, look how well that turned out!
All I can think of when France comes to mind - a quite painful event in my life - is their statement right after 9/11. They were with us "in the heart". We weren't interested in their heart at that time - or now. We want and deserve their military support - as meager as it might be. They OWE us.
Rumor has it that New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg is considering entering the race for the presidency in 2008 as an independent. (Bloomberg was a Democrat, then turned Republican when it was clear that he had a better shot at getting elected mayor as a Republican at the time.)
Bloomberg, 65, has told confidants that he will not decide until early next year, when it has become clear whom Democrats and Republicans will nominate.
If he runs for president as a self-financed independent, New York could find itself home to a trio of presidential candidates, an oddity for a state and city often portrayed as far outside the mainstream of American political and social life.
While Bloomberg is a good mayor with respect to fiscal responsibility and keeping New York clean and crime-free, he's also a major lib when it comes to social issues: for example, he wants strict gun control laws, he was behind the strict smoking laws in New York, and he was on board with the banning of trans-fats in restaurants.
Could he win as an independent? It's hard to tell. He's a billionaire, and so can afford to finance his own campaign (as he did during his two runs for mayor). But as much as people whine about wanting more choices, they pretty much stick with the two major parties.
The question would be, then, would Bloomberg be draining votes from the Republican or Democrat candidate?
Pam, can't answer your question over at Jenn's because I've been banned again.
But here's a hint "park services." Then you'll have to decide which park the light bulb going off yet? Could it be the National Park Services...the very ones who don't give out estimates?
If you listen to the end of My Point - Dave, after googleing furiously, finally conceded the point that the "Park Services" (and/or The National Park Services) does not give estimates on crowd numbers. Fact. Then Dave and Jenn proceeded to try and blame the fact that the "park services" no longer gives out stats, on liberals. But's what they do. The fact is, I spoke truth to lies. There are no Park Services estimates, and you, Pam, stated that the Eagles said there was. That would smear the Eagles themselves in a way.
Cinnamon Stillwell Appointed N. California Rep of Campus Watch
Congrats to Cinnamon Stillwell! From her e-mail:
Having spent the last five years as a political columnist and more recently, a blogger, I've now decided to further my involvement in the battle of ideas. In particular, the one raging on American college campuses and most especially, Mideast studies. At this critical juncture in history, it's imperative that the next generation receive an accurate, unbiased education in this most crucial of subjects.
To that end, I'm happy to announce that starting April 1, I'll be the Northern California Representative for Campus Watch. Campus Watch is a program of the Middle East Forum, a think tank that aims to improve Middle East studies at North American universities through research and writing. Founded by Mideast scholar Daniel Pipes and based in Philadelphia, Campus Watch will be developing a presence on the West Coast and I'll be assisting those efforts.
As far as columns go, I'll be writing for Campus Watch and continuing to write for (once a month on a freelance basis) and Along with contributing to the Campus Watch blog, I plan on continuing to maintain my own blog.
Philadelphia The Middle East Forum has appointed R. John Matthies to be assistant director of Islamist Watch and Cinnamon Stillwell to be Northern California representative of Campus Watch.
Mr. Matthies is currently assistant professor of French literature at Brigham Young University. He holds a Ph.D. in romance languages and literatures from the University of Washington (Seattle), where he has also taught, and has a special interest in Islam in France and French imperialism in North Africa. His linguistic expertise includes knowledge of Arabic and Hebrew.
Islamist Watch, a new project of the Middle East Forum, combats the ideas and institutions of nonviolent, radical Islam in the United States and other Western countries.
Ms Stillwell is a contributing political columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle online and a contributing editor to Her articles have appeared in many other publications, plus she maintains a weblog and writes for other internet sources. She has written about Yale for Campus Watch and about Duke, and UC Berkeley for other publications.
Campus Watch, a program of the Middle East Forum, aims to improve Middle East studies at North American universities through research and writing.
It's a well-deserved honor. I'm sure she'll be keeping everyone on his toes!
The Jersey Guys, afternoon drive hosts on WKXW in Trenton, New Jersey, have begun an online listener participation game that encourages people to turn in illegal immigrants or report anyone suspicious. The game is set to wrap up on May 5th, Cinco de Mayo.
Of course, Hispanic activists are angry.
At a news conference Thursday, Hispanic elected officials and others condemned the campaign as dehumanizing, poisonous and idiotic, threatening boycotts of the shows advertisers unless the Jersey Guys apologize.
Scapegoating and stereotyping Latinos does nothing but give bigoted individuals a platform to make ethnic slurs and racist comments, said Assemblyman Wilfredo Caraballo of Newark, calling the campaign a publicity stunt that could incite violence against Hispanics.
But anyone expecting an apology was sorely disappointed when Mr. Carton and Mr. Rossi held an on-air news conference a few hours after Mr. Caraballos comments. Seeking to profit from the recently ignited firestorm, the Jersey Guys gathered a corps of journalists, most of them Hispanic, in their Trenton studios and gleefully refused to back down. They insisted that the campaign was not anti-Hispanic and that the phrase La Cucha Gotcha was inoffensive, likening the song La Cucaracha to a lullaby or a patriotic standard like Yankee Doodle Dandy.
After calling Assemblyman Caraballo a pathetic liar, Mr. Carton repeated his call to deport every illegal immigrant in the country. If youre here illegally, you are breaking the law no better, no worse than the guy who robs the liquor store or the guy who waits to case your house out and robs you of your belongings, he said. You are a criminal.
He went on to blame illegal immigrants for the states high property taxes, problems with uninsured drivers and violent crime. He also hinted that illegal immigrants were more likely to become terrorists. Our country is at war right now, and its very important that we protect our kids, and one of the ways you can protect them is to not let undocumented immigrants into this country, he said.
Exactly. Illegals are not just from south of the border, they can be from anywhere...although Hispanic illegals seem to make up the bulk of the group. And apparently, many New Jerseyans agree with the Jersey Guys, as they have gotten a slew of supporting phone calls.
By making opposition to illegals a "racist" issue, apologists for illegals are trying to take attention away from the facts...that these people are here illegally and therefore breaking federal getting people all riled up about perceived racism. Perhaps the argument is beginning to lose its luster.
To be honest, though, I'm surprised the radio station is allowing the game to go forward. It'll be intersting to see if they cave to special interests or stand firm.
If by the phrase "violence against Hispanics" they mean throwing illegal aliens in police cars, then in jail, and then deporting them, I guess that I am Pro-Violence Against Hispanics.
But, you notice that in your article, Carton and Rossi never uttered the word "Hispanic." They said illegal immigrants. Which is sugar-coating what they actually are anyway.
That would go for anyone that is in this country illegally. Irish? You betcha, and they aren't even Hispanic.
Why is a stand AGAINST ILLEGAL immigration considered bigotted and anit-Hispanic by the liberal media?
If you don't understand how obsured this is then read this:
Certain people are angry that
the US might protect its own
borders, might make it harder
to sneak into this country and,
once here, to stay indefinitely.
Let me see if I correctly understand
the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover
me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, "I've made all
the beds and washed the
dishes and did the laundry
and swept the floors. I've
done all the things you don't
like to do. I'm h ard-working
and honest
(except for when I broke into your house).
According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan You are Required to Educate my kids You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family
(my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.
It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house
And what a deal it is for me!!!
I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my k eep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn
MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can
communicate with me.
Why can't people see how ridiculous
this is?! Only in America
I think the radio show has something really productive going on. Hats of to them.
I think we can get rid of illegals very easily and here's how.
1. offer to give citizenship for every illegal who identifes 15 other illegal aliens.
2. the identified illegals can only be identified one time for the program.
3. the identified illegals will be escorted to their true place of residence.
4. if illegals are identifying eachother, the first who gets to 15 wins.
5. if they purposely try and create a tie they are disqualified and are deported immediately for once again cheating the system.
Just to clarify. It's not a game or a contest. There is no winner. There aren't and "rules".
It's just a movement, with the goal of ridding the state of illegal immigrants. The deadline was just to nothing more than a deadline on when they would have liked to reach their goal, not the day the 'contest' (which it isn't) ends and some one is awarded a prize (which they aren't).
Deporting every one of the one 16 million illegals int he country is not a reachable goal. However, letting the world know that we will be cracking down is.
Other things need to be done as well, like holding employers responsible, as well as corperations that view illegals as a marketable demographic (for instance bank of america handing out credit cards [with sky high intrest rates]).
University of Florida President Bernie Machen says he was "tremendously disappointed" with the school's Faculty Senate vote to deny former Gov. Jeb Bush an honorary degree.
The Senate voted 38-28 Thursday against giving the honorary degree to Bush, who left office in January.
Some say the reason is because Bush was not really a "friend" to the university. His "One Florida" initiative also comes up. "One Florida" would end race-based admissions to Florida state universities.
I think that last bit is key. It would be interesting to see how many U of Florida faculty are Democrats and how many are Republicans, especially when you consider this:
University officials said they could not recall any precedent for the Senate rejecting the nominees put forth by the Faculty Senate's Honorary Degrees, Distinguished Alumnus Awards and Memorials Committee. The committee determines whether nominees deserve consideration according to standards that include "eminent distinction in scholarship or high distinction in public service."
"The committee endorsed him," Machen said. "It is unheard of that a faculty committee would look at candidates, make recommendations and then (those candidates) be overturned by the Senate."
I hope every Republican alumni of the University of Florida withholds his or her contributions to the university until Jeb Bush receives his honorary degree. Im sure Jeb doesnt care whether or not he receives the honorary degree. Nevertheless, the intolerant moron liberal professors at the U of F need to learn a lesson regarding the consequences of their closed-minded actions. I've taken the position of not contributing to my alma maters for similar reasons (NYU will never see a dime of my money). It sure gets the attention of the university presidents and college deans.
I am still donating to my school - Salve Regina - However, I have made it very clear that if they wonder too far from their stated mission, donations are gone. I am starting the college search for my oldest and I'm finding that there are huge differences between some of the "higher learning" institutions!
I'm a UF alumnus and I usually vote Republican. I'll definitely be making my voice known on this (for whatever good it will do). Thanks for the heads' up!
This brilliant speech by Evan Sayet at the Heritage Foundation earlier this month is a must-see. It's nearly 50 minutes, so make sure you have enough time to watch it in its entirety. Quotable quote: "It's not that they're [liberals] not aware of all the things we're aware of, it's that they need to reject them in order to remain in this five-year-old utopia that they've been told is the only hope for mankind."
Thought provoking address, which should be allowed to sink in. I've not yet heard the questions portion.
What Mr. Sayet does not address is what we must do with the liberals. And the terrible price of Leftist thinking. The ruin it has brought to America and the world.
Vanderleun below sweepingly and brutally assesses the Left for its crimes. His is a moral basis for bringing the Left to judgment.
Of the anti war crowd this past March 17:
"Like savages shambling about some campfire where all there is to eat are a few singed tubers, they paint their faces with the tatterdemalion symbols of a summer long sent down to riot with the worms. They clasp hands and sing songs whose lyrics are ash. "We shall... over... come." Overcome what, overcome who? Overcome their nation? Is that their dream? It is the lifelong dream of those that lead them that much is certain."
While reading this opinion column in the Telegraph, where Con Coughlin hopes the US will intervene in Zimbabwe to remove the tyrant Robert Mugabe, I came across this gem in the comments section:
Kosovo, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, etc: The number of european leadership failures of are legion. From the US perspective dear friends in England, "WE'RE BUSY"!!! Take care of your own it yourselves. We Yanks know what the Brits and other Europeans think of us; stupid, foolish, immature, brutish, etc. We read your papers, listen to your politicians. We see the Germans compare us to Nazi killers, and the French go out of their way to discredit and obstruct us in every manner possible. Dear friends; it's time to conclude the great divorce. I for one am more than willing to pull the US from NATO, tear up the GATT, ignore DOHA, and turn the defense of Europe over to the good graces of the French and the Germans. WE DON'T NEED YOU, AND WE ARE TIRED OF ALL OF YOU. I know the feelings are mutual. We needn't think badly of each other; we needn't think of each other at all. Posted by Dave on March 23, 2007 4:12 AM
PJ Media linked in the last few days to a expert's assessment of international relations in the near future. What Dave says is predicted.
Simply because Europe won't count anymore. It will have minimal influence in the future. The US must build new alliances with India and China, along the Pacific Rim, letting Europe slip into oblivion.
Perhaps that foreboding lies behind some of the European elites' dislike of us. They know we're getting ready to cut them loose.
I belive we need to get out of NATO and boot the UN right off our shores. They are both in the same vein. They hate America and our freedom but they sure want to live here to take advantage of our freedoms. We need to invite Poland and some of the other eastern European countries that have stood with us in the war on terror into a new organization. They understand what it is like to live under a bootheel. Britain would and is still our best friend in Europe.
I dunno. while the comment was GREAT, I still have affection for Britain and Ireland and former eastern bloc countries (Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic - remember what their president said about global warming!).
I am all for an anglosphere alliance. Canada needs to split in two to join, however. none of the frenchie fags from Montreal and points east.
Perhaps we could modify it to say that we're more than happy to form alliances with the "new" Europe (Poland, Ukraine, etc...former Eastern Bloc countries), and keep the alliance with Britain. Everyone else: fugeddaboutit.
Inside Lacrosse Magazine writer Paul Caulfield told FOX News on Thursday that several sources have revealed to him that the assault and attempted kidnapping charges still pending against Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y.; Dave Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md.; and Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Falls, N.J., will soon be dropped.
Caulfield said his sources include more than just attorneys for the defense.
