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April 10, 2006

Has-Been Affleck: Hang Bush!

Being a celebrity means never having to say anything that makes any kind of sense. Just ask second-stringer Ben Affleck, who said President Bush could be hanged for treason. From Newsbusters:

Reminiscent of Al Franken on the Late Show last October, on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, actor Ben Affleck charged that President Bush “probably also leaked” Valerie Plame's name and so “if he did, you can be hung for that! That's treason!” In full rant, an apoplectic Affleck asserted: “You could be killed. That's not a joking around Tom DeLay 'I'll do a year, I bribed the state officials with corporate money.' That's like they shoot you in the battlefield for doing that.”

Affleck appeared on Maher's panel with Senator Joe Biden and Bill Sammon of the Washington Examiner. A couple of minutes later, after Sammon suggested Tom DeLay's resignation means the loss of a “poster boy for the left” so they can't use him anymore to raise funds, Affleck besmirched DeLay as a “criminal” while simultaneously demonstrating his political naivete. Though the Texas redistricting orchestrated by DeLay made his district less Republican, Affleck contended: "Tom DeLay personally gerrymandered that district so severely that it looks like a map of Italy....There won't be a Democrat elected in that seat for a thousand years. You can't say he's the poster boy for the left. He happens to be an incredibly powerful Republican who is a criminal and now you blame Democrats for pointing it out!"

The actual transcript is at the bottom of Newsbusters' post.

Um, sorry Ben. President Bush did not leak Valerie Plame's name, and DeLay's redistricting did not result in Democrats losing all. But it just goes to show that the left is on the same page when it comes to propaganda: if we all keep repeating the same thing, people will eventually believe what we say to be true.

Hey Ben, stick to acting. When you can get a paying gig, that is...

Ben Affleck: Waiting for the Mother Ship

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