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April 27, 2005

Teddy Remembers...

Arthur Chrenkov writes about how Teddy Kennedy preferred not to mark the second anniversaries of the liberation of Iraq and liberation of Baghdad (March 19 and April 9, respectively), but instead chooses to mark the first "anniversary" of the discovery of the situation at Abu Ghraib:

On 26 April, Senator Kennedy finally chose to mark an anniversary:

"The sad anniversary of the Abu Ghraib torture scandal is now upon us. It's an appropriate time to reflect on how well we've responded as a nation."

In just over six months from now, the sad anniversary of the loss of the presidential election will be upon the Democrats. It will be an appropriate time to reflect on how well they've responded as a party. By the looks of it, the thinking hasn't started quite yet. (in case you were wondering, Senator Kennedy also kept silent last year.)

Chrenkov also offers this tidbit:

Ironically, Senator Kennedy himself drowned more people than American interrogators. As James Taranto would write, "Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment".
July 18 marks the 36th anniversary of Kopechne's untimely death at the hands of Kennedy...who, as we all know, managed to get off scot-free. Perhaps we, as a nation, should reflect on how we've responded.

Hat tip: Roger L. Simon

UPDATE: Teddy's website is now fully functional...too bad we can't say the same for the good senator. This little bit is a laff riot (taken from the "journal" section):

YouÕll be able to come behind the scenes of the campaign, and join in the fight against the Republican Party and their abuse of power in Congress and the White House.

The Senator has become a leading voice in the Democratic Party, and thatÕs because of his long-standing commitment to the principles and values we believe in.

Values such as denying culpability in the death of a young woman? Hah!

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