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December 27, 2005

Grassroots Politics According to the AP

The Good Lieutenant over at Mein Blogovault takes on this AP article that discusses "grass roots politics" via the Internet. If you scan the article, you might notice that it only discusses left-leaning, Democrat-supporting activists.


From the Good Lieutenant:

A particularly revelatory (and humorous) quote form the piece is spake thus by the story's obigatory Democrat commentator:

"At a time when we are craving community and meaning in our lives, people are using these technologies to find others with the same complaints and organize them," he said. "They don't have to just sit in a coffee shop and gripe about politics. They can change politics."

He makes several assumptions here that are humorous to me. First, I would like to know why he assumes that we are all craving "community and meaning in our lives" in the context of liberal political websites - it is the activists on these sites who are craving community and meaning. The rest of us simply go about our lives. He also reinforces the traditional stereotype of liberals - they whine about everything. He is basically admitting that the sites are little more than ways for like-minded whiners to get together and whine loudly. They don't actually do anything about their percieved slights -they just get together, submit press releases to news outlets and whine about whatever irks them at that moment. The third and perhaps most humorous assumption is that we are all sitting around in coffee houses discussing politics. Sorry, but America is not Seattle. Average Americans are not sitting around in coffee houses - they are working and earning their collective living while the whining hippie-retreads are sitting around in the coffee houses discussing "politics" - all the while doing absolutely nothing.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Note to my readers: I am not sitting in a Starbucks using their free Internet; I'm at home waiting for my dinner to finish cooking after a long day at work.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 07:53 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Leftwing Lunacy

After a long day in the city, what does one cook for dinner? Details.

Posted by: THIRDWAVEDAVE at December 28, 2005 03:07 AM

This time it was kielbasa in boxed scalloped potatoes and salad. 30 minutes.

Posted by: Pam at December 28, 2005 08:40 AM


Posted by: The Good Lt at December 28, 2005 03:30 PM
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