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April 11, 2005

Matthew Perry Joins the Blogosphere

I kid you not...the former Friend has purchased TeeVeePad and has his very own blog on it. It's called The One With The Blog, and he uses it to discuss his career...or rather, lack of one these days.

His blog entries include the following:

Could I Need Any More Work?

Could I Be Any More Excited?

Could David Arquette Be Any Weirder?

Could I be any more bored?

You know, I almost wish he'd spout off about Leftwing politics...at least he'd be thinking of something other than himself.

I know that blogs are a very personal thing, and people write about whatever the heck they want, readership be darned. I guess I thought he might actually be writing about something quasi-interesting, like juicy Hollywood gossip.

Oh well...maybe his posts will improve with time.

UPDATE: 1:44 PM You have to be FAMOUS, or semi-famous, to post comments...or just willing to cough up cold, hard cash. Check this out (then get out your barf bag):

Because it hit me just as I was handing a plain manila envelope stuffed with Polaroids to a sweaty, fat computer geek -- if a TV star like myself had the desire to be on the cutting edge of Weblog technology, then surely, other TV stars must have the same desire. So I put the call out to my TV pals to see if they wanted in on the ground floor of this Weblog thing. And boy, did they ever! George Wendt! Dan Rather! RenaSofer! Some guy who may or may not have starred on Ed -- it's like a virtual galaxy of TV stars gathered at one Web site. And they're sharing their innermost thoughts with you!

Or at least, they will be sharing their innermost thoughts with you if you decided to purchase a special VIP membership to TeeVeePad. For the next few days, we're offering a sneak preview of the first and only collection of celebrity weblogs. Go ahead -- poke around our site. Find out what's eating John Stamos. Learn all about Marg Helgenberger's special vichyssoise recipe. Say, what does Mischa Barton think about President Bush's plan to overhaul Social Security? It's all here at TeeVeePad, and it's all yours... if you act now and pay our $100 annual membership fee.

Hey... we didn't get to be celebrities by giving it away for free.

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