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May 08, 2005

Man Bashing...It's Got to Stop

Yes, I said it. Man bashing has got to stop.

In a bid to "even the scales" for the "social injustices" women have been forced to endure for centuries in the Western world, men and boys are having to take a back seat to women and girls in ways that are absolutely ridiculous. (If you want a look at true discrimination, see how women in Muslim societies are treated.)

For example, the University of California San Francisco recently hosted a "Bring Your Daughter and Son to Work Day" seminar. (When the nationwide "day" began, it was just for daughters...but the discrimination against boys was finally figured out). Activities for the day included working with microscopes, seeing what happens in an operating room, playing doctor, nurse or surgeon for the day, learning about earthquake preparedness, and other exciting things.

If you were a girl.

Boys got to Learn about "gender equity in fun, creative ways using media, role playing and group games" -- after which, the boys can get a bit of time in with a microscope or learn how the heart works.

Center director Amy Levine claimed the day wasn't a career day, but "... about dealing with effects of sexism on both boys and girls and how it can damage them."

Hogwash. It's reverse discrimination, pure and simple.

Women have made great strides as far as equality in the workplace is concerned over the past three or four decades. Unfortunately, many feminists refuse to believe that there are innate differences between males and females that can't be erased by "sensitivity training." Larry Summers knew that, but said it publicly at his own peril.

Feminists also get their knickers in a twist when some women choose to fulfill their biological destiny by having children and some (gasp!) decide to stay home with those children. The audacity of these women is simply unbelievable! All that burning of bras for nothing. Gosh, I thought feminism meant choice and equal pay for equal work...not that women who chose traditional roles would be considered traitors to the cause.

Many universities now have Women's Study programs. Corporations often offer workshops and seminars directed toward their female employees only. Thanks to the implementation of Title IX, men's sports programs at universities are being jettisoned in favor of women's sports programs (despite evidence that fewer women than men are interested in participating). What about programs for the guys? Why are they suddenly persona non grata?

Have you seen that great line of clothing for girls? You know, like the one at the top of this post that says "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them." What the heck is that teaching girls? We scream at men and boys to be tolerant and understanding of women and girls, but t-shirts like this are okay? How is little eight-year-old Johnny supposed to feel when he sees a girl wearing a shirt like that?

Bottom line: There will always be inherent differences between men and women. We should be embracing those differences. While it's important to remember that women are capable of more than running a household and raising children, it's also important to realize that men have feelings too...even if they don't wear them on their sleeves. The current trend of man bashing is not only hurtful to individuals, but hurtful to society in general, as ingrained social roles are tossed aside willy nilly by those who dislike those traditional roles.

Gender equality, as in "men and women shall have no differences whatsoever" is not only untrue, but as a practice is hurting our social fabric. It has to stop now.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 04:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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