"There is no case here and they will be hearing a dismissal in the coming days," Caulfield told FOX News.
Meanwhile, Durham's DA Mike Nifong is dealing with his own problems: ethics charges from the state bar association stemming from the case, including the accusation that he held back exculpatory evidence that could have helped the defendants prove their innocence.
There have been rumors that the families of Finnerty, Seligmann and Evans may be considering civil lawsuits against Nifong, Duke or the state if it turns out the accuser's story doesn't pan out and Nifong is found to be guilty of mishandling the case.
Normally I don't go for "gotcha" litigation, but in this case, I believe such lawsuits would be justified. These young men were publically humiliated on a national scale, both by the press and the school they attended. "Concerned faculty" who care more about their ideas of social justice than real justice were quick to publish a public statement that essentially branded the students as guilty before the case even got to court. And Nifong, in a tight race for re-election, decided that courting the black vote at the expense of "privileged white guys" was an acceptable tradeoff. Not only do I hope he's sued, but I hope the North Carolina bar decides to strip him of his credentials. He's a disgrace to the legal profession.
The accuser was called in yesterday for one last discussion about the case with prosecutors. Ace says,
It's to give the "victim" a diginity and courtesy she doesn't deserve -- first notice of the case being dropped, and an overly kind explanation for the state's decision.
Because they just don't have the onions to say what we all have known for a half year: She's a half-crazy drugged-out hooker and a God-damned liar. (And I choose my words carefully. Mean every one of them.)
Harsh? Perhaps. But as her identity has been kept secret all this time while the Duke students have had their names dragged through the mud on trumped-up charges, a little harshness is in order.
To paraphrase Ray Donovan - Where do they go to get their reputations back?
I hope this is a "teachable moment" for college-aged men. Nothing good will come of a drunken party with a drunken stripper.
A few years ago, if memory serves me correctly, a groom and best man, from suburban Cobb County, were shot and killed on Stewart Ave., near the airport, in an area known to be a "red light district", after they got into an argument with a pimp during a bachelor-party outing. The Atlanta City government changed the name of the street to Metropolitan Parkway, to try to "clean up its image".
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Pardon me if this can be off-topic, but additional people ought to definitely concentrate on what just happened in Oslo. Just try to remember it could happen in our nation also.
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As much as I cannot abide John Edwards the presidential candidate, I do wish his wife Elizabeth (and him, as her husband) only the best as she battles the recurrence of a cancer she thought had been eradicated. It's tempting to criticize Edwards for continuing his campaign, but I would assume that his wife supports his decision to do so, and therefore it's not my place to say anything but "play ball!"
BTW, none of the conservative blogs I've read regarding Elizabeth Edwards' cancer have had anything but kind words for the couple as they deal with this medical crisis. Compare that to those on the left who are always so quick to wish for the death of any conservative who faces serious health problems. Just something to think about...
I believe it was Michael Barone on the Hugh Hewitt, saying that in his experience, the Edwards' staff had been one of the more polite during the 2004 campaign. I guess he was excepting the bloggers from a month or two ago.
Certainly, of the two Kerry/Edwards couples, Elizabeth is the most benevolent individual. And maybe despite political differences, maybe John Edwards is - deep-down - a decent person, who lost his way while becoming a trial lawyer.
Its really great to see that people understand its not about politics, its about a woman suffering from cancer that can not be cured only treated.
Edwards offered to suspend the campaign and his wife told him hell no..I wouldn't want to rob the world of you as the President. I know you aren't too hot on the idea of Edwards as Prez, but it was her idea not his...which frankly floored me..but she is a good woman. I watched their press conference, so I am not quoting directly, just paraphrasing what she said.
If the Democrat Party won a mandate back in November, why are they so divided on the issue of Iraq?
Democratic Party leaders are facing a caucus deeply divided on the issue and hold only a narrow majority in Congress. With their hands tied if just a few members stray, Democratic leaders are finding it tough to pass legislation that would require Bush to start bringing troops home.
If the Dems think that voters wanted to see more backbiting and less cooperation in Congress than ever, then they'd better think again. According to a Gallup poll taken just last week, the approval rating for Congress is at 28%, with 64% of respondents disapproving. President Bush had better ratings in the same week, although the media would rather you not find that out.
Stunts like Barbara Boxer's rudeness toward Republican committee members during televised hearings may amuse the folks over at CNN, but average Americans are getting tired of this kind of behavior.
It's time for the Dems to either put up or shut up...and please, start acting like grownups!
As you know, I'm currently in the Atlanta area, taking a software training course for work. While I'm enjoying the temperatures in the 70s (I heard it snowed back in Connecticut last night...hah!) and loved going to Waffle House for breakfast this morning, I have one complaint: hardly anyone I've spoken to here has a Southern accent.
From my course instructor (I think he has an Italian accent) to people at the store to the people in the hotel, only a few I've spoken to have that lovely Southern drawl. Listening to the radio and watching local TV is even more annoying, as everyone on air has the same type of "radio" voice. WTF?
I realize that our mobile society means that people don't necessarily stay in the same town or area all their lives. I also realize that our entertainment is becoming less localized and more nationalized. Still, I'm disappointed. We expect Bostonians to sound like Ted Kennedy (without the slurring), and we expect Mainers to sound like the guy in the old Pepperidge Farm commercials (ay-yep, Pepperidge Fahm remembahs!) it too much to expect Southerners to sound Southern?
*One person did not disappoint...I spoke to Joe from Geosciblog on the phone. He lives in the area, and we're planning a quick get-together tomorrow evening before I go home on Thursday. He sounds like a good ol' Southern boy. Phew!
Goodness, you really didn't know that Atlanta isn't even in the South? Well, it is Detriot South anyway. If you will simply leave the ATL and go thirty minutes in any direction, you will have the time of your life and finally get some good food. And I'm surprised that Joe didn't let you in on the secret.
And I'm upset that the two of y'all are getting together and I am not there. I feel like y'all are cheating on me.
John Edwards Touts New Home's Ecological Advantages
Just because he built a huge house doesn't mean tha John Edwards doesn't care about the environment...his house is "a model of energy efficiency."
The house was built from the beginning, both in its location for passive solar and the use of active solar, to help provide some of the energy for the house," Edwards said in an interview with The Associated Press. "It doesn't provide all of the energy, but it provides some."
He says he is also committed to making the house "carbon neutral," which is moonbatese for "being rich enough to use money to assuage self-inflicted liberal guilt."
Basically, Edwards is trying to deflect criticism that he, who constantly harps about "two Americas," lives in the "America" that he is fond of criticizing. What he doesn't seem to understand is that people are tired of his lecturing us on what we should be doing with our money, not the fact that he can afford to live in a 28,000 foot home.
That, and he's trying to jump on Al Gore's foundering global warming bandwagon, as he tries to resuscitate his barely-in-the-double digits campaign.
While leftwingers here break out into cries of "censorship" anytime they are criticized, real censorship is taking place elsewhere, with unpalatable results:
THE former editor-in-chief of a Chinese Website has been given a six-year prison term for subversion, the Ningbo Intermediate People's Court in east China's Zhejiang Province said.
The court ruled yesterday that Zhang Jianhong, former editor-in-chief of a Website named "Aiqinhai," or "Aegean Sea," had written articles which defamed the Chinese government and amounted to agitation aimed at toppling the government.
After his Website was shut down and he was punished for illegal practices, Zhang had published more than 110 articles under the pseudonym "Lihong" on overseas Websites from May to September 2006, the court said.
A court statement said that in more than 60 articles, Zhang had slandered the government and China's social system to vent his discontent with the government.
The court also deprived Zhang of his political rights for one year.
The statement said the court had showed leniency in the trial as Zhang showed remorse after his arrest. Zhang was unemployed after his Website was closed.
Six years in jail for criticizing the government online is lenient? I'm afraid to find out what Zhang would have been subject to if the judge was having a bad day.
Just one more thing to be grateful for here in America...
I'm on a business trip in the warm, sunny suburbs of Atlanta! I'll be posting, but not as much as the meantime, please do check out the blogs on my sidebar!
Aaron and I just got back from The Mall in Washington DC, where we joined the Gathering of Eagles at the Vietnam Memorial. It was a cold and bitter day. I brought no gloves, but bought a cheap pair from one of those carts that sells t-shirts and all sorts of other goodies to the tourists. Good thing...I definitely needed them. Here are my impressions and sure to go to Lifelike Pundits to get Aaron's reflections and the video he shot with his trusty little PDA. If nothing else, check it out to see yours truly on video...
(Note: I neglected to bring a notebook, so I can't give as much detail about names, etc., that I'd like to.)
We arrived around 9:30. The gathering began at 7, but both Aaron and I were tired, and couldn't manage to get our butts out of bed early enough to get there first thing. So by the time we had arrived, a nice group of people had already shown up.
Here's Aaron, ready to face whatever comes his way. (Note from Aaron: Now, Pam, you have to tell people that while I'm a brawny guy, that picture makes me look fatty fat. I was wearing t-shirt, dress shirt, a jacket, a coat with a side bag, sign and flag draped all over me. Gay men are only allowed to look that bad in drag.)
Here's a distance shot of the main gathering at that time.
Another view of the crowd, close up.
The grassy area where the Move America Forward folks had set up their platforms was nasty and muddy from yesterday's rain and sleet. The wet ground meant that the microphone from the main platform shorted out several times, but fortunately they had a bullhorn to take up some of the slack. Here's Melanie Morgan from Move America Forward. She served as co-MC, revving up the crowd and helping to introduce various speakers from the Move America Forward caravan. The "USA!" chant was encouraged in between speakers. (The man you see on the left corner of the platform is a sign interpreter.) Sorry about the angle; I didn't get a prime spot...but was glad to get as close to the platform as I did.
One thing that set us apart from the "Hate America First" crowd was that our program started off with the Pledge of Allegiance, a beautiful live rendition of the National Anthem, and a prayer by Rev. Ed Anthony, a Vietnam veteran. It was very moving. We also had Gold and Blue Star parents speaking to us about the service of their sons and daughters in Iraq, and how much they honored that service and how much they appreciated the support of the "silent majority."
This woman, whose son is currently serving in Iraq, sang a beautiful song that she had written in honor of those who lay their lives on the line in service to our country. I write this, I find this early AP article that focuses on the anti-war rally sponsored by ANSWER, Code Pink, and so on, giving short shrift to those of us who were there in support of our troops. Around 11:30, we heard an unofficial tally that said there were 3,000 pro-troop folks compared to 2,000 anti-troop folks. You won't hear that from AP!
I really liked the message that Marianne from Cincinnati had on her back and in her hands. She said she "came to support the troops."
Another favorite sign:
More shots of the crowd enjoying the program:
A wider shot:
There were a lot of veterans at this gathering. Obviously, they're tired of having the military that they served in proudly having its name dragged in the mud by folks like Jane Fonda and Medea Benjamin.
After a while, Aaron and I wandered over to the area on Constitution Avenue where the Gathering of Eagles folks were also standing to "guard" the entrance to the Vietnam Memorial.
This was an area where many leftwingers had to pass to get to the anti-America group down the road. Many of them seemed a bit bewildered having to walk by proud Americans waving Old Glory in their faces, and quite a few simply walked by as quickly as they could to get it over with.
DC cops getting paid to stand in the cold to make sure the crowds didn't get out of control. Very competent and professional...thanks guys!
Here's an ANSWER sign in an appropriate spot. (No, I didn't put it there!)
There were some harsh words exchanged between some of the Eagles and the lefties, but no physical altercations took place, at least not while we were there. But most of the comments included ones like, "Thank a veteran!" and "We support the troops!" Aaron enjoyed shouting slogans like, "Soap...shampoo" and "Drum circles were so '90s!" when silly folks walked by banging drums being dragged on wagons. I'm not the "in your face" type, so I just enjoyed standing there and alternating my signs for all to see.
More moonbats on their way. A few of them tried hanging around to counter our presence, but the loud chanting of "USA!" eventually drove them away. Patriotism: the most effective moonbat repellent.
It's interesting to see the "two Americas" at work. There are the Americans who drove or flew into DC in order to support the troops and their mission, waving unadulterated flags and taking pride in their country. Then there are the Americans who rode in on buses (provided by who, I wonder?) who couldn't wait to condemn the very people they should be thanking for standing up for their right to protest, some sporting ghoulish, tasteless masks and signs. I wonder what John Edwards would have to say about that?
The Gathering of Eagles began breaking up around 2:00, as most of the lefties had passed by then. As Aaron and I drove away, we went by the ANSWER site. I snapped this picture from the very nice of them to leave so much garbage behind.
We had a great time, and were glad to do our part to show our troops how much we support them AND there mission. After all, it's the jihad, stupid! The left may have the MSM behind them, but the troops have the silent majority behind them...a majority that is beginning to speak out.
P.S. Thanks to Aaron for having me! Now it's time to put my slippers on and warm my feet up...
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin was there...I had hoped to be lucky enough to run into her, but no dice. Here's her post with her photos and commentary.
UPDATE 2: Apparently comments are not working...if you'd like to comment, please send me and e-mail and I'll be happy to post it.
UPDATE 3: Aaron was interviewed by WAVY-TV, and he was featured in their story. Click here for the online article, which also has a link to the video (click on the first video link embedded in the story entitled "Iraq war protestors march on Washington.") My sign makes a cameo appearance as well!
UPDATE 4: Park Service personnel estimate that there were 30,000 of us protesting the protesters. See Gathering of Eagles for details.
Pam -- you haven't lost your radio voice! You did a great job tonight and I so appreciate you spending time with me on the air, bringing us the truth of what happened at the march and rally.
