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April 18, 2005

J-Lo a Politico?

First of all, I hate the nickname J-Lo, but it worked with this headline.

Now, the big news you've all been waiting for: Jennifer Lopez is considering becoming involved in politics.

It seems that having worked with Jane Fonda (everyone's favorite Vietnam protester) on the movie Monster-in-Law has given Lopez some food for thought.

Jane's been politically involved her whole life but I never have. As you get older and you become more mature you become more aware of the world around you. I remember asking Jane if I wanted to do something what would you say.

Why the sudden wish to get political? Could it be because Lopez's recent films have been flops? Or maybe because since she and Marc Anthony seem to be making a go of it, there hasn't been as much hoopla about her in the press. Of course she could do what Britney Spears is doing and have a baby...but babies are bad for one's figure and one's beauty sleep. Any publicity is good publicity (so the story goes), so why not politics?

She [Fonda] told me: 'There's a time to do things and a way to do things. When you're ready call me and I'll tell you what's right and what's wrong, so you won't get yourself in any trouble.' She was cool about that.
With Fonda's track record, perhaps she's not the best one to be asking. Although, her antics in Vietnam didn't exactly kill her career...she went on to create an fitness empire, still acts in the occasional film, and at age 67 is now hawking her life story. She also married and divorced loopy cable broadcast billionaire Ted Turner (divorcing him was probably one of the smartest things Fonda ever did).

Back to the question as to why Lopez is suddenly interested in politics. Perhaps she really wants to involve herself in something more meaningful than lukewarm musical performances, half-baked acting, and "designing" skimpy clothing. Maybe fame and oodles of money really aren't enough for "Jenny on the Block."

Which direction will she take? Will she consider running for office someday like her former flame Ben Affleck? Does she even vote? Ben Affleck can't always be bothered. Will she shill for a "credentialed" candidate (also like Affleck)? How about taking a shot at commentating on Air America radio like fellow celebs Janeane Garofalo and Al Franken? (I only mention the leftie radio network because I somehow doubt Lopez will ally herself with conservatives...after all, she still has to make movies and records to earn her opulent living, and if anyone got wind of any conservative leanings, she'd be history in Hollywood.)

You know, I just don't think I can take this seriously. Maybe working with a "legend" like Jane Fonda turned Lopez's head for a few moments, and the prospect of becoming a political activist seemed more glamorous than posing for Vogue at the moment.

Until we see some real action, I'd have to say Lopez's latest comments were mainly to cause a publicity stir connected with her movie. Pass the popcorn.

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