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December 22, 2005

Bashing Bush's iPod: Nothing Better to Do?

My pal Chris over at Lucky Dawg News caught Andrew Shaw of the UK's "Bush Sucks" Daily Mirror in a ridiculous lie. Apparently, President Bush, in a recent interview with FOX News' Brit Hume, discussed the music he has on his iPod. Shaw was indignant that Bush not only got Don McLean's first name wrong (he said Dan), but dared to "namedrop" by mentioning U2's Bono.

Here's the lie:

"Mr Bush also shamelessly namedropped when he revealed he had got his iPod from U2 singer Bono. Asked by a TV crew which artists he had stored in the gadget, he started reeling off names."

I have the video of the exchange and Bush didn't get his iPod from U2 singer Bono. Here's what Bush really said, "Bono came in and dropped his new iPod on me." He then compared the popular iPod Nano from U2's lead singer to the older one he carries. "This is a clunker compared to the newer version," he said.

My gosh, have the Bush bashers really got nothing better to do than to criticize the President for bringing up his discussion with Bono on TV and for saying "Dan" instead of "Don"? Not only that, but he lied about something so petty that it's not even worth the paper it's printed on. Bill Clinton's schmoozing with celebrities during his eight years in the Oval Office was legendary, so what's the big deal here?

As Chris says,

I'm sure the President focuses on more important things than song trivia. That's why he's the leader of the free World and Andrew Shaw writes for a 2 bit rag in a country that bows down to incestuous looking birth defects they like to call 'royalty'. Of course our little Bush hater use this inconsequential gaffe to segue into the leftist myth that Bush is a drooling idiot.

No kidding.

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