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June 26, 2005

This 'n' That: Sunday Morning

Sorry I've been MIA for the last couple of days...Friday was super busy at work, and yesterday I spent the day at my mother's pool. It's the only way to beat the heat that's currently enveloping Connecticut and the rest of the region! Today I plan on bringing the kids to the movies...it's the only chance we'll have at air conditioned comfort! Contrary to public opinion, all Republicans aren't rich, and we don't have central air in my modest ranch home...and my attic fan is broken. :-(

Anyhoo, here are a few of items of interest that I stumbled across this morning:

Rabid Donkeys On the Loose: This excellent photo collage from Willisms, with commentary and linkage galore, highlights the recent follies of leading Democrats as they bray their way through the headlines. Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.

Lorilei posted a comment on my blog, and I checked out hers. It's called Never in Vain. What's it about? Here are Lorilei's own words: A collection of stories about interactions between our American soldiers and the Iraqi people. Stories of friendship, respect, fear, sadness and hope. . . positive stories that show our men and women have not made sacrifices in vain. It's a blog worthy of your time, and I hope you check it out soon.

Third Wave Dave has a lovely photo (and accompanying commentary) of Ted Kennedy...be sure your stomach is empty when you look at it.

Aaron, my co-blogger over at Lifelike Pundits (and one helluva guy), posts about Barrack Obama, questioning Obama's fundraising for former Klansman Robert Byrd, and the double standard that exists in the perception of black conservatives and black "progressives."

Enjoy...and stay cool today!

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