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November 03, 2005

What I'm Reading Now!

DoAsISay.jpgI just picked up Peter Schweizer's new book Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy. I could have bought it on Amazon, but I'm a "get it now" kind of gal, and wanted a copy to read on the train. And, as I got to Grand Central a few minutes earlier than usual, I stopped by Posman Books in the terminal to buy it.

According to Newsmax, the book is currently #6 on Amazon, but you wouldn't know it to walk into Posman's. Upon walking in, one sees a wall display of new fiction and non-fiction. Al Franken's new book is prominently displayed, but Schweizer's is nowhere to be seen. With only a few minutes to spare (I wanted to actually get a seat on the train) I cruised the stacks, looking for the book. Finally, I found it. And I mean it. The lone copy was tucked into the Current Events section near the rear of the store. I guess it's not bound to be a hot seller in liberal-laden New York City.

The book itself is an easy but entertaining read. What sets this book apart from a book by say, Al Franken, is that Schweizer isn't out to humiliate those he profiles in a personal way and take mean-spirited swipes at them. Rather, his goal is to see if prominent liberals who espouse public policies such as affirmative action, no school vouchers, and high taxes for the rich abide by such principles in their private lives. What you read in the book is illuminating.

Leading liberals who are profiled include Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, Hilary Clinton and Gloria Steinem. I'm about halfway through and am thoroughly enjoying it.

If you get a chance, read it...and let the howling begin!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 06:54 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | Books

Heard him interviewed on Laura Ingraham a couple days ago and the book sounded like fun.

BTW, bookstore clerks hide conservative books out here in right-wing Arizona as well. I got put on a list for "Unfit for Command" at Borders about 16 months ago and they still haven't called to say it came in. Of course, I never buy anything at Borders anymore.

Posted by: Brainster at November 3, 2005 11:34 PM

I linked to this but can't access your trackback #. (I gotta do the pings manually.)

Posted by: Kitty at November 4, 2005 10:05 AM
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