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August 05, 2005

More Thoughts on the NYT Investigation of Roberts' Children

I was thinking more about this topic while in the car today. The Times is digging into personal data regarding the adoption of two children by Justice John G. Roberts and his wife. Both children are from Latin America and are very light skinned...in fact, I wouldn't have realized they were adopted unless it hadn't been for the Times' quaint disclosure of that fact.

In fact, could it have something to do with the fact that these children are light skinned? Could there be an "issue" with the fact that the Roberts may or may not have chosen children whose physical appearances were similar to their own?

What if? And who cares?

When one goes to the local pound or animal rescue society to choose a dog or cat, isn't it customary to choose which animal one prefers? Large dog or small, black cat or calico, young or old...we make our choices based upon what is right for us. The people at the shelter don't usually push a particular animal on those doing the adopting.

And so it goes with the adoption of children. Ethnicity may or may not play a role in the choices adoptive parents make, but isn't that up to them?

Of course, this may have nothing to do with the nature of the investigation by the Times. No doubt they are looking for some impropriety that they can use against Roberts on their editorial page. But is the legal adoption of these children by parents who love them and give them a good home really any business of the Times and its readers?

Here's yet another potential slogan for the New York Times:

All the news that's fit for the bottom of the birdcage.

*As usual, Michelle Malkin has some choice bits regarding this non-story.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 04:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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