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March 29, 2006

How the Dems Will Catch Bin Laden

The DemoPrats have made a promise (that I'm sure they will keep) to eliminate Osama bin Laden. Here are some of the strategies they've come up with:

*They'll create giant pieces of flypaper and put them out in various places in the Middle East where bin Laden is thought to possibly be hiding out. Then, when bin Laden is out for his early morning constitutional, he'll stumble upon a piece of the paper and stick, unable to flee when U.N. "peacekeepers" come to take him away.

*Cindy Sheehan, who earlier this year met with Venezuelan president/dictator Hugo Chavez, has been recruited to have a similar hug-fest with bin Laden. The opportunity to meet with an ardent anti-war activist and big name Bush hater will surely draw bin Laden out of his cave.

*In exchange for his peaceful surrender, bin Laden has been promised a blog on the Huffington Post and his own show on Air America. It hasn't been decided who will be dumped, Al Franken or Janeane Garofalo.

*More special forces will be recruited to flush bin Laden out. However, to appease extreme left voters, they will be armed with Super Soakers and commanded by Ramsey Clarke and John Murtha.

Believe me, we'll have bin Laden in jail in no time! Take that, President Bush!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 11:23 AM | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0) | Humor

Leave it to the dems to promise something that is, at best, symbolic; something that will not change anything.

Posted by: THIRDWAVEDAVE at March 29, 2006 01:29 PM

People are smarter than this to figure out that the dems are spouting their mouth because this is an election year. Like Hanney said today on his show, 'this is almost laughable. they had eight years to do all these things they are talking about and never did a thing.'

Posted by: cookiewrangler at March 29, 2006 03:26 PM

Say what you will about these ideas Democrats have proposed: they will be AT LEAST as successful as the ideas President Bush and company have had.

Posted by: paul at March 29, 2006 06:35 PM

I love how Reid and Pelosi used the nearly indentical phrases "tough but smart" and "strong but smart", respectively, about their "plan" to finally get Osama.

Am I the only one who sees that the Dems are now campaigning against the intelligence services, not just Bush?

"Sorry, CIA, but you've not been performing up to snuff and us Dems, winning back the congress, will make you improve on your obviously lazy, half-assed, incompetent efforts at finding Bin Ladin."

If I were a spook -- or even a beaurocrat a la Valerie Plame -- I'd advise the Dem leadership to keep a careful eye on that wallflower in the long black coat. Mwheh.

Posted by: Tuning Spork at March 29, 2006 08:55 PM

How come when somebody says something stupid, like Paul, they never have a web link? Am I the only one who notices this?

Posted by: THIRDWAVEDAVE at March 29, 2006 10:58 PM

Because Paul, like the DemoPRATS, doesn't really have any ideas of his own. Rather than have a blog where he can expostulate to his heart's content, he goes to other blogs and criticizes the ideas put forth there. It's easier than thinking of something original.

Paul is also a regular LLP commenter.

Posted by: Pam at March 30, 2006 10:28 AM

Wrong again, another example of you assuming something to be true, without checking the facts out first. How often will you do this Pam?

The reason I come here to post is because NO ONE READS MY BLOG.

Posted by: paul at March 30, 2006 12:23 PM

I had no idea you had a blog. Know why? You don't provide a link when you leave a comment. More people would read it if you were to do that. What is the URL? I'd like to check it out.

Posted by: Pam at March 30, 2006 01:18 PM

Sure, blame me.

If you really want to see it, it's not very interesting. More of an outlet when I get more disgusted than usual at something I read. You know, idiot this, moron that, etc.

It's moon dash bats dot blogspot dot com

Posted by: paul at March 31, 2006 04:38 AM

So the Democrats are gonna catch binLaden? Just like that? Wow! I wonder why the Bush administration never came up with that one! Yeah. Brilliant!

Some people say catching one man won't change anything. I disagree. It would show our enemies how far we're willing to go. And I would love to see the White House Oval Office photo: W seated at the desk, smiling over binLaden's severed head in a jar of formadehyde.

Posted by: Barry at March 31, 2006 06:42 AM

And just what will the Democrats do with Bin Laden? Tax him to death? Make him take Cynthia McKinney on a date? Just what will they do? If the way they punish sex offenders, drug pushers, or their own people who steal identies to get private financial information to discredit GOP candidates with makes me wonder what the donkeycrat would do if they ever got Bin Laden. Most likely they'll follow the lead of Bill Clinton, crap their pants, call for a Monica, and hope Bin Laden goes away.

Posted by: PCD at March 31, 2006 10:54 AM
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