Looking forward to the next time we can chat on the air!
On a lighter and less serious note...the sweet taste of revenge, laughter and remarKable entertainment over watching the Garden of Eden get trampled to death with both sides responsible for its impending doom. One side says "we must stay" which will descend the heavenly father's precious little garden into a wasteland and one side says "we must leave" which will descend the heavenly father's precious little garden into a wasteland. Either way...viKtory for a well laid plan with the help, support and finacing by the labrats!
KiKK us out will you...witness the rise. *****K****L******W****L*B**************K
More cheerful words from an Eagles' participant.
You know TF Boggs from FoxNews.
"..I blame the media as well. When we approached the protest site today media vans lined the road around the anti-crowd but were nowhere to be seen near the Gathering of the Eagles. Why? I don't know so I can't tell you, but what I do know is that it is a joke. I am sure whatever they put on the TV will be an exaggeration so don't buy the hype. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today no matter what the TV tells you.
What did happen today was a bunch of people from across the country came to D.C. in support of the military and our president. They made an impact on each other if not on the media. So I leave D.C. feeling better about our chances winning the war in Iraq after seeing the lame anti-crowd. If they are our only opposition then we are okay."
I was there and I will be there again if the moonbats come back. Mud, cold and wind no problem. To our troops I say you take care of the enemy over there, we will take care of the domestic enemy. The Nam vets will cover the home front. Never again will we be quiet.
There are plenty of things in our Nations past that were regretful, as a nation of good people it would be shameful had we not learned from those times. Our President,our Military,and people like those trying to support our country
seem to only want good for us and the rest of the world. I'd say they have learned and some still need to be taught. Continue to Believe!!
God Bless.
Hey Thanks for your on the scene report. It echoes what many of my fellow bloggers on the scene also said.
Glad to see also that Rush Limbaugh picked up your item from American Thinker and that the success of the Gathering news got out despite the media's best efforts to ignore it.
This is the first time that anyone has answered back to Answer, and you can bet they didn't like it. Saturday was hyped to be some huge protest on the 40th anniversary of the big anti-Vietnam war and it flopped.
Worse still, we bested them in crowd numbers and spirit.
I still can't figure out what big $$$ lefty mastermind thought that a sea of black/orange and yellow signs was a good idea? Were the defeatists orginally planning their march for Halloween?
Thanks again for your report and for being the eyes and ears of so many who could not attend. I hope we build on the success of this event for the future and begin mastering the techinque of mass protest that has too long been the exclusive purview of the America haters.
Just wanted to thank you Pam for the article you published at American Thinker. It was good to hear the details of a demonstration of which, for once, we can all be proud. Just 80 war protesters gathered in Providence, many of them Brown students. Unfortunately the Providence Journal provided front page coverage.
Like your blog, especially the name! Keep up the good work.
Thanks. It does my heart good to hear that people do support my husband. Please keep speaking out in support for the military. We need to hear it.
posted by Chrissy at March 20, 2007 11:33 AM
I was at the protest in Washington D.C. last Saturday also. I was protesting the war and hoping for the impeachment of the president. It concerns me deeply that anyone could actually believe that any of us would even THINK of desecrating a monument that honors the men and women who have given their lives in a war ( whether or not it was legitemate) that right now with the point I'm trying to make, is irrelevant. It is not the fault of a serviceman or woman who HAS to do what the government tells them to do. That is not the issue here. You guys actually BELIEVE that we are against our country, that we do not care about the welfare of our soldiers, and that we are terrorists. I know this, because I have never heard so many hateful comments being spewed from across the way as I did that day while trying to promote peace. I was called a cunt a bitch a terrorist, etc., etc., etc. All because I personally do not believe that anymore people should lose their lives for the reasons that the govt. are trying to give us. I love this country, and the fact that our freedoms are being chipped away at slowly but surely, concerns me. I have a voice, as do you. That is one of our freedoms. My voice isn't spewing hatred, it is promoting love. If I believe that something needs to be done to keep our rights upheld by our govt., I will speak out to make that change, or to at least do what I can as a proud citizen of this country...not because I'm not patriotic, but because I AM PATRIOTIC. I want to see this country thrive, not go down the tubes and do things that I and so many others feel are unjust, all the while using our money, and doing these things in the names of the American people. That does not make me or anyone else who feels that way a terrorist, or unpatriotic. I want the troops to come home and be with their families. I am a woman veteran myself. Everytime we flashed a peace sign, and even when not, we were given the finger. Little kids from the pro-war side were giving us the finger even. There were hateful, immature signs. Horrible things that were being said, and sick name-calling. I found that to be sad and at the same time scary...scary, because if the people of this world do not get it together and start approaching each other with love and respect for their differences, we will all inevitably destroy each other through our own hate. I can hear some of you now...yah, yah hippie, keep talking your love's never going to know what?, it can.....
If there is light in the soul,
there will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
there will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
there will be order in the nation,
And if there is order in the nation.....
there will be peace in the world.
Don't feel so bad, we've been ignored by the mainstream media for eons too.
Peace, love and light to you anyways, whether you wish it for me or not.
Well, AM, I was not among those hurling insults, as I do not agree with that sort of behavior. However, I heard plenty of nasty language from the peace marchers, so there is blame enough to go around. Many of those who were with the Eagles were veterans. Do you agree that it was okay for some to call them "motorcycle hooligans" and "baby killers?"
I'm sorry if you do not understand the reasons we are in Iraq. We went in because, after what happened on 9/11, our government (including a majority of Democrats, may I remind you), thought Saddam Hussein was a grave threat. He had flouted numerous useless UN resolutions, and the intelligence we had pointed to his having WMDs. That turned out to be wrong, but as hindsight is 20/20, we can only move forward. And no matter what, getting rid of Saddam was a good thing.
Were we to leave now, as you and others advocate, it would create a vacuum. That vacuum would be filled by the terrorists who have been fighting us in Iraq (and most of them are not Iraqis, but have come from other Middle Eastern countries in the name of jihad), and likely Iran, which is itching to spread its power and influence over its neighbors. Think about it: most of the violence, including the killing of civilians, is being caused by the terrorists. If you think it's bad now, just think of what would happen to the Iraqis if we were to leave before their military and police forces were able to withstand the onslaught that would certainly occur. Think of what would happen to those who have cooperated with the Americans. Think of the bloodshed then. Leaving now would mean Iraq would have no chance whatsoever. Then our presence there really would have been for nothing.
What so many people do not understand is that sometimes war IS necessary. Dictators and tyrants would run the world if no one stood up to them. Should no one have done anything about Hitler? A stable haven of democracy in the Middle East means that radical Islam and terrorism has one less place to go, and provides a model for other countries to aspire to.
Do you really believe that if we stand down that suddenly the world would be magically peaceful? If so, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. As I said earlier, tyrants do not care about peace. They'd be more than happy for us to get out of their way so that they could wreak their bloody brand of governance on those weaker than they.
This will not likely convince you. I have found that most "peace" activists don't want to listen to the other side, as they believe their views are morally superior to mine and those who think like me. But do think it over...
No, I do not think it is ok for anyone to call someone a babykiller, or call them hooligan bikers. I have p[lenty of friends who are bikers, and I love them dearly. As for the babykiller thing...that is wrong as hell. Anyone who hasn't experienced what the soldiers in Vietnam went through can never say shit about what they "think" that person went through. Unphathomable to most. My SSG in the military 20 yrs. ago told me some horror stories about Nam, and some of the things he himself had experienced. Can't even begin to imagine what him and others have gone through, nor would I pretend to try. So, no, I don't condone any kind of filthy talk like that.
Believe it or not, there are some things that you are saying that I agree with, and understand where you are coming from on certian issues, but I do feel like there is a huge misunderstanding and a lack of true listening where us "peace" promoters are concerned too. Again, my main message being.....we the people need to listen to each other, find a common ground, and work together instead of considering ourselves seperate in every sense of the word. Unity..not division. It starts within each of us, however small. I do appreciate you taking the time to respond to my original letter, and not being hateful. See, I even figured I would get horrible flack for posting my view, and I still may by some, but like I said ..thanks. Sometimes we let fear of opposition allow us to make judgements on how others will be, when in all actuality, it's what we expect that conditions our responses. AM
What good is a free press, if it is a false press? That question has been bouncing around in my head all weekend long. I have been dismayed at the lack of coverage of the Gathering of Eagles that occurred on St. Patricks Day in Washington, D.C.. Think of it this way: how many of you would continue to play in or watch a sporting event in which one team had control of the scoreboard and kept subtracting points from one team and adding them to the other team? I would immediately quit the game. Maybe that is why for about two years now, I have not subscribed to the local papers and quit advertising my business in them.
The Gathering of Eagles came about as the Vietnam veterans realized that the war protesters planned to begin their march near the Vietnam War Memorial, the wall. They looked at the previous protests and realized that graffiti and desecration was often done as a part of the protest. Earlier this year the steps of the Capitol were spray painted and a statue of a sailor was defaced. Additionally, on some of the websites there were threats to desecrate the wall, just to show those baby-killers. By the way, isnt it about time that we quit insulting the heroes of America and respect the fact that they risked their lives for their country? They were all that stood between the people of South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia and the spread of communism. We read about The Killing Fields in Cambodia, and we know that 2 million people were killed there. Guess the domino theory about communism was true after all. Anyhow, about 6 weeks ago Vietnam vets began contacting each other and planning to go to DC, just to form a human chain around the wall. Several people that I talked to and have read about since, had less than a weeks notice of the event and pretty much dropped everything and came running. One soldier standing next to me was just back one week ago from Iraq. He and his wife drove 12 hours through the New England blizzard to be there. My last words to him were, Soldier, when you get back to Iraq, tell them about us. We came here to support you guys and as you can clearly see, there are more of us, than there are of them.
That brings me to the main reason for writing this and posting it for the people of Venango County to read. With only 6 weeks to organize, hardly any advertising, and no promotion from conservative talk radio, the Gathering of Eagles drew what the park police unofficially estimate to be 30,000 people. This information is found on the main page of the official website: . I could tell that we outnumbered the war protesters, but I didnt realize how badly until afterward. Eagles were everywhere!! On the other hand, the protestors had been planning their event for nearly a year and they were well financed and organized; yet they could only muster less than 10,000 people.
Let me briefly talk about who the war protesters were. They were organized by ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). According to the New York Times, this group was initially associated with the Workers World Party (communist) and now affiliated with a breakaway faction of that party called the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Many in the crowd carried Answer Coalition signs bearing the image of the Latin American revolutionary Che Guevara (again communist). The New York Times article went on to say that many in the crowd said that they were unfamiliar with the Answer Coalition and were puzzled by the many signs about socialism (These clueless followers are often referred to as useful idiots.) Many in the war protest crowd looked as bizarre as possible, some wore masks, others covered their faces with bandannas. Some of them were bussed in from Philadelphia since they would be receiving high school credits for attending a protest! Wow. If I were in a crowd and found out that many in that crowd were socialists, that would be a good time to get out while the getting was good...they had that choice! The war protesters had and still have the right to free speech, but under communism/socialism, guess what happens to the right to free speech ... thats right, it is gone! Many people who seem to favor communism would not last a year under communism.
Now, let me describe what I saw at the Gathering of Eagles. I saw raw patriotism. The Eagles were primarily comprised of some of the greatest men this country has to offer. These guys didnt just say they loved their country, they have proved it. What I saw at the wall was indescribable. It was more, much more than a family reunion. There were greetings between total strangers who had a common bond...they were there, they know what it really was. There were tears at that wall; Im not ashamed to say that I wept there, also. 58,000+ brave soldiers are named on the wall. There is a reverential spirit there that can only be experienced. I know of no other experience that even comes close to the feeling of being at the wall. Being there with thousands of heroes is something that may never happen again in my lifetime, but it was worth staying up all night driving to be there. The Park Police had taken adequate measures to protect the memorial: you had to empty your pockets; no backpacks were going in; you went through metal detectors plus the wand, as well as a pat down. Even if they had not taken those steps, every time I looked over at the Vietnam wall, there were thousands of patriots who were not going to allow the communist-backed useful idiots a chance to do damage. This was real, this was serious to them...make no mistake, they are awakened and they are angry about the war protesters. Some of them have sons and daughters currently in Iraq and Afghanistan and their thought is: you may have disrespected me when I came back but YOU WILL NOT DO IT TO MY KIDS!!
We met people who jumped into Holland during World War II; we met one Swift Boat Vet; we stood shoulder to shoulder with some very fine people who love their country. We had the chance to meet Michelle Malkin, a conservative blogger, who posted a lot of pictures on her website: One of the pictures shows the two men from Franklin who accompanied me to Washington, D.C. Mr. Wade Rogers and Mr. Dan Reinsel were with me and saw the same things I saw. At one point, I stepped back and looked at the Eagles gathering on one side of the street and compared them to the other side of the street. On our side, I could see hundreds and hundreds of American flags. On the other side of the street, I saw 4-5 flags -- and one of them was desecrated. When the Eagles chanted, wheres your flags, wheres your flags?, the protestors realized their mistake. So they hastily found 6 flags and brought them up to the front row...that, my friends, was telling. You hold a rally in the capital of the USA and bring less than a dozen American flags??? I guess that makes sense if your sponsors belong to the communist party.
During the about an hour face-off, I was approached by a German reporter who asked why I was there. My reply was something along the lines of this, I love our troops and my country!
