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October 09, 2006

North Korea's Nuclear Test

Well, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il did it:

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Monday it had safely and successfully carried out an underground nuclear test, flying in the face of a warning from the U.N. Security Council.

What gets me is the shocked tone that is popping up in the news stories about the event. Why is anyone surprised when rogue nations such as North Korea defy the UN? The UN is a useless group of self-important windbags that never, ever follows through on any of its warnings or resolutions. Just look at Iraq as an example: under our friend Saddam Hussein it violated over 15 UN resolutions, and the UN did nothing to follow up. The UN is like an ineffective parent who constantly warns of dire consequences if little Johnny doesn't obey the rules, but does nothing and Johnny turns out to be a major brat.

The regime of Kim Jong Il (yes, it's appropriate to use here) has continued North Korea's degeneration into a horror show. Starving people, concentration camps, death...it's all a part of the here and now of North Korea. (And commie wannabes in this country close their eyes to that kind of potential for abuse of power when they have their marches and rallies.)

Along with other free world nations, China has condemned the test...but I am taking that announcement with a grain of salt. China isn't exactly a part of the free world, although it likes to pretend it is.

Who could have guessed that North Korea would double-cross Bill Clinton, who gave them two nuclear reactors so that they could produce power? (Well, they're producing power, all right, but not the kind I like.) I wonder if Chris Wallace were to ask him about this in an interview, what would his reaction be?

Nuclear testing by this character shouldn't exactly come as a surprise

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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:39 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | World Affairs

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