February 19, 2008
Fidel Castro "Retires," Hollywood In Mourning?
An era has ended:
An ailing Fidel Castro stepped aside as Cuba's leader Tuesday, ending nearly a half-century of rule that saw him become an arch-enemy of 10 U.S. presidents as head of one of the world's last communist nations.
One of the last communist nations...really makes you feel nostaligic, doesn't it? Like when either Paul McCartney or Ringo Starr dies, the other will be "the last remaining Beatle." Anyone have a hankie?
In his letter to his prisoners...I mean "compatriots," the 81-year-old former El Presidente said, "I will not aspire to nor accept — I repeat, I will not aspire to nor accept — the post of President of the Council of State and Commander in Chief." Please, please, do not press him to accept any more honors than you have already bestowed upon him over the last 49 years. He wants to bow out gracefully, so that your memories of him will forever remain sweet and poignant.
The letter in full can be read here, in both English and Spanish.
Anyway, I guess Raul, a young whippersnapper at the age of 76, will continue on as the day-to-day ruler. Will he last 49 years? I'm sure those happy Cubans hope so. They love living like it's 1959.
But my real concern is how Hollywood luminaries like Robert Redford, Steven Spielberg and Leonardo DiCaprio -- and other enlightened, likeminded fellows -- will take the news that the man who has inspired them all these years will no longer be sitting on his pedestal to be worshiped. Could it be that death is not far off for their compatriota?
My advice to them is not to worry. They still have Hugo Chavez.
UPDATE (Feb. 21, 1:30 PM): Here's a comment by one of my readers...for some reason, the comments section would not let him post it:
"I was scanning the FM dial on the way to work this morning and came across a fund raising drive for WBAI Pacifica Radio (99.5FM in NYC). For a $100 pledge you received a DVD titled Fidel: The Untold Truth. The host described it as the real story of Fidel's coups that toppled American Neo-colonialism and aggression. The excitement in her voice as she described the "hero" of Cuba and oppressed people everywhere and the failed CIA war against him was almost unbelievable. Then I heard her say "We have 7 callers and phone lines are open..." 7 out of a city of 8,000,000 - Come on New York - Where's the love?"
So long...we hardly knew ya...
h/t: Hot Air
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September 17, 2007
France Grows a Pair
One of those "Believe It or Not" moments:
France's foreign minister warned Sunday that the world should prepare for war if Iran obtains nuclear weapons and said European leaders were considering their own economic sanctions against the Islamic country.
Sanctions, schmanctions. You saw how much they affected Saddam Hussein...he managed to get his funds the sleazy way, via the U.N. Oil for Food program. And he didn't give two hoots for the people anyway...much as, I figure, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't care much for the welfare of the common man. He's too busy trying to figure out how to wipe Israel off the map and how to either cripple or destroy the Great Satan.
But...we may have to abandon our "cheese eating surrender monkeys" moniker for the French. With Nicholas Sarkozy at the helm, it's a whole new ball game.
I wonder how much the Dems want to emulate the French now?
On a tip from Jeanette!
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December 20, 2006
Iran Claims It Is Now a Nuclear Power
From YNetNews.com (all emphasis below mine):
Iran is now a "nuclear power," its President, Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, delcared Wednesday, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.
During a speech delivered in the Western Iranian province of Javanroud, Ahmadinejad said: "The Islamic Republic of Iran is now a nuclear power, thanks to the hard work of the Iranian people and authorities."
The announcement of Iran as a "nuclear power" is bound to significantly escalate tensions between the West and Iran, and marks a dramatic stage in the Islamic Republic's nuclear campaign.
In recent days, the US military has begun to build up forces around the Gulf, in what is being seen as as a warning to Iran.
Ahmadinejad was also reported to have announced that "Iranian young scientists reached the zenith of science and technology and gained access to the nuclear fuel cycle without the help of big powers."