And I have a very compelling reason to be here. A young man who used to work for me, my oldest sons best friend, gave his life for his country in Iraq. The memory of Jonathan Kephart is probably the biggest reason why I am here. Make no mistake, I am 100% behind our troops. If the war protesters think they are helping our troops, they are sadly mistaken. If the park police had not been directly between him and the protesters once they began their march, one of the soldiers fresh back from Iraq really -- and I mean really -- planned to go out and knock some heads. Maybe then, if these protesters were given a reality check from some of the troops that they are putting in harms way by encouraging the enemy, they might get the message that our troops do not appreciate their stupidity!!!
Getting back to that German reporter ... he reminded me about a similar march 40 years ago and asked if I thought that this march would have the same effect. My immediate answer was a loud NO.
He seemed startled and then asked why. I said, Look around you. We outnumber them here at their staging ground. Look over at the wall. Almost everyone that you see over there is a part of our group--there are thousands over at the wall. Furthermore, there is our staging area over the knoll. There are thousands over there who cannot bring themselves to go to the wall but they are meeting old friends over there as well as listening to our speakers. Most of us came here to confront the war protesters, though. Additionally, 40 years ago, there were people who were here in support of our troops. If you are a Vietnam vet, it is important to me that you read the rest of this paragraph. Either one or two weeks after the war protesters marched in 1967, Rev. Carl McIntire organized a March for Freedom. I was an 7 year old boy at the time. Why did I go? I was going because my dad was going. He said that there were young men from our church ( Im still in contact by email with one of them; you can bet he will see this essay!) who were far away in a place called Vietnam fighting against communism and it was important to stand up for them. I told some of the vets during the day that back then, we filled up the lawn in front of the Washington Memorial. There were speakers who addressed the crowd. One memory I have is of Uncle Sam on stilts. Also, I can remember a man dragging the communist flag with its hammer and sickle, through the crowd. He was giving us the opportunity to spit on the commy flag, so I did! In telling of our rally back then, one woman said, I was there, too, as a 13 year old girl. Welcome back to Washington!
The soldiers who heard me said that was the first time they had heard about it. No wonder they thought all their country hated them; they were never allowed to hear the voice of those who loved them. When the soldiers from our church came back, they were welcomed back as the heroes that they are. So, let me tell you this, I supported the troops back then and I still support them today!
There was a group in D.C. on Saturday called Moving America Forward. They started in San Francisco, Ca. one week before the rally. They stopped at 25 places and held Support the Troops rallies. (Surprised to have not heard about it???) Their goal was to collect hundreds of USA flags to send to the troops in Iraq and Afganistan. They were given 10,000 flags from people all across the United States. Do not tell me that patriotism is dead in America!
One veteran posted his encounter with a young female British reporter. Their conversation turned to the fact that America is not imperial, but has liberated many countries in our history. This reporter asked what countries has America ever liberated? The veteran began to list: France, Spain, Belgium, and the reporter stopped him with a question that made his jaw drop: When did America ever liberate France? He said, Have you never heard of Normandy? This is who we are dealing with -- and uneducated public.
The confrontation: One radio station, WTOP in Washington, DC. said that at one point the war protesters encountered counter-protesters At one point??? I was there. We faced off for at least an hour across the street from them, voicing our displeasure with them. When it came time for them to march, they had to walk past thousands of us. There were only 2 lanes and a lot of police protecting them. They heard our voice and they heard it loud and clear. The term communist came up often; so did useful idiots. Indeed, they heard from us nearly half of their parade route. Many of us let them know that they were making Al Quaida strong and making our troops weak. On one side were the heroes, on the other side were the zeroes. They got a chance to hear what patriots think of their cowardice. We were not just a speed bump.
Lastly, often I have seen the term barking moonbats applied to this crowd. Until I see that they do know their history, the term stands. Their highest insult is to call someone a Nazi. The nazis killed their millions but the communists have more than tripled that body count in the number of their own people that they have massacred. The current threat that we face is from Islamo-Facists. Because of their willingness to obtain and use chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, this group has the potential to kill more millions than nazism and communism combined! Would they do that? Well, in the Sudan over a 10 year period, they have killed over two million with just conventional weapons.
Until this crowd shows some respect for the heroes, dead and living, they deserve the term moonbats. But they are protected and propped up by our news media. The boos resounded for the press as they advanced in front of the march. Reporters were asked by many of us to just tell the truth, give the score accurately. At the time, they promised to do that. But we see that most are not interested in accuracy, only agenda. This was the first Gathering of Eagles, but I believe it wont be the last. Just as surely as I believe that Americans will never let another plane be hijacked without fighting back, so I believe that wherever the moonbats gather, the Eagles will gather together to soar above them and let their voice be heard!
I was MIA today due to my traveling to Maryland, where I am Aaron's guest. I was very lucky to get out of Connecticut, as the snow was falling thick and furious. I think my flight may have been one of the last to get out this afternoon.
We went to see 300 tonight (highly recommended), and one of our fellow audience members was none other than Michael Steele! Aaron saw him as we were walking into the theater, introduced himself and me, and Steele shook our hands and thanked us for our support. He was very kind and gracious. I was disappointed that he didn't win his bid for Maryland senator, but I hope the future holds better things for him.
Tomorrow, Aaron and I are off to the Vietnam Memorial, where we will stand against the leftwing hordes who have descended upon Washington DC once again. I'll have a full report with photos, so stay tuned.
Rosie Sympathizes With Al Qaeda's Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Hold on to your stomachs: Hot Air has video segments from today's episode of The View, ABC's version of "smart" women discussing the issues of the day. You can see Rosie O'Donnell sympathizing with Khalid Sahikh Mohammed, who has just confessed to a myriad of terrorism crimes, including the beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl. Of course, the well-trained audience laughs and claps along. That Rosie is just so darn entertaining!
Rosie bemoans the fact that KSM was kept in captivity for three years, with his "humanity" denied him, treated like an "animal." Poor guy. Perhaps she'd like to offer her hospitality? She could even hire another bodyguard just for him.
That this woman feels more sympathy for a man who has implicated himself in numerous heinous crimes against humanity, a man whose interpretation of his religion means that she would either be hanged or stoned to death just for being who she is, says more about her inability to think and reason than any standardized test could. I no longer question her patriotism, as it's difficult to discuss something that obviously does not exist.
I think it's very possible KSM may be inflating his claims a bit. But that doesn't change the fact of his guilt in the murder of thousands of Americans and his attempts to kill thousands more.
Hang this jihadist scum with pig intestine. (Go to hell, go directly to hell, do not gain martyrdom, do not collect 72 virgins)
They may be predicting, but it ain't over until the last vote is counted. This MyDD post lists Congressional Blue Dog Dems who are not yet on board to vote "yes."
Here's the list. If your rep is among them, give a jingle and let him/her know why voting "yes" would not be in our country's best interest...nor chances for re-election next year.
I wouldn't worry about Gene Taylor too much. He usually breaks ranks with the Dems (about 85%). He is the Congressman that represents the main area of the South that hit by Katrina and methinks that he does a generally good job. Add into the mix that the single largest employer in his district is none other than Ingalls Shipbuilding, a major, major player in the construction of our warships.
If you haven't been questioning the Dems' attack on Alberto Gonzalez firing eight US attorneys yet, it's time to get your head out from under that rock. One of the most obvious "crock alert" soundings is that Janet Reno, of the Clinton administration, fired all 93 US attorneys in a "joint decision" with the White House. All 93? That's a whole lot of pink slips. If nothing else, environmentalists should have jumped on them for wasting paper on all the paperwork involved with such a huge sweep.
Then, there's the possibility that ongoing investigations will put Dems in a bad light (h/t Kitty).
But the clincher that screams "political expediency" is this: Hillary Clinton's campaign is sending out an e-mail asking supporters to "join" her in asking Gonzalez to resign. (Thanks to The Man for passing it on. If anyone else would like to see it, I'd be happy to forward it.) This passage jumped out at me:
Why should Gonzales resign? Because he is at the center of a widening scandal over the firing of several U.S. attorneys -- firings we now know to be political. These attacks on the impartiality of the federal government's prosecutors are a genuine threat to the foundations of our justice system.
It's so bad that one U.S. attorney in Arkansas was fired to make room for a former aide to Karl Rove.
One US attorney was fired to make room for a Rove crony? Does Hillary conveniently forget that the entire staff of the White House Travel Office was fired to make room for her political cronies Darnell Martens and Harry Thomason? Claiming that there was "misconduct" in the Travel Office, seven longtime employees were hustled out, forced to leave the White House grounds on the floor in the back of a van. The FBI was called in, and reputations were viciously and callously smeared in the quest to make the ouster look legitimate. (Billy Dale, the Travel Office head, was eventually tried for fraud but the jury acquitted him.) For a Travelgate refresher, click here.
Clinton supporters contend that the firings of the 93 US attorneys and the seven Travel Office employees were the right of the Clinton administration because anyone appointed to such positions serves at the pleasure of the president. This is true. It is also true that the eight US attorneys fired by Gonzalez served at the pleasure of the current president.
That the Democrats choose to start this obvious battle is very telling indeed.
News flash: the US attorney are "at will" employees who operate at the pleasure of the President. If they're not enacting administration policy, he is completely within the President's Constitutional powers to remove them. The Bush administration is doing the same thing the Clinton administration did, arguably however, in not such partisan fashion. But even if that were so, this so-called scandal is nothing more than more Democrat hypocrisy. And Hillary's demagoguing with the phrase "the politicization of our prosecutorial system" is about as pot-meet-kettle as it gets.
It's sad that Gonzales is losing his spine so quickly on this, admitting to "mistakes" that amount to a minor breach in protocol. And turncoats like John Sununu are quick to cave to Dem pressure.
The Republicans need to learn from Clinton's successful political strategies. Deny, deny, deny. And get ugly early.
Vasko Kohlmeyer makes many excellent points on American Thinker today. Here's one:
Being an immigrant myself let me say something that needs to be said, but which Americans - the genial hosts that they are - are reluctant to do: If you do not like it here, you should seriously think about going back to where you came from. Ultimately such a move may prove to be the best thing for you, because living in a country you dislike is probably more damaging to you than you realize. For one thing, in the long run this kind of festering dissatisfaction tends to embitter the heart, a condition which should always be a matter for concern.
I've been doing a lot of genealogic research in the past couple weeks, tracing my family roots back into the 1500s (so far). It's been especially thrilling seeing when the various branches of my family arrived here in America... because I've been able to find all the documentation they filled out in order to come here. And, surprise surprise, they all learned to speak English BEFORE their arrival in the USA!
Too bad all the illegals we have here now don't demonstrate the same desire to become real Americans.
ELIZABETH, N.J. Former Gov. James McGreevey, who resigned from office after revealing that he was gay and had an affair with a male staffer, is seeking custody of his 5-year-old daughter and child support from his estranged wife.
McGreevey's wife, Dina Matos, has 35 days to respond to the revised filing.
Matos had to deal with having been married to a duplicitous man who could not come to terms with his homosexuality. She also had to endure the humiliation of being dumped on live television. Now, her ex, who is living with his wealthy Australian partner Mark O'Donnell, is asking not only for custody of their child, but that she give him support! Now I ask you, does this seem fair to you? McGreevey calls this home:
McGreevey's book, which debuted well, quickly fell off the best seller list. I guess he has to find some way to stay in the news that doesn't include the real reason why he resigned as New Jersey's governor: putting his unqualified lover in a high-profile position responsible for the safety of New Jerseyans.'s considered a problem when a non-emasculated man is in the White House?
...the more enlightened and progressive we think we are as a society, the more we focus on sex, one of the most basic of functions?
...the hurt feelings of a small group of people trumps common sense when it comes to public safety?'s more important to cater to the self-esteem of convicted criminals than their victims (and potential victims)?
...when leftwingers make offensive comments it is called free speech, but when conservatives make offensive comments it is called hate speech?
Please practice your Hillary-take. This is a good rant pic, however. You've got the harshness but not the depth of conniving. Hillary doesn't fully resemble her 'normal self,' that is, a power vampire.
Your cartoon raises a good point: when does labelling 'vast right wing conspiracy' become an accusation of 'nazism?' That's the Hillary intent you expose.
This is my first attempt at a political cartoon. I have so many ideas, but I am not a great artist, as you can see. (I also apologize for the not-so-great scanning job I did.) Let me know what you think!
After six long years, the families of the victims of the bombing of the USS Cole get the chance to stick it to Sudan:
NORFOLK, Va. - More than six years after terrorists bombed the USS Cole, the families of the 17 sailors killed in the blast headed to court Tuesday to try to prove the attack could not have happened without the government of Sudan's help.
The families' lawsuit against the African nation was to go to trial Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Norfolk, where the now-repaired Navy destroyer is based.
"Sudan's material support ... including continuous flow of funding, money, weapons, logistical support, diplomatic passports and religious blessing, was crucial in enabling the attack on the USS Cole," lawyers for the families said in court papers outlining their case.
The families' lawyers intend to prove that Sudan has given safe haven to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network since 1991 long before Yemeni operatives blasted a 40-foot-hole in the side of the Cole in Yemen's port of Aden on Oct. 12, 2000.
They also hope to show that: the operatives were trained at camps Sudan permitted al-Qaida to operate within its borders; Sudan's military provided al-Qaida with at least four crates of weapons and explosives for terrorist activities in Yemen; bin Laden and Sudan's government owned businesses that provided cover for the procurement of explosives, weapons and chemicals; and Sudan gave al-Qaida diplomatic pouches to ship explosives and weapons internationally without being searched.
Sudan has been on the U.S. list of terrorism-sponsoring countries since 1993.
I checked several major lefty sites, and this is not yet being covered on any of them. I'm kind of surprised, since the left advocates taking terrorists and their sponsors to court rather than taking military action against them. And they care about the soldiers and their families, right?
