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August 11, 2005

Michelle Malkin: In the Crosshairs of the Left

Today, columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin gives us a sample of some of the truly vile things people e-mail her. Click here to see them...scroll down a bit; there are a lot of updates in the post. The language is extremely foul, so don't say I didn't warn you.

(One of them was sent from an employee at a law firm, and the law firm found out about it--and fired the person who sent it. Integrity is always refreshing. All the details are in the post.)

Aaron, one of my co-bloggers at Lifelike Pundits, mentioned in an e-mail that he can't figure out why Malkin is the target of such blatant hatred from the left. While I agree it's despicable and unfortunate, I do have a theory.

Malkin is the daughter of Filipino immigrants. This automatically makes her a member of a protected class--in other words, as a person of color, she falls under the category of minorities who must be protected by the left against the big, bad conservatives who would otherwise oppress her.

The funny thing is, Malkin is a conservative who doesn't subscribe to the notion that she needs to be protected from anyone. Not only that, she isn't afraid to air her views about anything, from protecting our borders to racial preferences. She even wrote a book that defends the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II...a cardinal sin in the eyes of the left. The fact that she is a successful journalist in spite of her rejection of the ideals of the left makes it even more galling to them.

In other words, Malkin is a marked man (er...woman). Because she disdains the "safety net" the left so condescendingly holds out for minorities, whom they seem to think can't succeed at anything without help akin to a handicap in golf, she must be hanged and quartered. She has to be taught a lesson for her ingratitude for their magnanimousness. When lefties don't have facts to back up their opinions, they turn to personal insults as a way of asserting their superiority. (I have had this happen to me with a member of my own family.) Call it the "class bully syndrome," if you will.

This also explains why minority conservatives like Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Alberto Gonzales and others are vilified by the left. They had the temerity to leave the herd.

Fortunately, Malkin is strong enough to withstand the buffeting of the stormy seas of political commentary. If she wasn't, she'd have been gone a long time ago. As long as there are people willing to listen to her message, then the sophomoric attempts by the left to quash her will continue to be fruitless.

*Cross-posted at Lifelike Pundits.*

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