February 12, 2008
The 'Forgotten' Clinton Scandal
There are plenty of juicy stories in the Clinton Archive for Dirt (CAD), but one tends to get tucked away and forgotten...the unprecedented pardon of the FALN bombers by Billy Jeff just over a year before he left office, and coincidentally...no, not coincidentally...when darling Hillary was on her first "listening tour" of the state of New York, preparing for her Senate run, and looking for a "positive impact among strategic communities in the U.S."
FALN is the Spanish acroynym for Armed Forces of National Liberation, a group dedicated to securing Puerto Rico's sovereignty. But instead of lobbying and petitioning, they decided to use bombs. Between 1982 and 1996, 146 bombings and numerous armed robberies resulted in nine deaths and hundreds more injured.
Debra Burlingame recounts not only FALN's horrific activities, but the events leading up to and directly following what is surely one of the more embarrassing gaffes committed by the Clinton White House -- and that's saying something. Be sure to read the entire riveting piece, but this key paragraph should not be missed:
While the pardon scandals that marked Bill and Hillary Clinton's final days in office are remembered as transactions involving cronies, criminals and campaign contributors, the FALN clemencies of 1999 should be remembered in the context of the increasing threat of domestic and transnational terrorism that was ramping up during the Clinton years of alleged peace and prosperity. To wit, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Tokyo subway Sarin attack, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the 1995 "Bojinka" conspiracy to hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing, the 1996 Summer Olympics bombing, Osama bin Laden's 1996 and 1998 "Declarations of War" on America, the 1998 East African embassy bombings, the 2000 USS Sullivans bombing attempt, the 2000 USS Cole bombing, and the 2000 Millennium bombing plot.
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December 05, 2007
Billy Jeff: Media Shortchanging Hillary
That's the gist of his speech at a New Hampshire campaign stop yesterday:
During a campaign stop on behalf of his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former president said he can't understand why so much of the media coverage of the campaign ignores her experience—and, without naming him, the relative lack of experience of her closest Democratic rival, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.
"One percent of the press coverage was devoted to their record in public life. No wonder people think experience is irrelevant. A lot of the people covering the race think it is (irrelevant)," Clinton said to students at Keene State College.
Clinton referenced a study from the Project for Excellence in Journalism that indicated much of the coverage of the race is dominated by daily horse race reporting rather than about policy issues.
Well, if Mrs. Clinton's campaign wouldn't hand deliver silly topics to cover like essays Barack Obama wrote in elementary school about wanting to be president -- like no young child has ever before wanted "to be president when I grow up" -- then maybe we could all focus on policy.
But then, policy is exactly what would scare voters away. Mrs. Clinton may say she's all about being a moderate, but anyone who takes a look at her record -- and I mean her entire record, not just the past six or seven years in the Senate -- would know that she's all about creating a socialist state where individual choice and personal responsibility (the cornerstone of our society) would go the way of the dodo.
And, as my friend Tim B. pointed out, if the media were to cover her record better, Mrs. Clinton might end up in jail!
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Maybe it's time WE started doing a thorough biographical investigation of the Spawn of Satan! And making it so visible that it cannot be ignored?
Oh wait - the MSM can ignore anything they want. They're managing to ignore our success in Iraq aren't they!?
posted by
Gayle Miller at December 6, 2007 01:56 PM
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October 31, 2007
Last Night's Dem Debate: Hillary Tanks?
No, I didn't see the debate...I was in New York for a screening of "Hillary! Uncensored," but my pal Tim sent a link to Roger Simon's take on Mrs. Clinton's performance at Politico:
It was not just that her answer about whether illegal immigrants should be issued drivers’ licenses was at best incomprehensible and at worst misleading.
It was that for two hours she dodged and weaved, parsed and stonewalled.
And when it was over, both the Barack Obama and John Edwards campaigns signaled that in the weeks ahead they intend to hammer home a simple message: Hillary Clinton does not say what she means or mean what she says.
But isn't that what she does best? Never say what you really mean, lest the voters really know what you stand for. And when the going gets tough, deny, deny, deny.
The "Hillary! Uncensored" documentary was a real eye-opener as far as the whole Peter Paul Hollywood fundraiser in August of 2000 is concerned. She and Bill used Paul because it was convenient, and then left him out to dry when the press asked a few uncomfortable questions. I plan to write more about it later. But I will say now that I am looking forward to his civil suit against the Clintons, which I was told will go to trial some time next year.
Think this is bad? Her performance was even worse.
