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March 23, 2005

Musicians for Mugabe Losing Popularity

It seems that the people of Zimbabwe aren't totally cowed by their ruthless "president," Robert Mugabe.

According to the UK Independent, Mugabe has enlisted the support of popular musicians to sway the youth vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections on March 31. However, those musicians who agree are seeing a major slump in record sales and concert attendance.

Andy Brown, one of Zimbabwe's leading musicians, is the biggest casualty. The dreadlocked Brown was recruited by Mr Mugabe's former spin doctor Jonathan
Moyo to produce songs supporting the President's seizures of white land. "Siyalima" (We are farming), was duly produced, but as the elections approach Brown's stock has never been lower among record-buyers. The singer has been shunned by his own fans and his career has gone into freefall. "Siyalima" is played frequently by the state-owned broadcaster, which enjoys a monopoly. But even Zanu-PF supporters seem to have shunned the record and only a few hundred copies have been sold. At his peak in the late 1990s, Brown was the nation's best-selling artist.

So while it may be dangerous to outwardly campaign against Mugabe's Zanu-PF party, disaffected citizens have found a way to register their displeasure. And while one might feel for the musicians who have been affected, we can continue to hope that the people of Zimbabwe might someday be rid of the evil man who forces his "leadership" upon them.

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