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June 13, 2006

Some Thoughts on Haditha

Sorry I've been MIA the last few days...Internet service is down at home, and I didn't come into work yesterday due to a nasty case of poison ivy (something that is becoming a yearly event).

Have any of you wondered why the press is out to make Haditha the latest example of everything that is wrong in our miltary and Iraq? There have been no charges brought forth yet in the Haditha investigation. You wouldn't know that, however, with headlines like Haditha: Memories of a Massacre and The Shame of Kilo Company. Is the press milking this unfortunate incident in order to prove Iraq is a quagmire? Why do they seem more concerned about these civilian deaths than the ones that occurred under Saddam Hussein's watch?

My husband pointed out an interesting little nugget to me the other day, and it's worth thinking about.

The military continues to be the most admired institution in America, according to the latest Harris Poll.

A total of 47 percent of Americans said they have a "great deal" of confidence in the military. Some 38 percent of Americans said they had "only some" confidence and 14 percent said they had "hardly any" confidence in the military.

The military was followed in the poll by small business - a new category in 2005 - with 45 percent of Americans saying they had a great deal of confidence; colleges and universities, 38 percent; the Supreme Court, 33 percent; and Medicine, 31 percent.

At the bottom of the survey, released March 2, were law firms at 10 percent, Congress at 10 percent, organized labor at 12 percent, major companies at 13 percent and the press at 14 percent.

Remember when Walter Cronkite used to be the "most trusted man in America?" (Click here to see how much he deserved the moniker.)

Call me crazy, but somehow I don't see the press being exalted over coming in dead last in an opinion poll where the military ranks as number one. Think about it: who makes up a majority of the press? People who vote Democrat and hold views further to the left than mainstream Americans. And, we know what leftists usually think of the military...

Wild speculation on my part? Maybe. What do you think?

Michelle Malkin points out a disgraceful cartoon.

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More trusted than the press

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:39 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Iraq

I am a Canadian and a strong supporter of the U.S military and its mission in Iraq. The posted photo of the battle weary U.S marine says it all. How can anyone not admire their courage and sacrifice.

Posted by: T.S at June 13, 2006 12:20 PM

That's a good question! I wish someone would ask the MSM. Thanks for stopping by!

Posted by: Pam at June 13, 2006 12:29 PM

Thanks T.S. it does this weary but not worn American alot of good knowing some of our neighbors to the north still believe in truth, courage and sacrifice.

Posted by: william at June 13, 2006 01:07 PM
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