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October 13, 2005

The Ant and the Grasshopper: An Updated Fable for the New Millennium

I've taken the liberty of updating this classic fable from Aesop:

ONCE upon a time, there was an ant, and there was a grasshopper.

Ant was busy all the time, gathering food and preparing his home for the upcoming winter. Grasshopper had no time for such labors because he was much too busy singing, playing, and enjoying himself as he lived off the fat of the land. He thought Ant was just an old stick in the mud who didnÕt know how to have fun.

During the spring, Ant scurried back and forth from his anthill, carrying grain and other tidbits for storage. He saw Grasshopper frolicking in the meadow. ÒGrasshopper, arenÕt you going to prepare for the winter?Ó

Grasshopper laughed. ÒWhatÕs the hurry? Winter is a long way off. Stop worrying and join me in a song!Ó Ant shook his head and continued with his labors.

Summer arrived, and Ant was still hard at work while Grasshopper enjoyed lazing about during the long, sunny days. ÒGrasshopper,Ó Ant said, Òhave you gotten your store of food for the winter?Ó

ÒThatÕs a good joke,Ó chuckled Grasshopper. ÒItÕs a beautiful sunny day and youÕre thinking about cold and snow? Come on, Ant, lie down in the sun with me.Ó Ant declined, running back to his anthill with a mouthful of grass seed.

Shortly thereafter, fall and its beautiful array of changing colors covered the landscape. But Ant had no time to enjoy the gorgeous display as he bustled about collecting even more food. Grasshopper, who loved the crunching of the leaves and the brisk autumn breezes, didnÕt even bother asking Ant to join him, since he already knew what the answer would be.

Within weeks, the warmth of Indian summer had given way to the biting cold of winter. Grasshopper, who was chilled to the core and hadnÕt eaten in days, made his way through the drifts of snow to the antÕs anthill. Peering inside, he saw Ant was warm and cozy, with enough food to see him through the winter and then some. In a weak voice, Grasshopper called down to the ant.

ÒAnt, itÕs your old friend, Grasshopper. IÕm cold and hungry. Would you let me in to share your food and warmth this winter?Ó

Ant replied, ÒAll spring, summer and fall, when I was busy gathering food to store for the cold winter months, you laughed at me for working while you were having a good time and being lazy. Now youÕre asking me to share the fruits of my labors when you couldnÕt be bothered to do any work yourself? Find someone else to take pity on you. If you canÕt be bothered to help yourself, why should I support you?Ó

Grasshopper went away into the whirling snowstorm and Ant thought he had seen the last of him. The next day, he was surprised when Grasshopper not only returned, but he had brought three other insects with him.

ÒWhatÕs going on?Ó asked Ant.

ÒTell him,Ó said Grasshopper. The first insect, Tick, cleared his throat.

ÒAnt, IÕm from the FCLU (Forest Civil Liberties Union). Grasshopper has filed suit against you for violating his civil rights.Ó

ÒHis civil rights?Ó Ant asked incredulously. ÒWhat are you talking about?Ó

ÒYou called him lazy, which is a direct violation of his civil right not to be called names that might hurt his feelings.Ó

ÒBut he is lazy!Ó cried Ant. ÒHe spent all year goofing off instead of gathering food for winter!Ó

ÒThatÕs your opinion,Ó said Tick. He opened his briefcase. ÒHereÕs a summons. YouÕre expected in court first thing Monday morning.Ó

Ant took the paper, shaking his head in disbelief. He looked at Mosquito, who was on the other side of Grasshopper. ÒWhy are you here?Ó

Mosquito looked at his clipboard and buzzed, ÒIÕm the tax collector. Thanks to Grasshopper bringing it to my attention, IÕve realized you owe a higher portion of your grain stores for tax purposes to the Forest Council. IÕm here to collect five sacks of grain.Ó

ÒFive sacks? But I worked hard to collect all of that grain. What will you do with it?Ó

ÒWhy, distribute some of it to needy insects like Grasshopper, who donÕt have any, and sell the rest in order to pay for programs for disadvantaged insects.Ó

Ant was stunned at this latest bit of information. In a shaky voice, he addressed the third insect. ÒWhat is your part in all of this?Ó

Flea smiled. ÒIÕm a social worker from the Forest Council, who has taken on GrasshopperÕs case. ItÕs my duty to find a place for him to stay while he tries to get his life back together. YouÕre living here all alone, and seem to have plenty of room. Would you be willing to let Grasshopper live here for a while?Ó

ÒFor how long? And what if I say no?Ó

ÒYou could say no,Ó said Flea with a wink. ÒBut think of how your reputation in the forest would suffer if you did. I have friends over at INN (Insect News Network) who are looking for a good story. And it wouldnÕt be longÉjust long enough for Grasshopper to get his bearings again.Ó

Ant looked at Tick, Mosquito and Flea, and at Grasshopper, who was standing next to them, trying to hide the smirk on his face. He sighed and beckoned to Grasshopper. ÒWonÕt you come in?Ó

Copyright 2005, Pam M., Blogmeister USA

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