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May 05, 2006

Like Father, Like Son

Not only has Teddy Kennedy's son, Patrick, gone into "public service" like Dad, he has also begun getting preferential treatment from the police regarding traffic incidents. Apparently he crashed his car in Washington D.C., ostensibly on his way to a vote, and was allegedly staggering around afterward.

All of this would have been kept hush-hush had not the union representing Capitol Police written a letter saying superiors prevented the on-the-beat cops from administering sobriety tests.

You know, when our country was formed, it was on the basis that "all men are created equal." Royalty and its trappings and privileges were not to have a part in our brave new world. It seems as though some folks have forgotten that bit, and think that their position entitles them to a pass that the rest of the rabble would not receive.

It's bad enough that celebrities get wrist slaps and winks when they misbehave. We've come to expect that, given the warped sense of reality they live in and the warped way in which many of us worship them. But when elected officials, who are supposed to be serving us and representing our interests (and are the ones making the laws we are all supposed to follow), get special treatment from law enforcement when they should be following the rules, it really cheeses the people off.

Patrick Kennedy says he will now cooperate fully with any investigation. But what's left to investigate? There is no proof. And of course, his father has no comment.

And some people talk about the Bush dynasty?

More: Michelle Malkin, Lifelike Pundits, GOP and the City

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:51 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Just Plain Stupid

Have a heart. You're supposed to feel sorry for Rep. Kennedy. He's not a drunk driver, he's a "victim" of "addiction." He's not hiding from the press up in Minnesota, he's "seeking treatment" for his "disease."

Posted by: Van at May 6, 2006 02:54 PM
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