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November 16, 2006

Nevada Town Bars Foreign Flags Flying Alone

Pahrump, Nevada's main claim to fame has been being home to the Bonnie and Clyde death car, ensconced at Whiskey Pete's. (As a kid, I saw the car at the Silver Dollar Saloon in Virginia City. Blood stains and everything!)

Now, the town has passed a law banning the flying of foreign flags alone:

The elected town board in the remote Mojave Desert community voted 3-2 on Tuesday to enact an ordinance making it illegal to fly a foreign nation's flag by itself.

Flying another country's flag, whether it is a British Union Jack or the flag of Mexico, is punishable by a $50 fine and 30 hours' community service, unless it is flown below an American flag.

"Old Glory is sovereign," says Paul Willis, a retired carpenter and board member. "You can't fly any other nation's flag higher than the American flag."

Of course, the ACLU is already bleating:

The American Civil Liberties Union says the flag restriction violates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.

"There's no doubt about it," says Lisa Rasmussen, a board member of the Nevada ACLU. "People have a right, as much as we don't like it, to fly ... any flag they wish."

No one's banning the flying of other flags...just saying that they must fly with and below the American flag. But to tell that to the "anyone but America first" ACLU is like spitting into the wind. Rasmussen has also said to expect the ACLU to "take action."

And that's not all:

The law passed as part of a package of measures that also declared English the official language of Pahrump and denies town benefits to illegal immigrants.

French is the official language of France. (I thought it was Weaselese.) German is the official language of Germany. Italian is the official language of Italy. Spanish is the official language of Mexico and Spain. I could go on. Why is it so many people get their knickers in a twist when Americans propose making English the official language of America? And what's wrong with expecting that the flag that represents our country be given priority over the flags of other countries? Plus, barring benefits from those not legally eligible to receive them is responsible on two fronts: it relieves the economic burden on the town and its taxpayers, and discourages illegals from showing up to begin with.

Pahrump is joining in with towns like Hazleton, PA and Farmers Branch, TX, in taking a stance against illegal immigration. Other towns should follow suit. Will our federal government finally take note?

h/t: Jeanette

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Posted by Pam Meister at 02:35 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Illegal Immigration

What disgusts me most about Republicans is that the symbols of America mean more to them, and are put ahead of, the freedoms that make America great.

Posted by: paul at November 16, 2006 11:19 PM

Funny, I just posted an article about this. Would you be willing to trade spots on each others blogrolls? The best way to contact me will be on my blog, because I may not remember to come back for a while.

Will Conway

Posted by: Will Conway at November 16, 2006 11:47 PM

What disgusts me most about any American is the shame they are made to feel about flying this country's flag or demanding a national language regardless of party! American's are made to feel bad if they are patriotic by other nations as well as other Americans like Paul!

Posted by: Jeanette at November 17, 2006 01:28 AM

ONCE - just once - I would like to see the ACLU come down on the side of some PRO AMERICAN cause. Have they registered yet as lobbyists for a foreign nation? They ought to be required to do so because they sure don't support anything American! Bunch of dunderheads!

And Paul, you don't know diddly about Republicans if you can make an asinine statement like the one you just made!

We honor our nation - its laws, its customs, its history AND its symbols. It's called PATRIOTISM, Paul, and Republicans are not ashamed of it!

I think the reason that liberals are is because they know that if they embrace a love of their country, they might need to inconvenience their precious selves in defense of same!

Meanwhile, it's a Friday afternoon and there's a big football game tomorrow in Columbus, Ohio and I am no longer in the mood to engage in a dispute with a dullard.

Posted by: Gayle Miller at November 17, 2006 03:47 PM

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