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March 15, 2006

No Class


Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) went to the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon and displayed an enormous sign that read “Dangerously Incompetent” while giving a speech attacking the Bush administration over Homeland Security funding...
(source: Drudge)

And the Dems wonder why Americans aren't voting for them. Who wants to vote for a bunch of people with middle school mentalities?

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:36 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Democrats

The department of homeland security is an enormous
incompetent bureaucracy, hence Katrina. The pre 9/11 intelligence was ignored, other intelligence was selectively manipulated, the social security proosal is embarassing, corruption is rampant, CIA operatives were outed for political gain, our debt is skyrocketing, we have alienated our allies, port security is a joke, and "dick" cheney cant even shoot straight.

What is your definition of dangerously incompetent?

Posted by: John Barleycorn at March 15, 2006 10:41 AM

Wow. I wonder what it must be like living in the deep, dark dungeon of America for you, Mr. Barleycorn.

Homeland Security Admin. is no more incompetant that the CIA or the FBI when they were working apart from each other until the Patriot Act - and you didn't care then. We haven't been hit with anything except for the random psycho citizen jihadi since 9-11, no thanks to your ilk.

CIA operatives were not "outed" for political anything - rather, non-covert CIA operatives are at war with the White House, and the Wilson/Plame lies are unravelling faster than a drunk senior's prom dress (Wilson was discredited by the Senate Committee on Intel long ago, and lied in his NYT op-ed. These are known public facts).

Port security had nothing to do with any terror attack on the United States until you heard about it three weeks ago and decided all of the sudden that you really care about national security.

Our debt has skyrocketed under every president at one point or another and the sky hasn't fallen.

Katrina had nothing to do with "BUSH" and more to do with the incompetence at the local and state levels You also crap on the fastest and most effective federal response in the history of US hurricanes, so that your allie's hysterical predictions of 60,000 dead didn't even reach 2/60ths of that number (FEMA held off at the Gov's request, moron). Blanco knew what Bush knew, Nagin knew as well and both bumbled their responsibilities heroically.

Other Intel that you don't deem credible (or even existent, for that matter) is selectively omitted by your favorite media outlets, so its your own fault if you don't know that Saddam had ties and provided $$ and shelter to Hamas, al-Qaeda and Islamic Jihad.

Corruption is rampant in both parties and needs to be flushed out - just ask Harry Reid.

The Social Security proposal was never even discussed as much as it was shouted down by morons who want to do nothing to save or even adjust the failing program.

Leftist ignoratti like yourself who think that large bumper-sticker slogans on the Senate floor pass for rational debate or even meanignful discussions are the reason that your party has been slowly phased out of power for the past decade.

Who's incompetent? The picture and your comments say it all.

Posted by: Good Lt at March 15, 2006 11:20 AM

Oh, you didn't know, she was advertising demobrats that's all!

Posted by: oddybobo at March 15, 2006 11:57 AM

Good Lt - excellent synopsis!!!!

Posted by: cookiewrangler at March 15, 2006 12:21 PM

Dangerously incompetent -- yes, that's Sen. Stabenow, all right.

Posted by: bob at March 21, 2006 05:24 PM
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