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February 13, 2006

Valley of the Wolves: A Hit in Turkey

What a surprise! The anti-American movie Valley of the Wolves, starring American has-beens Gary Busey and Billy Zane, is hot tamales in Turkey.

At one of Istanbul's biggest multiplex cinemas the blockbuster is showing on five separate screens and nearly all the seats are sold out. It's the same story across the country.

"I'm back to see it for the second time already," says one student, waiting impatiently outside Screen 10.

"It is anti-American, but we already know what they've done in Iraq. That's the reality. Now we can see it on screen."

Hooray! They can now see on screen what's really happening in Iraq. According to the movie, that's American soldiers having a shootout at a wedding party and bombing a mosque full of worshippers. And the doctor, played by Busey, sells organs harvested from Iraqis to Britain and America.

I can hardly wait until they release it stateside. Definitely a "full popcorn tub" feature.

This quote from a moviegoer kind of sums up the experience:

"If I see an American when I get out of here I feel like taking a hood and putting it over their head."

I'll bet when it premiers here, Air America will give away tickets. Hey, they need a gimmick to keep their paltry listenership, right?

billy zane.jpgbusey.jpg
Billy Zane and Gary Busey: Patriots dedicated to the bottom line.


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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:33 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Leftwing Lunacy

It'll take more than a gimmick to keep AA airborne.

Posted by: THIRDWAVEDAVE at February 13, 2006 11:32 PM

You can make jokes about that movie

You can ignore that movie

You may think it is bullshit.

But you can never escape from the real world everybody knows about the torture in EBU Garip

Why are you angry about the movie?

It says realy things and we got proofs (the pictures and confessed soldiers.)

Why dont you still want to see the real ??

Why? Afraid? The HUge Stongest State is Afraid?

Posted by: TurK at February 14, 2006 07:45 PM

If you believe a few embarrassing photos are worse than being put through a plastic shredder, having your private parts electrocuted or being fed to a pack of starving dogs, as was done under Saddam Hussein's rule, then there's not much else I can say. Am I afraid of this movie? No. Am I disgusted by it? Yes. It's full of lies. As you most obviously don't like America or Americans, you are eager to embrace its message, and I'm sorry you are so easily misled.

Thanks, though, for your comment.

Posted by: Pam at February 14, 2006 09:43 PM

Look I dont like Saddam and disagree with his actions in Irak. I dont have a problem with american people.I have problems with american government. If there is a problem in Irak , Turkey is the only country could solve it. Because Kurds are nothing but a Turkish race. We are not different from each other but they are provocated by American government against us. They are supported by amer. governments money. They are becoming terrorist against us.
Only guilty is american gov. about this terrorism. Maybe you dont know but millions of Turk died because of terrorism.

As you know Turks Kurd Arabians live in Irak. and arabians and Turks have a history and a cultur in common. We lived together for years in Ottoman Empire in peace. But as you know in WW1 english government provocated them against us and they did not support us. AS american governtment does know.

Finally only Turkey could make peace in Irak because we are similar people with them. We could understand their problem. We could solve and leave them in peace in their own land

So who the hell is american soldiers? Why are they here? What do they know about this people or this land?

Are they really here to make peace or take advantages of oil resources?

Please my word is for you all Americans.

Be impartian. Being american doesnt mean agreeing with your government. They are making huge mistakes. Pictures and soldiers even government admit torture. Because of Bush world hates you

Posted by: Turk at February 15, 2006 06:32 AM

when american race was still in her way to new world the turks has been controlling the world peacefully for ages..now roles have changed..and look at what americans do..and dont forget u semi anglo-saxons OUR race has been created for controlling the world...IN PEACE...u have no royality for this..the time of the turks will come again..and in that time everything ll be fine..do not understand me false..i have no hate for the people of usa..but your race has no ability to choose a leader who can let let the world in peace..they want money and they are earnin money from blood...

Posted by: the red at February 21, 2006 09:18 AM
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