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I didn't see the debate, either, but Good Morning America was even criticizing Clinton for her cryptic answers.
posted by
Wyatt Earp at October 31, 2007 09:17 AM
When GMA criticizes Mrs. Clinton, you know she must be in trouble! I wonder if the Today Show was as critical? Her pals on the View, as worldly wise as they are, will stick up for her no matter what...
posted by
Pam at October 31, 2007 09:28 AM
I hope the Peter Paul issue goes to court at the most optimum time possible to knock Her Royal Pantsuit on her a$$. Permanently. She's gotten away with every miserable corrupt thing she and "The Would Be First Gent" have pulled, and it's about time she was held accountable.
All the better if it fatally damages her bid for the White House. Oh, sweet glory....
Looking forward to reading your review of the documentary.
posted by
Andrea Shea King at October 31, 2007 10:20 AM
Dream on.
posted by mudkitty at October 31, 2007 01:14 PM
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October 29, 2007
Hillary Uncensored
The documentary "Hillary Uncensored" debuted at Harvard University last week, and chronicles the story between Peter Franklin Paul's civil suit against Bill Clinton.
Here's the heart of the suit, according to WND:
Paul claims President Clinton destroyed his entertainment company – Stan Lee Media – to get out of a $17 million deal in which he promised to promote the firm in exchange for stock, cash options and massive contributions to his wife's 2000 campaign. Paul contends he was directed by the Clintons and Democratic Party leaders to foot the bill for a lavish Hollywood gala and fundraiser prior to the 2000 election that eventually cost him nearly $2 million.
More from Paul:
Paul told WND the film, using his hours of home video, "is unprecedented in allowing the camera to communicate the character of these people, without being diffused through spokesmen and spin."
Anticipating criticism, Paul insisted the film is not being "directed by any right-wing group."
"It's not intended to have any ideological or political message at all, other than confirming what Machiavelli notices in Renaissance Italy, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely," Paul said.
Paul contends Sen. Clinton's participation in soliciting performers and planning the event would make his more than $1.2 million in contributions a direct donation to her Senate campaign rather than to a joint fundraising committee, violating federal statutes that limit "hard money" contributions to a candidate to $2,000 per person. Knowingly accepting or soliciting $25,000 or more in a calendar year is a felony carrying a prison sentence of up to five years.
You can see the 13-minute trailer for the documentary here. And, I will be seeing this documentary in full tomorrow, October 30, at the Metropolitan Republican Club in New York City. I'll have a full report on Wednesday!
"I want to thank Peter Paul..."
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You do realize, that if you keep obsessing on Hillary, people are going to think you're crazy.
posted by mudkitty at October 31, 2007 01:15 PM
...and yet, a Hillary presidency is SO MUCH MORE DESIRED than a George W. Bush one at this point. What does that tell you, Slappy?
posted by at November 4, 2007 04:29 PM
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25 Reasons to Vote for Hillary
Undecided voters, rejoice! Morgan over at the House of Eratosthenes has come up with 25...count them, 25 reasons why you should vote for Hillary. Here are just a few:
6. She can find a villain in any issue. Any issue. Any at all. Just watch her.
7. We’ve tolerated capitalism and free enterprise long enough
8. It’s not like she’s the one who cheated on Bill…so far as we know
9. Isn’t it time we lost that unfashionable, out-of-style right to bear arms?
10. So John Paul Stevens can give Rosie “fire doesn’t melt steel” O’Donnell his seat
11. So we can punish all the rich people. For being rich. Except her, of course. And George Soros.
12. And no one will ever accuse you of sexism again. Ever. Well, for about thirty seconds.
13. Because it isn’t fascism when women do it
Good stuff! See them all here.
Photo found at Zombietime
h/t: Larwyn
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Ok, that photo's pretty hilarious.
posted by Ro at October 30, 2007 06:22 PM
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October 08, 2007
Take This Quiz!
How much do you know about Marxist, Socialist and Communist philosophies and their origins? Take this quiz...answers below the jump. Good luck, and let me know how you do in the comments section! (h/t Timothy M.)
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common
A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above
2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few,
by the few, and for the few...and to replace it with shared
responsibility for shared prosperity."
A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above
3) "(We)...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means
something has to be taken away from some people."
A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Jose f Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above
4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to
give up a little bit of their own...in order to create this common
A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above
5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above
6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the
most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being
A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above
Read More "Take This Quiz!"
(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005
Good ol' Hillary. Redistributing your wealth for everyone else's good since 1992
« Hide "Take This Quiz!"
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Wow...thanks for the lesson, Pam.
