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March 22, 2005

Star on Social Security: An Ownership Society

Star Parker is the epitome of the American success story. A former welfare mother, she got off the handout bandwagon, earned her BA, started her own business, and is now founder and president of CURE, Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education.

So you could say she knows what she's talking about when she supports President Bush's Social Security reforms in the form of private retirement accounts.

In her latest column, Parker calls the Democratic alternative the "plantation society" that is "characterized by a wealthy class of owners who want to limit the choices, opportunities and freedom of working-class Americans."

What's more, she points out that wealthy Democrats like Nancy Pelosi (worth $16.3 million) and her cronies won't negotiate Social Security until "privatization is off the table." Furthermore, "the owner/masters of today's Democratic plantation reject all attempts to roll back government and give working Americans more choice and freedom."

Second, and perhaps even worse, welfare-state liberals have educated a whole generation of blacks that they can't take care of themselves. Skills in areas such as money management may be in deficit today. But they are in deficit because they weren't learned, and they weren't learned because of hanging on the government plantation. When do we let these folks off this plantation so they can finally start learning the essential skills for improving their lives?
Read the whole article for yourself. Parker makes the case that Social Security is best handled by individuals...not the government.

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