The Iranian president began the speech by saying that "the powerful Iranian nation resists bullying powers and will defend its rights, including the right to pursue peaceful nuclear technology," the IRNA said.
In a clear rejection of all diplomatic attempts to prevent Iran from going nuclear, Ahmadinejad added in his speech that "the Iranian nation will continue in its nuclear path powerfully and will celebrate a nuclear victory soon."
The IRNA said Ahmadinejad was in Javanroud for a three-day tour along with members of his cabinet.
If all Iran wants is electricity, why is Ahmadinejad calling his country a "nuclear power?" Why is he predicting a "nuclear victory soon"?
For all we know, this could be empty boasting. And even if they have nuclear technology, can they successfully launch a nuclear missile to its destination? None of this is clear at the moment. However, things could get ugly a lot sooner than we anticipated.
UPDATE: Ahmadinejad is also predicting that Western powers will disappear:
"The oppressive powers will disappear while the Iranian people will stay. Any power that is close to God will survive while the powers who are far from God will disappear like the pharaohs," he said Wednesday, according to Iranian news agencies.
"Today, it is the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime which are doomed to disappear as they have moved far away from the teachings of God," he said in a speech in the western town of Javanroud.
"It is a divine promise."
More like a madman's promise. Stay tuned.

Does this nut really have the bomb?
h/t: Cookiewrangler
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We'll know he has the bomb when we see the mushroom cloud. It won't be long the way things are going.
posted by
Van Helsing at December 20, 2006 06:53 PM
He doesn't havre the bomb. Jon Kerry told me so.
posted by
Good Lt at December 20, 2006 10:48 PM
Let's hope he doesn't. It would be a bad day for a everybody. Check my blog out for more of my views.
posted by
Collin at December 21, 2006 03:38 PM
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December 13, 2006
Dodd Plans Talks With Middle East Leaders
Connecticut's other senator, Chris Dodd (D), is planning a trip to the Middle East to conduct what the Hartford Courant calls "his own Middle East peace talks."
And, he's bringing John Kerry with him. The two plan to talk to leaders in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel.
The subheadline to the above linked article says, "Kerry to Join Effort in Sensitive Territory." If it's sensitivity that Dodd wants, he may want to rethink his choice of traveling partner.
Call me cynical, but I find it somewhat pretentious when two senators, both with presidential ambitions, decide to travel to a highly unstable area of the world with the hopes that perhaps they can succeed where others with more qualifications for such activities have failed.
Oh, you didn't know Chris Dodd was planning a run for president? He's very close to throwing his hat into the ring. Never mind that you may not know who he is. (But you may remember Dodd's famous "waitress sandwich" back in 1985, with Teddy Kennedy serving as the other slice of flabby white bread.)
Dodd feels his relative anonymity could be a plus in the race for the Democrats' 2008 nominee. Here's what a few people had to say earlier this year when the rumor of Dodd '08 started flying. Frankly, I wouldn't want to inflict him on the rest of the country. It's bad enough that he represents my state.
The idea that Dodd and Kerry are going to talk to leaders in Syria when the administration is reluctant to do so (and hoping to pass on messages from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice) does nothing for our nation. It shows those countries that we continue to be divided on key policy issues such as national security. All these two are doing is stroking their own egos.
Such is the sad nature of politics.

Plans to pave his way to the Oval Office
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It is inconceivable to me that this is going on. What madness are we coming to when two Senators think it wise to meet with the enemy? Studied arrogance. This is an abomination. I won't tell you what I think ought to be done with these two. But you get the idea, I'm sure.
