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April 09, 2005

Olympic Bomber Pleads Guilty

Eric Rudolph, the man who set off a bomb at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta has pleaded guilty to all charges against him...the guilty plea came during his trial for bombing an abortion clinic.

His guilty plea was to avoid the death penalty. At least two people were killed as a result of his bombings, and scores were injured.

See, I have a problem with this. Rudolph thinks abortion is wrong. Fine...I have my issues with it as well. But bombing clinics and killing others certainly isn't the way to go about it. Unless abortion becomes illegal again, then clinics and those who go to them have every right to daily activity without fear of retribution. Peaceful protests, fine. Violence, not fine.

And why did he bomb the Olympics? There were no abortions there that I know of! Maybe he didn't believe in Americans fraternizing with citizens from other countries or something. Who knows?

I believe Rudolph deserves the death penalty. He is a right wing nut job and should fry like any other convicted killer. Unfortunately, prosecutors were probably anxious to get some sort of conviction, and offered the option of life in prison if he confessed.

Well, I suppose we should be satisfied that he's getting some sort of punishment for the death and mayhem he is responsible for. Still, it's not as satisfying a punishment as the death penalty. Justice? Not enough.

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