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November 01, 2006

Victor Davis Hanson on John Kerry

UPDATE (11:10 am): Michelle Malkin shows us what the tolerant-minded people in the SF-area think about the whole thing. Unsurprising, to be sure.

The ever-erudite Victor Davis Hanson has a few things to say about John Kerry in the light of his latest slur (yes, slur, and although he'd now like us to believe otherwise, it sure seemed intentional) on the intelligence of those who join our military. Here are a couple of remarks that stand out:

Kerry surely must be one of the saddest Democratic liabilities around. Some afterthoughts about his latest gaffe, which is one of those rare glimpses into an entire troubled ideology:

(1) How could John Kerry, born into privilege, and then marrying and divorcing and marrying out of and back into greater inherited wealth, lecture anyone at a city college about the ingredients for success in America? If he were to give personal advice about making it, it would have to be to marry rich women. Nothing he has accomplished as a senator or candidate reveals either much natural intelligence or singular education. Today, Democrats must be wondering why they have embraced an overrated empty suit, and ostracized a real talent like Joe Lieberman.


(8) And why is the supposedly lame Bush so careful in speech, and the self-acclaimed geniuses like a Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, or Howard Dean serially spouting ever more stupidities? For all the Democrats' criticism of George Bush, I can't think of a modern President who has so infrequently put his foot in his public mouth, and, by the same token, can't think of any opposition that on the eve of elections seems to have an almost pathological death wish.

Bottom line: John Kerry is indicative of all Democrat/liberal elites. They believe themselves to be above the hoi polloi. While they profess to fight for the common man, they really think the common man needs to be told what to do by them...and they expect endless gratitude on a silver platter. They believe in the nanny state, with them as nannies and the blighted souls they "represent" as the children in the nursery.

Kerry says only what the rest of them think. That's why you aren't hearing any criticism from Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The silence in the room is louder than any feeble criticism could ever be.

Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt

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