As much as I am pulling for the families, I don't expect that a win for them will do anything to deter terrorists. It's not about the money; it's about their skewed world view. But it's always possible.
The Left's silence is not unexpected. Why should they worry about innocent civilians of any stripe? Or American military personnel? The Left see no harm in the bloodshed of terrorism.
Except for a few signs such as the Euston Manifesto, The Left has a deafening silence. One Leftist author has attacked this compliance with murder and totalitarianism in the Guardian. He says they have lost their moral compass, a compass many of us would insist they never possessed.
As many of you might have heard, actor Fred Thompson may enter the race for the Repbublican 2008 nomination. He's a lawyer who was involved in the Watergate investigation, and he was to the Senate in 1994 to fill Al Gore's unexpired seat. Here's where he stands on some of today's major issues:
*Is "pro-life," and believes federal judges should overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision as "bad law and bad medical science."
*Opposes gay marriage, but would let states decide whether to allow civil unions. "Marriage is between a man and a woman, and judges shouldn't be allowed to change that."
*Opposes gun control, and praised last week's 2-1 federal appeals decision overturning a long-standing handgun ban. "The court basically said the Constitution means what it says."
*Supports President Bush's decision to increase troops in Iraq. "Wars are full of mistakes. You rectify them. I think we are doing that now," he said. "We've got to give it a chance to work."
*Would pardon former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's conviction for perjury and obstruction of justice now, rather than waiting until all his appeals are exhausted.
Libby is "bearing the political brunt of something that should've never come about," Thompson said, noting that "practically every witness at trial had inconsistent statements."
I have no problem with any of that, just as I have no problem with an actor turning politician. I appreciate an actor who will put his money where his mouth is, rather than just spout off from the sidelines.
Thompson is waiting until summer to make up his mind. I'm looking forward to his potential candidacy!
Anyone who is interested in what Fred Thompson is all about should read the FoxNews transcript of his appearance this past weekend. For a 'potential' Presidential candidate to provide concise and clear responses about his positions on major issues is refreshing and I don't see any candidate that has stepped up to that level (Republican or Democratic).
His position on key social issues (Roe v. Wade, Gay marriage, etc) is clear. He does not feel the courts should be passing social legislation, an excellent point!
At the end of the day we have politicians campaigning for President currently. If Fred Thompson were to enter the race, I think we would have a candidate that is the only statesman.
You may already know about this, but I didn't until my good friend Jeanette told me about it. It's Operation Military Support, and not only does this group tell you how to donate items to our military overseas, but they will also hook you up with someone who does not get a lot of mail from back home. I just signed up and received my soldier pen pal. How about you?
As I've mentioned before, I'm attending the Gathering of Eagles next Saturday, March 17th, at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC, along with Aaron.
If you're planning to go, please do the organizers a favor and sign this petition...they need to have an idea as to how many people to expect. Since conservatives don't hire people to staff their rallies (we prefer to have people who believe in the cause more than a paycheck), it's important that as many people who can attend, do.
If you can't, please do your part by passing the petition to others who may be able to attend, and if you have a blog, please publicize the rally as much as you can. Our military needs our support!
I'm on it, Pam...and thanks for putting the word out. Btw, Andrea will be doing daily interviews "live" from the caravan each day beginning this Sunday evening. This way we'll be getting the latest news from the events as they're happening. Pass the word along.
Some people believe that uninformed voters are voters who best serve the nation by staying home on election day. Don' is of that belief:'s mission is to combat the "Get out the Vote" movement that is pushed by organizations that would like to increase the number of uneducated voters to help their cause. encourages people to Vote, but only AFTER they have educated themselves on the policies and individuals for which they are voting. Voting should be considered a privilege and exercised with responsibility and discretion. Just like a final exam, responsible voting requires self-education and thought. When the time comes to cast your ballot, if you don't know for what or whom you're voting, then DON'T VOTE.
How savvy are you? Do you know who the important players are in today's worldwide political arena? Click the icon below to take the quiz to find out!
My score?
A+, with 100% correct. "Not only should you vote, you should consider a career in politics." Heh.
Interesting why did they throw Actors(?) and actresses(?) in there?
Serious note did you catch Pat Dollard`s catch that the Taliban has captured 2 Pakistan nuclear scientist 6 months ago?
What in the world does Christina Aguilera have to do with whether or not I should vote? Needless to say, I had no idea who she was, but I got them all right anyway.
Michelle Malkin points out an interesting Pew Research Center survey on how Americans got their news then, and how they get their news now. Check out the graphics below:
Read it and weep, guys. But here's a brain teaser for you: If Katie Couric is the favorite, most-admired journalist, why is CBS at the bottom of the network ratings tank?
(And for those of you who wonder why Katie's producer got the chop, just remember that $15 million that CBS has invested in its "star." They won't give her the heave-ho until there are no more scapegoats to fry.)
Does anyone agree that most of these "news figures" are basically a bunch of opinion folks? And putting dead people on the list sure doesn't bode well for the intelligence of the respondants. And how in the world would you put Jennings (dead), O'Reilly (bad opinion),Limbaugh(opinion), Lauer (Breck Girl and notorious bed-wetter), Rather (fired idiot and traitor), Lehrer (bad opinion and refrigerator magnet), Russert(Larry King Jr.), and Jon Stewart (blithering idiot) on this list? Did I miss any? Just saying.
And if the economy was so good during the Clinton crime spree, does it strike you as odd that this polling company finally admits that the stock market was down in 1997? A point that I have continually hammered home at a lesser blog.
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posted by bilete avion at October 29, 2011 04:06 AM
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posted by bilete avion at October 29, 2011 04:35 AM
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posted by keylogger spy at October 30, 2011 01:56 AM
What you have here it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must salute all the visitors. Hello. After this I must say that I m thinking to post on my Hi5 profile. And this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really very good information. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: TV Journalists Play Second Fiddle to Internet, in my google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
posted by keylogger spy at October 30, 2011 02:19 AM
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What is here it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must salute all the visitors. Hello there. And second I must say that I m going to post on my Facebook profile. And this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really very good sharing. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: TV Journalists Play Second Fiddle to Internet, on my google search I was very glad. I think I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
What you have here it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must say all every one. Salve. After this I must say that I will post on my Twitter profile. And this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really very good post. When I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: TV Journalists Play Second Fiddle to Internet, on google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something with the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
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Bounjour. I just want to declare that what you give us here is really very good information so I m thinking to post on my Facebook profile so anyone can have the possibility to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: TV Journalists Play Second Fiddle to Internet, on google search, and the reason is that in the end I found what I was looking for. My regrds
What you have here it is a great piece of information. But first of all I must salute all every one. . And second I must say that I m thinking to post on my Facebook profile. And this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you post here is really good sharing. In the second I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: TV Journalists Play Second Fiddle to Internet, on google search I was very glad. Maybe I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
What is here it is a great piece of information. But first of all I must say all the visitors. . And now I must say that I will post on my Facebook profile. And this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you post here is really very good post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: TV Journalists Play Second Fiddle to Internet, on my google search I was very happy. It is possible I found something like this here , I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best
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Last night, Mark Simone was filling in for the Great One, Mark Levin. Mark Levin is one of my absolute favorites, but when he's not there, Mark Simone (who has a regular show on WABC on the weekend) always does a great job. Simone replayed bits of an interview he did with Joe "No Yellowcake" Wilson, where Wilson admitted to several things:
*He was the first to leak the story
*He believed Saddam Hussein had WMDs
*He approved of George Bush gaining the go-ahead to use force
*His mission to Niger was not covert, although he wrote about it as a "leak"
Well, Dan Riehl was listening too, and went one step further: he has a link to the Mark Levin site, and has edited the audio so that you hear the relevant parts.
Kind of puts thing in a new perspective, doesn't it?
Regular readers will know that I am an early supporter of Rudy Giuliani as the Republican nominee for 2008, but my endorsement is not official, as it's much too early to be making such decisions. Much can happen between now and the primaries.
I admire Rudy's strength, commitment to national security and fiscal responsibility, and his willingness to get the job done. However...
John G. sent me this piece, which explains the thoughts of one conservative about Rudy. The writer finds much to admire, but there are strong reservations, and those have to do with tradition. Here's his main point:
[...] Rudy Giuliani has a philosophy in his personal life that is antithetical to the American tradition. Giuliani has secular-elite morality . . . more libertine than conservative. Can traditionalists trust his basic impulses?
What do I mean? Nobody can anticipate the challenges a President will face . . . remember 9/11 and George Bush. Gay marriage was not the issue it became in 2000. How will a man react to new challenges? His personal life philosophy is a good measure.
Rudy Giulianis personal life indicates that in any new challenge his deepest predispositions will be hostile to traditionalists.
When he does not need our votes, he will forget us utterly. He has no friends in our camp or memories that can stir him to sympathy with our point of view.
My mind is definitely staying open. Every candidate has baggage. The question is, how will that baggage affect his ability to govern?
I don't understand why you conservatives think personal life has anything to do with ability to govern.
Guiliani is a perfect example of my confusion. You say he did a great job as mayor while simultaneously treating his wife like absolute garbage during their divorce. How is this possible if one is related to the other?
Paul, the historians I respect tell us that the man who was selected as the first President of this country was chosen exactly for that one reason: his character, his honor, his personal virtue.
That has mattered in the past of America. Were the stories we have thrown at JFK, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, others, known at the time, these men could not have gained or held office. You will play word games perhaps, but I'm not sure why the insistence on a moral character should bother you.
It's simply the history of America.
Perhaps it will take the election of a moral leader who is a Mormon to undo the disordered thinking that plagues you.
Remember that NY Republicans would be Democrats in much of the Midwest and South while NY Democrats would be institutionalized as insane. When Giuliani was elected NYC mayor, he was the most conservative major candidate.
When Washington became president, we were in a unique situation. The country was divided to the point it was about to fall apart, and he was the only person all sides could agree on.
I don't deny Americans want character; I simply think people who disqualify good leaders due to personal flaws are fooling themselves and denying themselves a full slate of choices for a reason that hasn't stood the test of history.
WASHINGTON -- A former Navy sailor is accused of supporting terrorism by disclosing secret information about the location of Navy ships and the best ways to attack them.
The secrets wound up with a suspected terrorism financier, investigators say.
During an initial appearance Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Phoenix, Ariz., Hassan Abujihaad, 31, accepted removal to Connecticut, where he is charged with supporting terrorism with intent to kill U.S. citizens and transmitting classified information to unauthorized people.
He apparently was working as a delivery man in Phoenix.
Abujihaad apparently planned to use his former Navy knowledge and contacts in this endeavor. His arrest is connected with the case of Babar Ahmad, the British computer specialist who was arrested in 2004 for allegedly running websites that raised money for jihad. Abujihaad is also a former roommate of Derrick Shareef of Genoa, Illinois, who was accused of planning grenade attacks at a mall against Christmas shoppers.
He sure gets around, doesn't he?
This story is getting short shrift in the MSM. A glance at the home pages of both the Washington Post and New York Times today didn't turn up any mention of it. (If I missed it, let me know.) Can you guess why?
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In the past Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and distributing oddly flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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I agree with your Blogmeister USA: Hassan Abujihaad, Former Sailor, Arrested on Terror Charges, superb post.
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posted by Young Krajnik at November 22, 2011 03:58 AM
I'll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like 'Mixview' that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you're listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of "neighbors" will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune "Social" is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Over the years Pepsi has been known for coming up with and selling strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
Over the years Pepsi has been known for coming up with and distributing strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
I've avoided the Ann Coulter flap thus far because I've been thinking it over. I very often jump on a topic the moment it's hot because I want to get my two cents in along with the rest of the crowd, but this time, I've decided to mull it over longer than usual because there's more than just a slur involved.
The firestorm that has erupted over Coulter's use of the word "faggot" when referring to John Edwards on both sides of the aisle is the biggest I've seen since Mark Foley was caught out sending suggestive e-mails and IMs to teen interns. And, like the Foley case, a tremendous double standard has been applied.
When Bill Clinton was found out to have had inappropriate relations with Monica Lewinsky, who was of the age of consent but could be easily swayed by someone in a position of power, the left said it was his personal business that should not have been exposed to the light of day. When Foley was found out to have had inappropriate contact (he hadn't actually physically done anything) with male pages who were of the age of consent but could be easily swayed by someone in a position of power, the left cried out against it. Thing is, the right did too, and Foley was not only shown the door, but was the subject of condemnation by rightwing pundits.
Now, Ann Coulter called Edwards a "faggot" at CPAC, and the left is screaming for her head. So are many on the right. In fact, an open letter to CPAC organizers by many prominent rightwing bloggers asks them not to invite Coulter to future conventions, saying "the age of Ann has passed."
As usual, the right steps up to criticize one of its own when a trespass has been made. But what about the left?
Last Friday, Bill Maher made comments to the effect that if Dick Cheney were to die, other people might live. Tacky, offensive, out of line, and the right was all over it for days. But the left (including the MSM)? Nary a peep. HBO obviously didn't feel it was a problem. Yet Maher is well-known for such inflammatory statements. In fact, his contract with ABC for his former show, Politically Incorrect, was not renewed over his the "terrorists were not cowards" remark shortly after 9/11.
"These are sensitive times, and I should've been more clear when, in a discussion of how we have in the past conducted our war on terrorism, I said 'We have been the cowards. ... ' The problem there is the word 'we,' I think. It's indistinct, and I should've been more clear."
Perhaps if Maher had said what he did a few years later, he would not have lost his job. But emotions were riding high, and even the left was conscious of appearances. Now, however, the Bush administration is in the left's doghouse, and Maher's recent remark about Cheney can be chalked up to free speech, right?