Radio Patriot
posted by
Andrea & Mark - Radio Patriots at December 13, 2006 11:40 AM
John Kerry is an hold hand at this sort of thing...that's probably why Dodd is bringing him along -- to show him the ropes.
posted by
Pam at December 13, 2006 12:18 PM
Make that "old" hand... :-)
posted by
Pam at December 13, 2006 12:19 PM
Not only is this pretentious, it should be illegal. We elected a president and he sets foreign policy and meets with other heads of state. These two assclowns need to be kept from going over there and humiliating our country.
posted by
reverse_vampyr at December 13, 2006 01:52 PM
Sorry, I just can't picture Dodd doin' the sammich with Lurch.
posted by
Kitty at December 13, 2006 02:13 PM
Like I said in the reply to your email, Pam...this is probably a strategy session for the Dems and the jihadists:
1. He will ask them to keep up the good work in Iraq and that they'll need more US troop deaths to convince the American people to retreat.
2. He will want a terrorist attack in the next two years so the Democrats will be able to blame Bush and republicans in 2008.
posted by
aaron at December 13, 2006 05:54 PM
I saw something on Dodd possibly running last month on CNN.com.
I thought there had to be some sort of error. I guess not.
posted by
John Ruberry at December 13, 2006 10:40 PM
This letter regarding a Comprehensive Mideast Peace Plan has been sent to the following; Palestinian National Authority President, Palestinian Liberation Organization, all Israeli Knesset Members, Israel Embassy in Washington DC, President of Lebanon, Lebanon Embassy in Washington DC, US President, US Vice President, US Secretary of State, All US Senators on Foreign Relations Committee, US House Speaker, Pope Benedict XVI, UK Prime Minister, Russian President, Egypt Embassy in Washington DC, Jordan Embassy in Washington DC, Saudi Embassy in Washington DC, Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Various European Union Contacts, European Union Presidency, Foreign Minister of Finland, United Nations, Brookings Institute, Nobel Peace Prize Director, Nobel Peace Prize Committee Members, Elie Wiesel Foundation, The Carter Center, The Clinton Foundation, Foundation for Middle East Peace, International Crisis Group, James A Baker III Institute for Public Policy, United States Institute of Peace, International Atomic Energy Agency, Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank, and numerous news organizations (permission granted to use this write-up).
The “Quartet’s” Road Map to Peace is doomed for failure because all parties know that the Road Map has no adequate final solution regarding the city of Jerusalem. The “Quartet’s Road Map to Peace does not adequately address security of the Israeli nation and fails to solve the isolation and destitution of the Palestinian nation. Peace in the Middle East region will not happen until we have a resolution solving the Israeli/Palestinian dispute and resolve the internal problems in Lebanon. Peace will never take hold until all the different parties are integrated and learn to live together. Keeping these factions segregated will never result in a peaceful solution. Most likely, segregation will create hardships and increase tensions. Keeping Palestinians isolated will most likely bring about further economic hardships. For peace to take place, the three major religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity that hold Jerusalem to be their holy city need to be involved in the peace process solution. The areas of Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights, and Lebanon should be incorporated as one entity known as the United Nations of Jerusalem (UNJ). The United Nations of Jerusalem will consist of three nations; The Nation of Israel (Jewish Government), The Nation of Palestine (Islamic Government of Palestinian Muslims and Lebanese Muslims), and the Nation of Lebanon (Christian Government).
The United Nations of Jerusalem will be one territory where all Jews, Muslims, and Christians have the right to live anywhere they desire. This will address the concerns of the Palestinian people regarding their right to return to their homeland from which they were exiled. The United Nations of Jerusalem will be one geographic territory occupied by three nations, where the city of Jerusalem will be the national capital of Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon. The United Nations of Jerusalem will consist of three nations that operate as one government. For any law to pass, a minimum of two of the three nations (religious governments) need to approve the legislation. Each nation will consist of a president, vice president, cabinet, and a congress. So there will be an Israeli Nation consisting of a Jewish President and a Jewish Congress, a Palestinian Nation consisting of an Islamic President and an Islamic Congress, and a Lebanese Nation consisting of a Christian President and a Christian Congress. The three nations will meet in joint session with their members present to discuss issues of importance. After the joint session, each nation will go to its own chamber to discuss and vote on the matter. For any law to pass, it takes a minimum of two of the three nations to approve the legislation.
