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May 02, 2006

Yesterday's Protest: The Real Story in Pictures

If you look to the MSM for your information on a daily basis, you are severely uninformed. Take yesterday's "Day Without Immigrants" rallies, for example. One would think that it was a bunch of folks who, in their zeal to become Americans, simply skipped a vital step in the immigration process. You'd think they are all peace-loving, wanna-be productive members of society. "We just want a better life," they say.

For the real story behind much of this protesting for rights that are not their due (their status in our country being illegal), click here. Michelle Malkin has posted plenty of photos of the driving force behind these protests and rallies. Che Guevara, anyone?

The worst part about all of this is the fact that while the protesters have not made their agenda a secret, the MSM is doing their best to keep this agenda a secret from the American public. How? By refraining from the use of "illegal" during their coverage and refraining from the publication of the photos Malkin and others have posted.

Do they really believe all of the politically correct nonsense they are constantly throwing at the rest of us? Or do they secretly agree with/sympathize with the claims being made by yesterday's protesters? Do they think the entire Southwest should be turned back over to Mexico? Do they really believe in open borders? These are questions worth asking, but answers are not guaranteed.

From a personal perspective, yesterday's "shutdown" of NYC didn't happen, at least not in my neck of the woods. I work in Midtown, and didn't notice any appreciable lack of services, food or otherwise. Perhaps it was different in other parts of the city, but I saw plenty of Hispanic-looking folks going about their daily business as I went about mine.

As for the politicians who ignore the wishes of American citizens as they salivate over the prospect of garnering votes from those who probably wouldn't bother voting anyway if granted amnesty (because that's all this "guest worker" claptrap is), I hold them in the utmost contempt. We're watching. And we're biding our time.

More: Defend Our Borders thinks the day was a bust.

Van Helsing at Moonbattery wonders if we can have a "Day Without Immigrants," can we try to have a "Decade Without Illegal Immigrants"?

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:18 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (2) | Illegal Immigration

The only ones I saw hurt were the latin owned stores, I shop sometimes there and about 99% of their customers are latin.
There was a letter sent by the Revolutionary Council and Provisional Goverment of Aztlan to take arms and protect themselves "against extremist European invaders", you can read the letter at www.mascowbell.blogspot.com
Believe me this will turn violent eventually as their demands are not fulfilled, and we will have in our hands terrorists like they do in Israel, the Palestinians say that "Israel is in their land" and need to be "scrapped into the sea".

Posted by: Carla at May 2, 2006 12:10 PM

Good design!
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Posted by: Kathy at May 17, 2006 06:02 PM

Good design!

Posted by: Don at August 5, 2006 04:05 PM

Thank you!

Posted by: Kevin at August 5, 2006 04:10 PM
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