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May 06, 2005

"Fill in the Blank" Heritage Month

Below is a string of e-mail correspondence between a co-worker (and friend) of mine regarding all of the "heritage months" that seem to be popping up:

J: Is there a German Heritage Month? We have had African-American Month, Hispanic Heritage month and now[our company] invites you to a Lunch and Learn in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

I love that we recognize all the diversity but it should be for ALL.

Me: There isnÕt a Russian Heritage Month or a French Heritage Month either. ItÕs because those are white European ethnicities, so they donÕt count as far as diversity goes.

Before you know it, there will be an Arab Heritage Month.

And the problem with Òcelebrating all of this diversityÓ is that it only serves to divide, rather than unite us as citizens of one country.

This is one of my biggest soap boxesÉsorry if I went a bit overboard.

J: Well, we have several months to go so I am sure that one is coming! If we had one of these months, it would be discrimination!

I thought we were all Americans!

Me: We should all be Americans with no hyphens. That is why I donÕt like this ÒmulticulturalÓ movement. It damages our sense of collectiveness as a nation. And itÕs meant to, because the ones behind it think that white Americans need to be humbled, taught a lesson, or however you want to phrase it.

Look at whatÕs happening in France and other European nationsÉthey didnÕt make an effort to absorb their immigrants, and now the immigrants donÕt consider themselves to be citizens of those countriesÉin fact, they openly despise where they live.

America used to be known as the Great American Melting Pot. Now we'd be more rightly called America Served A la Carte. The multicultural agenda being served up by the left is already backfiring on us...and it will only get worse if nothing is done to stop it.

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