Each nation will function in a similar manner as the United States government operates concerning the executive and legislative branches of government. Security of the United Nations of Jerusalem shall be secured by a peace treaty with the European Union of Nations and the United States stating that these nations shall defend any of the three UNJ Nations if so attacked. The Israeli President would have sole authority of the UNJ Defense Force for the external defense of the United Nations of Jerusalem and would have sole control of the armed forces and of its armaments designated for that defense purpose for the first three years. UNJ Defense Forces shall gradually be integrated with Muslims and Christians. During the fourth year, the UNJ Defense Forces shall be under the sole control of the Palestinian President then on the fifth year the Defense Forces shall be under the sole control of the Lebanese President. Starting on the sixth year, annual rotations will be made on which National President shall be in charge of the UNJ Defense Forces. The UNJ Internal Forces (police and national guard) would be under the control of all three nations. During the first three years of the existence of the United Nations of Jerusalem, an international coalition of armed forces from the United States, European Union, and other interested nations will help in the creation, formation, and maintenance of this new internal army. During the formation of the UNJ Internal Force, the Nation of Israel will be responsible for its own defense within the pre-1967 borders for the first two years to enable its own security while the rule of law is being established in Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories by the international forces. By the third year the UNJ internal forces shall be placed within the pre-1967 borders of Israel. By the fourth year, all of the international coalition forces shall reduce the level of troops within the United Nations of Jerusalem, but that the European Union of Nations and the United States shall always maintain bases in the UNJ. The Internal Forces of the UNJ shall consist of collective groups of Jews, Muslims, and Christians that operate as a single unit. There shall be no segregated militia groups based on religion. Militant militias such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad will be disarmed. The internal army shall be an integrated force of different religious groups working as one. The UNJ Internal Forces shall answer to all three nations. The Internal Forces will answer to the three defense ministers (cabinet members). The action of the UNJ Internal Forces will only occur when at least a minimum of two of the three defense ministers approve such action. There will be an Israeli Defense Minister, Palestinian Defense Minister, and Lebanese Defense Minister. Each of these defense ministers answer to their own national president and may be removed by their respective president. Each nation's cabinet members shall be appointed by their respective national president along with the majority consent of their respective nation's congress (Note, judges shall be selected in the same manner). Any cabinet member may be removed by their respective national president as that president sees fit (Note, judges may only be removed by a 2/3 vote of their respective nation's congress).
The judicial system in the United Nations of Jerusalem would be represented by the three nations. The Supreme Court shall consist of three Jews selected by the Nation of Israel, three Muslims selected by the Nation of Palestine, and three Christians selected by the Nation of Lebanon. The United Nations of Jerusalem shall be governed by a doctrine of "Freedom of Religion" (one's right to choose their religion freely). Each lower court shall consist of three judges; one Jewish judge, one Muslim judge, one Christian judge. The jury of any trial shall consist of three Jews, three Muslims, and three Christians. A decision or conviction by a jury shall take place only upon a vote of two-thirds (6/9) or more.
The election process shall be overseen by the three election commission ministers (cabinet positions). Again, an international coalition shall oversee the election process during the first four years. All United Nations of Jerusalem citizens shall register under their religious affiliations as either a Jew, a Muslim, or a Christian (subject to approval of election commission). All poling places throughout the United Nations of Jerusalem shall contain voting facilities for Jews, Muslims, and Christians no matter what the population size of that religious group shall be in a particular area. For example if a person is a Muslim, they will only vote for the Palestinian President, Palestinian Vice President, and Palestinian Congress. Each national presidential and vice presidential term shall be four years. National congressional terms shall be four years. Each national congress shall be elected on an at-large basis where each citizen votes for a political party. Each political party will receive its pro-rata share of congressional seats based on the percentage of votes received. Congressional elections will be based on the model that the Israelis use in electing Knesset Members. Such an election process ensures that minority factions will obtain seats in their respective national congress.
