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December 12, 2005

Rosa DeLauro Against Alito

Color me surprised...or not. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) is against the nomination of Justice Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.

DeLauro, who like her House colleagues will not have a vote on the nomination, called Alito "someone who has consistently ruled that Congress does not have the power to hold employers accountable for engaging in discrimination.

What I believe she refers to here is his opinion that the Family Leave and Medical act is unconstitutional, believing that it should be left to individual state jurisdiction. As I am not an expert on that, I prefer to leave it to experts like Alito.

"Nor does he believe the federal government has the responsibility to protect the health, safety of welfare of Americans," DeLauro said.

Technically, the federal government has no business in doing any of these things. The Constitution makes no provision for healthcare, personal safety (with the exception of protecting citizens from foreign attack) or welfare of American citizens--except for the part where it says we are all deserve "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." There are times when federal intervention is necessary. However, the framers did not intend for our federal government to hold our hands along every step of the way in the journey of life.

The U.S. was not founded on the nanny state philosophy. What about personal accountability?

And of course, the Roe v. Wade card gets played. Marcia Greenberger, president of the National Women's Law Center joined DeLauro in denouncing Alito.

Greenberger, like other Alito critics, noted that his confirmation would place a pro-life jurist in the seat currently held by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

Is there nothing else going on that the court needs to worry about? Why is it that abortion seems to be the main point of contention as to whether or not a judge is qualified (or not) to sit on the Supreme Court.

Give it a rest already.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 05:06 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Judges & Law

Rosa is an idiot. If it weren't for the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Patty Murray, and a few others, she'd be the dumbest person in Congress.

Posted by: PCD at December 13, 2005 08:17 AM
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