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October 06, 2005

My Blogging Philosophy

Some people blog about personal stuff, while others blog about whatÕs going on in the world. IÕm in the latter category. Specifically, I focus on politics with a few other tidbits thrown in for variety. ItÕs an outlet for me that I donÕt always have in my personal life, and IÕm usually quite passionate in my beliefs. And, quite obviously, many of my opinions and beliefs are based on conservative values.

Almost always, I put my opinion forth. I do my best to back it up with evidence, but sometimes itÕs just an opinion. Other times, I present an article and let the reader make up his own mind without my putting in my two cents. Sometimes I make a factual error and when itÕs pointed out, I post a correction immediately.

Nowhere do I claim to be the final authority on anything. Obviously there are plenty of you out there who do not agree with my views, and youÕre certainly not shy about saying so. ThatÕs fineÉitÕs what the whole Òblogosphere phenomenonÓ is supposed to be about. A two-way dialogue is important for all of us to be involved in. I may not come around to your way of thinking, but I respect your right to express your opinion.

What isnÕt cool is when commenters use abusive, insulting language when they donÕt agree with what IÕve said. ThatÕs a surefire way for me to completely disregard what you say, even if it has a grain of truth or meritÑespecially when personal insults are used. If I bother to reply at all, I try to remain civilÉin fact, IÕve had some commenters express surprise at my replies. I donÕt believe in being rude. I think people who bandy about insults instead of thoughtful rebuttals do so because itÕs much easier to do online than face-to-face. So if you ÒshoutÓ at me, donÕt be surprised if I ignore you. (On my own blog I reserve the right to delete or even ban what I deem to be over the top. On LLP, Aaron has the final say.)

ThatÕs my blogging philosophy in a nutshell. Thanks for listening!

(Crossposted on Lifelike Pundits)

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