Many innocent people are suffering and dying over a conflict that can be settled. History tends to show that two sided conflicts are not easily resolved and usually result in bloody wars. The peace plan that I am presenting is a novel approach of creating a political process where there can be no stalemate. This situation creates an atmosphere of dialogue whereby all three nations know that they must compromise or be endangered of being left out if the other two nations vote against them.
A peace process referendum should be put to a vote to all peoples located in Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights, and Lebanon. Also, all the citizens of Lebanon who emigrated from that country since 1975 at the onset of the Lebanese Civil War should be part of the voting process concerning the "United Nations of Jerusalem" peace proposal and that these people should be allowed the choice to repatriate. The estimate of Lebanese leaving since 1975 is 70% Christian and 30% Muslim. Also, Christian minorities throughout the Middle East should be allowed to emigrate to the United Nations of Jerusalem (Such as the Assyrians, Copts, and other Arab Christians). Peace is a real possibility if people put an effort in attaining it. I pray that there may be a solution for peace and that the suffering will cease for all Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Let everyone pray for the peace in this area of the world and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Respectfully Yours:
Mr. Jon Allen Dolen
Green Valley, IL 61534-0067 USA
posted by
Jon Dolen at December 16, 2006 09:24 PM
Since these idjits are publicly and egregiously violating The Logan Act, I say revoke their passports WHILE THEY ARE OUT OF THE COUNTRY and let them STAY with their new pals!
The President of the United States is the ONLY one (either directly or via the State Department) who is authorized to conduct foreign policy!
These people are in the U.S. Senate and they don't even KNOW Federal law? Sheesh!
And Jon, it seems that your heart is in the right place BUT the Arabs will NEVER accept the right of the State of Israel to exist. I remember when Israel became an independent government (shut up, Jon, I know I'm old) and nothing has changed since. The Arabs only have one focus - driving the inhabitants of the State of Israel into the sea and claiming the land as their own. Of course it belongs to the Jews more than the Muslims (the Jews came first, remember, and then the Christians - the Moslem faith wasn't even dreamed up until the 11th century) and when Arabs occupied the land, they did NOTHING with it, but hey - why should history or logic or the rule of international law be considered by fanatical murderous savages?
posted by
Gayle Miller at December 18, 2006 10:59 AM
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October 18, 2006
Poll Shows 80% Dissatisfaction with U.S.
Okay, I lied. I figured a headline about America-bashing would get a higher posting in search engines. Truth is, this poll from Japan shows the exact opposite :
About once a year, the [U.S.] embassy contracts a business in Japan to conduct a survey to measure Japanese attitudes toward Americans and the security alliance that allows 50,000 U.S. troops to live in the country.
This year’s poll, taken in May and June, showed 80 percent of the 1,012 adults surveyed across Japan favor the U.S. alliance — the fourth consecutive year that opinion increased, according to Andrew Lee, the embassy’s assistant press attaché.
I found this story on the Stars and Stripes website. Where did you think I found it, on AP or Reuters? (Now if there was a poll that showed how much America was disliked somewhere, you can be sure it would receive top notch coverage from those fine news sources.)
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alright !
thanks for this...
also, i believe Barron's is coming out with an election forcast based on the economy.
they believe the Republicans will hold both houses of Congress...
they see it as tight, but the most interesting thing for me is, it puts a bit of a perspective to the liberal bias in polls.
wonder if a few self centered elite pundits who were premature in declaring defeat, will be proved wrong...
posted by
hnav at October 20, 2006 11:37 PM
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October 09, 2006
North Korea's Nuclear Test
Well, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il did it:
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Monday it had safely and successfully carried out an underground nuclear test, flying in the face of a warning from the U.N. Security Council.
