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May 24, 2005

Baby Raping Lawyer on the Lam...

and believed to be in the New York area. John Dallas Lockhart. Remember his name.

This scumbag, while being investigated for fraud related to his law practice, was found to have photos of himself *raping* a four-month old child on his computer, along with other porn photos. He's a father of two, and the son-in-law of a former Ohio state senator.

His wife is divorcing him (bless her), and he's tearing around the country. While it's possible he is no longer in the NY area, he may still be.

Reading this article made me want to vomit. What an evil b*stard. Yes, evil. Don't excuse him with boo hooing about his being sick, mentally diseased and needing "help." Crimes such as these, especially crimes against innocent, helpless children, are evil and should be treated as such.

Catch him, cut it off, and let him rot in jail. No matter what their crimes, other prisoners are notorious for hating rapists of any stripe...especially child molesters. Usually I would just call for his being shot on sight, but giving him multiple doses of his own medicine might actually be the better punishment in this case.

He has been given the dubious distinction of landing on the US Marshal's 15 Most Wanted List...information here.

If you should have ANY helpful information, here is the place to call: Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force at (866) 4-WANTED. I am sure any tips will be kept confidential, as they usually are in such cases.

Let's hope he's snagged soon, before other innocents are endangered.

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