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June 11, 2005

Celebrity Follies

Let's take a quick look at what's going on in the hallowed halls of Hollywood:

Sean Penn now fancies himself a journalist. He's "reporting" for the San Francisco Chronicle on the elections in Iran. Wonder what he'll say about the "Death to America" chants?

Katie Holmes has apparently bought into the Scientology thing with her rabid new boyfriend, Tom Cruise. According to Cruise, she "digs" it. I wonder how much she'll enjoy digging her career's grave like her new amour? According to an Entertainment Weekly poll, 61% of respondents like Cruise less after his recent spate of Scientology and Holmes rantings, 3% like him more, and 36% have no opinion change. She'd better hope the new Batman movie does well...

Russell Crowe is running around apologizing for his latest assault charge against a hotel clerk in New York. He said on Letterman recently he was hoping to be able to apologize to Nestor Estrada, but "he's not answering his phone." Sorry, Russell, but not everyone is as enamored of movie stars as you might think.

Madonna, in addition to being a (cough) highly-esteemed children's writer, is now planning to become a hotelier. She has recently purchased a Georgian house in London with plans to create a Kabbalah hotel and drop-in center. Just what we need, Madonna giving a spiritual uplifting to the masses.

Finally, of course, we're all breathlessly awaiting the verdict of the Michael Jackson case. About 2,200 journalists from over 30 countries are in California, notepads and cameras at the ready.

"The appetite for Michael Jackson is insatiable," said Graeme Massie, who has covered the trial for Splash, a British news agency. "In the U.S., people may believe that Jackson's star has fallen, but in Europe it still shines brightly."

That figures.

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