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August 10, 2005

Karl Rove: Covert Operator at Independent Sources

According to a blog called Blue Flypaper (located in the "bluest state in the union"), Karl Rove must be working at the website Independent Sources because I.S. added B.F. to Total Fark, a website where you can post links to webpages. (You have to subscribe to get the really good stuff, although there is a free public page.)

We never did anything to them so I don't know why they did that to us. (Karl Rove must work there!)

See? Karl Rove brought into the fray when he's just minding his own business, helping President Bush navigate through the murky waters we call American politics.

Blue Flypaper blogger True Blue makes a most telling statement:

Most of our readers will never have heard of Independent Sources because as a true liberal you should try and stay away from reading non-liberal publications like this.
Yes indeed...heaven forbid a liberal (read: leftist) should actually be exposed to an opposing point of view. Bring out the disinfectant! Isn't that how we learn, how we hone our talking points, how we evolve as a society? Living in a vacuum isn't good for one's mental health.

What you might find most entertaining about this post are the comments. Here are a couple:

  • I've dealt with their kind before. They smirk while they tax poor people and take rights away from minorities. They should just be decent people and stop doing those things.
  • What's all the fuss about. They are conservative which by definition means they are wrong. Conservatives have been wrong about every single thing from Iraq to terrorism to the economy. We need to raise taxes, raise wages, give free healthcare, leave Iraq, and stop supporting corrupt governments. We also need to lower rents, feed homeless people, and get rid of the (un)Patriot act. Why are these things so hard for Bush & co to understand. Read my lips...
And there are (as of this writing) ten more of these gems. Do I smirk while taking away the rights of minorities? I hope not...I want them to know how serious I am about being oppressive. Oh, and we'll need those higher wages in order to raise those taxes, feed homeless people and give "free" healthcare. We have Canada's healthcare system for a model.

Of course, raising wages means products will become more expensive, which will in turn create more inflation (not to mention the owners of buildings whose rents are magically "lowered" might end up becoming homeless, which means more mouths to feed). I think Economics 101, taught by people like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, should be mandatory for all college students. But wait, Williams and Sowell are both black, and since I'm oppressive, I guess I can't use them as examples. You see what difficult positions we conservatives are put in?

Apparently some of Blue Flypaper's readers have been sending some rude e-mail to the Insider over at Independent Sources. And the sad thing is, I don't think these readers realize that Blue Flypaper is most likely a joke site (like Blame Bush, et al). I mean really...you need to see the posts lauding Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Michael Moore and others...just ludicrous.

Taking oneself too seriously is not a good thing. The readers of Blue Flypaper really need to lighten up. If I'm wrong, and Blue Flypaper isn't a joke, then the situation is even sadder than I thought.

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