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April 13, 2006

School Dress Code: Patriotism Taboo

Lots of folks have been getting riled up about the illegal immigration protests that have been taking place within the last week. It's funny how the people who should be protesting (those who WANT reform) aren't...guess we all have to go to work or do other productive things with our time.

Fallout from the uproar includes some schools that have banned any kind of flag waving or clothing that smacks of patriotism for fear of causing unrest within their schools. Safety, they say, is their first priority.

Part of me can understand that. School administrators are indeed charged with keeping as safe an environment as possible for their students. But how far should we go? It's a sad day in our nation when children are banned from wearing the colors of our flag because we're afraid that immigrant children (illegal or otherwise) might be offended by such a blatant show of patriotism.

To quote Jerry Seinfeld: What's up with that?

It used to be that everyone who came to our country wanted to become a part of it, and were be proud to wave our flag and its colors. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and we have the multiculturalist crowd to thank for it. By making a big deal about "cultural identity" as opposed to "American identity," we have created not a proud citizenry, but a bunch of small special interest groups who see themselves as (insert nationality here) before they see themselves as Americans...if they see themselves as Americans at all.

The Mad Pigeon is, not surprisingly, mad about this situation. As a captain in the US Air Force, he has even more reason to find this situation both repulsive and insulting. Here, he addresses Myla Shepard, principal of Shaw Heights Middle School in Colorado, one of the schools that has placed such a ban on patriotic clothing, etc.

Well, Myla... you're durned [PIGEONED] right I'm going to contact you with some questions! Just what kind of politically correct leftist institution are you running there? Did you cancel the Pledge of Allegiance, too? Take down the flag in the front? Do you even HAVE a flag pole? How about canceling classes on American History and Government since they might offend the fragile self esteem of your non-American students? Is this a convenient way to sweep an issue under the rug as to cover the students' eyes from a potentially powerful learning event?


But silly me, I forget we're a reactive society. One kid gets a boo boo on the playground and asphalt gets outlawed. Heaven forbid little Bobby engages in conflict with Nancy over a flag, since conflict is bad. Despite the fact conflict leads to change, creativity, debate, enlightenment, etc. But who am I to argue? I'm just a guy who signed up to die for my country and give you the right to tear down all the symbols I cherish.

Indeed. We have come to expect that other countries are eager to paint America in a negative light. But when such negativity comes from within, and is directed at our children, what kind of message are we sending? That pride for your own country should play second fiddle to the sensibilities of others who are residing here? Some of whom, by the way, weren't even invited.

For more on illegal immigration, check out Flight Pundit.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email me and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**

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