Here's Coulter's clarification about her "faggot" comment:
"'Faggot isn't offensive to gays; it has nothing to do with gays," Coulter said on "Hannity and Colmes" Monday night. "It's a schoolyard taunt meaning 'wuss,' and unless you're telling me that John Edwards is gay, it was not applied to a gay person."
Coulter called the whole controversy another example of the mainstream media's "speech totalitarianism" and says she sees no reason to apologize for a joking comment that was taken out of context.
Coulter made a comment she says she meant as a joke and will not apologize for it. That shows courage, since in today's political world, we are immediately expected to apologize the minute someone is offended by something we say. What good does the apology do? If she's willing to accept the consequences of her actions, which may or not may include less guest appearances at conventions, fewer television appearances, decreased speaking invitations and the bottom falling out of her book sales, then so be it. It's called taking responsibility.
Those who wish to distance themselves from Coulter because they feel she doesn't help the conservative cause are certainly welcome to do so. Yet Coulter embodies something that the left has a lot of, but the right doesn't: someone who plays hardball. She plays by the left's rules, and the double standard applied to her comments in comparison with others (Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden making "jokes" at the expense of Indians; President Bush constantly being compared to Hitler and found lacking; Sen. Dick Durbin comparing our soldiers to Nazis; etc.), is breathtaking.
The right is constantly complaining that the left is trying to stifle free speech by imposing speech codes, some formal, some informal, rather than let people use their common sense. Speech codes on college campuses are a favorite target of the right. In Florida, a Democrat legislator is hoping to ban the "offensive" term "illegal alien." Elsewhere, legislators look to eradicate the "n" word.
The key, as always, is personal responsibility. If Coulter and others choose to use speech that is offensive to some, they should certainly accept whatever consequences come their way. Forced apologies do nothing, but serve to give publicity to those demanding the apology.
I have been a fan of Coulter for some years now, and admit that I will probably continue to be one. Her style is not for everyone, and she has had her fair share of detractors well before now. But until the left denounces those on their side who make similarly outrageous comments, I won't be shedding too many tears the next time Coulter offends.
(Rhymes with Right wonders why corporate sponsorship being pulled from Coulter's site is okay (and even encouraged) by the left, while boycotting of the Dixie Chicks by fans was considered unfair?)
I think its funny and sad.Funny because they are only individuals and they can be shut off and out. Sad because they have been pressured into apologizes for free speech. After all it was not long ago that Muslims were on the streets of New York demanding the holocaust of Jews and they were not being demanded to apologize or take sensitivity classes.Furthermore this detracts from the election and issues such as the chipping away of free speech.
BMeister, you make a well argued case. Better than most I've seen.
If we prosecuted 'free speech,'
Ted Kennedy and John Murtha would be doing 10 to 20;
the NY Times would be the new home for a check cashing corporation;
Michael Moore would have been turned over to the Sunnis for final retribution;
And the Dixie, I mean Yankee, Roadkill would be wearing their veils and flaunting it in Afghanistan.
I thought it might have been in bad taste, but it didn't bother me too much.
Interesting that so many conservatives want to throw her under the bus. When she first said it, the crowd cheered.
Here's perspective from Bruce Thornton at Victor Davis Hanson's website.
"If you want to participate, you have to be able to take it. The only alternative is some sort of control by an elite that always ends up stifling the expression of ideas and serving a narrow political interest exactly what we see today in our universities and media."
Anyone who gets their thong all twisted by something like this, needs to chill out and loosen up their baby-blue track pants and go back to their macrame.
Since I'm not a law expert, and I have not followed the case closely, I really don't feel I should comment on the Scooter Libby case, except to say that from what I do know, I don't think the case should have even gone to trial.
In the past Pepsi has been known for making and distributing oddly flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
Through the years Pepsi has been known for composing and selling oddly flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
In the past Pepsi has been known for producing and distributing strangely flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
In the past Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and distributing strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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posted by g shock watch at November 11, 2011 02:43 AM
Sorry for the huge review, but I'm really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it's the right choice for you.
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Hands down, Apple's app store wins by a mile. It's a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I'm not sure I'd want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass' favor.
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Rightwing Prof directed me to this inane commentary in the Western Kentucky University College Heights Herald (free registration required), written by Brandon Wilson, a senior who is a journalism major. Some highlights:
I was in a sociology class not long ago and noticed that an off-duty Bowling Green police officer was in the room. He was in his full uniform, including his utility belt, gun in holster.
Just thinking about it now, I am still in shock. A gun in a classroom! This is by far the dumbest thing I have seen as a Western student. There is no excuse for this. I do not care that he is an officer.
I was discussing this with some of my classmates and I am convinced that there is no logical reasoning for this officer to have his gun.
First of all, lets say he doesn't get out of class until 30 minutes before he is supposed to be at work. I don't care. If he can't find a place to lock his gun up until he is on duty, then he should reschedule his classes so that he gives himself more time.
Someone even argued that if something happened he could provide protection. Well, what if it happened to him? Now there is a gun in the room and anyone has access to it. If it were someone with a knife, then now the situation has become much more dangerous. God forbid it was a person with another gun, because now that person has more ammo.
This is a school. Have we all forgotten about what happens with guns in classrooms? I cannot think of one good thing that has happened with a gun in that environment, but a number of tragedies do come to mind.
The least of my concerns about this is that a gun in a classroom does not create the type of relaxed atmosphere that students desire in the classroom. There is no way that a gun will ever comfort me while I am trying to learn about Karl Marx's views on society.
This is a senior in WKU's journalism program? And we wonder at the state of our MSM today. And no, I'm not just talking about his point of view, but the childish writing style. I'm sure, however, the AP will find a place for him.
Not only does he have an irrational fear of guns, but is opposed to an off-duty police officer having one while taking classes, supposedly to better himself. He suggests that the officer reschedule his classes so he, Wilson, won't have to be subjected to seeing a *gasp* gun as he studies Karl Marx's theories. (Marx, what a surprise.) The same officer who would not hesitate to put his own life in jeopardy in order to save Wilson's thin-skinned, arrogant hide.
Now I know the title of this post says there's hope for college students yet, and so now I come to that point: the comments.
As of this writing, there are 47 comments. Each and every one, without exception, calls Wilson on the carpet either for his disrespect toward the officer, his disrespect for the Constitution, or his sounding like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum because something happened that he didn't like and had no control over. Here's a sampling:
This is the worst thing I have ever read!
Mr. Wilson apparently you don't keep up with the news around the country. Just a couple of weeks ago there was a young man who walked into a mall and started killing people. The first person to respond to the incident was an OFF DUTY POLICE OFFICER!! Not only was he off duty, he was eating dinner with his PREGNANT wife!!!
You have no class Mr.Wilson. And you sure have no business writing for a college news paper!
Grow Up!
It sounds like you just have a problem with police in general. I would much rather have an officer in every class in my University than have 1 student carry one in class. The odds are better that the officer will protect you with the gun than get it taken away from him. I'd like to see you try and take the gun away from him without getting yourself killed or seriously hurt.
And I also have to agree with the rest of the posters on here that say you sound like a whiny 12 year old with nothing to do but bitch.
Wow, Hysteria is alive and well on our college campi. You have the right to be uncomfortable. You even have the right to wet yourself at the site of a gun. You however, have no right to impose your beliefs on others.
That officer and other CCW carriers are law abiding people and have no childish sense of firearms as you seem to. They don't have the "Mommy, make them stop or ill hold my breath till I turn blue" mentality. They see the firearm as a tool, neither evil or good. It is used in self defense, in defense of person, property and country. It is a tool. Get over your childish sense of entitlement and please, for the love of god, don't go into journalism. You are far to involved with yourself to be an objective journalist.
Absolutely delicious. Read them all if you have a few minutes. Bless the students of WKU who had the sense to see through this nonsense.
Edwards: America Selfish, Jesus Would Be "Appalled"
John Edwards invokes the old "What would Jesus do?" question popular among the left:
Edwards, in an interview with the Web site, said Jesus would be most upset with the selfishness of Americans and the country's willingness to go to war "when it's not necessary."
"I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish short-term needs," Edwards told the site. "I think he would be appalled, actually."
Edwards also said he was against teacher-led prayers in public schools, but he added that "allowing time for children to pray for themselves, to themselves, I think is not only OK, I think it's a good thing."
(Note to AP editors: When referring to Jesus, it's customary to capitalize the pronoun "He." But then, that might violate the "no respect" clause for Christianity in the AP Style Guide.)
Is John Edwards trying to suck up to the very people he offended during the short-lived careers of his anti-Christian campaign bloggers? Look, Edwards may consider himself to be a religious man, and that's fine by me. But his party's politics generally run against what conservative Christians believe in, and Edwards has proven himself to be a party line kind of guy (and I'm not talking about the conga line). On abortion issues alone, see how Edwards voted while he was a senator for North Carolina:
*Voted NO on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
*Voted NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
*Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
*Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record. (Dec 2003)
*Expand embryonic stem cell research. (Jun 2004)
Abortion is a huge issue with the conservative Christian community. Saying that kids should be allowed private time during the school day to pray or meditate silently isn't likely to white out that voting record.
And sure, Edwards can go around talking about how selfish Americans are, but from where I sit, he seems to be a bit more selfish than most. This 2004 CNN report says Edwards and his wife gave 8.6% of their income between 1994 and 2004, or about $3.3 million. Now $3.3 million is certainly nothing to sneeze at. I wish I could afford to give that much! But in just one year, Dick Cheney and his wife gave away nearly $7 million to various charities. (Of course, the media jumped all over the fact that he got a refund that year, but what else to expect?) Yet who is considered to be the greedy one and who's the righteous one in the media?
I think Jesus would be appalled at how politicians try to use him to manipulate voters of both parties. Edwards just happens to have been the most recent idiot to do so.
No wait, I forgot about Hillary's church politicking this week.
I'm planning on being in Washington D.C. on March 17th for The Gathering of Eagles, along with my friend Aaron (and possibly some of his friends and relatives) and a camera. If you're in the area, do try to be there. If you can't, rest assured that those of us who can will do our best to tell you what the MSM won't. Oh, they'll cover the anti-war folks, for sure. But The Gathering of Eagles? We'll see.
NBC: Iraqis Want Us to Stay; Terrorists Want Us Out
Shocking but true: NBC, a charter member of what Rush Limbaugh likes to call the "drive by media," has actually broadcast what conservatives have known all along from sources like Michael Yon and others.
Brian Williams, NBC Nightly News anchor, reporting from Iraq for
"They do not want us to leave. They want to see the police come through," says U.S. Army Col. John Charlton.
"The people here are very glad to see us very hesitant for us to go. They want us to stay and to keep beating down the insurgents," U.S. Army Lt. Col. Charles Ferry says.
Brian Williams (to Col. Charlton): You just said, They don't want us to leave. That's the 10th time today I've heard that. I've got to go back to the States and do a newscast that every night has another politician or 12 of them saying, We have got to get out of that godforsaken place.
NewsBusters has more from the actual television broadcast, regarding the view taken by terrorists. Reporter Richard Engel:
"Some say they are just waiting to see how long the U.S. will stay and how long this surge will continue. It was obvious, the U.S. announced surge, they said where the U.S. troops were going and the militia decided they fought the U.S. two-and-a-half years ago, didn't have a lot of success. They decided this time they're going to wait it out, see if political pressure in the U.S. can help them win this time."
Hear that Nancy? Harry? Hillary? Obama? All other naysayers?
While this is encouraging, I have come to expect so little from the MSM that I am afraid this may only be a blip on the radar. Still, credit must be given to Williams for going against the rip tide. In today's media groupthink, any deviation from the norm is welcome.
Well-known American commentator Bill Maher, who has his own weekly show on HBO, has been made an honorary member of al Qaeda. Al Qaeda's number two man, Ayman al Zawahiri, made the announcement on respected news channel al Jazeera over the weekend.
"On behalf of Osama bin Laden, who couldn't be here tonight, I am pleased to welcome Bill Maher into the al Qaeda family as an honorary member. Maher has done much to forward the cause of al Qaeda and its partner, the Taliban, against the evil Bush administration and the Great Satan that is known as America. I send him this keffiyeh, worn by the late, great, Abu Musab al Zarqawi (peace be upon him) as a symbol of our brotherhood. In the name of Allah and those who serve him faithfully, Maher is hereby exempt from the scourge of dhimmitude on the day that Islam conquers the world."
Asked what prompted this generous gesture, al Zawahiri answered promptly that it was Maher's comments on his show Real Time with Bill Maher regarding his disappointment that Vice President Dick Cheney was not killed when a Taliban suicide bomber attacked a military base in Afghanistan:
"But I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people would not be dying needlessly tomorrow...I'm just saying if he did die, other people, more people, would live. That's a fact."
Maher's publicist declined to comment, other than to say that Maher was "deeply touched" by al Zawahiri's gesture, and that he would consider with great care an offer by al Qaeda to travel to an undisclosed location to meet with al Zawahiri to further discuss their association.
HBO president Chris Albrecht declared the announcement to be a "victory" for free speech. "It just goes to show that al Qaeda isn't as archaic as its critics claim it to be. Heck, if they're watching HBO, home of provacative programming like Real Time with Bill Maher, The Sopranos and Rome, as well as lots of comedy specials, how bad can they be? We're proud to be the premium cable channel of choice for this influential worldwide organization."
When asked for comment, Dick Cheney responded with a question: "Bill who?"