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at October 8, 2007 02:40 PM
Yay, I passed! The first quote kinda let the cat outta the bag (whoops, didn't mean to say "bag" in reference to Hillary... ok, yes I did).
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at October 8, 2007 04:05 PM
Pamster...as I'm writing this, Andrea is doing your quiz on the air!! Blogtalkradio
posted by
THIRDWAVEDAVE at October 8, 2007 09:42 PM
Such manipulation, fraud, negligence, corruption...
The same Bill and Hillary who did nothing to deal with the growing threat of Radical Muslim Militancy for 8 years, enabling the potential horror of 9-11.
It is unreal, to consider some are foolishly considering to return the Embarrassing Clintons to the White House again.
posted by
hnav at October 9, 2007 02:45 AM
posted by
Kitty at October 9, 2007 07:04 AM
Not sure if you're a Neal Boortz fan, but he had this in his program notes yesterday. It's about halfway down the page. Right before it, he has AN ESSENTIAL STEP IN SAVING AMERICA that you might enjoy reading also. Here's a snipit:
It's ironic to me that the countries who suffered under the rule of Marx' worker's paradise have largely rejected so many of the tenants set forth in his Communist Manifesto, while the one country that held communism at bay for over 70 years and eventually destroyed it still embraces many of those ideas.
posted by
shannon at October 9, 2007 06:26 PM
Thanks Shannon...one of my correspondents is a Boortz fan, and he's the one who sent it to me! I probably should have mentioned that Boortz had it on his site.
His statement that you quote is ironic indeed!
posted by
Pam at October 10, 2007 04:07 PM
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August 30, 2007
Hillary's Dirty Laundry
Yesterday, hubby sent me info on Hillary with the hopes I'd do a post about her latest donation scandal, but I didn't have time to get to it. However, Pamela at Atlas Shrugs did a great job on the topic, and so I send you to her place to read all about it.
I will say one thing, however: Hillary talks on and on about how her "experience" makes her the best choice for the White House. Experience doing what? Heading a health care reform team that was probably the most secretive group in the White House since the days of Richard Nixon? We all know how that turned out. Her other experience seems to be helping hubby Bill attain the absolute worst presidential legacy as far as various scandals within his administration...many including the two of them personally.
When Bill campaigned in 1992, he said voters had the chance to "buy one, get one free." But nothing in life is free. We got out of it not only one of the most scandal-ridden administrations in the history of this nation, but we get the "chance" for eight more years of the same.
What voters will need if Hillary is elected in 2008
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February 26, 2007
Say NO To Hillary: Reason 4
She wants to make up the rules during the campaign:
With a swift response to attacks from a former supporter last week, advisers to the New York Democrat offered a glimpse of their strategy for handling one of the most awkward chapters of her biography. They declared her husband's impeachment in 1998 -- or, more accurately, the embarrassing personal behavior that led to it -- taboo, putting her rivals on notice and all but daring other Democrats to mention the ordeal again.
"In the end, voters will decide what's off-limits, but I can't imagine that the public will reward the politics of personal destruction," senior Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson said Friday, when asked whether the impeachment is fair game for Clinton's opponents. Earlier in the week, Wolfson dismissed references to President Bill Clinton's conduct as "under the belt."
The queen of smear frowns upon "politics of personal destruction"? Here's what Dick Morris has to say about her tactics:
Hillary has never been tolerant of open political debate if that means people can legitimately criticize or publicly disagree with her. Now she's become even more dogmatic, arrogantly believing that her frontrunner status is tantamount to a coronation. She seems to believe that it is an act of war for a fellow Democrat to even challenge her for the nomination. If they disagree with her, they need to be punished and sent to their room.
Do we need someone like that in the Oval Office?
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Hillary will continue to talk out of both sides of her mouth, claiming to be all about "the issues" (or the children, whichever will get her the most mileage at the time) while her staff slings mud FOR her. Just ask Obama.
posted by
Reverse_Vampyr at February 26, 2007 06:03 PM
She is evil incarnate in my opinion and I have a very apocalypic view of her possible presidency. Fortunately, she is exceeedingly clumsy in pursuing her ambitions and that is a good thing. She has already started making numerous missteps and, unlike 1992 when there was no alternative media to illuminate her dishonesty and viscious attitudes, thanks to the Internet - not so easy for her to duck for cover this time.
posted by
Gayle Miller at February 27, 2007 09:03 AM
All things to all people.
