November 09, 2005
On France Bashing
My friend Joe over at Geosciblog has this to say about what's becoming an American pastime:
France-bashing has been an ongoing endeavor for many, at least in my case, it is not because of the enjoyment, but out of a sense of frustration. France doesn't seem (on a national level) to be able to say to itself "OK, that didn't work, let's try something with a track record of success." If France had more tangible successes upon which to stand, we might tolerate their arrogance a little more. I am not making any blanket condemnations of all French citizens, but France itself has readily (if unwittingly) nurtured the stereotypes. Though socialism sounds good, it has a long history of stifling creativity and creating decades of misery (or in France's case, centuries of weakness). For wealth to spread throughout the society, it has to be nurtured and allowed to grow.
Read it all, and you'll soon discover why Joe is one my favorite bloggers.
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