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October 25, 2005

More Illegal Outrage

This story from East Hartford, Connecticut, is another example of why we need to crack down on illegal immigrants:

Police are investigating whether the bloody melee that erupted at a 1-year-old's birthday party over the weekend was fueled by a violent rivalry between two Central America gangs that has claimed dozens of lives.

As seven of those arrested posted bail, police released new details Monday of the brawl involving 50 adults at the Crosby Street multi-family house.

Witnesses told police that individuals involved in the chaos that spilled out into the street early Sunday were members of MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) and its rival, MS-18. One of the nation's most dangerous gangs, MS-13 has its origins in El Salvador. The gang took root in Southern California in the 1980s and has since spread throughout the country.

Some background on MS-13:

Last week, three suspected MS-13 gang members were arrested in Vienna, Va., after police tracked their activity between Los Angeles, Massachusetts and Virginia for five months. One of the men is wanted for an MS-13-related slaying in Massachusetts. All three are illegal aliens from El Salvador.

Earlier this year, Michelle Malkin wrote an article about the increasing violence from MS-13 in the Washington, D.C. suburbs:

At the local malls in Montgomery County, Md., where I live, gang stabbings are increasingly common. Earlier this summer, a spate of knifing attacks involving reputed MS-13 gangsters took place at a nearby Target store. Yes, Target -- where the only fights that shoppers should have to worry about are the tug-of-war spats between soccer moms battling over Sonia Kashuk makeup bags on sale in Aisle 2.

Where are our politicians? Are they blind to what's going on, or are they hoping that if they ignore it, it will go away? We have enough problems with homegrown gang violence. There's no need to import more.

Our borders are out of control, and average citizens are paying the price.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 07:09 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | Illegal Immigration
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