What gets me is the shocked tone that is popping up in the news stories about the event. Why is anyone surprised when rogue nations such as North Korea defy the UN? The UN is a useless group of self-important windbags that never, ever follows through on any of its warnings or resolutions. Just look at Iraq as an example: under our friend Saddam Hussein it violated over 15 UN resolutions, and the UN did nothing to follow up. The UN is like an ineffective parent who constantly warns of dire consequences if little Johnny doesn't obey the rules, but does nothing and Johnny turns out to be a major brat.
The regime of Kim Jong Il (yes, it's appropriate to use here) has continued North Korea's degeneration into a horror show. Starving people, concentration camps, death...it's all a part of the here and now of North Korea. (And commie wannabes in this country close their eyes to that kind of potential for abuse of power when they have their marches and rallies.)
Along with other free world nations, China has condemned the test...but I am taking that announcement with a grain of salt. China isn't exactly a part of the free world, although it likes to pretend it is.
Who could have guessed that North Korea would double-cross Bill Clinton, who gave them two nuclear reactors so that they could produce power? (Well, they're producing power, all right, but not the kind I like.) I wonder if Chris Wallace were to ask him about this in an interview, what would his reaction be?

Nuclear testing by this character shouldn't exactly come as a surprise
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July 20, 2006
Putting It Into Perspective
Listening to Rush Limbaugh today, he gave us a quote by former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir about peace in the Middle East (as it pertains to Israel):
There will be no peace until they love their children more than they hate us.
I couldn't agree more.

She knew what she was talking about.
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Nice quote!!!
I have to remember to use that one on my "Words of Wisdom".
posted by
Chris at July 22, 2006 03:08 AM
Nice quote, but so much more to the conflict than that. There is a lot of blame to go around on both sides.
When Israel occupied southern Lebanon for 18 years, it was well documented that human rights were non-existent from both groups.
posted by
PoliticalCritic at July 22, 2006 09:48 PM
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February 14, 2006
Iran Says "Not Yet"
An Iranian official has been quoted as saying a crucial process to uranium enrichment has not yet begun. Which official? Who knows?
Iran has not yet started running centrifuges to produce enriched uranium, which the West suspects Tehran wants to make atomic weapons, a senior Iranian official told Reuters on Tuesday.
Iran, which says it wants to enrich uranium only to the low level needed for power stations, ordered the resumption uranium enrichment after being reported to the U.N. Security Council earlier this month.
"No work has been done on the centrifuges and no gas has been injected yet," the official said.
I don't know about you, but I feel a heck of a lot better after reading that. After all, the Iranians are so honorable. Why would they make anything up?
After all, they're only looking to create clean energy...
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December 11, 2005
ICC a Bad Idea
Peter A. Brown, writing for the Orlando Sentinel:
A Spanish judge's effort to extradite three American soldiers in connection with the deaths of two journalists in the Iraq war is worth noting -- and not because the United States is likely to turn over the three men involved in a 2003 firefight in which two journalists, one a Spaniard, were mistakenly killed.
It is important because it illustrates the wisdom of the U.S. decision not to join the International Criminal Court.
We should remember this when, as surely as the sun rises in the east, the 2008 presidential campaign will see the ICC issue resurrected by those who think the United States needs to repair its global image by trading on our sovereignty.
Obviously, countering the view around the globe that the United States does what it pleases regardless of the consequences would be a good thing. And, historically the United States has supported the idea of post-war panels to discipline those who commit genocide.
But a full-time world court is another matter. Especially when it requires that American troops doing their job during wartime be subjected to the whims of those who don't share U.S. views and values.
Read the whole thing.
h/t: GD
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I've written about the ICC before and why it is such a bad idea. Russia, China, India, Indonesia, and Japan have refused to sign on to the ICC, but somehow we're the villians if we don't surrender our sovreignity and our constitutional gaurantees to a poorly defined international court that has no checks and balances against abuse.
posted by
DCE at December 11, 2005 12:45 PM
It amazes me how the US is always the bad guy, even when others are doing (or not doing) the same thing we are (or aren't).
posted by
Pam at December 11, 2005 01:05 PM
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