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April 19, 2006

How Sorry Is She?

Michelle Malkin reports that the NKU professor who encouraged students to join her in pulling down an anti-abortion/pro-life display of crosses (a display sanctioned by NKU) has now apologized...sort of. In an interview with a local television station, Professor Sally Jacobsen had this to say:

"I deeply regret my impulsive action in dismantling that display."


"I really love NKU and care very much about my students and don't want them to be harmed. It was a mistake of judgment for me to invite my students to participate in that action. At this point, I really want the university to be able to defuse the firestorm of attention around this."

I guess I'm a skeptic, but I have a feeling her being sorry has more to do with the fact that the university actually took action and suspended her, rather than using the old "academic freedom" tack that we've come to expect from our institutes of higher education of late.

There is still the possibility of charges being brought against Jacobsen by the group that sponsored the display (which has been restored). It's not certain if the students who participated will face charges. Frankly, I'd like for them to receive some sort of punishment, even just community service of some sort. They need to realize that their actions have consequences. Hiding behind the "she said we should do it" excuse might hold for young children, but college students should be a little more responsible.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 05:43 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Leftwing Lunacy

You would expect Jacobsen's apology to half hearted. The way she described her actions was half-honest, half-not, "I invited them to join me..."
I have no doubt that it was something more along the lines of, "Come on, let's go tear down that [expletive] display." Incited, more than invited.

But the important part isn't Jacobsen's half apology, it's the university officials' very clear stand on the matter. Good for them. They are showing the ivy league a thing or two about integrity.

Posted by: lumberjack at April 20, 2006 08:09 AM
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