Honorary membership is the least al-Qaeda owes Bill Maher. If it weren't for insidious moonbats in the media convincing us that we ought to respond to atrocities by curling up and hating ourselves instead of by fighting back, terrorism wouldn't be effective.
"To paraphrase: 'But I have zero doubt that if (Bill Maher and his ilk) (were) (responsible citizens telling the truth), people would not be dying needlessly tomorrow (especially their own countrymen to whom Bill and his kind have turned a cowardly face, or the thousands of Iraqis butchered hoping only for a better life)
...I'm just saying if (Bill and his type) did die (or better: repent and shut up), other people, more people, would live. That's a fact.'
Now class, compare and contrast the condemnation (on the Right) over Ann Coulter's inappropriate comment vs. the condemnation (from the Left) over Bill Maher's inappropriate comment.
Now you have 3 minutes to find a Conservative pundit criticizing Coulter.
You have 30 minutes to find a "Liberal" pundit criticizing Maher.
Bias in Journalism: Hartford Courant Supports Annulment of 2002 War Vote
Why do I say they support it? Just read the opening to this article by David Lightman:
WASHINGTON -- Sgt. Richard Ford's sister wasn't home, so John Larson left a message.
The congressman sat alone in his second-floor Main Street office in downtown Hartford on Thursday and talked to Vanessa Migliore's message machine.
It was a difficult call. It had to be. The 1st District Democrat tried to express his sorrow, anger and discomfort over the death of Ford, the Connecticut National Guard soldier who died Feb. 20 of combat injuries in Baghdad.
"You and your family are in my prayers," he told her. "Thank you so much for all the sacrifice." He talked about the importance of "duty and service," and said Sgt. Ford had served in a "patriotic and honorable" way.
And he assured the family that a flag would fly over the U.S. Capitol in Sgt. Ford's honor, and that the flag would be delivered to their East Hartford home. Ford is to be buried today at Arlington National Cemetery.
Larson hung up and sat for a few minutes. He knew these were not times to think about matters like politics and legislation, but he couldn't help it.
Larson, of course, is the man who introduced legislation in the House to repeal the 2002 vote giving President Bush authority to wage war in Iraq.
The opening to this article is a classic emotional hook. Rather than simply recite the facts about Larson's plan to "annul" the 2002 vote, Lightman uses the death of a Connecticut National Guardsman to suck the reader in. After all, no one with a beating heart could ignore his family's pain. And, after reading about the difficult call Larson made, and how he seems to be such a decent guy, doesn't that make you think that perhaps his legislation has merit?
This type of reporting is called "narrative journalism," and it's used not only to make a story more interesting, but is often used to mold the reader's perception of an issue:
Hardboiled reporters don't routinely seek to engineer the sequential emotional responses of readers. They don't mess much with their readers at all. Storytellers do. The two roles are in conflict.
What's the big deal, you ask? Why is there a problem with making a story more palatable to the average reader? The Jawa Report begs the question:
[D]oes narrative focus lead to bias? I would say yes, in those cases when the profession itself has a strong set of political leanings. In that kind of environment when editors and reporters are looking to pick out the point of interest and refine the gripping details that breathe life into otherwise "hardboiled" reporting, they only have one reliable metrick to work with -- whether or not they themselves are interested in the story. Does a given presentation of data outrage, move one to tears, or cause a sense of warm satisfaction? Well, that would depend on the people reading the story. And, in the case of journalists, the people making the first call on whether or not a story gets written, and if it does, how it is presented, would be the people who will be (at least at the national level) overwhelmingly left-leaning.
Think about it: Lightman could have called Ford's family too, but he didn't. Now, I have no idea how Ford's family feels about Iraq. But it's interesting that Lightman "plays it safe" by focusing on Larson's difficult phone call and Larson's point of view, giving the reader the perception that the grieving family likely has similar feelings about Iraq making a mistake. If you're going for accuracy, wouldn't it be a good idea to get both sides?
But that's the idea: present one side using the emotional hook, maximizing the potential of swaying the reader to agree with a particular point of view. And that's what journalistic bias is all about. No longer is it "just the facts, ma'am," but gripping stories that aim to sway you.
How Gore's massive energy consumption saves the world
Yesterday, the incomparable Mark Steyn discussed the Rev. Al Gore and how his overconsumption of energy will be the salvation of us all:
Al's massive energy consumption is due entirely to his concern about the way we're depleting the Earth's resources. When I say "we," I don't mean Al, of course. I mean you -- yes, you, Earl Schlub, in the basement apartment at 29 Elm St. You're irresponsibly depleting the Earth's resources by using that electric washer when you could be down by the river with the native women beating your loin cloth dry on the rock while singing traditional village work chants all morning long. But up at the Gore mansion -- the Nashville Electric Service's own personal gold mine, the shining Cathedral of St. Al, Tennessee's very own Palace of Versal -- the Reverend Al is being far more environmentally responsible. As his spokesperson attempted to argue, his high energy usage derives from his brave calls for low energy usage. He's burning up all that electricity by sending out faxes every couple of minutes urging you to use less electricity.
Al, we know, has been an indefatigable proponent for Arab oil interests in his bygone days. (from Google: "Al Gore, Former Us Vice President receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from Mr. Mohd Al Gergawi, Chairman - Dubai Holdings")
Now this slippery entrepreneur with his carbon credit scheme is envisioning greater nefarious financial peaks. What a scheme-- I mean swindle-- Gore has fabricated!
With deep apologies to Bob Keeshan, may I thus crown Al:
"Mr. Greenbucks!"
Al, tell me again why your administration decided NOT to sign the KYOTO treaty? Could it be that it was Inconvenient with your post office holding business ventures?
Please join me in wishing Pat of Brainster a happy birthday today. Pat is a fan of the television show The Amazing Race, which is suitable in that Pat is supporting John McCain in the Republican primaries. (Just teasing, Pat!)
Pat's a great blogger and a great guy. Go on over to his site and wish him a happy!
HANOI, Vietnam -- Angelina Jolie has filed papers to adopt a Vietnamese child, the country's top adoption official said Friday.
A U.S. adoption agency representing the 31-year-old actress filed the papers at Vietnam's International Adoption Agency, said Vu Duc Long, the agency's director.
As is well known, she already has adopted children from Cambodia and Ethiopia.
The slew of adoptions by Jolie, which has been emulated by aging pop tart Madonna in her adoption of a Malawian toddler, makes me think of the Beanie Baby craze a few years back...true fanatics just couldn't stop until they had one of each kind.
While I generally have no problem with Americans adopting children from overseas (I know several people personally who have done so), Jolie's actions to the untrained eye seem to border on obsession. Is it for publicity reasons? Is she trying to fill a void in her life? I hate being cynical when needy children are involved, but the whole thing is beginning to creep me out.
Be the first on your block to collect the whole set!
NASHVILLE, Tenn. An airline employee led former Vice President Al Gore and two associates around airport security lines before police spotted the breach and required them to be screened, an airport spokeswoman said Thursday.
The American Airlines employee led the three down to the lower baggage level Wednesday and swiped each of them through a secure turnstile with her security badge, Nashville International Airport spokeswoman Lynne Lowrance said. She declined to identify the employee.
An airport officer assigned to escort Gore to his gate was to meet him at the security checkpoint, but Gore never came through, Lowrance said. The officer found Gore, his communications director Kalee Kreider and another staffer waiting at the gate for their flight.
The officer asked them if they went through security, and when they said they hadn't, they were taken back and fully screened. Gore did not complain and cooperated fully, Lowrance said.
"Everyone goes through security," she said of the employee's action. "It showed bad judgment. They were trying to be helpful, maybe too helpful."
Okay, bonus points for not complaining when getting caught receiving preferential treatment, but why didn't Gore insist on doing the right thing in the first place? The guy isn't a god (although his eco-followers think he is), nor is he VP any longer. He's a private citizen like the rest of us, and as such, has to follow the rules, as inconvenient as they may be.
Traveling to Wisconsin, the former vice president was pulled aside for random security screening at Reagan National Airport before boarding the 7:15 p.m. flight to Milwaukee on Friday.
Passengers sharing Flight 406 were startled to hear Gore being told, "Sorry, sir, you have to go through extra screening," and to witness security personnel rifling through his briefcase and suitcase, a witness said.
"You're looking out and seeing Al Gore's unmentionables in his big, carry-on suitcase," said Mark Graul of Green Bay. "You could tell he was thinking, 'This is not happening to me.'
"He did not have a happy look on his face. Basically the whole plane boarded before they got through looking through his stuff.
"He patiently went through it and then took a seat in the front row with, I assume, an aide," Graul said.
Perhaps any chance Gore can avoid having his organic cotton briefs and Tom's of Maine natural deodorant being flung about in front of the plebes, he'll take it.
And perhaps maybe he'll start a corporation that offers "airport security offsets" to people rich enough and important enough to pay for them?
During the previous several years Pepsi has been known for composing and selling oddly flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
thus far Pepsi has been known for making and selling oddly flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
Through the years Pepsi has been known for inventing and distributing oddly flavored versions of their well-known Pepsi soda. They’ve made their soda clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
Through the years Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and selling oddly flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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In the past few years Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and distributing strangely flavored versions of their renown Pepsi soda. They’ve experimented with clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
thus far Pepsi has been known for manufacturing and selling strangely flavored versions of their famous Pepsi soda. They’ve gone clear, white, clear, red, and now they’re going blue with Pepsi blue.
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posted by bilete avion at October 29, 2011 06:26 PM
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Hy. I simply want to say that what you post here is really very good post so I m thinking to post on my Digg profile so all can have the possibility to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: AP's Weeklong Paris Hilton Blackout, in my google search, and i was so becouse finally I found what I was looking for. All the best
Hello. I simply want to observe that what you give us here is really very good information so I m thinking to post on my Twitter profile so everyone can have the chance to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: AP's Weeklong Paris Hilton Blackout, on google search, and the reason is that finally I found what I was looking for. My regrds
Hy. I sincerely want to emphasize that what you post here is really nice post so I have post on my Digg profile so everybody can have the opportunity to enjoy. I was glad when I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: AP's Weeklong Paris Hilton Blackout, in my google search, and the reason is that at long last I found what I was looking for. My regrds
This it is an interesting piece of information. But first of all I must salute all every one. Salve. And second I must say that I m thinking to post on my Hi5 profile. And this because at long last I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really very good post. When I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: AP's Weeklong Paris Hilton Blackout, on google search I was very happy. I think I found something like this here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
What you have here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must salute all every one. Hello. After this I must say that I will post on my Hi5 profile. I will do this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you say here is really respectable post. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: AP's Weeklong Paris Hilton Blackout, on my google search I was very glad. Maybe I found something that have the same ideea here, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. My regrds
posted by blackchides at November 27, 2011 08:11 PM
What is here it is an interesting article. But first of all I must say all every one. Hello. And second I must say that I m going to post on my Digg profile. And this because at last I found what I was looking for. What you give us here is really nice sharing. In the minute I saw this tittle, Blogmeister USA: AP's Weeklong Paris Hilton Blackout, on google search I was very glad. Maybe I found something that have the same ideea here , I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you
That is a great tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere. Short but very accurate information… Thank you for sharing this one. A must read article!
An excellent op-ed piece by Gerard Baker in today's Times UK Online discusses that question:
Its been a great ride for the past six years, hasnt it? George Bush and Dick Cheney and all those pantomime villains that succour him the gay-bashing foot soldiers of the religious Right, the forktailed neoconservatives with their devotion to Israel, the dark titans of American corporate boardrooms spewing their carbon emissions above the pristine European skies. Having those guys around for so long provided a comfortable substitute for thinking hard about global challenges, a kind of intellectual escapism.
Some day soon, though, this escapism will run into the dead end of reality. In fact, the most compelling case for the American people to elect a Democrat as president next year is that, in the US, leadership in a time of war requires the inclusion of both political parties, and in the rest of the world, people will have to start thinking about what is really the cause of all our woes.
Well, I don't know as I'd go so far as to think that electing a Democrat in 2008 is vital. After all, I don't want to find out when it's too late what will happen if the official Appeasement Party manages to worm its way into the Oval Office in these uncertain times. But Baker is indeed correct: who will become the scapegoat during "smart dinner-party conversation?"
It's so easy to say that George Bush occupying the White House is the reason Islamofascists have it in for us. Of course, it's convenient to forget all of the terrorist acts that happened before the 2000 election, especially those that happened on the Democrats' favorite rogue's watch (USS Cole, Khobar Towers, World Trade Towers 1993, etc.).
But radical Islamists hate the West. No matter how much we want to say we understand them, how much we want to "talk," they will hate us and continue to hate us until they either destroy us or we destroy them.
Writing for the American Thinker today, Ken Boyette describes an encounter he had with some young men in South Lebanon back in 1985, when he was working as a contract producer for Middle East Television:
[A]s we were preparing to leave two young men that tailed us for some time finally approached. One spoke English well and said he had something to say. I offered to put him on camera but he refused. Suddenly, he launched into a diatribe and made a blood chilling promise.
"We are holy warriors chosen of God. We are coming to America to kill Americans. You cannot stop us. You'll see."
"Are you Hezbollah?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied. "Some day we will make you pay for all the evil you have done. We'll come to America. You'll see!" With that he and his companion congratulated each other and walked quickly away.
1985? W's dad was vice president to Ronald Reagan, while W himself was dabbling in business interests at that time. He didn't even become governor of Texas until 1994. If Islamofascists today hate America because of George W. Bush, why did these two young men hate America then? Boyette continues (emphasis mine):
Did the two Hezbollah recruits in Bent Jbeil keep their promise? You bet. Last I checked they mayor [sic] of Bent Jbeil, Lebanon is from Dearborn, Michigan. And the Hezbollah stronghold has sent thousands of its residents to the US. I'm no genius, but with where I've been and what I've seen, I can connect the dots. They're here, waiting.
