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December 15, 2005

AOL Poll: Most Still Don't Like Hillary

On AOL today there is an AP article about Hillary Clinton's rising political star since becoming a senator nearly six years ago.

In 1999, Hillary Rodham Clinton was skewered as a carpetbagger from Illinois and Arkansas who would get her comeuppance at the hands of the mayor of New York City. Today, she appears to be coasting to a 2006 Senate re-election victory that could set her up for a White House run two years later.


Independent polls show Clinton with solid approval ratings and far ahead of the potential Republican competition. She also has a ton of money in the bank - about $14 million as of the end of September and still counting. On Tuesday, she and her famous husband hosted 900 people at $500 a plate in New York City.

Doesn't she sound like a clear winner? However, a reader poll attached to the article tells a different story. As of this writing, here are the results thus far:

Has your opinion of Hillary Clinton changed in the last six years?
No, I still don't like her 47%
Yes, I like her more 23%
Yes, I dislike her more 17%
No, I still like her 13%

Would you vote for her for president?
No 67%
Yes 33%
Total Votes: 245,811

What do you think? Click on the article link above and vote for yourself, then check the current results...

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Posted by Pam Meister at 12:53 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | Democrats
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