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September 29, 2005

Kofi Annan and Tom DeLay: A Study in Comparison

The ever-beleagured Kofi Annan has refused to step down as Secretary General of the U.N., even though he is knee-deep in scandal and surrounded by scammers--including his own son. In fact, when asked back in March if he would step down as a result of the report on the Oil-for-Food brouhaha, his reply was, "Hell, no."

Such bravado, such courage in the face of adversity. Dan Rather would be proud.

Some think Annan is the subject of a witch hunt by conservatives. It's always possible. Yet it's amazing that there are those who think Annan, who may only be guilty of negligence and not outright criminal activity, should stay on his U.N. pedestal while they clamor for the head of Senator Tom DeLay. It's said that the prosecutor who named DeLay in an indictment regarding illegal campaign contribution practices is known for witch hunts of his own. According to constitutionalist lawyer and talk show host Mark Levin, the indictment doesn't even name DeLay as specifically committing a criminal act--but the grand jury cleared the way for a trial anyway.

If Tom DeLay has even a whiff of illegal scandal attached to him, some on the right also think he should be asked to step down as Senate majority leader. After all, Trent Lott was pushed out for something much less serious. For the good of the Republican party, it may be best that DeLay step down from his post. He'll have enough to deal with as it is.

But why is it a witch hunt for Annan but a much-needed investigation for DeLay? (Mark Steyn has some choice words about Annan's situation.)

Kofi Annan and Tom DeLay have both been tarred with the ol' scandal brush. But Annan is given a pass while DeLay is raked over the coals.

Just another day in American politics...

UPDATE: "Chuck" points out that DeLay is a member of the House of Representatives. My goof...I obviously was not paying attention to what I was writing. I guess I'll crawl into a corner and die now.

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