I hope when she falls, she falls hard...
posted by
jimmyb at February 27, 2007 07:09 PM
we already have someone like that in the oval office. people who disagree with Bush get fired.
years later, turns out they were right .. we did need more troops in Iraq, but he was fired, right?
posted by
paul at February 28, 2007 05:35 PM
The president has the authority to fire top army brass if he doesn't think they're doing a good job. And, he takes the flak if it turns out he was wrong. Firing someone because you don't think they're doing a good job is one thing. For a presidential candidate to try to tell other candidates what they can and can't talk about during a campaign is another story entirely, as it smacks of dogmatism.
posted by
Pam at February 28, 2007 06:04 PM
Unfortunately for Hillary, this isn't her dreamworld where she can control everyone. All of her critics (millions of Americans) know exactly what her husband did and how. It's called baggage.
Hillary has more than enough.
The media can whitewash everything but our memory.
posted by
jng at March 1, 2007 10:53 AM
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February 19, 2007
Say NO To Hillary: Reason 3
WASHINGTON - If Hillary Rodham Clinton wins the presidency, some top Democrats would like to see her husband, former President Bill Clinton, appointed to serve out Hillary’s unexpired Senate term.
Political analysts say a Senate seat for Bill would go a long way toward solving a potentially nettlesome problem for Hillary — what to do with her husband if they return to the White House. The former president currently maintains an office in Harlem and a home with his wife in Chappaqua, N.Y.
Having Hillary in the Oval Office would be bad enough. Hillary in office with Bill underfoot is worse. But Hillary in office with Bill in the Senate officially being able to help her get her socialist agenda enacted? That's simply unthinkable.
If you haven't read either Hell to Pay or Final Days, both by Barbara Olson, you should. They serve to remind us what a nightmare a Clinton White House was, and what a bigger nightmare another one would be.

The Wonder Twins want to put another
whammy on the American public
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are they counting chickens before they hatch?
the dems reveal their lust for power again.
imagine a poor democrat who is a real New Yorker, wanting to be a Senator, having those greedy Clintons swoop in to take what they wish...
do they have plump interns in the Senate?
posted by
hnav at February 19, 2007 11:29 AM
Hmm, Southerners would label Bill a Carpetbagger, except they've already labeled Hillary the same.
Well, to be honest, they call both of them A LOT WORSE THINGS than carpetbagger(!!)
Let's make Bill Official Consort if Hillary wins. He wanted to be Emperor, after all. At least Hillary won't be saddled with his harem!?
posted by
jng at February 19, 2007 12:05 PM
The idea of Bill Clinton back in Washington makes my skin crawl!
posted by
Gayle Miller at February 20, 2007 09:43 AM
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February 11, 2007
Say NO to Hillary: Reason 2
From Final Days (copyright 2001) by Barbara Olson, chapter 14, pgs. 215-216:
No serious observer can believe that Hillary's self-image or fundamental beliefs have undergone the slightest revision. Hillary Rodham Clinton remains, in her own mind, one of the anointed, and her quest remains how best to impose her ideas, especially concerning socialized health care, on the public. She is quite willing to act outrageously, stonewall and obfuscate, then proclaim that it is time to "move on." As her presidential campaign unfolds, the public will be wise to examine her conduct and motives in light of her past, consistent history. She will never really change.
Say NO to Hillary: Reason 1
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January 27, 2007
Say NO to Hillary: Reason 1
From Unlimited Access (copyright 1996) by Gary Aldrich, chapter six, page 87:
Early in the Clinton Administration, the media was full of stories about FOBs -- "Friends of Bill." But many of the appointees I investigated were really FOHs -- Friends of Hillary. Nowhere were her thumbprints more pronounced than on the Health Care Task Force -- the most important domestic project of President Clinton's first term.
The health care debate looked very different inside the White House than it did to the public. While the public was inundated with hard-luck stories of suffering poor people who had lost their insurance, the Clintons themselves were behaving like the most cutthroat corporate downsizers.
In an effort to make good on candidate Clinton's promise to cut the White House staff by 25 percent -- a target the administration never reached -- many longtime federal employees were fired. To staff the White House, the administration brought in a flood of interns and volunteers who worked not only without insurance, but also without pay (and frequently without professional standards of behavior).
Kept very quiet by the Clintons was the fact that many White House employees were hired as officially "part-time" staff to be paid at only thirty-nine hours a week or less, even though there was plenty of work for them to do and they wanted to work full time. But denying them that extra hour of work a week allowed the White House to deny them a variety of benefits, the chief of which was health insurance!
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Do as I say not as I do.We are sure being led by people who if held up to the light would be transparent.
Anything more on Duncan Hunter???
posted by
learner at January 28, 2007 03:26 PM
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