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April 27, 2005

Double Standards...Democrat Style

Erick at Confessions of a Political Junkie asks an important question:
HereÕs what I donÕt understand. When women were coming out of the closet saying Bill Clinton sexually harassed them or worse, the Democrats said it was old news. When women start coming out of the closet yelling that 20 years ago John Bolton yelled at them, all of a sudden we must treat 20 year old accusations seriously. Why?

Why indeed?

The Dems also took seriously claims by Anita Hill that she was sexually harrassed by Clarence Thomas when he was being considered for the Supreme Court. They also have no problem trotting out "old chestnuts" such as George W. Bush's former drinking problem and Rush Limbaugh's pain-killer addiction, while giving a free pass to Bill Clinton who "didn't inhale" (yeah, right!) and Teddy Kennedy, whose alleged booze-filled antics are legendary.

They questioned W's service during Vietnam, while ignoring more credible claims that John Kerry wasn't quite the caliber of hero he claimed to be. They also criticized Dick Cheney for taking an educational deferment during that war, while expecting us to not question Bill Clinton for doing exactly the same thing.

The Dems call the Republican party the "party of and for the rich" while ignoring such million-and billionaires in their midst such as Teddy Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Herb Kohl, John J. Rockefeller, Jon Corzine, Dianne Feinstein, John Edwards, Bob Graham, John Dingell, and supporters like George Soros, Ted Turner, and all of those wealthy Hollywooders.

This list could go on and on, so I'll pose one final question: Why are we expected to "MoveOn" when Dems and other leftists keep looking for character flaws of Republicans that they themselves fall prey to?

*NOTE: Justice is sweet...Melody Townsel, one of the chief accusers of "meanness" in the John Bolton affirmation hearings, has been "outed" as a plagiarist during her college days. It's something the Dems would have done themselves. Dirty tricks are just that...dirty...but if the Dems don't play fair, why should the Republicans? Click here to read her whining to Daily Kos about how "unfair" it is, and of course, how Kos defends her.

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