But what drove them to our shores is another matter. In Islam there are four enemies, two of which qualify for a holy war. Those two are the unbelievers and the apostate. Of the four enemies of Islam the apostate is the worst. In the case of the apostate all those who leave the faith and those who persuaded them are to be put to death. By their very existence apostates betray all Muslims.
According to the Iranian Shiite Revolution, the modern state of Israel is an apostate government in the heart of Islam, and America is viewed as the supporting resource, the persuader of the apostasy. So the Ayatollahs call America the Great Satan and Israel the Little Satan and Hezbollah chants; "Death to America. Death to Israel".
I fear the left will never be done with Bush. Vile invective will continue to be poured on his head until the day he dies, because when hatred runs that deep, it's hard to let go. Being able to point the righteous finger of blame at someone else is comforting. But when that person is no longer around, some uncomfortable facts will need to be faced.
I'm not looking forward to that day, because it'll mean we're in much hotter water than we are now.
I wonder if some of this is a continuation of the Clinton era demonizations? For those who have a historical bent, pull out some political dialogue from the pre Clinton era. Sure, you'll find partisanship, namecalling, disparagement, dislike. But demons?
Those came 'out of the closet' when Bill and Hillary were in power.
It was a time where everything that opposed the imperial couple was a product of a 'right wing conspiracy'-- that is, millions, I hope a majority of Americans, were shoved out of the public square as extremists. Pretty soon the MSM felt it had a Constitutional right to administer its own bigotry. To object to the actions of the amoral, appeasing administration of the Clintons was to suffer popular damnation.
Hate for anyone outside the politically correct doctrines of the Left became normal. (Still raving: read any 'good' Left blogs lately?)
Honesty is foreign to today's public square, but honesty will say that the hate afforded George Bush is uniquely vile. IF Bush had ONCE replied to that hate with a putdown.. but he hasn't. If the real man had in the least bit resembled the Left's nightmare sicknesses. But he hasn't. So it's all on THEIR side.
The Left's dark, demented view of the evil THEY judge in all of US, spewed upon the President. Disagree with them-- see the profanities as they demonize you, a fellow American.
"It's so easy to say that George Bush occupying the White House is the reason Islamofascists have it in for us."
It may be. But I'm not aware of anyone ever saying this. Certainly, it is not a common thing for anyone of any political stripe to say. Another example of your really distorted "impressions" being completely out of touch with reality.
By now, many of you following the Al Gore Environmental Circus have heard that the "carbon offsets" Gore purchases from Generation Investment Management are really purchases from himself, as he is one of the founders and serves as chair. As blogger Bill Hobbs notes, he's buying stocks, not offsets. Saving the planet? The only green thing Al Gore seems interested in comes in tens, twenties and fifties. (Can you say "tax dodge" boys and girls?)
Here we have a major American politician who is calling for policies that would impose huge costs on society but appears to be profiting handsomely himself; who is leading an extravagant lifestyle while demanding sacrifices from ordinary people; and who is calling on the media to suppress the views of those with whom he disagrees, while at the same time urging more government regulation in the name of "fairness" to his partisan and ideological allies.
Why is it left to think tanks and bloggers to investigate and expose all this? Why aren't the mainstream media all over the story? Could it be . . . bias?
I believe it was a caller to Rush Limbaugh yesterday that asked if he himself could start selling these "carbon credits". I don't recall Rush's exact answer (I was negotiating traffic), but the caller reasoned that he himself could take measures to save energy (and thus carbon dioxide), thus entitling him to sell some of those credits. I think Rush's answer was "maybe".
I suppose the fact that I have recycled aluminum cans for 30+ years means that I have saved "X-amount" of energy. Recycling saves about 95% of the electricity needed to make new aluminum from bauxite, so if I could estimate how much aluminum I recycle per average year...
One year in the 1980s, I made it a goal to hustle and recycle more than my body weight in a single year (about 180 lbs. at that time), by asking friends to save their cans. I did it, so can I still sell the carbon credits acquired that year?
So we don't affect good, productive Americans, maybe we can market these "lone wolf" carbon credits to the "Hollywood crowd".
George Soros is a Bush-hater extraordinaire and sugar daddy of many leftwing causes. He gave heavily to and other "soft money" enterprises during the 2004 election in order to oust George Bush from the White House, and has been a harsh critic of the war in Iraq.
However, it turns out that Soros is businessman first, peacenik socialist second:
According to papers filed with the SEC, in the fourth quarter of 2006 Soros purchased nearly 2 million shares of ... hold your breath ... Halliburton. The Halliburton shares reportedly went for an average purchase price of $31.30 a share. That puts Soros' total investment in Halliburton at around $62.6 million, or about 2 percent of his total portfolio.
Only two percent of his portfolio? I wouldn't mind being able to spend $62.6 million...would you?
Halliburton? The evil corporation that survives much like a vampire does, by sucking the life out of victims (in this case soldiers)? Halliburton, once headed by Dick Cheney, who is only "out-evilled" by his boss Bush?
Don't expect principles to get in the way of accepting Soros' next big donation toward a leftwing cause, however. No matter how much they talk about the evils of money, they don't want to give up their share.
In a poll taken in New Jersey by Quinnipiac University, Rudy Giuliani is enjoying a wave of early support from voters overall:
Giuliani, a Republican, would defeat Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., 50 percent to 41 percent, based on a survey of New Jersey voters by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
In January, the poll gave Giuliani a 48-41 edge over the wife of former President Bill Clinton. She is the top choice of New Jersey Democrats.
Giuliani, the top choice among New Jersey Republicans, also would defeat Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat, 50-39.
Giuliani also extended his advantage over other GOP hopefuls. The poll found he had a 58-15 lead in New Jersey against Sen. John McCain of Arizona, his nearest contender, compared to a 39-21 edge in January.
This early in the race, we can't say this poll is definitive, but as New Jersey usually leans Democrat, this is interesting news indeed. Note the increase in percentage points between him and Hillary!
At the moment Rudy is my top choice. However, I am well away from actually deciding who to vote for in the primaries. There's a long way to go yet!
Al Gore and Sheila Watt-Cloutier have more in common than being nominated for this year's Nobel Peace Prize: both hold the U.S. to blame for global warming and its perceived effects in the Arctic.
The Inuits of Northern Canada and beyond are taking their case against the United States on Thursday to an international human rights commission. They have scant chance of a breakthrough but still hope to score moral and political points against the U.S. and its carbon spewers.
Ah yes, the ever-important "moral and political points against the U.S." Anything to make America out to be the bad guy about something, even though nothing has been definitively proven about man's role in the gradual warming of our planet.
That's right. Even though Al Gore claims the debate is "over," it's not. Scientific consensus does not exist. Saying the sky is purple does not make it so, no matter how many times one proclaims it from one's self-constructed pedestal. Writing for the Cato Institute in a lengthy essay that discusses the greenhouse effect, scientific issues behind it and other pertinent topics, has this to say about "global warming consensus":
Why, one might wonder, is there such insistence on scientific unanimity on the warming issue? After all, unanimity in science is virtually nonexistent on far less complex matters. Unanimity on an issue as uncertain as "global warming'' would be surprising and suspicious. Moreover, why are the opinions of scientists sought regardless of their field of expertise? Biologists and physicians are rarely asked to endorse some theory in high energy physics. Apparently, when one comes to "global warming,'' any scientist's agreement will do.
The answer almost certainly lies in politics. For example, at the Earth Summit in Rio, attempts were made to negotiate international carbon emission agreements. The potential costs and implications of such agreements are likely to be profound for both industrial and developing countries. Under the circumstances, it would be very risky for politicians to undertake such agreements unless scientists "insisted.'' Nevertheless, the situation is probably a good deal more complicated than that example suggests.
Lindzen, by the way, is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, so in my opinion, he has a lot more credibility than Al Gore, who has a BA in government and a law degree. However, in Gore's educational favor, the University of Michigan might be giving him an honorary doctorate. They've also given honorary doctorates to new age singer Yanni and cartoonist Charles Schulz...but I digress.
Writing for the Times of India, S. Anklesaria Aiyar cuts to the chase:
In the media, disaster is news, and its absence is not. This principle has been exploited so skillfully by ecological scare-mongers that it is now regarded as politically incorrect, even unscientific, to denounce global warming hysteria as unproven speculation.
This "human rights" case being brought by Watt-Cloutier and the Inuit will simply be touted as more proof that whatever global warming there is can be blamed on man, and more specifically, on the U.S. With the bloated bureaucracy of unelected officials called the U.N. calling for a global temperature ceiling and a carbon tax, doesn't it make you wonder why global warming, and not the global cooling scare from thirty years ago, is now the cause du jour?
Well said. I'm not sure what human rights' commission worthy of its salt has time to deal with such spurious claims.
There are millions of actual human rights' abuses across the globe, of course. Canadians seem peculiarly unable to deal with them.
It might be worthy of the blogosphere to investigate the authority of so called 'human rights' commissions' and check their actual track record. Are these commissions fronts for the very abuses they seek to prosecute?
Well, the USA is only 4 percent of the world's population, and we emit 25 percent of the world'd greenhouse gas polluion.
Sure sound like an issue worth of discussion as a human rights violation.
To dismiss the claims of the Inuit out of hand speaks volumes about conservative morality.
posted by bob at March 1, 2007 01:38 PM
Well, Bob, when it can be proven without a doubt that greenhouse gases from the US are solely responsible for any melting ice in the Arctic (and not just Al Gore's proclamations), I'll be happy to discuss human rights violations. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah! Why should we have to deal with this problem? If I want my gas-guzzling American-made pickup, who's to tell me I can't have it? Just because it's damn near impossible to find an actual scientific piece of research that contradicts the "intellectuals" who want to take away my coal-powered electricity, that doesn't mean it's actually true, you know, "without a doubt". Besides, the only people who will really be affected in this country are the illegals in Miami and the pinkos in San Francisco. Right? Put those crazies under water!! And the Innuit should be happy that they don't have to be so cold anymore.
posted by Ro at March 1, 2007 06:11 PM
" If I want my gas-guzzling American-made pickup, who's to tell me I can't have it?" (Ro's comment)
Indeed, Ro. You are undeniably correct. (Your comments on the illegals and pinkos are offensive, by the way.)
Did you see that NASA has discovered global warming on Mars? For details, see The sun is not a machine. Weather fluctuates over time. Of course, man's actions have an impact. But let's not stop the scientific debate. Don't we all want to create a better life?
Sorry jng...I thought my sarcasm was obvious enough. Bob -- you got it, right? I'm actually glad, and a bit surprised, that someone on this blog who thought I was speaking in earnest thought it was offensive. (Full disclosure: I live in SF with relatives in Miami, and I'm quite frankly scared out of my wits about what would happen if the polar icecaps go, and by the attitude that many well-meaning conservatives take toward many of the groups in both places.)
posted by Ro at March 5, 2007 04:07 PM
Ro, never fear...despite all the crankiness by conservatives regarding moonbats in places like SF and other coastal areas, we'd all pull together to make sure all our citizens got out okay in the event of flooding caused by GW, even though it would mean we would have to listen to their ranting that things didn't get done quickly enough! ;-)
I do appreciate that, Pam. How about we all work together now to keep those polar icecaps right where they are? Then we "moonbats" can stay right where we are. No ranting needed! No rescue mission!
posted by Ro at March 5, 2007 04:51 PM
I'd be happy to, Ro, but it seems the sun doesn't feel like cooperating (see Robert's link above).
Seriously, 30 years ago it was the coming ice age, today it's the coming hothouse. What's next? I'm not saying ignore it altogether, but I am saying that the consensus Al Gore claims exists does not. There are plenty of scientists who disagree with the idea that man is solely responsible for global warming. Should we have them silenced because they don't conform to the fashionable view? That would be akin to what happened to Galileo. For a scientific discipline that has trouble predicting the weather seven days from now to predict that our coastlines will disappear within the next twenty years due to heightened global temperatures would be comic if it weren't being taken so seriously by many. The debate is not over, it's barely begun.
And, I have real difficulty in taking the panic seriously when its frontman thinks paying for offsets excuses him from conserving, but the rest of us had better start toeing the line.
Pam -- The link was definitely very interesting; thank you for directing me to it (and to you, Robert). However, the article does not list anything having to do with the sun as a cause for the CO2 polar caps melting. It points, instead, to the massive dust storms -- particles in the atmosphere that weren't there before. Granted, those dust storms aren't happening here, and we have no knowledge from the article as to what caused them on Mars. We are, however, putting very large quantities of different particles in the air, and I don't think that there is any scientific disagreement over that. Octane + Oxygen = Water Vapor + Carbon Dioxide. Can't get past it.
I definitely understand your concern over Al Gore, and I certainly would never advocate that dissenting scientists be silenced. But, as a former member of the scientific academia community, I have simply never run into one of these dissenters, even in working with companies that have everything to gain should it all be a lie.
Perhaps the panic is a little much. But, one needs only to try to locate a star in the sky above a large city or move within 50 miles of a coal processing facility to know that we are really putting a lot of crap out there. Perhaps you strongly dislike the frontman of the movement -- fair enough, but have you let your distaste for him color your views of the hundreds of scientific papers which do, indeed, point to man-made global climate change? Is there really anything wrong with the idea that we can have cleaner air, less dependence on politically disasterous areas that hate us anyway, and just maybe avert a world-wide disaster in the meantime?
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