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October 07, 2005

More on NY Subway Threat

The 8th Avenue entrance to Penn Station has been closed, although trains are still being allowed through. It's been said someone has been nabbed and has confirmed that a plot is in the making. My office building is the one right on top of Penn, so you can imagine I'm a bit nervous. (I haven't seen the story online yet, but it's been on TV and radi0.)

Mayor Bloomberg is set to make a live announcement at 11 am EST. I'll be among those watching.

Keep your fingers crossed for New York today.

UPDATE: I don't think someone was actually caught, but Hazmat people are investigating a soda can with a soapy green substance in it. The place is swarming with cops.

UPDATE II: The soda can appears to be a hoax, but Bloomberg was just on television justifying his response to the supposed threat. Why he has to justify it I don't know...if he had done nothing and something happened, people would be shouting "Off with his head!" He did the right thing.

UPDATE III (1:45 pm): The 8th Avenue entrance is still closed, but the Amtrak ticketing area is open again. I just took a walk around down there, and activity seems pretty normal. We just received an e-mail from building management letting us know they'll announce any emergency information if they get it, as soon as they get it. What a day!

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