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September 01, 2005

Today's the Day: Blogging for Relief--Hurricane Katrina

*This post will remain at the top of my blog for the entire day. Please scroll down for new material.*

As I write this, thousands of people are suffering the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Some are saying is the biggest natural disaster in the history of America. Citizens of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida are without electricity, fresh water and a steady food supply. Many have lost their homes--and still others have lost their lives. The death toll continues to mount, and it may be weeks before there is a final count. It may be weeks, even months, before all of the water recedes and the financial toll can be accounted for. It's a mess down there.

Just as many of us dug into our pockets for the survivors of the tsunami last year, I'm asking that we do the same for our fellow citizens in the South. In addition to contributing to my company (which is matching my donation dollar for dollar), I am contributing to Lutheran World Relief. Here is a little bit about them and their mission:

Every day in 50 countries, Lutheran World Relief works to combat the causes of poverty and the dignity it robs from peopleÕs lives. We advocate for fair trade that helps farming families earn a better income. We teach people to better care for themselves their communities and the environment. We teach people how to be less vulnerable to natural disasters. We advocate with and for them for policy change that more fairly represents them. We counsel them after manmade and natural disasters, and help them recover with material aid. We do all of this exclusively with partners from the communities we serve. Our partners help us remain incredibly efficient and effective. Our partners let us help people help themselvesÉfor a day when they wonÕt need us at all.

Every little bit counts. You don't have to give until it hurts--just give what you can. Our fellow Americans need us--let's not disappoint them.

*Click here to see Instapundit's list of other charities, and the list over at TTLB is here.*

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Posted by Pam Meister at 06:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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