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April 22, 2005

Thoughts on Leftwing Lunacy

Today is Earth Day...and I'm not interested in the least. It's not that I don't "care about the Earth," but I do believe that environmentalists care less about saving nature than shoving their political ideals down our throats. And what better way than to start with our kids and their "Earth Day Celebrations" in school? Michael Berliner wrote an interesting article on the true intentions of environmentalists that appears on Front Page Magazine today.

And what better way to celebrate Earth Day than to embrace Freeganism? Being a Freegan means you don't buy anything you can avoid buying, looking instead to get it for free (scrounging through restaurant garbage and dumpster diving for a new living room set are a couple of ideas espoused by the group) as a way of protesting our consumer culture. Of course, if we as a society stopped manufacturing anything mass chaos would ensue...but what care the Freegans? I'd be interested to know the average age of a Freegan, and whether or not they tend to live at home with mom and dad...and hey, they have a website...isn't that a part of the evil consumer culture?

For Earth Day last year, the idea of diaperless babies got headlines. Rather than using those evil disposable diapers or wasting detergent and water to clean cloth ones, why not let Junior run around without anything on? Just like in Third World countries? Don't mind the mess and the germs...it's for the environment! "In my mind, diapers became the symbol of the Evil Empire of Western Parenting in which babies must suffer to accommodate the needs of their parents' broken-continuum culture: a controlled, sterile, odorless, wall-to-wall carpeted fortress in which to live with the illusion of dominion over nature," wrote [Scott] Noelle, on the website livingharmony.com. Of course, being a man, I wonder how much Scott has to do with the everyday mess of child rearing? And if he hates the sterile feeling he obviously gets from houses, why the heck doesn't he just live in a cave, grow flax and weave his own clothes, and live off the land? I notice he's writing for a website, so he can't be all that averse to modern technology. Oh, the hypocrisy...

Finally, Cookie Monster no longer gobbles cookies! Sesame Street is looking to tone down Cookie Monster's overindulgence in cookies in order to better instruct children on healthy food choices. What the heck? Why call him Cookie Monster? Why not just call him Health Food Monster? And does this mean Oscar the Grouch will begin sensitivity training? After all, his grouchiness doesn't set a great example for kids either. What's that? We aren't supposed to take Oscar seriously? Oh...sorry, I got caught up in the moment.

UPDATE: Tom over at hamstermotor has posted a speech given by Michael Crichton gave to the Commonwealth Club in September of 2003 regarding environmentalism. It's lengthy, but worth the time.

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